Collaboratively edit notes and export them to a few common places quickly and easily.
people who like markdown and github/dislake word processors
go to home page sign user in if they have linked their github
click new workspace button if no account, then we ask them to give us a name or sign in via github
add a file by:
- dragging and dropping file from desktop
- linking to a gist
- if you link to a gist, we might also ask for 0Auth so we can write back to it
- linking to a file in a github repo
- google drive
- idk some other note taking apps
copy link to workspace via button
edit notes collaboratively
save notes by
- download
- if multiple, zip
- stretch if we've already downloaded a file like this before, give it a unique name (maybe date or just simple versioning with underscore)
- save back to gist or create a new one
protocol to support editing from your own editor
- monaco with convergence for sharing
- typescript
- react
- yarn v2
- yarn
- npm
- parcel
- nodejs
z_note noteriety sharepad note_sharer share_note re_note s_note notr
- purpose
- option to list fetaures
- new room [mvp]
- sign in status
- recent rooms [mvp]
- if no user, ask to sign in
- ask for room name(provide default name based on context)[mvp]
- drops you in a new empty room [mvp]
- import gist -
- open dropdown [mvp]
- url text box [mvp]
- if signed in on github, render list of user gists
- else, provide link to sign in
- export/download
- click button, download into folder as zip
- new file [mvp]
- copy invite link [mvp]
- delete file [mvp]
- confirmation prompt [mvp]
- view diff
- save back to gist
- commit message text box
- option to view diff
- save as new gist/fork
- delete room [mvp]
- kick user
- room name
- connected users [mvp]
- if they're a github user, link there
- connection quality
- owner
- server connection quality
- does this room have an associated gist?
- how many / whichlines are changed on this file?(hopefully we can do this via monaco)
- which files are edited?