It'll be important you have a few tools installed to get going quickly. Make sure you have the following installed on your local machine.
npm i appcenter-cli code-push-cli -g
code --install-extension vsmobile.vscode-appcenter
- VS Code
- Node LTS
- git
- yarn
- C++ Universal Windows Platform tools
- Windows 10 SDKs (10.0.14393.0 and 10.0.17134.0)
For the UWP dependencies, the easiest way to install is via the Visual Studio Installer. Open the Visual Studio Installer and select modify:
Under the Universal Windows Platform Development section, choose the packages listed above:
Log into a Github and App Center account of your choosing. We’ll be using these accounts throughout the lessons to store, build and distribute your code.
NOTE: If you didn't use your Github account to login to App Center, create a new app and connect to a Github repository in our Build service to make sure your accounts are linked before proceeding.
- All tooling and dependencies are installed.
- Logged into Github, VSTS and App Center accounts.