The Slitherin Benchmark is designed for running detectors on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible Smart Contracts' verified sources database.
- Rename
and customize the parameters if needed.
The benchmark comes with default databases for Mainnet and Arbitrum contracts. The Mainnet database contains a random slice of verified contracts.
Each database contains a contracts.json
file with a JSON line for each contract. Each JSON must have the following fields: address
(contract address), chain_id
(blockchain ID in hex format, e.g., 0x1), and compiler
(Solidity compiler version).
The source code of each contract is stored in xx/address/
, where xx
is the first two symbols in the hex representation of the address.
to load the source code of verified contracts from Etherscan. The input file should contain a JSON with the required field address
python -o [output_directory] -i [input_json_file] -c [chain_id]
python -i [contracts_directory]
Check all contracts in input directory for copies and similar contracts. Uses oz_hashes.json and most_common_hashes.json. oz_hashes.json contains hashes of sources of all versions of openzeppelin contracts. Generated by most_common_hashes.json contains hashes of the most frequently occurring files.
Load Solidity compiler binaries from ethereum/solc-bin.
python -o [output_file] -eo [extra_output_file] -i [contracts_directory] [other_options]
-o, --output: File to save results.
-eo, --extra-output: File to save extra results (address, detector name, lines).
-i, --input: Directory with contracts.
-sd, --skip-duplicates: Skip duplicate contracts(marked by contract_matcher).
-sl, --skip-libs: Skip lib contracts(marked by contract_matcher).
-nc, --new-contracts: Check only unchecked contracts.
-nd, --new-detectors: Check contracts only with unchecked detectors.
-t, --timeout: Stops benchmark after seconds.
-l, --limit: Stops benchmark after seconds.
-d, --detect: Comma-separated list of detectors (defaults to Slitherin detectors).
-p, --pool: Number of process pools (defaults to CPU count).
The runner uses SQLite to save information about which contracts were checked with which detectors. Use the --new-contracts and --new-detectors flags to skip already checked contracts.
Benchmark runs with the --output option save results to a CSV file. Columns represent detector names, and rows indicate statistical counters. Two count methods are available: 'by_contract' counts the number of contracts with at least one finding for the detector, while 'by_finding' tallies the total number of findings detected during the benchmark run for each detector.
You can upload results to google sheets table using script. There must be list with names for each count method(list_by_contract and list_by_finding).
python --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
-i, --input TEXT file with benchmark results [required]
-sa, --service-account TEXT google service account json file [required]
-si, --sheet-id TEXT google sheet id [required]
-ln, --list-name TEXT google list name [required]
-sv, --slitherin-version TEXT slitherin version, default value taken from
slitherin --version command
Slitherin project's CI pipeline uploads data to google sheets
We visualize the results of slitherin benchmark through the Grafana.