diff --git a/apps/encryption/appinfo/info.xml b/apps/encryption/appinfo/info.xml
index 73f05e27bbed..9d01129fa01e 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/appinfo/info.xml
+++ b/apps/encryption/appinfo/info.xml
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ OCA\Encryption\Command\FixEncryptedVersion
diff --git a/apps/encryption/lib/Command/FixEncryptedVersion.php b/apps/encryption/lib/Command/FixEncryptedVersion.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6330cceab244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/encryption/lib/Command/FixEncryptedVersion.php
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019, ownCloud GmbH
+ * @license AGPL-3.0
+ *
+ * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ *
+ */
+namespace OCA\Encryption\Command;
+use OC\Files\Cache\Cache;
+use OC\Files\View;
+use OC\HintException;
+use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
+use OCP\IUserManager;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
+class FixEncryptedVersion extends Command {
+ /** @var IRootFolder */
+ private $rootFolder;
+ /** @var IUserManager */
+ private $userManager;
+ /** @var View */
+ private $view;
+ public function __construct(IRootFolder $rootFolder, IUserManager $userManager, View $view) {
+ $this->rootFolder = $rootFolder;
+ $this->userManager = $userManager;
+ $this->view = $view;
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ protected function configure() {
+ parent::configure();
+ $this
+ ->setName('encryption:fixencryptedversion')
+ ->setDescription('Fix the encrypted version if the encrypted file(s) are not downloadable.')
+ ->addArgument(
+ 'user',
+ InputArgument::REQUIRED,
+ 'The user id whose files needs fix'
+ );
+ }
+ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
+ $user = $input->getArgument('user');
+ if ($user === null) {
+ $output->writeln("No user provided.\n");
+ }
+ if ($this->userManager->get($user) === null) {
+ $output->writeln("User $user does not exist. Please provide a valid user id");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $this->walkUserFolder($user, $output);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $user
+ * @param OutputInterface $output
+ */
+ private function walkUserFolder($user, OutputInterface $output) {
+ $this->setupUserFs($user);
+ $directories = [];
+ $directories[] = '/' . $user . '/files';
+ while ($root = \array_pop($directories)) {
+ $directoryContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($root);
+ foreach ($directoryContent as $file) {
+ $path = $root . '/' . $file['name'];
+ if ($this->view->is_dir($path)) {
+ $directories[] = $path;
+ } else {
+ $output->writeln("Verifying the content of file $path");
+ $this->verifyFileContent($path, $output);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $path
+ * @param OutputInterface $output
+ * @param bool $ignoreCorrectEncVersionCall, setting this variable to false avoids recursion
+ */
+ private function verifyFileContent($path, OutputInterface $output, $ignoreCorrectEncVersionCall = true) {
+ try {
+ /**
+ * In encryption, the files are read in a block size of 8192 bytes
+ * Read block size of 8192 and a bit more (808 bytes)
+ * If there is any problem, the first block should throw the signature
+ * mismatch error. Which as of now, is enough to proceed ahead to
+ * correct the encrypted version.
+ */
+ if ($this->view->readfilePart($path, 0, 9000) !== false) {
+ $output->writeln("The file $path is: OK");
+ }
+ return true;
+ } catch (HintException $e) {
+ \OC::$server->getLogger()->warning("Issue: " . $e->getMessage());
+ //If allowOnce is set to false, this becomes recursive.
+ if ($ignoreCorrectEncVersionCall === true) {
+ //Lets rectify the file by correcting encrypted version
+ $output->writeln("Attempting to fix the path: $path");
+ return $this->correctEncryptedVersion($path, $output);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $path
+ * @param OutputInterface $output
+ */
+ private function correctEncryptedVersion($path, OutputInterface $output) {
+ $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo($path);
+ $fileId = $fileInfo->getId();
+ $encryptedVersion = $fileInfo->getEncryptedVersion();
+ $wrongEncryptedVersion = $encryptedVersion;
+ $storage = $fileInfo->getStorage();
+ $cache = $storage->getCache();
+ $fileCache = $cache->get($fileId);
+ if ($storage->instanceOfStorage('OCA\Files_Sharing\ISharedStorage')) {
+ $output->writeln("The file: $path is a share. Hence kindly fix this by running the script under the owner of share");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ($encryptedVersion >= 0) {
+ //test by decrementing the value till 1 and if nothing works try incrementing
+ $encryptedVersion--;
+ while ($encryptedVersion > 0) {
+ $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => $encryptedVersion, 'encrypted' => $encryptedVersion];
+ $cache->put($fileCache->getPath(), $cacheInfo);
+ $output->writeln("Decrement the encrypted version to $encryptedVersion");
+ if ($this->verifyFileContent($path, $output, false) === true) {
+ $output->writeln("Fixed the file $path with version " . $encryptedVersion . "");
+ return true;
+ }
+ $encryptedVersion--;
+ }
+ //So decrementing did not worked. Now lets increment. Max increment is till 5
+ $increment = 1;
+ while ($increment <= 5) {
+ /**
+ * The wrongEncryptedVersion would not be incremented so nothing to worry here.
+ * Only the newEncryptedVersion is incremented.
+ * For example if the wrong encrypted version is 4 then
+ * cycle1 -> newEncryptedVersion = 5 ( 4 + 1)
+ * cycle2 -> newEncryptedVersion = 6 ( 4 + 2)
+ * cycle3 -> newEncryptedVersion = 7 ( 4 + 3)
+ */
+ $newEncryptedVersion = $wrongEncryptedVersion + $increment;
+ $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => $newEncryptedVersion, 'encrypted' => $newEncryptedVersion];
+ $cache->put($fileCache->getPath(), $cacheInfo);
+ $output->writeln("Increment the encrypted version to $newEncryptedVersion");
+ if ($this->verifyFileContent($path, $output, false) === true) {
+ $output->writeln("Fixed the file $path with version " . $newEncryptedVersion . "");
+ return true;
+ }
+ $increment++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Setup user file system
+ * @param string $uid
+ */
+ private function setupUserFs($uid) {
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($uid);
+ }
diff --git a/apps/encryption/tests/Command/FixEncryptedVersionTest.php b/apps/encryption/tests/Command/FixEncryptedVersionTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cba84f32f679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/encryption/tests/Command/FixEncryptedVersionTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019, ownCloud GmbH
+ * @license AGPL-3.0
+ *
+ * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ *
+ */
+namespace OCA\Encryption\Tests\Command;
+use OC\Files\Filesystem;
+use OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage;
+use OC\Files\View;
+use OCA\Encryption\AppInfo\Application;
+use OCA\Encryption\Command\FixEncryptedVersion;
+use OCA\Encryption\Crypto\Crypt;
+use OCA\Encryption\KeyManager;
+use OCA\Encryption\Session;
+use OCA\Encryption\Util;
+use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
+use OCP\IUserManager;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Tester\CommandTester;
+use OCA\Encryption\Users\Setup;
+use Test\TestCase;
+ * Class FixEncryptedVersionTest
+ *
+ * @group DB
+ * @package OCA\Encryption\Tests\Command
+ */
+class FixEncryptedVersionTest extends TestCase {
+ const TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER = 'test_enc_version_affected_user1';
+ /** @var IRootFolder */
+ private $rootFolder;
+ /** @var IUserManager */
+ private $userManager;
+ /** @var View */
+ private $view;
+ /** @var FixEncryptedVersion */
+ private $fixEncryptedVersion;
+ /** @var CommandTester */
+ private $commandTester;
+ public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
+ parent::setUpBeforeClass();
+ //Enable encryption app
+ \OC_App::enable("encryption");
+ //Enable encryption
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()->setAppValue('core', 'encryption_enabled', 'yes');
+ //Enable Masterkey
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()->setAppValue('encryption', 'useMasterKey', '1');
+ //Setup Storage
+ \OC::$server->getEncryptionManager()->setupStorage();
+ $crypt = new Crypt(\OC::$server->getLogger(), \OC::$server->getUserSession(), \OC::$server->getConfig(), \OC::$server->getL10N('encryption'));
+ $encryptionSession = new Session(\OC::$server->getSession());
+ $view = new View("/");
+ $encryptionUtil = new Util($view, $crypt, \OC::$server->getLogger(), \OC::$server->getUserSession(), \OC::$server->getConfig(), \OC::$server->getUserManager());
+ $keyManager = new KeyManager(\OC::$server->getEncryptionKeyStorage(),
+ $crypt, \OC::$server->getConfig(), \OC::$server->getUserSession(),
+ $encryptionSession, \OC::$server->getLogger(), $encryptionUtil);
+ $userSetup = new Setup(\OC::$server->getLogger(), \OC::$server->getUserSession(), $crypt, $keyManager);
+ $userSetup->setupSystem();
+ \OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper\Encryption::setDisableWriteEncryption(false);
+ $app = new Application([], true);
+ $app->registerHooks();
+ \OC::$server->getUserManager()->createUser(self::TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER, 'foo');
+ }
+ public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
+ parent::tearDownAfterClass();
+ $user = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->get(self::TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER);
+ if ($user !== null) {
+ $user->delete();
+ }
+ \OC_App::disable('encryption');
+ \OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper\Encryption::setDisableWriteEncryption(true);
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()->deleteAppValue('core', 'encryption_enabled');
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()->deleteAppValue('core', 'default_encryption_module');
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()->deleteAppValues('encryption');
+ Filesystem::getLoader()->removeStorageWrapper("oc_encryption");
+ }
+ public function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->rootFolder = \OC::$server->getRootFolder();
+ $this->userManager = \OC::$server->getUserManager();
+ $this->view = new View("/");
+ $this->fixEncryptedVersion = new FixEncryptedVersion($this->rootFolder, $this->userManager, $this->view);
+ $this->commandTester = new CommandTester($this->fixEncryptedVersion);
+ }
+ public function markTestSkippedIfFilesPrimary() {
+ $view = new View("/");
+ list($storage, $internalPath) = $view->resolvePath($path);
+ if ($storage->instanceOfStorage(ObjectStoreStorage::class)) {
+ $this->markTestSkipped("Skipping this test because fseek issue was hit.");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * In this test the encrypted version is set to zero whereas it should have been
+ * set to a positive non zero number.
+ */
+ public function testEncryptedVersionZero() {
+ $this->markTestSkippedIfFilesPrimary();
+ \OC::$server->getUserSession()->login(self::TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER, 'foo');
+ $view = new View("/" . self::TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER . "/files");
+ $view->touch('hello.txt');
+ $view->touch('world.txt');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'a test string for hello');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo('hello.txt');
+ $storage = $fileInfo->getStorage();
+ $cache = $storage->getCache();
+ $fileCache = $cache->get($fileInfo->getId());
+ //Now change the encrypted version to zero
+ $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => 0, 'encrypted' => 0];
+ $cache->put($fileCache->getPath(), $cacheInfo);
+ $this->commandTester->execute([
+ ]);
+ $output = $this->commandTester->getDisplay();
+ $this->assertEquals("Verifying the content of file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt
+Attempting to fix the path: /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt
+Increment the encrypted version to 1
+The file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt is: OK
+Fixed the file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt with version 1
+Verifying the content of file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt
+The file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt is: OK
+", $output);
+ /**
+ * We need to add ob_start at the end because if not done, it would be considered as a risky test.
+ * The reason is outputBufferingLevel in phpunit/src/Framework/TestcCase.php is found to be 1
+ * where as the ob_get_level is found to be zero.
+ */
+ \ob_start();
+ }
+ /**
+ * In this test the encrypted version of the file is less than the original value
+ * but greater than zero
+ */
+ public function testEncryptedVersionLessThanOriginalValue() {
+ $this->markTestSkippedIfFilesPrimary();
+ \OC::$server->getUserSession()->login(self::TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER, 'foo');
+ $view = new View("/" . self::TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER . "/files");
+ $view->touch('hello.txt');
+ $view->touch('world.txt');
+ $view->touch('foo.txt');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'a test string for hello');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'Yet another value');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'Lets modify again1');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'Lets modify again2');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'Lets modify again3');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $view->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'a foo test');
+ $fileInfo1 = $view->getFileInfo('hello.txt');
+ $storage1 = $fileInfo1->getStorage();
+ $cache1 = $storage1->getCache();
+ $fileCache1 = $cache1->get($fileInfo1->getId());
+ //Now change the encrypted version to two
+ $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => 2, 'encrypted' => 2];
+ $cache1->put($fileCache1->getPath(), $cacheInfo);
+ $fileInfo2 = $view->getFileInfo('world.txt');
+ $storage2 = $fileInfo2->getStorage();
+ $cache2 = $storage2->getCache();
+ $filecache2 = $cache2->get($fileInfo2->getId());
+ //Now change the encrypted version to 1
+ $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => 1, 'encrypted' => 1];
+ $cache2->put($filecache2->getPath(), $cacheInfo);
+ $this->commandTester->execute([
+ ]);
+ $output = $this->commandTester->getDisplay();
+ $this->assertEquals("Verifying the content of file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/foo.txt
+The file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/foo.txt is: OK
+Verifying the content of file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt
+Attempting to fix the path: /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt
+Decrement the encrypted version to 1
+Increment the encrypted version to 3
+Increment the encrypted version to 4
+Increment the encrypted version to 5
+Increment the encrypted version to 6
+The file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt is: OK
+Fixed the file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt with version 6
+Verifying the content of file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt
+Attempting to fix the path: /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt
+Increment the encrypted version to 2
+Increment the encrypted version to 3
+Increment the encrypted version to 4
+Increment the encrypted version to 5
+The file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt is: OK
+Fixed the file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt with version 5
+", $output);
+ /**
+ * We need to add ob_start at the end because if not done, it would be considered as a risky test.
+ * The reason is outputBufferingLevel in phpunit/src/Framework/TestcCase.php is found to be 1
+ * where as the ob_get_level is found to be zero.
+ */
+ \ob_start();
+ }
+ /**
+ * In this test the encrypted version of the file is greater than the original value
+ * but greater than zero
+ */
+ public function testEncryptedVersionGreaterThanOriginalValue() {
+ $this->markTestSkippedIfFilesPrimary();
+ \OC::$server->getUserSession()->login(self::TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER, 'foo');
+ $view = new View("/" . self::TEST_ENCRYPTION_VERSION_AFFECTED_USER . "/files");
+ $view->touch('hello.txt');
+ $view->touch('world.txt');
+ $view->touch('foo.txt');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'a test string for hello');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'Lets modify again2');
+ $view->file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'Lets modify again3');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $view->file_put_contents('world.txt', 'a test string for world');
+ $view->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'a foo test');
+ $fileInfo1 = $view->getFileInfo('hello.txt');
+ $storage1 = $fileInfo1->getStorage();
+ $cache1 = $storage1->getCache();
+ $fileCache1 = $cache1->get($fileInfo1->getId());
+ //Now change the encrypted version to fifteem
+ $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => 15, 'encrypted' => 15];
+ $cache1->put($fileCache1->getPath(), $cacheInfo);
+ $fileInfo2 = $view->getFileInfo('world.txt');
+ $storage2 = $fileInfo2->getStorage();
+ $cache2 = $storage2->getCache();
+ $filecache2 = $cache2->get($fileInfo2->getId());
+ //Now change the encrypted version to 1
+ $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => 15, 'encrypted' => 15];
+ $cache2->put($filecache2->getPath(), $cacheInfo);
+ $this->commandTester->execute([
+ ]);
+ $output = $this->commandTester->getDisplay();
+ $this->assertEquals("Verifying the content of file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/foo.txt
+The file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/foo.txt is: OK
+Verifying the content of file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt
+Attempting to fix the path: /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt
+Decrement the encrypted version to 14
+Decrement the encrypted version to 13
+Decrement the encrypted version to 12
+Decrement the encrypted version to 11
+Decrement the encrypted version to 10
+Decrement the encrypted version to 9
+The file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt is: OK
+Fixed the file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/hello.txt with version 9
+Verifying the content of file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt
+Attempting to fix the path: /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt
+Decrement the encrypted version to 14
+Decrement the encrypted version to 13
+Decrement the encrypted version to 12
+Decrement the encrypted version to 11
+Decrement the encrypted version to 10
+Decrement the encrypted version to 9
+The file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt is: OK
+Fixed the file /test_enc_version_affected_user1/files/world.txt with version 9
+", $output);
+ /**
+ * We need to add ob_start at the end because if not done, it would be considered as a risky test.
+ * The reason is outputBufferingLevel in phpunit/src/Framework/TestcCase.php is found to be 1
+ * where as the ob_get_level is found to be zero.
+ */
+ \ob_start();
+ }