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Peter Yefi edited this page Sep 24, 2024 · 8 revisions

MetamEnTh (Metamodel for Energy Things) is an object-oriented metamodel that aims to model buildings and their mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) works to provide a vendor-agnostic representation of buildings and their systems. Buildings have various systems that work together to ensure optimal indoor conditions and efficient energy consumption. MetamEnTh's goal is to model the energy entities and their relationships and the data they generate to facilitate energy efficiency research work in buildings.

MetamEnTh has six packages, as shown in Figure 1.0 below.


Figure 1.0: High-level overview of MetamEnTh

MetamEnTh Packages

  • Structure: This package consists of spatial entities in a building, such as rooms, floors, and open spaces, and their relationships.
  • MeasureInstrument: This package represents a building's weather station and the meters that measure different weather phenomena. We also model the data tables to hold the data that meters and sensors will measure in this package.
  • Subsystem: The MetamEnTh Subsystem package has two main parts, mainly consisting of energy-consuming entities within buildings: BuildingControlSystem and Appliance, dedicated to modelling control systems and appliances.
    • BuildingControlSystem: This currently has a single ControlSystem, the HVAC system, its entities, their relationships, and associations with other entities such as Transducer.
    • Appliance: This class models all appliances and smart devices and their relationships with other entities, such as Transducer and spatial elements.
  • Transducer: The transducer package models Sensor and Actuator, and their relationships with other entities.
  • EnergySystem: This models the energy systems within buildings. It has three main subclasses focusing on renewable and non-renewable energy sources and energy storage systems.
    • RenewableEnergySystem: This class of MetamEnTh models renewable energy sources. It includes two main subclasses: SolarPV and Wind.
    • NonRenewableEnergySystem: This represents the non-renewable energy sources and currently has a single subclass, Engine.
    • Storage: This models energy storage systems (which may also produce energy after storage) and has three main subclasses: Battery, ElectricVehicle, and SuperCapacitor.
  • Virtual: MetamEnTh's virtual package models the logical divisions within a built environment, mainly consisting of Thermal and Lighting zones.
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