- Splunk Saas product for metrics, traces and logs
- 14 day free trial
- Servers are only in united states or europe
- Really just signalFx? which was acquired by splunk in aug 2019
- https://app.us1.signalfx.com/#/signin
Easy to setup just install agent
Uses the otel collector agent which has lots of settings i believe
More general ways of integration for each cloud provider
One host dashboard
- Hosts dashboard
- Docker host dashboard need extra settings and permissionsto be added
- Docker container dashboard
- Instrumentation
# Splunk observability
export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="service.name=${APP_NAME},deployment.environment=dev"
export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT='http://splunk-otel-collector:4317'
-javaagent:${APP_HOME}/splunk-otel-javaagent.jar -Dsplunk.metrics.enabled=true"
- Service map
- Services overview
- List of traces - can see ui getting very messy with lots of services
- An example trace
- Trace drilldown details
- Difficult to use, no SPL
- Granuality can be increased by changing collector settings
- Didn't see a way to display a table of metrics e.g. what are the processing running on host with their cpu/memory usage
- As you onboard more data, dashboards are automatically added for you
- Not available in trial account
- If it is anything like splunk, it is good
- Alert condition
- Alert settings