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Pablo Santiago edited this page Aug 12, 2023 · 10 revisions


Execute the following commands in the root directory of the project:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d --scale executions-worker=5

Go to

Default credentials are rekono:rekono. For security reasons, password should be changed the first time you access the account. Moreover default user details can be changed using environment variables.

The number of workers can be changed using --scale option. The number of executions-worker determines the number of tools that could be executed at the same time.

Rekono Desktop

Rekono Desktop is a standalone app that can be easily installed and executed locally. Install it on Kali Linux with this command:

apt install rekono-kbx

If you are using Parrot OS, you can download the Debian package from the Rekono release:

wget && dpkg -i rekono-kbx_1.6.3_amd64.deb || apt -f install -y

Default credentials are rekono:rekono. For security reasons, password should be changed the first time you access the account

From Source

  1. Install the required technologies:

    • Python 3 & PIP
    • Node & NPM
    • Vue
    • PostgreSQL
    • Redis
  2. For Kali Linux environments, you need to install the following dependencies:

    sudo apt install libpq-dev python3-dev
  3. Create the rekono database. You can do that with pgAdmin or with the following commands:

    create user <db username> with encrypted password '<db password>';`
    create database rekono;
    grant all privileges on database rekono to <db username>;

    The database credentials should be configured using environment variables or the config.yaml file. See Configuration

  4. Install backend requirements:

    # pwd: root directory
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install frontend requirements:

    # pwd: rekono/frontend
    npm install
  6. Configure environment following this guide

  7. Initialize the database:

    # pwd: rekono/
    python3 migrate
    python3 createsuperuser
  8. Deploy the Rekono services:

    • Backend

      # pwd: rekono/
      python3 runserver
    • Frontend for development environments

      # pwd: rekono/frontend/
      npm run serve
    • Frontend for production environments

      # pwd: rekono/frontend/
      npm install -g serve
      npm run build
      serve -s dist
    • RQ workers

      # pwd: rekono/
      python3 rqworker --with-scheduler tasks-queue
      python3 rqworker executions-queue
      python3 rqworker findings-queue
      python3 rqworker emails-queue
    • Telegram Bot

      # pwd: rekono/
      python3 telegram_bot
  9. Go to

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