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Autofix - Negative string numbers being used as an object key are having the quotes removed #2260

nascosto opened this issue Feb 27, 2017 · 0 comments · Fixed by #2272


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nascosto commented Feb 27, 2017

Bug Report

  • TSLint version:4.5.0
  • TypeScript version:2.1.1
  • Running TSLint via: Node.js API

TypeScript code being linted

const testVar = {
		'-1': 'test',
		0: 'test1',
		1: 'test2';

with tslint.json configuration:

	"formatter": "verbose",
	"rules": {
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		"member-ordering": [true, { "order": "fields-first" }],
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		"no-void-expression": false,
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		"variable-name": [true, "ban-keywords"],
		"whitespace": [true, "check-branch", "check-operator"]

Actual behavior

It is removing the quotes and throwing in several semicolons:
const testVar = {
- 1:; 'test',
0;: 'test1',
1;: 'test2';

Expected behavior

const testVar = {
'-1': 'test',
0: 'test1',
1: 'test2';

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2 participants