Miscellaneous utilities and programs
Almost all these utilities can be used by downloading them and running them
like bash <utility>
. Running like bash <utility> -h
is always safe and will
provide some sort of help text. If necessary packages are missing, this will be
reported at runtime.
Print an A5 document on A4 size pages for booklet folding
- Usage:
a5toa4 [<Options>] <a5.pdf> [<a4.pdf>]
Options: -h/--help: Display this help text
-v/--verbose: Verbose output of processing steps
-s/--split & -r/--reverse: See below
Print the resulting A4 document on a single-sided printer by:
1. Printing all the even pages.
2. Reinserting the stack of printed pages in such a way that the blank
sides will now be used to print the rest of the pages in step 3.
3. Printing all the odd pages.
If -s/--split is given, the printing can be done by:
1. Printing the first half of the N pages, from 1 to N/2.
2. See step 2 above.
3. Printing the second half of the N pages, from N/2+1 to N.
If -r/--reverse is given, the order of printing in step 3 is reversed, as
appropriate for normal full-duplex printing (not the whole stack of
papers gets flipped, just individual pages automatically).
For more than 1 copy, be sure to select COLLATE before printing!
For printing on Letter size paper, select FIT TO PAGE before printing!
- Required: coreutils(cat mktemp) ghostscript(psselect pdf2ps ps2pdf) psutils(psnup)
Backup a list of files and directories
- Usage:
backup - Backup a list of files and directories
Usage: backup [-h|--help | <backup-list> [<backup-file> [<backup-log>]]]
backup-list: File with list of all files to be backed up, one per line
Multiple file/dir(s) possible with bash globbing (with * ? and [...]).
(default: ./backup.lst)
backup-file: Output file name (.txz will be appended if not ending in .txz)
Backup-file can also be specified in the first line of backup-list, like:
@<backup-file> but will be overridden by the command-line if given
(default: backup.txz)
backup-log: Log file (default: backup.log)
Lines in backup-list are file/dirnames, except when the first character is:
'@' (at): <backup-file> (only in the very first line)
' ' (space): skipped line
'#' (pound): comment line
'$' (dollar): command line
'%' (percent): gpg-password
Links are followed to backup the actual file contents if possible.
Simply request certificates from Let's Encrypt using ACME
- Usage:
bacme [-h] [-v] [-t] [-e <email>] [-w <docroot>] [<domain>[...]]
-h/--help This help text
-v/--verbose Verbose mode: additional debug output
-t/--test Test with Let's Encrypt Staging API to not get banned
-e/--email <email> Contact email for Let's Encrypt
-w/--webroot <dir> Path to document root of the webserver
If <dir> is not specified, some manual action is required The <dir> may be an
rsync-compatible remote location like: user@server:/var/www/html/
Instead of specifying <email>/<dir>/<domain>[...] on the commandline, they may
be put in environment variables BACME_EMAIL, BACME_WEBROOT and BACME_DOMAINS.
The first <domain> must be the root domainname, followed by the subdomains.
bacme -e [email protected] -w me@server:/var/www/html example.com www.example.com
Wrapperscript around borgbackup
- Usage:
bb [ init|check|help|unlock|prune | list [<prefix>] | info|delete <name> |
backup [<dir>] | rename <name> <newname> | mount [<name>] | unmount ]
init: init repo (set BORG_REPO variable in $self or on commandline)
check: check repo
help: output this help text (also without any argument)
unlock: unlock the repo when left locked
prune: prune the backups
list [<prefix>]: list backups in repo [starting with <prefix>]
info <name>: list details of [backup <name> in] repo
delete <name>: delete [backup <name> from] repo
backup [Dovecot|Peter|Kelly|MyDocuments]: backup $basedir[/<dir>]
rename <name> <newname>: rename backup <name> to <newname>
mount [<name>]: mount [backup <name> from] repo on $(basename "$mnt")
unmount: unmount from $(basename "$mnt")
Enter bitwarden data into keepassx database
- Required: csvtool
- Usage:
bitwarden2xml bitwarden.csv >keepassx.xml
Install/register systemd-boot on Ubuntu/Void/Arch
- Usage:
bootctlu v0.2.5 - Install/register systemd-bootmanager on Ubuntu
Usage: bootctlu [<option>...]
-h/--help: Only display this help text.
-V/--version: Only display the version.
-v/--verbose: Show more detail of the actions.
-q/--quiet: Fatal errors only output to the terminal.
-n/--nogo: No writing to the system at all.
-I/--install: Only install the script and kernel install hooks.
-U/--uninstall: Only uninstall the script and kernel install hooks.
-M/--maxkernels: Maximum number of kernels to install, default 2.
-i/--imgdir <dir>: Kernel & initrd images directory, default: '/boot'.
/boot, overrides BOOTCTLU_BOOT.
-e/--esp <dir>: EFI System Partition mountpoint, default: '/boot/efi'.
/boot/efi, overrides BOOTCTLU_ESP.
-L/--label: Label for the UEFI entry.
-m/--memtest: Also download and set up a MemTest86 entry.
-s/--secureboot: Also install secureboot files.
-r/--register: Also register the bootmanager with UEFI.
Extra arguments ignored so this can work as install/remove kernel hook.
- Required: gdisk(sgdisk) coreutils(tee sort cut mkdir cat cp mv rm cd ls diff)
grep sed systemd(systemd-boot*.efi) uuid-runtime(uuidgen) xargs
- memtest: wget tar
- register: efibootmgr
- install: diffutils(diff)
Build gocryptfs
- Usage:
buildgocryptfs [-n|--new-go]
: force the installation of go even if one is present
- Required: go coreutils(ls) pkg-config libssl-dev [to install go: wget sudo tar coreutils(mktemp mv rm tail)]
- Environment variables:
- If GO_OS is not set to the OS, 'linux' will be used.
- If GO_ARCH (architecture) is not set, 'amd64' or 'armv6l' will be used.
- If GO_VERSION is not set to a specific go version, the latest is used.
- When TMPDIR is set, it is used for the temporary directory
Build nano from source (release or git repo) on Ubuntu or Debian
- Required: coreutils(mkdir cd mktemp rm) git+autoconf+autopoint+automake/wget[git/release] pkg-config gettext libncursesw5-dev groff[optional html-help] texinfo make gcc libmagic-dev[optional filetype detection]
- Usage:
buildnano [<version> | -g|--git | -c|--current]
<version>: Build <version>
-g/--git: Build from current git HEAD (not stable release version)
-c/--current: Build from local git repo (as is)
Build Signal desktop AppImage
- Required: sudo
Change Mojang Minecraft name for local LAN play with TLauncher
- Usage:
chmc [OLD NEW]
(Without arguments, display current name(s))
Count color capacity of terminal
Count character occurrences in file
- Required: uni2ascii
- Usage:
count <file> [-s]
-s means sort by code point instead of frequency
Show differences between 2 Thai language sources in html or terminal
- Required: swath dwdiff sed coreutils(cat type mkdir chmod mktemp rm)
- Usage:
difth [-n|--nojs] [-s|--strings] <in1> <in2> [<htmlout>|-|/]
Arguments <in1> and <in2> must be existing filenames,
or strings (if -s or --strings is given).
Argument htmlout is optional: if '-' then the html goes to stdout,
if '/' then the html will be output to a file in $dl and displayed,
if not present then the colored diff will be displayed onto terminal,
otherwise the html will be output to the given filename <htmlout>.
When -n or --nojs is given, the html will use no javascript (used for
cycling through viewing modes).
Includes the files difth.php
and index.html-difth
(rename to index.html
for hosting an online Thai text comparison service.
Extended dig
- Usage:
dg[x] <domain> [<dnsrecordtype>]
- When called through a symlink other than 'dg' then subdomains get probed.
Update duckdns.org DDNS service
- Usage:
duckdns [-d|--date | -h|--help]
-d/--date: add a timestamp in the log
-h/--help: display this help text and values of domain and token
Get NASA earth foto and put it on the MATE desktop
Set current earthimage as wallpaper
- Usage:
earthwallpaperlive [<projection>]
<projection> is one of: mercator (default), peters, rectangular, random
- Required: wget imagemagick(convert) [for peters projection]
Manage Firefox passwords: view, import, export
- Required: python3-pyasn1 less
- Copyright: 2018 Louis Abraham [email protected] MIT License
- Adapted: gitlab.com/pepa65/misc [email protected] GPLv3
- Usage:
ffpw [<filter>] [<file>] [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help]
<filter>: [ -u|-url | -n|--username | -p|--password ] <regex>
<file>: -i|--import | -e|--export [<csv-file>]
The <regex> filter can be generic or specific for urls/usernames/passwords.
The <csv-file> can be empty or '-': import from stdin or export to stdout.
If <file> is not specified, the output is formatted and piped to a viewer.
-v/--verbose: More verbose output to stderr
-h/--help: This help text
Auto fill form for multiple cases
- Required: flpsed sed ghostscrips(ps2pdf) poppler-utils(pdfunite) coreutils(cd wc rm ls)
- Usage:
fillform [-s|--separate] [<dir>]
When -s/--separate is given, the separate .pdf files for each form are kept
as well as the concatenated file. Directory <dir> has the input files.
Preview fonts interactively from the commandline
- Usage:
├─ │ ││││ │ └─┐
┘ └─┘┘└┘ ┴ └─┘
fonts - Preview fonts interactively from the commandline
Usage: fonts [FONT | <option> ...]
FONT Filename (.otf .ttf .woff) of the font
(If not given, fonts can be explored interactively)
-h/--help Show this help message and exit
-V/--version Show the version of 'fonts' and exit
-S/--previewsize WxH Width and height of the font preview window in pixels
-P/--position +X+Y Position of the font preview window
-p/--prompt PROMPT Prompt for the fuzzy searcher
-s/--fontsize SIZE Font size
-b/--background COLOR Background color of the font preview window
-f/--fontcolor COLOR Font color of the font preview window
-t/--text "TEXT" Text in the font preview window
Options can be set by environment variables: FONTS_PREVIEWSIZE FONTS_POSITION
Display every unicode character
Usage: fonttable [-c] [-s] [-u] [START..END] [-f FONT]
-c/--cache UnicodeData.txt data embedded in this script.
-s/--show-unihan Also show CJK data from the Unihan database.
-u/--unihan-cache Use a cached copy of the list of valid CJK characters
instead of looking for Unihan_DictionaryIndices.txt.
START..END Only show range from START to END(inclusive)
Multiple ranges allowed: fonttable 2590..f 1fb00..ff
-f/--font FONT Show every Unicode glyph which is defined in FONT.
Check forks of significance on github
Get borgbackup for Pi (armv7l) or PC (x86_64)
- Required: wget sudo coreutils(mktemp rm mv chmod hash)
Installing Julia from the generic binaries
- Usage:
getjulia [-u|--uninstall | -p|--purge]
-u/--uninstall: Remove Julia
-p/--purge: Remove Julia and also all user directories
- Environment:
(optional) root path of the temporary working directory - Required:
wget tar coreutils(mktemp rm mv)
Install rust simply
Update dependencies of specific go projects
Automatic check and self-healing for bitrot
- Required: bitrot par2 grep find libc-bin(getconf) coreutils(rm mv cp mkdir cd du)
- Usage:
healbitrot [-h|--help] [<dir>...]
<dir>: directory to check; only if none given, the file in \$BITROT_DIRS
is read, one directory per line. Bitrot data is stored in \$BITROT_DATA.
-h/--help: display this help text
The python script bitrot
is included
User-(un)install AppImage with icon and .desktop file
- Usage: 'instai [-l|--list] [-u|--uninstall] '
Parse JSON with bash
- Usage:
parsejson [ -h|--help | <string> | <filename> ]
- When no argument is given, input is read on stdin.
Unpack selfmake archive script
- Required: makeself find sudo sed
Convert KeePassX xml export to pass store
- Usage:
keepassx2pass.py keepassx.xml
Convert KeePassX xml export to json for Ironclad
- Usage:
keepassxml2json [-d|--debug] <in.xml> <out.json>
- Required: grep sed coreutils(tail tr cd mv rm ls)
Browser-based KeePass application
- Required: ruby ffmpeg
- Usage:
kenburns [options] input1 [input2...] output
-h, --help Prints this help
--size=INTxINT Video WIDTHxHEIGHT [default: 1280x800]
--slide-duration=FLOAT Slide DURATION (seconds) [default: 4]
--fade-duration=FLOAT Transition DURATION (seconds) [default: 1]
--fps=INT Frame RATE (frames/second) [default: 30]
--zoom-direction=STRING DIRECTION [default: random]
--zoom-rate=FLOAT RATE [default: 0.1]
--scale-mode=STRING MODE (pad|crop_center|pan) [default: auto]
-l, --loopable Create loopable video
--audio=FILE Use FILE as audio track
--subtitles=FILE Use FILE as subtitles track
-y, --yes Overwrite OUTPUT without asking
Enter keepassx text into bitwarden .csv format
- Usage:
kpt2bitwarden keepassx.xml >bitwarden.csv
Display x86_64 architecture level
Create a local repo for deb packages
List printable characters in font
Send mail according to template and CSV
- Usage:
mailout [-s|--send]
If the -s/--send flag is not given, no mails will be actually be sent. The file mail.template is the body of the email and contains CSV header names enclosed by "{{" and "}}", like: {{password}}. The CSV header field designated by the variable 'emailheader' must be present and is used to send the emails to. If variables 'firstnameheader' and 'lastnameheader' are set (to a header field of the CSV file), then the mails will be addressed to: "{{$firstname}} {{$lastname}} <{{$email}}>" instead of "{{$email}}". - Input files:
(set in script) - Required: mailer[github.com/pepa65/mailer] sed csvtool coreutils(wc)
- Set appropriate values to all required variables in the script.
Create self-extracting tar.gz archive
Convert ASCII a-z/A-Z/0-9 into 'Math' symbols from Unicode block 1D400-7FF
mathsym - Convert ASCII a-z/A-Z/0-9 into 'Math' symbols from Unicode block 1D400-7FF
Usage: mathsym ([<format>] <string>)...
^ Bold Serif U+1D400-433 U+1D7CE-7D7
/ Italic Serif U+1D434-467 h
^/ Bold Italic Serif U+1D468-48B EFHILMR
@ Script U+1D49C-4CF ego
^@ Bold Script U+1D4D0-503
% Fractur U+1D504-537 CHIRZ
^% Bold Fraktur U+1D538-56B
= Doublestruck U+1D56C-59F U+1D7D8-7E1 CHNPQRZ
- Sansserif U+1D5A0-5D3 U+1D7E2-7EB
^- Bold Sansserif U+1D5D4-607 U+1D7EC-7F5
/- Italic Sansserif U+1D608-63B
^/- Bold Italic Sansserif U+1D63C-66F
. Monospaced U+1D670-6A4 U+1D7F6-7FF
Format can be specified SHORT or IN FULL (case insensitive).
If no applicable <format> is given, <string> is rendered in Monospaced.
Beware of missing symbols in some ranges! Complete are:
Bold Serif, Sansserif, Bold Sansserif and Monospaced.
Download mega.nz and MegaCrypter files
- Usage:
megadl v2.1 - Download mega.nz and MegaCrypter files
Usage: megadl [<options>] <URL> | -l|--list <file>
-s|--speed <speed> Download speed limit <int>B|K|M, example: 20K
-p|-password <password> Password for MegaCrypter links (same for all)
-m|--metadata Only display file metadata in JSON format
-q|--quiet Quiet mode
-h|--help This help text
Single <URL> mode options:
-o|--output <filename> Store the output file with this name
URL list in <file>:
Line format in file (FILENAME is optional): URL FILENAME
Repo: https://github.com/pepa65/misc
Merge 2 subtitle files into one
- Usage:
merge2ass <movie> <subtitle1> <subtitle2> [-p|--play-movie]
or: `merge2ass --detect <movie> [-p | --play-movie]
or: `merge2ass [-h | --help]
Manage access to gocryptfs encrypted directory
- Required: gocryptfs(http://github.com/rfjakob/gocryptfs) fuse grep procps tar coreutils(cat rm type ls mktemp stat shred mkdir chmod sleep sync)
- Optional: zenity/whiptail/cryptsetup(askpass)
- Optional environment variables: $MGCFS_MOUNT/DIR/NAME/RUN/PLAIN
- Usage:
mgcfs [-c|--console] | [-w|--whiptail] [-i|--init [<dir> [<name>]] |
[-v|--verbose] [-u|--unmount <sleeplength>[<unit>]] | [-h|--help]
-c/--console: display through echo is forced instead of whiptail
-w/--whiptail: display through whiptail is forced instead of zenity
-i/--init: setting up, <dir> must exist and <name> not or be empty
-v/--verbose: echoing the masterpassword to the terminal on mounting
-u/--unmount: auto-unmount after <sleeplength>[<unit>]
-h/--help: display this help text
Either set or adjust <mount>, <dir> and <name> as hardcoded in this script
(and optionally <run>), or set the corresponding environment variables
As a run-by-run backup, <dir>/<name>.tar will be used.
When during 'init' MGCFS_PLAIN is 1, filenames will not be encrypted.
<sleeplength> is in minutes if no unit is given; <unit> can be:
s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days).
Create EFI Unified Kernel Image
- Required:
(tr mktemp uname cat readlink wc mkdir cp ls head cut
)grep sed
- install:
sudo efibootmgr fdisk mount
- install:
- From: https://github.com/jirutka/efi-mkuki
- Usage:
mkuki v0.1.6 - Create EFI Unified Kernel Image
An EFI Unified Kernel Image (UKI) is a single EFI PE executable that can
combine an EFI stub loader, a kernel image, an initramfs image, a splash
image, the kernel commandline, and CPU microcode images.
Usage: mkuki [<option>...]
-h|--help Only display this help text
-V|--version Only display the version
-I|--install Install resulting UKI in '<esp>/EFI/Linux/'
-l|--label <txt> UEFI label in quotes for install (optional)
-d|--device <device> '<esp>' to use for install (optional)
-k|--kernel <file> Linux kernel file (default: '/boot/vmlinuz')
-i|--initrd <file> Initramfs file (default: '/boot/initrd.img')
-m|--microcode <file> Microcode file (optional, multiple allowed)
-c|--cmdline <txt/file> Kernel cmdline in quotes, or a file containing
it, start with / or . (default: '/proc/cmdline')
-o|--output <file> Output file (default: '')
-r|--release <file> Release file (default: '/etc/os-release')
-s|--splash <file> Splash image: BMP 800x600 24bit (optional)
-e|--efistub <file> EFI stub file (default: 'linux*.efi.stub') in
'/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi', *: x64 | ia32 | aa64 | arm
Move docker container including volumes
Usage: ./mvdocker [-i|--install] <container_id> [<container_options>]
Filter out noise based on sample
- Required: ffmpeg(ffmpeg ffprobe) sox
Utility to pair Logitech USB unifying or nano receivers with wireless input devices
See the file for instructions to compile and use.
Make a pdf from a page range in a source document
- Usage:
Usage: pdfslice [-h|--help ] | <range> <in.pdf> [<out.pdf>]
Where <range> is: [<from>],[<to>] | [<from>][+[<number>]]
If <from> & <to> start with a minus sign they count from the back;
if omitted they default to first & last page;
<number> specifies the number of pages, if omitted defaults to 1.
-h/--help: Just display this help text.
- Required: poppler-utils(pdfseparate pdfunite pdfinfo) coreutils(mktemp rm ls)
Settings to be included in .bashrc
Provision virtual machine
- Usage:
deploy <host> [=]
: Host from ~/.ssh/config=
: If=
is given, setting up the authorized_key is skipped
Create a fresh Debian/Ubuntu qemu image
- Usage:
qemu-create-os-img [-h] [-r <release>] [-h <hostname>] [-i <img_file>]
[-s <disk_size>] [-b <boot_size>] [<debootstrap>]
-h: This help text
-r <release>: A supported Debian or Ubuntu release name
-h <hostname>: Desired hostname
-i <img_file>: Location of the image file (overwritten if existing)
-d <disk_size>: Size of the virtual disk
-b <boot_size>: Size of the boot partition (rest: root partition)
<debootstrap>: Extras arguments for debootstrap
Default values when options are not supplied:
<release>: xenial
<hostname>: <release>
<img_file>: <hostname>-<os>-<release>.qcow2
<disk_size>: $disk_size
<boot_size>: $boot_size
Make background of image transparent
- Required: imagemagick(convert)
rmbg - Make background of image transparent
Convert images into shaped transparent png files by floodfilling
the background with transparency (antialiased alpha channel).
Unless a different starting pixel is specified, the top left
pixel is used as the 'background' color to remove and
floodfill starts from all four image edges.
Usage: rmbg [-f PCT] [-s|-S] [-p X,Y] [-v] <image>...
-f <fuzz> How strict to match the background, default 20%
-s Speedy antialiasing (much faster, slightly less acurate)
-S No antialiasing (faster still)
-p <x>,<y> Start from pixel at x,y instead of 0,0
-v Verbose operation
Remove old kernels from Debian/Ubuntu
- Usage:
**Export saved.io links through the API into a json file, and convert it into 3 formats:
- A 'Netscape.html' file (supposedly) importable by Shaarli
- An encoded php-array that Shaarli uses as internal storage 'datastore.php'
- An html5 page with links**
- Required: wget date jq gzip coreutils(base64 head tail)
- Environment variables:
Sanitize potentially identifying invisible characters
- Default spelling lists included:
Mount LUKS encrypted vault as non-root
- Required:
cryptsetup mount
- Adjust the #define variables at the top of
before compiling - Install for all users:
sudo gcc scrypt.c -o /usr/local/bin/scrypt
sudo chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/scrypt
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/scrypt /usr/local/bin/uscrypt
- Install instead for local user only:
sudo gcc scrypt.c -o ~/bin/scrypt
sudo chmod 4501 ~/bin/scrypt
sudo ln -sf ~/bin/scrypt ~/bin/uscrypt
- Example vault creation (matching the variables):
truncate -s 400M /data/MyDocuments/SECURE/vault
sudo cryptsetup -I hmac-sha256 luksFormat /data/MyDocuments/SECURE/vault
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /data/MyDocuments/SECURE/vault vault
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vault
Utility to set the screen "temperature" to adjust the red-blue balance
See the file for instructions on how to compile and use.
Convert leading spaces into tabs
- Usage:
- Pipe/redirect input to stdin!
Commandline interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net
- Usage:
spd [-h] [-u] [-d] [-1] [-B] [-I] [-b] [-c] [-C CHAR] [-H] [-j] [-L] [-l]
[-m STR] [-x INT] [-s ID] [-X ID] [-M URL] [-i IP] [-t SECS] [-S] [-N] [-V]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --no-download Do not perform download test
-d, --no-upload Do not perform upload test
-1, --single Only use a single connection instead of multiple. This
simulates a typical file transfer.
-B, --bytes Display values in bytes instead of bits. Does not
affect the image generated by --share, nor output from
--json or --csv
-I, --share Generate and provide a URL to the speedtest.net share
results image, not displayed with --csv
-b, --simple Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
-c, --csv Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
in CSV format. Speeds listed in bit/s and not affected
by --bytes
-C CHAR, --csv-delimiter CHAR
Single character delimiter to use in CSV output.
Default ","
-H, --csv-header Print CSV headers
-j, --json Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
in JSON format. Speeds listed in bit/s and not
affected by --bytes
-L, --list Display a list of speedtest.net servers sorted by
-l, --local Use built-in server list
-m STR, --match STR Match STR with country / countrycode / city of the
-x INT, --max INT The maximum number of servers to try, default: 5
-s ID, --server ID Specify a numerical server ID. Can be supplied
multiple times
-X ID, --exclude ID Exclude a server ID. Can be supplied multiple times
-M URL, --mini URL URL of Speedtest Mini server
-i IP, --source IP Source IP address to bind to
-t SECS, --timeout SECS
HTTP timeout in seconds. Default 10
-S, --secure Use HTTPS instead of HTTP when communicating with
speedtest.net operated servers
-N, --no-pre-allocate
Do not pre-allocate upload data. Pre-allocation is
enabled by default to improve upload performance. To
support systems with insufficient memory, use this
option to avoid a MemoryError
-V, --version Show the version number and exit
Shift times in a .srt subtitle file
- Usage:
srtshift <srt-file> <time>
is the .srt subtitle filename<shift>
is the timeshift in full milliseconds- Output: stdout
Download subtitles from subscene.com
- Usage:
subs -h|--help | <search terms>
Subtitle conversion tool
- Usage:
subshift <infile.sub/srt> <outfile.sub/srt> [action...]
action: (+|-)<frames> [Shift in frames]
(+|-)<hh>:<mm>:<ss>.<ms> [Shift in time]
*<s>.<ms> [Time stretch/contract factor in seconds]
@<framerate> [like: 23.976 / 25 / 29.97]'
Show images with filename in terminal using Sixel
Try TCP on host & port
- Required: perl
Terminal Password Manager (uses standard 'pass' database)
- Copyright: 2013-2016 Sören Tempel, 2019 pepa65
- License: GPL3+
- Usage: 'tpm '
- command: help / show / insert / delete
- Environment variables:
Start Security key device based on TPM2
Transfer files via transfer.sh
- Features:
- For upload (files and directories) and download (https:// links)
- En/decryption option (gpg)
- Gives a single link for multiple files or directories (tar/zip)
- Display QR code option for links (qrencode)
- Required:
- Optional:
gpg tar qrencode
Facilitate list-unsubscribe links
Update or install betterbird email client
Write image/hybridiso to (USB) disk device
- Usage: 'w2usb '
Arrange 2 screens with different pixel densities beside each other
xran [-h|-n] [:<lD> [:<rD>]] [<lP> [<rP>]] [+|-<O>] [-s][<S>]
Starting parameters: :eDP1 :HDMI1 100 100 +0 (when no default set yet)
<lD>, <rD>: Names of the left and right Displays, preceded by ':'.
<lP>, <rP>: Scaling of left and right display in whole Percentages;
if <rP> is zero, the right-hand side display is turned off.
+|-<O>: Vertical alignment Offset of the top edge of the screens,
must start with '+'/'-' (positive: left display is lower).
-s [<S>]: Save as scheme <S>; load <S> when no -s is given. When no
<S> is given, the default scheme is used (loaded/saved).
-n|--norun: Don't run the xrandr command (just display the commandline).
-h|--help: Just display this help text.
The configfile for storing saved schemes is: ~/.xran
The mode used for both screens is: 1920x1080
GUI for 'pass' the standard unix password manager
Yad GUI frontend for pass, the standard unix password manager. Can view, edit and delete.
- Required: yad pass coreutils(type sleep shred ls) sed diffutils(diff).
Convert YouTube subtitles to .srt
- Usage:
yt2srt <input file>