Peter Murray-Rust
These are the directories on the (memory-stick) distribution. They are mirrored at (this will always be definitive). Some directories will have files. The order is roughly in order of use in the workshop. dictionaries
Help and materials on installing and debugging the system.
Tutorial on running searches on EuropePMC. EPMC searches
Tutorial on running getpapers
Tutorial on Wikipedia, Wikidata and WikiFactMine.
Tutorial for creating dictionaries from Wikimedia.
Tutorial for running AMI-searches.
Storage for any dictionaries you need or create.
directory for recording personal results
Three directories with resources for crops (Millet, Rice, Wheat). crops
- osanctum Ocimum sanctum corpus
- osanctum200 later Ocimum sanctum corpus
Run these to test the software and corpus. test scripts for software and corpus