In this lab, you will learn the basics of parse tree listeners. It builds on the previous lab where we integrated ANTLR-generated parsers and lexers into a Java program.
This lab is derived from section 7.2 in the ANTLR book. You can look at that when you get stuck doing this lab.
Create a new project using the same structure from the previous lab and make a PropertyFile.g4
file in the grammars
directory. Here is the core, of course you need to add the grammar header and definitions of those tokens:
file : prop+ ;
prop : ID '=' STRING '\n' ;
Now ask ANTLR to generate the parser/lexer by right clicking in the grammar and saying "Generate recognizer". Then look in the gen
directory at the root of your project and you will see PropertyFileListener
and PropertyFileBaseListener
. Now tell intellij to treat that directory like source code.
Add antlr-4.6-complete.jar
as a dependency for the module and try to build.
Copy and paste the main program from the previous lab and then change CDecl
to PropertyFile
to reflect the new grammar:
You should end up with something like
String prop = "id=\"parrt\"\n";
ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(prop);
PropertyFileLexer lexer = new PropertyFileLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
PropertyFileParser parser = new PropertyFileParser(tokens);
ParseTree tree = parser.file();
Trees.inspect(tree, parser);
Run that and you should get output (file (prop id = "parrt" \n))
as well as a dialog box showing the parse tree.
Okay, now that we have a valid parser and we've pulled out the tree, let's walk the tree and perform some actions.
Create a new class called PropertyFileLoader
that we will use to fill a Map
with properties.
Now modify the main program so that it creates a tree walker and an instance of that property followed her then triggers a walk using walk()
ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
PropertyFileLoader loader = new PropertyFileLoader();
walker.walk(loader, tree);
This will fill the loader.props
field, which we can then print out in the main program:
You should get output: