Formello is a form generation system based on models for Angular 8+
- Custom model creation
- Automatic form creation component based on configuration
- Data persistence on configuration changes
- Injectable model
- Validation and errors management
- Custom Preset Field
- Service injection in model
- Supported field: Text, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Date, Autocomplete
Formello requires Angular v8+ and Angular Material/CDK to run.
npm install formello
Import formello module in your main/shared module.
@NgModule ({....
imports: [...,
In your favorite folder create a .form.ts file.
new FormelloField(_name: string, _value: string | number | boolean | null, _type: FormelloFieldTypes, _validators?: ValidatorFn[], _options?: Array<IFormelloFieldOption>)
Where IFormelloFieldOption is a object {value: string | number | boolean, viewValue: string};
Type | |
TEXT | Basic Text Field |
SELECT | Select Field - declare options in options param |
RADIO | Radio Field - declare options in options param |
CHECKBOX | Checkbox field - accept one option only! |
SEARCH_SELECT | Autocomplete select field |
DATE | Datepicker field |
export class CustomerFormModel {
type = new FormelloField('type', 'Typology', null, FormelloFieldTypes.SELECT, [Validators.required], [{ value: 0, viewValue: 'Type 1' }, { value: 1, viewValue: 'Type 2' }]);
surname = new FormelloField('surname', 'Surname', null, FormelloFieldTypes.TEXT, [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(myCustomPattern)]);
name = new FormelloField('name', 'Name', null, FormelloFieldTypes.TEXT, [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(myCustomPattern)]);
email = new FormelloField('email', 'Email', null, FormelloFieldTypes.TEXT, []);
birthdate = new FormelloField('birthdate', 'Birth Date', null, FormelloFieldTypes.DATE);
gender = new FormelloField('gender', 'Gender', null, FormelloFieldTypes.RADIO, [], [{ value: "M", viewValue: "Male" }, { value: "F", viewValue: "Female" }]);
taxCode = new TaxCodeField('taxCode', 'Tax Code', null, [Validators.required]);
TaxCodeField is a custom preset field with integrated pattern validation and error.
const PATTERN_ITALIAN_TAX_CODE = "^[A-Za-z]{6}[0-9LMNPQRSTUV]{2}[A-Za-z]{1}[0-9LMNPQRSTUV]{2}[A-Za-z]{1}[0-9LMNPQRSTUV]{3}[A-Za-z]{1}$";
export class TaxCodeField extends FormelloField {
constructor(name: string, label: string, value: string, validators?: Array<ValidatorFn>) {
super(name, label, value, FormelloFieldTypes.TEXT, [Validators.pattern(PATTERN_ITALIAN_TAX_CODE)].concat(validators ? validators : []));
this.control.valueChanges.pipe(distinctUntilChanged()).subscribe((value: string) => this.control.patchValue(value.toUpperCase()));
To generate your form using formello component you must create a configuration. Configuration are composed of a model and some rows. A row is an object like {fields: FormelloField[]};
export class CustomerFormConfiguration1 implements IFormelloConfig<CustomerFormModel>{
model: CustomerFormModel;
rows: Array<IFormelloRow>;
constructor(model: CustomerFormModel) {
this.model = model;
this.rows = [
{ fields: [this.model.type] },
{ fields: [, this.model.surname] },
{ fields: [this.model.gender, this.model.birthdate] },
{ fields: [this.model.taxCode,] }
export class CustomerFormConfiguration2 implements IFormelloConfig<CustomerFormModel>{
model: CustomerFormModel;
rows: Array<IFormelloRow>;
constructor(model: CustomerFormModel) {
this.model = model;
this.rows = [
{ fields: [this.model.type] },
{ fields: [, this.model.surname, this.model.taxCode] },
{ fields: [] }
So with this CustomerFormConfiguration1 configuration I want to show a form with 4 rows in the order I have setted with the field in the same order I have setted.
In the second configuration I have a different form view and I hide some fields.
To use your model, you must inject it in your component constructor and to manipulate your formello you need to save his reference.
selector: 'my-component',
templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.scss']
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
myFormello: Formello<CustomerFormModel>;
constructor(public customerFormModel: CustomerFormModel ){
//Here you create a new Formello passing a configuration to it, with the model injected.
this.myFormello = new Formello(new CustomerFormConfiguration1(this.customerFormModel));
ngOnInit() {
// Here I am listening on model type control to change my form configuration based on selected value
this.customerFormModel.type.control.valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
switch (value) {
case 0:
this.myFormello.changeConfiguration(new CustomerFormConfiguration1(this.customerFormModel));
case 1:
this.myFormello.changeConfiguration(new CustomerFormConfiguration2(this.customerFormModel));
<formello [formello]="myFormello"></formello>