{% hint style="warning" %} Work in Progress. {% endhint %}
Clone and install required dependencies : ethz-asl/mav_control_rw
Clone ethz-asl/mavros
Clone ethz-asl/ethzasl_mav_px4
Clone ethz-asl/rotors_simulator
Clone ethz-asl/mav_system_identification and install matlab_rosbag
Create a launch file for launching the model predictive controller along with mavros. Say example.launch
Where px4_config.yaml
is the file with modified URL as below
Connect a joystick and use Joy package.
Run the following command in terminal for launching joy node and remapping it to the
topic -
Start the gazebo simulator with iris
Start the MPC Controller
Control iris with the help of joystick.
Note: If idoesn't work check the following parameter is set to true in
file -
Record the
topics using rosbag. -
Refer ethz-asl/mav_system_identification & mav_dji_ros_interface wiki for using the recorded data in matlab and running the matlab plots for system model parameters.
MPC yaml file for iris (example `mav_linear_mpc/resources/linear_mpc_iris.yaml)
Project: MPC for multirotor systems.
function: MPC Position controller parameters
Author: Mina Kamel [email protected]
Ge:nerated: 03-Apr-2015 13:11:59
mass: 1.52 roll_time_constant: 0.1847 pitch_time_constant: 0.175 roll_gain: 1.017 pitch_gain: 0.789 drag_coefficients: [ 0.010000 , 0.010000, 0.0000]
q_x: 40 q_y: 40 q_z: 60
q_vx: 20 q_vy: 20 q_vz: 25
q_roll: 20 q_pitch: 20
r_roll: 35 r_pitch: 35 r_thrust: 2
r_droll: 0.3 r_dpitch: 0.3 r_dthrust: 0.0025
roll_max: deg(25.0) pitch_max: deg(25.0) yaw_rate_max: deg(90) thrust_min: 5 thrust_max: 20
K_yaw: 1.8
Ki_xy: 0.2 Ki_z: 0.3 position_error_integration_limit: 2 antiwindup_ball: 0.4
enable_offset_free : true enable_integrator : true
sampling_time: 0.01 #IMPORTANT: set this equal to the rate of odometry msg prediction_sampling_time: 0.1
Run the following commands on terminal
Launch the new launch file
Q ground control
and put the quad in offboard mode -
Increase the odometry topic rates in
if data lags.