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C++ Vulkan examples and demos

Vulkan demo scene

This is a fork of Sascha Willems excellent Vulkan examples page with some modifications.

  • All of the code except for the VulkanDebug stuff has been ported to use the nVidia VKCPP wrapper
  • Project files for Visual Studio have been removed in favor of a pure CMake based system
  • Binary files have been removed in favor of CMake external projects
  • A number of fixes to bugs that prevent the original examples from running on Visual Studio 2012 have been fixed

Known issues

  • I've only tested so far on Windows using Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2015.
  • Executing from the debugger works, but running the executables directly requires that they be copied to a bin folder in the root of source folder
  • I'm still cleaning up after the migration to VKCPP so the code isn't as clean as it could be. Lots of unnecessary function parameters and structure assignments remain

Assorted C++ examples for Vulkan(tm), the new graphics and compute API from Khronos.


Use the provided CMakeLists.txt for use with CMake to generate a build configuration for your toolchain.


This information comes from the original repository readme

Most basic example. Renders a colored triangle using an indexed vertex buffer. Vertex and index data are uploaded to device local memory using so-called "staging buffers". Uses a single pipeline with basic shaders loaded from SPIR-V and and single uniform block for passing matrices that is updated on changing the view.

This example is far more explicit than the other examples and is meant to be a starting point for learning Vulkan from the ground up. Much of the code is boilerplate that you'd usually encapsulate in helper functions and classes (which is what the other examples do).

Loads a single texture and displays it on a simple quad. Shows how to upload a texture including mip maps to the gpu in an optimal (tiling) format. Also demonstrates how to display the texture using a combined image sampler with anisotropic filtering enabled.

Building on the basic texture loading example a cubemap is loaded into host visible memory and then transformed into an optimal format for the GPU. The demo uses two different pipelines (and shader sets) to display the cubemap as a skybox (background) and as a source for reflections.

Texture arrays allow storing of multiple images in different layers without any interpolation between the layers. This example demonstrates the use of a 2D texture array with instanced rendering. Each instance samples from a different layer of the texture array.

Renders a 2D text overlay on top of an existing 3D scene. The example implements a text overlay class with separate descriptor sets, layouts, pipelines and render pass to detach it from the rendering of the scene. The font is generated by loading glyph data from a stb font file into a buffer that's copied to the font image.

After rendering the scene, the second render pass of the text overlay class loads the contents of the first render pass and displays text on top of it using blending.

Instead of just sampling a bitmap font texture, a texture with per-character signed distance fields is used to generate high quality glyphs in the fragment shader. This results in a much higher quality than common bitmap fonts, even if heavily zoomed.

Distance field font textures can be generated with tools like Hiero.

Pipeline state objects replace the biggest part of the dynamic state machine from OpenGL, baking state information for culling, blending, rasterization, etc. and shaders into a fixed stat that can be optimized much easier by the implementation.

This example uses three different PSOs for rendering the same scene with different visuals and shaders and also demonstrates the use pipeline derivatives.

Vulkan interpretation of glxgears. Procedurally generates separate meshes for each gear, with every mesh having it's own uniform buffer object for animation. Also demonstrates how to use different descriptor sets.

Uses assimp to load a mesh from a common 3D format including a color map. The mesh data is then converted to a fixed vertex layout matching the shader vertex attribute bindings.

Shows the use of instancing for rendering many copies of the same mesh using different attributes and textures. A secondary vertex buffer containing instanced data, stored in device local memory, is used to pass instance data to the shader via vertex attributes with a per-instance step rate. The instance data also contains a texture layer index for having different textures for the instanced meshes.

Demonstrates the use of resolve attachments for doing multisampling. Instead of doing an explicit resolve from a multisampled image this example creates multisampled attachments for the color and depth buffer and sets up the render pass to use these as resolve attachments that will get resolved to the visible frame buffer at the end of this render pass. To highlight MSAA the example renders a mesh with fine details against a bright background. Here is a screenshot without MSAA to compare.

This example demonstrates multi threaded command buffer generation. All available hardware threads are used to generated n secondary command buffers concurrent, with each thread also checking object visibility against the current viewing frustum. Command buffers are rebuilt on each frame.

Once all threads have finished (and all secondary command buffers have been constructed), the secondary command buffers are executed inside the primary command buffer and submitted to the queue.

Point sprite based particle system simulating a fire. Particles and their attributes are stored in a host visible vertex buffer that's updated on the CPU on each frame. Also makes use of pre-multiplied alpha for rendering particles with different blending modes (smoke and fire) in one single pass.

Demonstrates the use of push constants for updating small blocks of shader data with high speed (and without having to use a uniform buffer). Displays several light sources with position updates through a push constant block in a separate command buffer.

Shows how to use occlusion queries to determine object visibility depending on the number of passed samples for a given object. Does an occlusion pass first, drawing all objects (and the occluder) with basic shaders, then reads the query results to conditionally color the objects during the final pass depending on their visibility.

Uses a separate framebuffer (that is not part of the swap chain) and a texture target for offscreen rendering. The texture is then used as a mirror.

Demonstrates basic usage of fullscreen shader effects. The scene is rendered offscreen first, gets blitted to a texture target and for the final draw this texture is blended on top of the 3D scene with a radial blur shader applied.

Implements a bloom effect to simulate glowing parts of a 3D mesh. A two pass gaussian blur (horizontal and then vertical) is used to generate a blurred low res version of the scene only containing the glowing parts of the 3D mesh. This then gets blended onto the scene to add the blur effect.

Demonstrates the use of multiple render targets to fill a G-Buffer for deferred shading.

Deferred shading collects all values (color, normal, position) into different render targets in one pass thanks to multiple render targets, and then does all shading and lighting calculations based on these in screen space, thus allowing for much more light sources than traditional forward renderers.

Shows how to implement directional dynamic shadows with a single shadow map in two passes. Pass one renders the scene from the light's point of view and copies the depth buffer to a depth texture. The second pass renders the scene from the camera's point of view using the depth texture to compare the depth value of the texels with the one stored in the depth texture to determine whether a texel is shadowed or not and also applies a PCF filter for smooth shadow borders. To avoid shadow artifacts the dynamic depth bias state (vkCmdSetDepthBias) is used to apply a constant and slope dept bias factor.

Uses a dynamic 32 bit floating point cube map for a point light source that casts shadows in all directions (unlike projective shadow mapping). The cube map faces contain the distances from the light sources, which are then used in the scene rendering pass to determine if the fragment is shadowed or not.

Uses a (spherical) material capture texture containing environment lighting and reflection information to fake complex lighting. The example also uses a texture array to store (and select) several material caps that can be toggled at runtime.

The technique is based on this article.

Like normal mapping, parallax mapping simulates geometry on a flat surface. In addition to normal mapping a heightmap is used to offset texture coordinates depending on the viewing angle giving the illusion of added depth.

Based on the mesh loading example, this example loads and displays a rigged COLLADA model including animations. Bone weights are extracted for each vertex and are passed to the vertex shader together with the final bone transformation matrices for vertex position calculations.

Generating curved PN-Triangles on the GPU using tessellation shaders to add details to low-polygon meshes, based on this paper, with shaders from this tutorial.

Uses tessellation shaders to generate additional details and displace geometry based on a displacement map (heightmap).

Attraction based particle system. A shader storage buffer is used to store particle on which the compute shader does some physics calculations. The buffer is then used by the graphics pipeline for rendering with a gradient texture for. Demonstrates the use of memory barriers for synchronizing vertex buffer access between a compute and graphics pipeline

Implements a simple ray tracer using a compute shader. No primitives are rendered by the traditional pipeline except for a fullscreen quad that displays the ray traced results of the scene rendered by the compute shaders. Also implements shadows and basic reflections.

Demonstrates the use of a separate compute queue (and command buffer) to apply different convolution kernels on an input image in realtime.

Renders the vertex normals of a complex mesh with the use of a geometry shader. The mesh is rendered solid first and the a geometry shader that generates lines from the face normals is used in the second pass.

Example application to be used along with this tutorial for demonstrating the use of the new VK_EXT_debug_marker extension. Introduced with Vulkan 1.0.12, it adds functionality to set debug markers, regions and name objects for advanced debugging in an offline graphics debugger like RenderDoc.

More of a playground than an actual example. Renders multiple meshes with different shaders (and pipelines) including a background.


This information comes from the original repository readme

Thanks to the authors of these libraries :

And a huge thanks to the Vulkan Working Group, Vulkan Advisory Panel, the fine people at LunarG, Baldur Karlsson (RenderDoc) and everyone from the different IHVs that helped me get the examples up and working on their hardware!

Attributions / Licenses

Please note that (some) models and textures use separate licenses. Please comply to these when redistributing or using them in your own projects :

External resources