Lesson 4: Basic Camera App
Replace the BaseScreen
component in the welcomeScreen.tsx
file with a simple camera view.
import Camera from 'react-native-camera' ;
< Camera
ref = { ( cam ) => {
this . camera = cam ;
} }
captureTargets = {
Platform . OS == 'ios'
? Camera . constants . CaptureTarget . disk
: Camera . constants . CaptureTarget . cameraRoll
style = { styles . preview }
aspect = { Camera . constants . Aspect . fill } >
</ Camera >
Add button and its handler to the welcomeScreen for capturing an image.
< Text style ={styles.capture} onPress ={this.takePicture.bind(this)} >
</ Text >
async takePicture ( ) {
const options = { } ;
const data = await this . camera . capture ( { metadata : options } ) ;
alert ( "Picture taken" ) ;
catch ( err )
alert ( err ) ;
Add some styles to clean up the layout of the camera view and don't forget to import StyleSheet
const styles = StyleSheet . create ( {
container : {
flex : 1 ,
flexDirection : 'row' ,
} ,
preview : {
flex : 1 ,
justifyContent : 'flex-end' ,
alignItems : 'center'
} ,
capture : {
position : 'absolute' ,
bottom : 0 ,
backgroundColor : '#fff' ,
borderRadius : 5 ,
color : '#000' ,
padding : 10 ,
margin : 40
} ) ;
package added and linked.
Working camera view in main app layout.
Click capture button and alert appears.