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File metadata and controls

58 lines (34 loc) · 1.56 KB


AWS repository holds all the solutions related to amazon webs services

Steps to execute the project


Cluster Configuration emr - 5.0.0 (Core Hadoop Cluster - Select the first option) Location : N. Virginia


  1. Build the java code and generate the executable jar

  2. upload the jar and input file on S3

  3. Provision a cluster on AMAZON EMR

  4. ssh to master instance of EMR using hadoop@"MASTER-URL"

  5. Copy the jar from S3 to local instance aws s3 cp s3://testuseraj/jar/logprocessor-1.0.jar ./

  6. Copy the input file from S3 to local instance aws s3 cp s3://testuseraj/input/bank.txt ./

  7. create a directory in hadoop file system hadoop fs -mkdir /gaps

  8. Copy the input file into HDFS hadoop fs -put ./bank.txt /gaps

  9. Run the code hadoop jar ./logprocessor-1.0.jar com.cs.mapreduce.logprocessor.LogAnalyzer /gaps/bank.txt /gaps/output

  10. Merge the output hdfs dfs -getmerge /gaps/output/ ./out.csv

  11. Upload the out to S3 aws s3 cp ./out.csv s3://testuseraj/output/

  12. Create a manifest file to identify the text files you want to import. (Refer the file from visualization-aws folder)

  13. Upload manifest file to Amazon s3

  14. On the Amazon QuickSight start page, choose Manage data.

  15. Create new dataset by choosing Amazon s3 icon.

  16. For DataSource name , type a name for the daa source.

  17. Upload a manifest file

18)Choose connect.

=============End of readme file==============