description = Add a small description here!
author = Malte Harder
author_email = malte.harder@blue-yonder.com
license = new BSD
url = http://...
# Include all additional data inside your package?
include_package_data = true
# Comma separated list of data inside your package to include
package_data = 
# Comma separated list of data outside your package to include
# Equivalent to adding files to MANIFEST.in
data_files = *.rst, *.txt
# Add here all kinds of additional classifiers as defined under
# https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
classifiers = Development Status :: 3 - Alpha,
              Topic :: Utilities,
              Programming Language :: Python
              Programming Language :: Python,
              Programming Language :: Python :: 2,
              Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7,
              Environment :: Console,
              Intended Audience :: Developers,
              License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License,
              Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux,
              Operating System :: Unix,
              Operating System :: MacOS,
              Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows

bonfire = bonfire.cli:run

# html, xml or annotate
cov-report = html
junitxml = junit.xml

# Options for py.test
flakes-ignore =
    doc/conf.py ALL

pep8-ignore =
    doc/conf.py ALL