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540 lines (399 loc) · 14.4 KB



Breaking Changes

  • API is completed changed to support Hooks
  • React v16.8 or above is required
  • Support only RxJS 6 now


Almost everything for cycle-react has changed. If you're migrating your current cycle-react application to 7.0, probably jsx and model are the only parts that can be reused.

Please check examples for migration guide.


New Features

  • Support for RxJS 5 has been implemented.
  • cycle-react now takes the advantage of React v16. Default element for empty Observable has been changed from <div /> to empty fragment.

Breaking Changes

  • React v16 or above is required for cycle-react v6.
  • props.get and props.getAll are removed. Use pluck instead.
  • dispose from definitionFn is renamed to unsubscribe.
  • rootTagName is removed. Default element is now empty fragment [].


For migrating RxJS v4 to v5, see for details.


import {component} from 'cycle-react';
// RxJS v4
import {component} from 'cycle-react/rx';
// RxJS v5
import {component} from 'cycle-react/rxjs';


props.get('foo').map(foo => <p>{foo}</p>);
props.pluck('foo').map(foo => <p>{foo}</p>);
// or{foo}) => <p>{foo}</p>);


const foo = component('Foo', () => {
  // ...
  const subscription = source.subscribe(signal => console.log(signal));
  return {
    dispose: subscription

If you use cycle-react/rx, cycle-react disposes the object that has either dispose or unsubscribe implemented. On the other hand, cycle-react/rxjs only looks the object that has unsubscribe (Subscription).

const foo = component('Foo', () => {
  // ...
  const subscription = source.subscribe(signal => console.log(signal));
  return {
    unsubscribe: subscription


Compatibility fix for create-react-app and react-scripts

The NPM package cycle-react now contains transpiled code that built by Babel. This fixes react-scripts build's compatibility issue with ES6.

The underlying component class has been changed from PureComponent to Component, due to implementation of shouldComponentUpdate raises warning message for PureComponent.


Breaking change: Custom events is now subscribed only when listener props is provided upon componentDidMountEvent [#37]

For example, if you have following component:

<MyTimer />

And you add the event listener after the component has mounted:

<MyTimer onTick={listener('x')} />

The onTick event will be no longer raised for this cycle-react version.

Breaking change: mixin is removed along with the usage of createClass

Breaking change: self and renderScheduler have been removed

As a result, lifecycles parameter has moved to the third parameter of definitionFn. For handling refs, please use interactions for generating callback function.

See "Working with React" for further details.

Breaking change: cycle-react is now native ES6

Use any transplier if you need backward compatibility for cycle-react. If you are using Babel already you should have no problem.

In addition, the following features are not used in cycle-react to ensure minimum dependency and good efficiency for all browsers.

  • Async
  • Iterators and generators
  • Symbol
  • for..of
  • Destructuring assignment
  • Default, spread and rest parameters
  • Promise

You can still use any of the features above in your project with cycle-react. In fact, using destructuring assignment with cycle-react is recommended.

  • Preview: View component

View component is a new way to define cycle-react components by divorcing view function from the component. For example, the original component function allows you to define the component like this:

component('Hello', (interactions) =>
    .map(ev =>
    .map(name =>
        <input type="text" onChange={interactions.listener('OnNameChanged')} />
        <hr />
        <h1>Hello {name}</h1>

New view component extracts the view function out of component definition:

  (interactions) =>
      .map(ev =>
  // View function
  (name, {OnNameChanged}) => (
      <input type="text" onChange={OnNameChanged} />
      <hr />
      <h1>Hello {name}</h1>


Breaking change: rx is a peer dependency now [#21]

Breaking change: The shortcut for React and Rx are both removed [#21]

Add feature: Added render scheduler for supporting refs, see for the details [#23]

Fix: The feature of using function wrapper for view is no longer deprecated [#23]

Fix: The onCompleted signal will be emitted for all lifecycle observables before the component being unmounted


Add feature: Support lifecycle events by the fourth parameter lifecycles for the component's definitionFn. [#18]

See for details.


Breaking change: applyToDOM and makeDOMDriver are both removed. Use ReactDOM.render instead.

Deprecated: Deprecated bindThis with the function as view.


Add feature: Support React Native. Thank @cem2ran for the PR.

Breaking change: The peer dependency of React has been removed.

React 0.13 and React Native 0.7 are the supported versions of Cycle-React. Cycle-React will put the dependency of React back once the isomorphic module of React 0.14 has been released.

In addition, Cycle-React will move "applyToDOM" and "makeDOMDriver" into the separated package for the upcoming "react-dom" package.


MAJOR RELEASE: 1.0.1 is the stable version of Cycle-React.

Add feature: props.getAll() returns the Observable of the whole properties object [#10]

Alternatively, you can use props.get('*') or simply props for the exact same effect.

Breaking change: props.get(propertyName) uses (x === y) comparison instead of deep-equal comparison for the target property

Use props.get('*') or props if you have changes inside a nested object.

Alternatively, you can provide the customized comparer by props.get(name, (x, y) => {})

Breaking change: renderAsHTML has been removed

Use React.renderToString with Cycle.component instead. Examples can be found at test/node/html-render.js and examples/isomorphic.

Breaking change: The h hyperscript helper has been removed [#11]

Breaking change: Interactions API no longer uses selector for querying events [#8, #12]

The selector API cannot handle both Cycle-React components and other React components that use event handlers. We want to keep the compatibility with the original React while not confusing developers. Therefore, the selector API has been removed in favor of event handler API. Information of the new interactions API can be found at docs/

The migration guide can be found below.

Breaking change: on prefix is no longer appended to event handlers for Cycle-React components

Breaking change: Event detail is no longer wrapped by CustomEvent

Breaking change: The option "noDOMDispatchEvent" has been removed since Cycle-React no longer dispatches events from DOM right now


// Component:
let MyComponent = Cycle.component('MyComponent', function (interactions, props) {
  let vtree$ = interactions.get('.myinput', 'change')
    .map(ev =>
    .map(name =>
        <input className="myinput" type="text" />
        <h1>Hello {name}</h1>
  return {
    view: vtree$,
    events: {
      myComponentTick: Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
// Intentions:
interactions.subject('tick').map(ev => ev.detail);
// View:
<MyComponent onMyComponentTick={interactions.subject('tick').onEvent} />


// Component:
let MyComponent = Cycle.component('MyComponent', function (interactions, props) {
  // You must use `get` to query events
  // and use `listener` to create event handlers.
  let vtree$ = interactions.get('OnMyInputChange')
    .map(ev =>
    .map(name =>
        <input className="myinput" type="text"
               onChange={interactions.listener('OnMyInputChange')} />
        <h1>Hello {name}</h1>
  return {
    view: vtree$,
    events: {
      // The event handler is no longer auto-prefixed by "on"
      onMyComponentTick: Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
// Intentions:
// Event arguments from Cycle-React components are no longer
// wrapped by CustomEvent.
interactions.get('tick').map(ev => ev);
// View:
// Use interactions.listener(name) to create event handler
<MyComponent onMyComponentTick={interactions.listener('tick')} />


  1. Append the "on" prefix to every event observable inside the events object of the component
  2. Rewrite the code that used interactions.get(selector, eventType) by using interactions.get(eventName) and interactions.listener(eventName) like the example above
  3. Replace interactions.subject(name).onEvent with interactions.listener(name)
  4. Replace interactions.subject(name) and interactions.getEventSubject(name) with interactions.get(name)
  5. Replace ev.detail with ev


Breaking change: Rename "createReactClass" to "component"

For migrating to 0.27, simply replace the string "createReactClass" to "component".

Fix: Remove unnecessary update on props change

Add feature: New option "noDOMDispatchEvent" for skipping DOM dispatchEvent

Use "noDOMDispatchEvent" if you want to handle events by using event handlers completely instead of using interactions.get API.


Breaking change: Cycle v0.23(or v1.0 API) compatibility changes


var MyComponent = CycleReact.createReactClass('MyComponent',
  function (interactions, props) {
    var destroy$ = interactions.get('.remove-btn', 'click');
    var id$ = props.get('itemid');
    // ...
    return {
      vtree$: Rx.Observable.just(<h3>view</h3>),
      destroy$: destroy$,
      changeColor$: changeColor$,
      changeWidth$: changeWidth$
// Event handler usage
// See docs/
<MyComponent onChangeColor$={interactions.subject('onChangeColor').onEvent} />


var MyComponent = CycleReact.createReactClass('MyComponent',
  function (interactions, props) {
    var destroy$ = interactions.get('.remove-btn', 'click');
    var id$ = props.get('itemid');
    // ...
    return {
      view: Rx.Observable.just(<h3>view</h3>),
      events: {
        destroy: destroy$,
        changeColor: changeColor$,
        changeWidth: changeWidth$
// Event handler usage
// See docs/
<MyComponent onChangeColor={interactions.subject('onChangeColor').onEvent} />


  1. Replace the return of the definition function from return {vtree$, myEvent$, ...} to return {view: vtree$, events: ...}, where events: ... is an object where keys are the event name (notice no more dollar sign $ convention!) and values are Observables
  2. Remove the $ sign from event handlers
  3. You're good to go

Unlike Cycle.js 0.23 which interactions and props are replaced by drivers, Cycle-React keeps these parameters because Cycle-React allows you to create React components outside the context of

Additionally, Cycle-React will keep applyToDOM and renderAsHTML for simple web-app development usage.

Add feature: Cycle.js driver

See docs/ for details.


Breaking change: shouldComponentUpdate is now built-in and no longer being able to be overridden by mixins

Breaking change: like Cycle.js 0.22, event.detail is now used instead of

Breaking change: interactions.get is now implemented as:

Rx.Observable.fromEvent(RootElement, eventName)
  .filter(e =>

Instead of:

Rx.Observable.fromEvent(RootElement.querySelector(selector), eventName)


Breaking change: createEventSubject has been removed

Use interactions.getEventSubject(name) and interactions.subject(name)(alias) instead. It's a better design to have event subscriptions stay within the interactions. See for details.

Add feature: Disposable element

Sometimes, it's not an easy task to manage all your disposables by using Observable.using. This new property of custom-element allows you to dispose resources when React triggered the componentWillUnmount lifecycle method.

Cycle.createReactClass('MyElement', () => {
  return {
    vtree$: ...,
    dispose: function dispose() {
      // This function will be called during the
      // componentWillUnmount lifecycle event
    // You can set Rx.Disposable objects(e.g. subscription)
    // instead of function to the dispose property, too.

Add feature: Refs compatibility

See for details.


Add feature: Support react-hot-loader

Cycle-React now overrides forceUpdate when == true (webpack hot module enabled). No extra configuration needed. This overriding behavior only affects the ReactClass created by Cycle-React and has no effect if webpack-hot-module was disabled.

Add feature: createReactClass options, see docs/ for details

Change: "react" is moved to peer dependencies


Add feature: props.get('*') for custom elements

props.get('*') returns the Observable of the whole properties object, as given to the custom element in the parent vtree context.

Additionally, props equals to props.get('*') in Cycle-React. Which means you can skip .get('*') and get the Observable of the properties object. This shortcut is not available for the original Cycle.js.

Add feature: createEventSubject, a helper for using Rx subject as event handler

Details can be found at API docs.


The alpha.