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Polkadot v0.9.29 Release checklist #5979

13 of 14 tasks
github-actions bot opened this issue Sep 7, 2022 · 12 comments
13 of 14 tasks

Polkadot v0.9.29 Release checklist #5979

github-actions bot opened this issue Sep 7, 2022 · 12 comments


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github-actions bot commented Sep 7, 2022

Release Checklist

This is the release checklist for Polkadot v0.9.29. All following
checks should be completed before publishing a new release of the
Polkadot/Kusama/Westend/Rococo runtime or client. The current release candidate can be
checked out with git checkout release-v0.9.29

Runtime Releases

These checks should be performed on the codebase prior to forking to a release-
candidate branch.

  • Verify spec_version has been incremented since the
    last release for any native runtimes from any existing use on public
    (non-private) networks. If the runtime was published (release or pre-release), either
    the spec_version or impl must be bumped.
  • Verify previously completed migrations are
    removed for any public (non-private/test) networks.
  • Verify pallet and extrinsic ordering has stayed
    the same. Bump transaction_version if not.
  • Verify new extrinsics have been correctly whitelisted/blacklisted for
    proxy filters.
  • Verify benchmarks have been updated for any modified
    runtime logic.

The following checks can be performed after we have forked off to the release-
candidate branch or started an additional release candidate branch (rc-2, rc-3, etc)

All Releases

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coderobe commented Sep 7, 2022

try-runtime at #5980

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coderobe commented Sep 8, 2022

Metadata comparison:
Date: Thu Sep 8 08:30:04 UTC 2022
Ref. binary:
Test binary:
Ref. version: polkadot 0.9.28-314298c32ac
Test version: polkadot 0.9.29-bbe0ba42c64
Chain: kusama-local

          [Spec] name: kusama
                 spec_version: 9280 -> 9290
                 transaction_version: 12
      [Metadata] version: 14
       [Modules] num: 55
                      [System] idx: 0 (calls: 9, storage: 17)
                               [blockWeight] type: FrameSupportWeightsPerDispatchClassU64 -> FrameSupportWeightsPerDispatchClassWeight
                        [Babe] idx: 1 (calls: 3, storage: 17)
                   [Timestamp] idx: 2 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                     [Indices] idx: 3 (calls: 5, storage: 2)
                                  [transfer] idx: 1 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                             [forceTransfer] idx: 3 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, u32, bool) -> (MultiAddress, u32, bool)
                    [Balances] idx: 4 (calls: 6, storage: 6)
                  [Authorship] idx: 5 (calls: 1, storage: 4)
                     [Staking] idx: 6 (calls: 26, storage: 39)
                     [Session] idx: 8 (calls: 2, storage: 8)
                     [Grandpa] idx: 10 (calls: 3, storage: 7)
                    [ImOnline] idx: 11 (calls: 1, storage: 5)
                   [Democracy] idx: 13 (calls: 25, storage: 14)
                                  [delegate] idx: 11 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, PalletDemocracyConviction, u128) -> (MultiAddress, PalletDemocracyConviction, u128)
                                    [unlock] idx: 19 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                           [removeOtherVote] idx: 21 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                     [Council] idx: 14 (calls: 6, storage: 7)
                                     [close] idx: 4 (args: 4)
                                             (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<u64>, Compact<u32>) -> (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<Weight>, Compact<u32>)
          [TechnicalCommittee] idx: 15 (calls: 6, storage: 7)
                                     [close] idx: 4 (args: 4)
                                             (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<u64>, Compact<u32>) -> (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<Weight>, Compact<u32>)
            [PhragmenElection] idx: 16 (calls: 6, storage: 6)
         [TechnicalMembership] idx: 17 (calls: 7, storage: 3)
                                 [addMember] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [removeMember] idx: 1 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                                [swapMember] idx: 2 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
                                 [changeKey] idx: 4 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                                  [setPrime] idx: 5 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                    [Treasury] idx: 18 (calls: 5, storage: 4)
                      [Claims] idx: 19 (calls: 5, storage: 6)
                    [Identity] idx: 25 (calls: 15, storage: 5)
                              [addRegistrar] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [setAccountId] idx: 7 (args: 2)
                                             (Compact<u32>, AccountId32) -> (Compact<u32>, MultiAddress)
                     [Society] idx: 26 (calls: 12, storage: 17)
                                     [vouch] idx: 2 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, u128, u128) -> (MultiAddress, u128, u128)
                                     [found] idx: 7 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, u32, Bytes) -> (MultiAddress, u32, Bytes)
                      [judgeSuspendedMember] idx: 9 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, bool) -> (MultiAddress, bool)
                   [judgeSuspendedCandidate] idx: 10 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, PalletSocietyJudgement) -> (MultiAddress, PalletSocietyJudgement)
                    [Recovery] idx: 27 (calls: 9, storage: 4)
                               [asRecovered] idx: 0 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, Call) -> (MultiAddress, Call)
                              [setRecovered] idx: 1 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
                          [initiateRecovery] idx: 3 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                             [vouchRecovery] idx: 4 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
                             [claimRecovery] idx: 5 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                             [closeRecovery] idx: 6 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                           [cancelRecovered] idx: 8 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                     [Vesting] idx: 28 (calls: 5, storage: 3)
                   [Scheduler] idx: 29 (calls: 6, storage: 3)
                       [Proxy] idx: 30 (calls: 10, storage: 3)
                                     [proxy] idx: 0 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, Option<KusamaRuntimeProxyType>, Call) -> (MultiAddress, Option<KusamaRuntimeProxyType>, Call)
                                  [addProxy] idx: 1 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, KusamaRuntimeProxyType, u32) -> (MultiAddress, KusamaRuntimeProxyType, u32)
                               [removeProxy] idx: 2 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, KusamaRuntimeProxyType, u32) -> (MultiAddress, KusamaRuntimeProxyType, u32)
                             [killAnonymous] idx: 5 (args: 5)
                                             (AccountId32, KusamaRuntimeProxyType, u16, Compact<u32>, Compact<u32>) -> (MultiAddress, KusamaRuntimeProxyType, u16, Compact<u32>, Compact<u32>)
                                  [announce] idx: 6 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                        [removeAnnouncement] idx: 7 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                        [rejectAnnouncement] idx: 8 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                            [proxyAnnounced] idx: 9 (args: 4)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32, Option<KusamaRuntimeProxyType>, Call) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress, Option<KusamaRuntimeProxyType>, Call)
                    [Multisig] idx: 31 (calls: 4, storage: 3)
                                   [asMulti] idx: 1 (args: 6)
                                             (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, WrapperKeepOpaque<Call>, bool, u64) -> (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, WrapperKeepOpaque<Call>, bool, Weight)
                            [approveAsMulti] idx: 2 (args: 5)
                                             (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, [u8;32], u64) -> (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, [u8;32], Weight)
                    [Preimage] idx: 32 (calls: 4, storage: 3)
                    [Bounties] idx: 35 (calls: 9, storage: 5)
               [ChildBounties] idx: 40 (calls: 7, storage: 6)
                        [Tips] idx: 36 (calls: 6, storage: 3)
                             [reportAwesome] idx: 0 (args: 2)
                                             (Bytes, AccountId32) -> (Bytes, MultiAddress)
                                    [tipNew] idx: 2 (args: 3)
                                             (Bytes, AccountId32, Compact<u128>) -> (Bytes, MultiAddress, Compact<u128>)
  [ElectionProviderMultiPhase] idx: 37 (calls: 5, storage: 11)
                        [Gilt] idx: 38 (calls: 4, storage: 5)
                   [VoterList] idx: 39 (calls: 2, storage: 4)
                                     [rebag] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [putInFrontOf] idx: 1 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
             [NominationPools] idx: 41 (calls: 13, storage: 19)
                                    [unbond] idx: 3 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, Compact<u128>) -> (MultiAddress, Compact<u128>)
                          [withdrawUnbonded] idx: 5 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                                    [create] idx: 6 (args: 4)
                                             (Compact<u128>, AccountId32, AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (Compact<u128>, MultiAddress, MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
               [Configuration] idx: 51 (calls: 45, storage: 4)
                  [setUmpServiceTotalWeight] idx: 26 (args: 1)
                                             (u64) -> (Weight)
                 [setUmpMaxIndividualWeight] idx: 40 (args: 1)
                                             (u64) -> (Weight)
                [ParaInherent] idx: 54 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                       [Paras] idx: 56 (calls: 8, storage: 20)
                 [Initializer] idx: 57 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                         [Ump] idx: 59 (calls: 1, storage: 7)
                         [serviceOverweight] idx: 0 (args: 2)
                                             (u64, u64) -> (u64, Weight)
                        [Hrmp] idx: 60 (calls: 7, storage: 13)
               [ParasDisputes] idx: 62 (calls: 1, storage: 6)
                   [Registrar] idx: 70 (calls: 6, storage: 4)
                       [Slots] idx: 71 (calls: 3, storage: 2)
                    [Auctions] idx: 72 (calls: 3, storage: 5)
                   [Crowdloan] idx: 73 (calls: 9, storage: 5)
                   [XcmPallet] idx: 99 (calls: 10, storage: 10)
                                   [execute] idx: 3 (args: 2)
                                             (XcmVersionedXcm, u64) -> (XcmVersionedXcm, Weight)

------------------------------ SUMMARY -------------------------------
⚠️ This filter is here to help spotting changes that should be reviewed carefully.
⚠️ It catches only index changes, deletions and value decreases.



Index changes



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coderobe commented Sep 8, 2022

Metadata comparison:
Date: Thu Sep 8 08:30:03 UTC 2022
Ref. binary:
Test binary:
Ref. version: polkadot 0.9.28-314298c32ac
Test version: polkadot 0.9.29-bbe0ba42c64
Chain: polkadot-local

          [Spec] name: polkadot
                 spec_version: 9280 -> 9290
                 transaction_version: 13
      [Metadata] version: 14
       [Modules] num: 52
                      [System] idx: 0 (calls: 9, storage: 17)
                               [blockWeight] type: FrameSupportWeightsPerDispatchClassU64 -> FrameSupportWeightsPerDispatchClassWeight
                   [Scheduler] idx: 1 (calls: 6, storage: 3)
                    [Preimage] idx: 10 (calls: 4, storage: 3)
                        [Babe] idx: 2 (calls: 3, storage: 17)
                   [Timestamp] idx: 3 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                     [Indices] idx: 4 (calls: 5, storage: 2)
                                  [transfer] idx: 1 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                             [forceTransfer] idx: 3 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, u32, bool) -> (MultiAddress, u32, bool)
                    [Balances] idx: 5 (calls: 6, storage: 6)
                  [Authorship] idx: 6 (calls: 1, storage: 4)
                     [Staking] idx: 7 (calls: 26, storage: 39)
                     [Session] idx: 9 (calls: 2, storage: 8)
                     [Grandpa] idx: 11 (calls: 3, storage: 7)
                    [ImOnline] idx: 12 (calls: 1, storage: 5)
                   [Democracy] idx: 14 (calls: 25, storage: 14)
                                  [delegate] idx: 11 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, PalletDemocracyConviction, u128) -> (MultiAddress, PalletDemocracyConviction, u128)
                                    [unlock] idx: 19 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                           [removeOtherVote] idx: 21 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                     [Council] idx: 15 (calls: 6, storage: 7)
                                     [close] idx: 4 (args: 4)
                                             (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<u64>, Compact<u32>) -> (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<Weight>, Compact<u32>)
          [TechnicalCommittee] idx: 16 (calls: 6, storage: 7)
                                     [close] idx: 4 (args: 4)
                                             (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<u64>, Compact<u32>) -> (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<Weight>, Compact<u32>)
            [PhragmenElection] idx: 17 (calls: 6, storage: 6)
         [TechnicalMembership] idx: 18 (calls: 7, storage: 3)
                                 [addMember] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [removeMember] idx: 1 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                                [swapMember] idx: 2 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
                                 [changeKey] idx: 4 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                                  [setPrime] idx: 5 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                    [Treasury] idx: 19 (calls: 5, storage: 4)
                      [Claims] idx: 24 (calls: 5, storage: 6)
                     [Vesting] idx: 25 (calls: 5, storage: 3)
                    [Identity] idx: 28 (calls: 15, storage: 5)
                              [addRegistrar] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [setAccountId] idx: 7 (args: 2)
                                             (Compact<u32>, AccountId32) -> (Compact<u32>, MultiAddress)
                       [Proxy] idx: 29 (calls: 10, storage: 3)
                                     [proxy] idx: 0 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, Option<PolkadotRuntimeProxyType>, Call) -> (MultiAddress, Option<PolkadotRuntimeProxyType>, Call)
                                  [addProxy] idx: 1 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, PolkadotRuntimeProxyType, u32) -> (MultiAddress, PolkadotRuntimeProxyType, u32)
                               [removeProxy] idx: 2 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, PolkadotRuntimeProxyType, u32) -> (MultiAddress, PolkadotRuntimeProxyType, u32)
                             [killAnonymous] idx: 5 (args: 5)
                                             (AccountId32, PolkadotRuntimeProxyType, u16, Compact<u32>, Compact<u32>) -> (MultiAddress, PolkadotRuntimeProxyType, u16, Compact<u32>, Compact<u32>)
                                  [announce] idx: 6 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                        [removeAnnouncement] idx: 7 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                        [rejectAnnouncement] idx: 8 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                            [proxyAnnounced] idx: 9 (args: 4)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32, Option<PolkadotRuntimeProxyType>, Call) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress, Option<PolkadotRuntimeProxyType>, Call)
                    [Multisig] idx: 30 (calls: 4, storage: 3)
                                   [asMulti] idx: 1 (args: 6)
                                             (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, WrapperKeepOpaque<Call>, bool, u64) -> (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, WrapperKeepOpaque<Call>, bool, Weight)
                            [approveAsMulti] idx: 2 (args: 5)
                                             (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, [u8;32], u64) -> (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, [u8;32], Weight)
                    [Bounties] idx: 34 (calls: 9, storage: 5)
               [ChildBounties] idx: 38 (calls: 7, storage: 6)
                        [Tips] idx: 35 (calls: 6, storage: 3)
                             [reportAwesome] idx: 0 (args: 2)
                                             (Bytes, AccountId32) -> (Bytes, MultiAddress)
                                    [tipNew] idx: 2 (args: 3)
                                             (Bytes, AccountId32, Compact<u128>) -> (Bytes, MultiAddress, Compact<u128>)
  [ElectionProviderMultiPhase] idx: 36 (calls: 5, storage: 11)
                   [VoterList] idx: 37 (calls: 2, storage: 4)
                                     [rebag] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [putInFrontOf] idx: 1 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
             [NominationPools] idx: 39 (calls: 13, storage: 19)
                                    [unbond] idx: 3 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, Compact<u128>) -> (MultiAddress, Compact<u128>)
                          [withdrawUnbonded] idx: 5 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                                    [create] idx: 6 (args: 4)
                                             (Compact<u128>, AccountId32, AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (Compact<u128>, MultiAddress, MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
               [Configuration] idx: 51 (calls: 45, storage: 4)
                  [setUmpServiceTotalWeight] idx: 26 (args: 1)
                                             (u64) -> (Weight)
                 [setUmpMaxIndividualWeight] idx: 40 (args: 1)
                                             (u64) -> (Weight)
                [ParaInherent] idx: 54 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                       [Paras] idx: 56 (calls: 8, storage: 20)
                 [Initializer] idx: 57 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                         [Ump] idx: 59 (calls: 1, storage: 7)
                         [serviceOverweight] idx: 0 (args: 2)
                                             (u64, u64) -> (u64, Weight)
                        [Hrmp] idx: 60 (calls: 7, storage: 13)
               [ParasDisputes] idx: 62 (calls: 1, storage: 6)
                   [Registrar] idx: 70 (calls: 6, storage: 4)
                       [Slots] idx: 71 (calls: 3, storage: 2)
                    [Auctions] idx: 72 (calls: 3, storage: 5)
                   [Crowdloan] idx: 73 (calls: 9, storage: 5)
                   [XcmPallet] idx: 99 (calls: 10, storage: 10)
                                   [execute] idx: 3 (args: 2)
                                             (XcmVersionedXcm, u64) -> (XcmVersionedXcm, Weight)

------------------------------ SUMMARY -------------------------------
⚠️ This filter is here to help spotting changes that should be reviewed carefully.
⚠️ It catches only index changes, deletions and value decreases.



Index changes



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coderobe commented Sep 8, 2022

Metadata comparison:
Date: Thu Sep 8 08:30:03 UTC 2022
Ref. binary:
Test binary:
Ref. version: polkadot 0.9.28-314298c32ac
Test version: polkadot 0.9.29-bbe0ba42c64
Chain: rococo-local

          [Spec] name: rococo
                 spec_version: 9280 -> 9290
                 transaction_version: 1
      [Metadata] version: 14
       [Modules] num: 43
                      [System] idx: 0 (calls: 9, storage: 17)
                               [blockWeight] type: FrameSupportWeightsPerDispatchClassU64 -> FrameSupportWeightsPerDispatchClassWeight
                        [Babe] idx: 1 (calls: 3, storage: 17)
                   [Timestamp] idx: 2 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                     [Indices] idx: 3 (calls: 5, storage: 2)
                                  [transfer] idx: 1 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                             [forceTransfer] idx: 3 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, u32, bool) -> (MultiAddress, u32, bool)
                    [Balances] idx: 4 (calls: 6, storage: 6)
                  [Authorship] idx: 6 (calls: 1, storage: 4)
                     [Session] idx: 9 (calls: 2, storage: 8)
                     [Grandpa] idx: 10 (calls: 3, storage: 7)
                    [ImOnline] idx: 11 (calls: 1, storage: 5)
               [Configuration] idx: 14 (calls: 45, storage: 4)
                  [setUmpServiceTotalWeight] idx: 26 (args: 1)
                                             (u64) -> (Weight)
                 [setUmpMaxIndividualWeight] idx: 40 (args: 1)
                                             (u64) -> (Weight)
                [ParaInherent] idx: 17 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                       [Paras] idx: 19 (calls: 8, storage: 20)
                 [Initializer] idx: 20 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                         [Ump] idx: 22 (calls: 1, storage: 7)
                         [serviceOverweight] idx: 0 (args: 2)
                                             (u64, u64) -> (u64, Weight)
                        [Hrmp] idx: 23 (calls: 7, storage: 13)
               [ParasDisputes] idx: 25 (calls: 1, storage: 6)
                   [Registrar] idx: 26 (calls: 6, storage: 4)
                    [Auctions] idx: 27 (calls: 3, storage: 5)
                   [Crowdloan] idx: 28 (calls: 9, storage: 5)
                       [Slots] idx: 29 (calls: 3, storage: 2)
               [AssignedSlots] idx: 31 (calls: 3, storage: 6)
                        [Sudo] idx: 32 (calls: 4, storage: 2)
                       [sudoUncheckedWeight] idx: 1 (args: 2)
                                             (Call, u64) -> (Call, Weight)
            [ValidatorManager] idx: 36 (calls: 2, storage: 3)
                  [Collective] idx: 80 (calls: 6, storage: 7)
                                     [close] idx: 4 (args: 4)
                                             (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<u64>, Compact<u32>) -> (H256, Compact<u32>, Compact<Weight>, Compact<u32>)
                  [Membership] idx: 81 (calls: 7, storage: 3)
                                 [addMember] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [removeMember] idx: 1 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                                [swapMember] idx: 2 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
                                 [changeKey] idx: 4 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                                  [setPrime] idx: 5 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                       [Proxy] idx: 91 (calls: 10, storage: 3)
                                     [proxy] idx: 0 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, Option<RococoRuntimeProxyType>, Call) -> (MultiAddress, Option<RococoRuntimeProxyType>, Call)
                                  [addProxy] idx: 1 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, RococoRuntimeProxyType, u32) -> (MultiAddress, RococoRuntimeProxyType, u32)
                               [removeProxy] idx: 2 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, RococoRuntimeProxyType, u32) -> (MultiAddress, RococoRuntimeProxyType, u32)
                             [killAnonymous] idx: 5 (args: 5)
                                             (AccountId32, RococoRuntimeProxyType, u16, Compact<u32>, Compact<u32>) -> (MultiAddress, RococoRuntimeProxyType, u16, Compact<u32>, Compact<u32>)
                                  [announce] idx: 6 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                        [removeAnnouncement] idx: 7 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                        [rejectAnnouncement] idx: 8 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                            [proxyAnnounced] idx: 9 (args: 4)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32, Option<RococoRuntimeProxyType>, Call) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress, Option<RococoRuntimeProxyType>, Call)
                    [Multisig] idx: 92 (calls: 4, storage: 3)
                                   [asMulti] idx: 1 (args: 6)
                                             (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, WrapperKeepOpaque<Call>, bool, u64) -> (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, WrapperKeepOpaque<Call>, bool, Weight)
                            [approveAsMulti] idx: 2 (args: 5)
                                             (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, [u8;32], u64) -> (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, [u8;32], Weight)
                   [XcmPallet] idx: 99 (calls: 10, storage: 10)
                                   [execute] idx: 3 (args: 2)
                                             (XcmVersionedXcm, u64) -> (XcmVersionedXcm, Weight)

------------------------------ SUMMARY -------------------------------
⚠️ This filter is here to help spotting changes that should be reviewed carefully.
⚠️ It catches only index changes, deletions and value decreases.



Index changes



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coderobe commented Sep 8, 2022

Metadata comparison:
Date: Thu Sep 8 08:30:07 UTC 2022
Ref. binary:
Test binary:
Ref. version: polkadot 0.9.28-314298c32ac
Test version: polkadot 0.9.29-bbe0ba42c64
Chain: westend-local

          [Spec] name: westend
                 spec_version: 9280 -> 9290
                 transaction_version: 11
      [Metadata] version: 14
       [Modules] num: 46
                      [System] idx: 0 (calls: 9, storage: 17)
                               [blockWeight] type: FrameSupportWeightsPerDispatchClassU64 -> FrameSupportWeightsPerDispatchClassWeight
                        [Babe] idx: 1 (calls: 3, storage: 17)
                   [Timestamp] idx: 2 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                     [Indices] idx: 3 (calls: 5, storage: 2)
                                  [transfer] idx: 1 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                             [forceTransfer] idx: 3 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, u32, bool) -> (MultiAddress, u32, bool)
                    [Balances] idx: 4 (calls: 6, storage: 6)
                  [Authorship] idx: 5 (calls: 1, storage: 4)
                     [Staking] idx: 6 (calls: 26, storage: 39)
                     [Session] idx: 8 (calls: 2, storage: 8)
                     [Grandpa] idx: 10 (calls: 3, storage: 7)
                    [ImOnline] idx: 11 (calls: 1, storage: 5)
                    [Identity] idx: 17 (calls: 15, storage: 5)
                              [addRegistrar] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [setAccountId] idx: 7 (args: 2)
                                             (Compact<u32>, AccountId32) -> (Compact<u32>, MultiAddress)
                    [Recovery] idx: 18 (calls: 9, storage: 4)
                               [asRecovered] idx: 0 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, Call) -> (MultiAddress, Call)
                              [setRecovered] idx: 1 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
                          [initiateRecovery] idx: 3 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                             [vouchRecovery] idx: 4 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
                             [claimRecovery] idx: 5 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                             [closeRecovery] idx: 6 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                           [cancelRecovered] idx: 8 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                     [Vesting] idx: 19 (calls: 5, storage: 3)
                   [Scheduler] idx: 20 (calls: 6, storage: 3)
                    [Preimage] idx: 28 (calls: 4, storage: 3)
                        [Sudo] idx: 21 (calls: 4, storage: 2)
                       [sudoUncheckedWeight] idx: 1 (args: 2)
                                             (Call, u64) -> (Call, Weight)
                       [Proxy] idx: 22 (calls: 10, storage: 3)
                                     [proxy] idx: 0 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, Option<WestendRuntimeProxyType>, Call) -> (MultiAddress, Option<WestendRuntimeProxyType>, Call)
                                  [addProxy] idx: 1 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, WestendRuntimeProxyType, u32) -> (MultiAddress, WestendRuntimeProxyType, u32)
                               [removeProxy] idx: 2 (args: 3)
                                             (AccountId32, WestendRuntimeProxyType, u32) -> (MultiAddress, WestendRuntimeProxyType, u32)
                             [killAnonymous] idx: 5 (args: 5)
                                             (AccountId32, WestendRuntimeProxyType, u16, Compact<u32>, Compact<u32>) -> (MultiAddress, WestendRuntimeProxyType, u16, Compact<u32>, Compact<u32>)
                                  [announce] idx: 6 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                        [removeAnnouncement] idx: 7 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                        [rejectAnnouncement] idx: 8 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, H256) -> (MultiAddress, H256)
                            [proxyAnnounced] idx: 9 (args: 4)
                                             (AccountId32, AccountId32, Option<WestendRuntimeProxyType>, Call) -> (MultiAddress, MultiAddress, Option<WestendRuntimeProxyType>, Call)
                    [Multisig] idx: 23 (calls: 4, storage: 3)
                                   [asMulti] idx: 1 (args: 6)
                                             (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, WrapperKeepOpaque<Call>, bool, u64) -> (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, WrapperKeepOpaque<Call>, bool, Weight)
                            [approveAsMulti] idx: 2 (args: 5)
                                             (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, [u8;32], u64) -> (u16, Vec<AccountId32>, Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, [u8;32], Weight)
  [ElectionProviderMultiPhase] idx: 24 (calls: 5, storage: 11)
                   [VoterList] idx: 25 (calls: 2, storage: 4)
                                     [rebag] idx: 0 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
                              [putInFrontOf] idx: 1 (args: 1)
                                             (AccountId32) -> (MultiAddress)
             [NominationPools] idx: 29 (calls: 13, storage: 19)
                                    [unbond] idx: 3 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, Compact<u128>) -> (MultiAddress, Compact<u128>)
                          [withdrawUnbonded] idx: 5 (args: 2)
                                             (AccountId32, u32) -> (MultiAddress, u32)
                                    [create] idx: 6 (args: 4)
                                             (Compact<u128>, AccountId32, AccountId32, AccountId32) -> (Compact<u128>, MultiAddress, MultiAddress, MultiAddress)
               [Configuration] idx: 42 (calls: 45, storage: 4)
                  [setUmpServiceTotalWeight] idx: 26 (args: 1)
                                             (u64) -> (Weight)
                 [setUmpMaxIndividualWeight] idx: 40 (args: 1)
                                             (u64) -> (Weight)
                [ParaInherent] idx: 45 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                       [Paras] idx: 47 (calls: 8, storage: 20)
                 [Initializer] idx: 48 (calls: 1, storage: 3)
                         [Ump] idx: 50 (calls: 1, storage: 7)
                         [serviceOverweight] idx: 0 (args: 2)
                                             (u64, u64) -> (u64, Weight)
                        [Hrmp] idx: 51 (calls: 7, storage: 13)
               [ParasDisputes] idx: 53 (calls: 1, storage: 6)
                   [Registrar] idx: 60 (calls: 6, storage: 4)
                       [Slots] idx: 61 (calls: 3, storage: 2)
                    [Auctions] idx: 63 (calls: 3, storage: 5)
                   [Crowdloan] idx: 64 (calls: 9, storage: 5)
               [AssignedSlots] idx: 65 (calls: 3, storage: 6)
                   [XcmPallet] idx: 99 (calls: 10, storage: 10)
                                   [execute] idx: 3 (args: 2)
                                             (XcmVersionedXcm, u64) -> (XcmVersionedXcm, Weight)

------------------------------ SUMMARY -------------------------------
⚠️ This filter is here to help spotting changes that should be reviewed carefully.
⚠️ It catches only index changes, deletions and value decreases.



Index changes



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coderobe commented Sep 8, 2022

incompatible arg changes affecting all runtimes, need tx ver bump

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coderobe commented Sep 8, 2022

tx ver bumped in rc3

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coderobe commented Sep 8, 2022

benchmarks running

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coderobe commented Sep 9, 2022

weights #5988
weights master #5989

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burn-ins and westend runtime upgrade requested

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chevdor commented Sep 14, 2022

westend upgrade OK

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chevdor commented Sep 14, 2022

@chevdor chevdor closed this as completed Sep 14, 2022
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