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How to write Plugins

Alessandro Cosentino edited this page Aug 24, 2013 · 27 revisions

How to write plugins for the News app

You've got this cool idea that you'd like the News app to have but the developers are pricks and don't want to implement it? Create a plugin!

General plugin infos

A plugin is in essence a seperate app. You should first read the intro and tutorial and create the basic files.

In addition to the basic structure you also want to make sure that the News app is enabled. To do that open my_news_plugin/appinfo/app.php and add the following if:

	namespace MyNewsPlugin;

	use \OCA\AppFramework\Core\API;

	if (\OCP\App::isEnabled('news') && \OCP\App::isEnabled('appframework')) {

		// your code here


Serverside plugin

A serverside plugin is a plugin that uses the same infrastructure as the news app for its own purposes. An example would be a plugin that makes the starred entries of a user available via an interface or a bookmark app that that also shows starred articles as bookmarks.

Its very easy to interface with the News app. Because all Classes are registered in the news/dependencyinjection/dicontainer.php it takes almost no effort to use the same infrastructure.

Since you dont want to extend the app but use its resources, its advised that you dont inherit from the DIContainer class but rather include it in your own container in my_news_plugin/dependencyinjection/dicontainer.php:

	namespace OCA\MyNewsPlugin\DependencyInjection;

	use \OCA\AppFramework\DependencyInjection\DIContainer as BaseContainer;
	use \OCA\News\DependencyInjection\DIContainer as NewsContainer;

	class DIContainer extends BaseContainer {

		 * Define your dependencies in here
		public function __construct () {
			// tell parent container about the app name

			$this['NewsContainer'] = $this->share(function ($c) {
				// make the newscontainer available in your app
				return new NewsContainer();

			$this['YourController'] = $this->share(function ($c) {
				// use the feedbusinesslayer from the news app
				// you can use all defined classes but its recommended that you 
				// stick to the mapper and businesslayer classes since they are less
				// likely to change
				// also dont use controllers from the news app!
				return new YourController($c['NewsContainer']['FeedBusinessLayer']);


Using this method you can basically access all the functionality of the news app in your own app.

Clientside plugin

A clientside plugin could either be a new interface for the news app or a script that enhances the current app.

Custom script

To add a simple script create the script in the my_news_plugin/js/script.js, then use this inside your my_news_plugin/appinfo/app.php:

	namespace MyNewsPlugin;

	use \OCA\AppFramework\Core\API;

	if (\OCP\App::isEnabled('news') && \OCP\App::isEnabled('appframework')) {

		$api = new API('my_news_plugin');
		$api->addScript('script.js'); // add a script from js/script.js
		$api->addStyle('style.css'); // add a stylesheet from css/styles.css


Inside your script you have to make sure that the News app is active. You can do that by using:

	(function ($, window, undefined) {
		'use strict';

		$(window.document).ready(function () {
			if ($('[ng-app="News"]').length > 0) {

				// your code here


	})(jQuery, window);

Custom user Interface

This is currently not yet possible to do but we're working on it ;)

These issues need to be implemented:

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