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padolsey edited this page Mar 16, 2013 · 2 revisions

Declaring elements & hierarchies

SIML tries to emulate the syntax of CSS selectors, so you should be able to understand and use it if you know a bit of CSS. The basic gist is:

SIML will seek to create an HTML structure that satisfies the hierarchy you outline

So a becomes <a></a> and[href] becomes <a class="foo" href></a>. The CSS selector components currently supported include:

  • Tags (a, div, header, foobar, whateverYouWant)
  • Class names (.foo, .some.more.classes)
  • IDs (#foo)
  • Attributes ([disabled, [value=something], [href=""])
  • Limited Pseudos (e.g. with the HTML5 parser you can do input:checkbox etc.)
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