Cephis and ami have bugs - all software does. These include:
- obsolete code
- undocumented parameters or actions
- placeholders
- unknown unknowns
- problems in upstream libraries
please be patient and file ISSUEs. I hope to respond with an explanation
Since the corpora we read are highly varied and many documents are poor quality and / or technically broken there are many warnings and errors. Please file them a ISSUEs.
cTree: Fauzan03
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.awt.image.DataBufferInt.<init>(DataBufferInt.java:75)
at org.contentmine.ami.AMIProcessor.convertPDFsToProject(AMIProcessor.java:178)
at org.contentmine.ami.AMIProcessorPDF.runPDF(AMIProcessorPDF.java:34)
at org.contentmine.ami.AMIProcessorPDF.main(AMIProcessorPDF.java:27)
Sorry - we can't process this document at present -