- ✅ : supports for all version
- ✅ (>= x.y.z) : supports from version x.y.z
- ⛔️ : does not supports for all version
- 🚧 : work In Progress
- 🧪 : Unit Test
- lts-11.10 (ghc-8.2.2): ✅ (>= 0.1.0)
- lts-12.16 (ghc-8.4.4): ✅
- lts-14.8(ghc-8.6.5): ✅
- (ghc-8.8.1): >= 0.6.2 ✅
Types in Schema:
: ✅ (v0.1.0)Float
: ✅Int
: ✅String
: ✅Enum
: ✅Scalar
: ✅List
: ✅Object
: ✅Union
: ✅ (>= 0.1.0 )InputObject
: ✅Query
: ✅Mutation
: ✅Subscription
: ✅ (>= 0.1.0)
Parser can read:
- Selection: ✅
- arguments:
- Values:
- int: ✅
- float: ✅
- String: ✅
- Array: ✅ (>= 0.1.0 )
- Input Object: ✅ (>= 0.1.0 )
- Enum: ✅
- null : ✅ (>= 0.1.0 )
- Values:
- Fragments: ✅
- Inline Fragments: (>= 0.1.0)
- Aliases: ✅ (>= 0.1.0)
- DefaultValues: ✅ (>= 0.3.2)
- AnonymousOperations: ✅ (>= 4.1)
- Operations:
- Query: ✅
- Mutation: ✅
- Subscription : ✅ (>= 0.1.0 )
- type ✅ (>= 0.2.1 )
- scalar ✅ (>= 0.2.1 )
- input ✅ (>= 0.2.1 )
- union ✅ (>= 0.2.1 )
- interface, implements ✅ (>= 0.2.2 )
Comments: single & multi line comments (>= 0.2.2)
- argumentTypes : ✅
- wrappedTypes(
[T] or T!
): ✅ (>= v0.1.0)
:- mutationNotSupported: mutation is not defined by schema ✅
:- subscriptionNotSupported: subscription is not defined by schema ✅ (>= 0.1.0)
: ✅- unknownArgument: ✅
- undefinedArgument: ✅
- invalidInputValue -> InputValue: ✅
- nameConflict: ✅
: ✅ + 🧪- unknownField: requested field does not exist on type ✅ + 🧪
- hasNoSubFields: requested subFields but type is scalar Type ✅ + 🧪
- mustHaveSubFields: requested as scalar but is object ✅ + 🧪
- nameConflict: ✅ + 🧪
- unknownFragment: ✅
- cannotBeSpreadOnType: ✅ + 🧪
- nameConflict: ⛔️
Fragment: whole spread will be done there (for performance reason), Selection and Argument will be Validated on Query, because there will be no unused fragment we will validate all sub fields.
- unusedFragment: ✅ + 🧪 (>= 2.0)
- unknownTargetType: ✅ + 🧪
- cannotSpreadWithinItself: ✅ + 🧪
- nameConflict: duplicate fragment with same name ✅ + 🧪 (>= 2.0)
Variable: input Value Will be validated on query argument validation, because there will not be unused Variable all inputValues(variables) will be checked
- nameConflict: duplicated fields result in a parsing error ✅ + 🧪
- valueNotProvided: variable defined in query head, but not found request body ✅ + 🧪
- undefinedVariable: referenced variable is not defined by operation QueryName | MutationName ✅ + 🧪
- unknownType: variable type does not exists ✅ + 🧪
- incompatibleVariableType: argument references variable with different type ✅ + 🧪 (>= 0.1.0)
- invalidInputValue: validation of input fails ✅ + 🧪
- unusedVariable: ✅ + 🧪
- expectedAFoundB: input value does matches to schema type ✅ + 🧪
- undefinedField: required field not found on input value ✅ + 🧪
- unknownField: field does not exists on inputObject ✅ + 🧪