- Add animations with ReactCSSTransitionGroup.
- cursor:pointer for remove-calculation button.
- Small screens (iPhone size) should show the keypad and input only, not the previous calculations.
Move input box to the top (thanks @demestav).Extract calculation item into Calculation component.Refactor configuration settings (such as author, repo URL) into an easy to edit file. Store the settings into Redux store for easy access within the components.Refactor the application of styles. Currently styles are in multiple places. Consider moving to a single place, or modularize everywhere. Remove Radium if not used.Test on smaller screens.Twitter button.Sidebar with calculator buttons.100% test coverageCalculate and show the result while typing.Use PureRenderMixinDashes next to each calculation; onClick, delete the calculation.Scroll to bottom after inserting a calculation.Show error when input is invalid.Finalize styles and layout.Should focus input on Calculate.componentDidUpdate.Add<ThemeSelector>
buttonsAdd a light theme.DRY tests with helpers.Performance profile with Chrome devTools and http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/perf.html.Refactor styling to not use Radium.