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File metadata and controls

102 lines (60 loc) · 3.69 KB


Code from "Creating a 3D Tilemap Editor and World Builder in Unity" YouTube videos


Requires Unity 2021.2+ Can be installed via the Package Manager > Add Package From Git URL...


The BlockyWorldEditor allows you to quickly place GameObjects into your scenes on a 1x1x1 unit grid. (Size is potentially modifiable and something which could be added to this package.)

To start click Tools > BlockyEditor

Architectural Overview



Create > Blocky > Palette

A collection of IBlockyPieces to place in your scene. Will automatically be added to the dropdown selection.


Create > Blocky > Layer

A composite key for the placement of IBlockyPieces. Layers can be anything you like, but typical layers may include something like Terrain, Props, Water, etc. Essentially groupings where only one GameObject of that layer type can occupy the same space.


MonoBehaviour to be added to GameObjects you wish you place.


Collection of BlockyObjects which change based on their neighbours. Good for paths, fences, walls, etc.


Collection of BlockyObjects which will choose one at random. Good for landscaping or rubbish, essentially fast placement of inconsequential items strewn about a level to add texture.


To create your own ParentSetter create a new class derived from the BlockyParentSetter, which will return a Transform. This allows you to place your objects however you wish. See the BlockyWorldStreamer for an example.


When finishing painting it's convenient (and advised) to process a scene for optimizations or data collection. Any class which implements this interface will be called for all opened scenes when the mode changes.

void ProcessScene(BlockyEditorWindow window, Scene scene);
void RevertScene(BlockyEditorWindow window, Scene scene);


Key Description
W/S Grid Height
Shift Box drag
Ctrl Remove
Q/E Rotate 90 degress
R Random Rotation
1-4 Brush Size
+/- Increase/Decrease Brush Size

Inspector Selection

Hold ctrl when selecting an item from the palette to display it in the inspector.


BlockyObjects have a "allowRandomRotation" flag, when using RandomRotation in the editor only those set will be rotated, otherwise will be set to the current rotation (or BlockyParentSetter's rotation).


A "Use Undo/Redo" toggle is now available in Edit > Preferences > Blocky Editor

I've decided to keep it out of the regular settings in the Editor Window since it is a User Preference rather than a Placement Setting.

Using Undo/Redo support may cause the placements to lag a bit when square dragging very large areas

World Position Toolbar

There was a bug with the custom TransformEditor that was brought to my attention (Thank you Rev!), I've removed it entirely and replaced it with a dockable toolbar Overlay.



It can be enabled or disabled from the Overlay menu by pressing Space while focused on the SceneView

Overlay Menu


  • Implement random rotation
  • Implement placement visualization
  • Better refresh (editor/palettes) on changes
  • Undo/Redo support