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Qadence is a Python package that provides a simple interface to build digital-analog quantum programs with tunable interaction defined on arbitrary qubit register layouts.

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Feature highlights

  • A block-based system for composing complex digital-analog programs in a flexible and extensible manner. Heavily inspired by Yao.jl and functional programming concepts.

  • A simple interface to work with interacting qubit systems using arbitrary qubit registers.

  • Intuitive, expression-based system built on top of sympy to construct parametric quantum programs.

  • [Higher-order generalized parameter shift](link to psr tutorial) rules for differentiating arbitrary quantum operations on real hardware.

  • Out-of-the-box automatic differentiability of quantum programs using

  • QuantumModels to make QuantumCircuits differentiable and runnable on a variety of different backends like state vector simulators, tensor network emulators and real devices.

Documentation can be found here:


Quadence uses torch.float64 as the default datatype for tensors (torch.complex128 for complex tensors).


Bell state

Sample from the Bell state in one line.

import torch # markdown-exec: hide
torch.manual_seed(0) # markdown-exec: hide
from qadence import CNOT, H, chain, sample

xs = sample(chain(H(0), CNOT(0,1)), n_shots=100)
print(xs) # markdown-exec: hide
from qadence.divergences import js_divergence # markdown-exec: hide
from collections import Counter # markdown-exec: hide
js = js_divergence(xs[0], Counter({"00":50, "11":50})) # markdown-exec: hide
assert js < 0.005 # markdown-exec: hide

Perfect state transfer

We can construct a system that admits perfect state transfer between the two edge qubits in a line of qubits at time $t=\frac{\pi}{\sqrt 2}$.

import torch
from qadence import X, Y, HamEvo, Register, product_state, sample, add

def interaction(i, j):
    return 0.5 * (X(i) @ X(j) + Y(i) @ Y(j))

# initial state with left-most qubit in the 1 state
init_state = product_state("100")

# register with qubits in a line
reg = Register.line(n_qubits=3)

# a line hamiltonian
hamiltonian = add(interaction(*edge) for edge in reg.edges)
# which is the same as:
# hamiltonian = interaction(0, 1) + interaction(1, 2)

# define a hamiltonian evolution over t
t = torch.pi/(2**0.5)
evolution = HamEvo(hamiltonian, t)

samples = sample(reg, evolution, state=init_state, n_shots=1)
print(f"{samples = }") # markdown-exec: hide
from collections import Counter # markdown-exec: hide
assert samples[0] == Counter({"001": 1}) # markdown-exec: hide

Digital-analog emulation

Just as easily we can simulate an Ising hamiltonian that includes an interaction term based on the distance of two qubits. To learn more about digital-analog quantum computing see the digital-analog section.

from torch import pi
from qadence import Register, AnalogRX, sample

# global, analog RX block
block = AnalogRX(pi)

# two qubits far apart (practically non-interacting)
reg = Register.from_coordinates([(0,0), (0,15)])
samples = sample(reg, block)
print(f"distance = 15: {samples = }") # markdown-exec: hide
from collections import Counter # markdown-exec: hide
from qadence.divergences import js_divergence # markdown-exec: hide
js = js_divergence(samples[0], Counter({"11": 100})) # markdown-exec: hide
assert js < 0.01 # markdown-exec: hide

# two qubits close together (interacting!)
reg = Register.from_coordinates([(0,0), (0,5)])
samples = sample(reg, AnalogRX(pi))
print(f"distance =  5: {samples = }") # markdown-exec: hide
js = js_divergence(samples[0], Counter({"01":33, "10":33, "00":33, "11":1})) # markdown-exec: hide
assert js < 0.05 # markdown-exec: hide```

Further Resources

For a more comprehensive introduction and advanced topics, we suggest you to look at the following tutorials:

Installation guide

Qadence can be install with pip as follows:


pip install --extra-index-url "https://${TOKEN_USERNAME}:${TOKEN_PASSWORD}" qadence[pulser,visualization]

where the token username and password can be generated on the Gitlab UI. Remember to give registry read/write permissions to the generated token.

The default backend for qadence is pyqtorch (a differentiable state vector simulator). You can install one or all of the following additional backends and the circuit visualization library using the following extras:

  • braket: install the Amazon Braket quantum backend
  • emu-c: install the Pasqal circuit tensor network emulator EMU-C
  • pulser: install the Pulser backend. Pulser is a framework for composing, simulating and executing pulse sequences for neutral-atom quantum devices.
  • visualization: install the library necessary to visualize quantum circuits.

!!! warning In order to correctly install the "visualization" extra, you need to have graphviz installed in your system. This depends on the operating system you are using:

# on Ubuntu
sudo apt install graphviz

# on MacOS
brew install graphviz

# via conda
conda install python-graphviz