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Repliss is a verification tool for replicated information systems with strong correctness guarantees. It can be used to build dependable applications on top of highly available databases like AntidoteDB.

Invariants written in Repliss can be checked using automatic testing to find bugs in an application and they can be formally verified to prove the absence of bugs. To learn more, read the User Documentation below.

The Repliss Tool is still under development. Not all features documented here are already implemented and for others the documentation might be outdated.

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at Github.


Here is a typical workflow when developing an highly available application with Repliss.

  1. Define the data model using replicated data types (CRDTs).
  2. Implement procedures to work with the data model.
  3. Specify the expected behaviour of the application using assertions and invariants.
  4. Use the automatic testing tool to find potential bugs.
  5. Use the verifier to prove the absence of bugs. This step usually involves to write additional invariants.

These steps are explained below.



Implementation Language

The implementation language is syntactically close to the Scala programming language. It is however a much simpler and minimalistic language.

A complete grammar for the language is given at the end of this document. We introduce here only the statements and expressions that are not typically built into a programming language:

Built-in datatypes

Repliss includes data types that can be used in the implementation and data types that are only used for specifying the application. The following data types are built into Repliss.

  • int: Arbitrary precision integers
  • boolean: Boolean values

Types for specification:

  • invocationId: An invocation of a procedure
  • callId: A call to the database
  • transactionId: A database transaction
  • invocationInfo: Information about an invocation (includes name of invoked procedure and the corresponding arguments)


Generating Unique Identifiers

Repliss includes a builtin construct for generating new globally unique identifiers. This statement can be used with user-defined Id-types (see Defining Types below).

var m: MessageId
m = new MessageId

Atomic and Database Calls

The call statement is used to perform updates on the database. Queries can be used like normal function calls, like message_exists in the example below. An atomic block encloses a block of database calls and ensures that they are executed atomically. This means that either all or none of the calls in the block can be visible in another procedure invocation.

atomic {
    if (message_exists(message_id)) {
        call chat_remove(message_id)
        call message_delete(message_id)


An assert statement can be used to specify that an expression must always be true at a certain point in the program.

assert n > 0


Defining Types

Specification Language

Defining Database Structure

crdtDecl: 'crdt' keyDecl

keyDecl: ID ':' crdttype

    | crdt

structcrdt: '{' keyDecl (',' keyDecl)* '}'

crdt: ID ('[' crdttype (','crdttype )* ']')?

CRDT library

In order to aid in expressing the database schema of an application, Repliss provides the following operations and queries on CRDT objects -


  • operation assign - assigns the latest update.
  • query get - returns the latest assignment.


  • operation assign - assigns the latest update. In case of concurrent updates, merges the concurrent assignments and stores them in the form of a list.
  • query get - returns the list of latest concurrent assignments.
  • query getFirst - returns the head of the list of assignments.
  • query mv_contains - checks whether an update exists in the list of latest assignments.

SetAdd(Set_aw)/ SetRemove(Set_rw)

  • operation add - adds a value to the Set.
  • operation remove - removes a value from the Set.
  • query contains - checks whether a value is present in the Set.

MapAddCrdt(Map_aw)/ MapRemoveCrdt(Map_rw)

  • operation delete - removes a key and the corresponding value from the map.
  • query exists - checks whether a key exists in the Map.

Operations and queries are derived from the value datatypes. The specification of map datatypes depends on the specification of the datatype for the values. Basically, a map inherits all operations from the value type and adds a key to the update operation, so that different entries can be updated independently. Map operations are illustrated in detail later.

Defining custom CRDTs

Further CRDTs can be defined manually using the operation and query constructs in the language.

Tutorial: Building a correct chat application

In this section, we use a chat application example to demonstrate how to use Repliss. A Repliss program consists of a set of procedures and a definition of the database schema with relevant type definitions.

type ChatId
type UserId
idtype MessageId
type String

We can declare custom types using the keyword idtype and builtin types such as String using the type keyword.

crdt chat: Map_rw[ChatId, {
    messages: Set_rw[MessageId]


Furthermore, the CRDT datatypes are declared using crdt keyword. In this example, we use a delete wins map(Map_rw) named chat to store the set of messages in each chat using the id of the message as the key of the map. The suffix rw is short for remove wins semantics. The specification of this semantics states that that an element x is in the CRDT, if there is an update add(x) and all remove(x) updates are causally followed by an add(x) update.

crdt message: Map_rw[MessageId, {
    author: multiValueRegister[UserId],
    content: multiValueRegister[String],
    chat: multiValueRegister[ChatId]

We use another delete wins map(Map_rw) named message to store the data for each message. Each message has an author, a message content, and a reference to the chat the message belongs to. All three fields of the message use a multi-value register, which resolves concurrent assignments by keeping all concurrently assigned values.

def sendMessage(from: UserId, content: String, toC: ChatId): MessageId {
    var m: MessageId
    atomic {
        m = new MessageId                                                    #(1)
        call message_author_assign(m, from)                                  #(2)
        call message_content_assign(m, content)                              #(3)
        call message_chat_assign(m, toC)                                     #(4)
        call chat_messages_add(toC, m)                                       #(5)   
    return m

Repliss procedures are implemented in a simple, imperative language which includes an atomic-statement to execute a block of operations in a database transaction. When sending a message via sendMessage, we first create a new unique MessageId on line 1. Then we execute the calls to the database by initializing each of the fields in the message map. All of these operations are executed in the context of a transaction which is denoted by the atomic block. The Map operations for different value fields of the message map in sendMessage are derived by prefixing the key message to each of the value datatype as follows: author as message_author, content as message_content and chat as message_chat. Then, we call the multivalueregister operation assign to update the contents of the registers. Thus, the message map operations used in this procedure are message_author_assign(line 2), message_content_assign(line 3) and message_chat_assign(line 4). On line 5, we add the MessageId created in line 1 to the Set_rw datatype messages of chat map.

def editMessage(id: MessageId, newContent: String) {
    atomic {
        if (message_exists(id)) {                                            #(1)
            call message_content_assign(id, newContent)                      #(2)

The content of a message can be edited using the editMessage procedure. It assigns a new value to the content field of the given message in line 2, but checks first if the message exists to avoid reviving a message that has already been deleted (line 1). Similar to the sendMessage procedure, the operations are executed in an atomic block.

def deleteMessage(message_id: MessageId) {
    var c: ChatId
    atomic {
        if (message_exists(message_id)) {                                    #(1)
            c =  message_chat_getFirst(message_id)                           #(2)
            call chat_messages_remove(c, message_id)                         #(3)
            call message_delete(message_id)                                  #(4)

The procedure deleteMessage takes the identifier of a message, then looks up the chat the message belongs to in line 2, and finally removes the message from the set of messages of the chat and from the message map in line 3 and 4 respectively.

Verification using invariants

For the chat application, we want to verify that every MessageId occurring in the message-set of a chat also has the message data defined in the message map. We can specify this with the following invariant:

invariant(forall c: ChatId, m: MessageId ::
    chat_messages_contains(c, m) ==> message_exists(m))

Another invariant that can be checked for correctness is that there is always exactly one author per message which can be represented as follows:

invariant(forall m: MessageId, a1: UserId, a2: UserId ::
    message_exists(m) && message_author_mv_contains(m, a1) && message_author_mv_contains(m, a2) ==> a1 == a2 )

When an invariant fails, Repliss outputs a visualization of the failing execution.

Language Reference


The complete grammar for Repliss is given below. It is derived from the Antlr grammar used to generate the actual parser. Ambiguities are resolved by rule priority -- higher productions have a higher priority.

program: declaration* EOF;

    | typedecl
    | operationDecl
    | queryDecl
    | axiomDecl
    | invariant
    | crdtDecl

typedecl: ('idtype'|'type') ID ('=' dataTypeCase ('|' dataTypeCase)*)?;

dataTypeCase: ID '(' (variable (',' variable)*)? ')';

operationDecl: 'operation' ID '(' (variable (',' variable)*)? ')';

queryDecl: ('@inline')? 'query' ID '(' (variable (',' variable)*)? ')' ':' type
    ('=' expr | 'ensures' expr)?;

axiomDecl: 'axiom' expr;

procedure: 'def' ID '(' (variable (',' variable)*)? ')' (':' type)? stmt;

crdtDecl: 'crdt' keyDecl;

variable: ID ':' type;

keyDecl: ID ':' crdttype;

type: ID;

    | crdt

structcrdt: '{' keyDecl (',' keyDecl)* '}';

crdt: ID ('[' crdttype (','crdttype )* ']')?;

    | atomicStmt
    | localVar
    | ifStmt
    | matchStmt
    | crdtCall
    | assignment
    | assertStmt
    | newIdStmt
    | returnStmt

blockStmt: '{' stmt* '}';

assertStmt: 'assert' expr ;

atomicStmt: 'atomic' stmt;

localVar: 'var' variable;

ifStmt: 'if' '(' expr ')' stmt ('else' stmt)?;

matchStmt: expr 'match' '{' matchCase* '}';

matchCase: 'case' expr '=>' stmt*;

crdtCall: 'call' functionCall;

assignment: ID '=' expr;

newIdStmt: ID '=' 'new' ID;

returnStmt: 'return' expr (assertStmt)*;

    | ('true'|'false')
    | INT
    | expr '.' ID
    | '!' expr
    | expr 'is' 'visible'
    | expr 'happened' ('before'|'after') expr
    | expr ('*'|'/'|'%') expr
    | expr ('+'|'-') expr
    | expr ('<'|'<='|'>'|'>=') expr
    | expr ('=='|'!=') expr
    | expr '&&' expr
    | expr '||' expr
    | expr '==>' expr
    | quantifierExpr
    | functionCall
    | '(' expr ')'

quantifierExpr: ('forall'|'exists') variable (',' variable)* '::' expr;

functionCall: ID '(' (expr (',' expr)*)? ')';

invariant: 'free'? 'invariant' (ID ':')? expr;