Angular Offcanvas Navbar is an angularJs directive that creates a side navigation menu based on twitter bootstrap.
To install via bower run
bower install angular-offcanvas-navbar
Add build/offcanvas-navbar.js to your main file (index.html)
Add build/offcanvas-navbar.css to your main file (index.html) or import and compile scss version
Set ngOffcanvas as a dependency in your module
var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['ngOffcanvas'])
If ou have alrady twitter bootstrap navbar in your HTML, just add off-canvas-navbar directive to your container (you must have it as a direct child element of container)
<div off-canvas-navbar></div>
or if you don't have twitter bootstrap navbar in your HTML use this in your container
<div off-canvas-navbar></div>
<nav id="navbar" class="visible-xs">
<li class="relative"><a ng-href="#/">Home</a>
<li class="relative"><a ng-href="#/">Home 2</a>
<li class="relative"><a ng-href="#/">Home 3</a>
By default CSS assumes that ".container" is the parent HTML element that will be animated. If you want to use different class name please change in offcanvas-navbar.css or offcanvas-navbar.scss if you are using sass.