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File metadata and controls

542 lines (370 loc) · 24.6 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning starting from 1.x releases.

Merged, but not yet released

All recent changes are published

Table of contents

4.x Releases

3.x Releases

2.x Releases

1.x Releases

0.x Releases

Released on 2018-12-27


  • A bug in which one-to-many links could become out-of-order in #253 by @chrisozenne.

Released on 2018-12-06


  • Check for protocol conformance when fetching an EntryDecodable by id that prevented links from being resolved.

Released on 2018-12-02


  • Compiler handling of chainable query methods by adding @discardableResult to some methods it was missing from

Released on 2018-11-22


  • All reference documentation has been improved.

Released on 2018-11-13


  • A ContentfulLogger singleton which will log messages to the console. ContentfulLogger can be configured with a CustomLogger in order to use any third-party logging frameworks of your choice.

Released on 2018-11-08


  • 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and 4.1.3 are all hotfix releases that fixed small corruptions in the Xcode project configuration. 4.1.3 specifically sets the deployment version on the macOS target, even though the correct deployment version was set on the macOS framework target.

Released on 2018-11-06


  • The RichTextDocument type which can be used in EntryDecodable instances as a field type corresponding to rich text fields in Contentful.


  • Support for iOS 8.

Released on 2018-10-25


  • This release ensures that CI runs on Xcode 10 with Swift 4.2

Released on 2018-10-24


  • BREAKING: Interstellar has been removed as a dependency of the SDK and the SDK now has its own Result type. If you were relying on fetch methods that returned an Observable, you will need to update your code.
  • BREAKING: The syntax for many of the fetch methods on Client have changed. Refer to the v4 migration guide.
  • BREAKING: EntryQueryable has been renamed FieldKeysQueryable, the required associated type Fields has been renamed FieldKeys to accurately reflect the type's real usage.
  • BREAKING: MixedMappedArrayResponse has been renamed MixedArrayResponse.


  • Base fetch methods for fetching data, or fetching data and deserializing any type conforming to Swift.Decodable have been exposed so that SDK usage is more flexible for various development strategies.
  • Endpoint enum and EndpointAccessible protocol for clarity on endpoints available through the APIs and which resource types are returned from said endpoints.
  • ResourceQueryable protocol, which Asset, Entry, ContentType conform to; it enables querying and filtering on the API for conforming types.
  • FlatResource protocol which can be used if you prefer to have all sys properties on the top level of your EntryDecodable. All Resource types have a default implementation of FlatResource so refactoring is opt-in.


  • The DataDelegate protocol has been removed in favor of directly fetching raw Data on your own. If you want to store JSON to disk, simply fetch it and do what you like.
  • The EntryModellable protocol is now gone. Just use EntryDecodable.

Released on 2018-08-24


A retain cycle due to the fact that the URLSession owned by Client was not invalidated on client deallocation. Thanks to @edwardmp for identifying the issue and submitting a fix in #226.

Released on 2018-08-22


  • A critical bug that caused the fetchLocales(then:) method to not pass the correct error back to it's completion handler. This bug would, for example, incorrectly pass back an SDKError if internet connection dropped rather than passing back the proper NSErrror from Foundation.

Released on 2018-08-10


  • Query and QueryOn methods for finding entries which reference another entry (by id) with a specific linking field.

Released on 2018-07-30


  • BREAKING: PNGs can now be retrieved with .standard or .eight bits as an additional ImageOption to request PNGs from the Images API.


  • Now all error responses from the API will fallback to seraializing an SDKError if the SDK is unable to serialize an APIError


  • BREAKING: Configuring a Client to interface with Content Preview API is no longer done through the ClientConfiguration type. Instead, pass host: Host.preview to the Client initializer. Also, you can now configure the client to use any arbitrary string host if you have whitelisted via your plan in Contentful.

Released on 2018-07-30


  • Accessing fields on assets was not respecting fallback chain logic when assets were requested with a multi-locale format. This is now fixed.

Released on 2018-06-13


  • An additional configuration option, timeZone on the ClientConfiguration to specify which TimeZone should be used when normalizing dates returned by the API. The default timezone is 0 seconds offset from GMT which enables serializing the exact representation the API returns rather than transforming to the current system time.

Released on 2018-04-27


  • Support for using the /sync endpoint on non-master environments.

Released on 2018-04-16


  • Typed queries prepending "fields" two times when using the select operator. Thanks to @cysp for submitting the fix in #169.
  • Assets that contained media files that were not images failed to deserialize the metadata about the file properly.
  • null values that were present for fields were being stored in dictionaries as a Bool with a value of true. Now these values are omitted from the dictionary. The handling of null values in JSON arrays has also been improved.
  • Date formats supported by the Contentful web app that were previously not being deserialized by the SDK's JSONDecoder


  • Support for the new Environments
  • Locales are now a property of Client and can be fetched on their own with the fetchLocales methods.
  • AssetProtocol to enable data fetches for other asset data types.


  • BREAKING: Upgrades project to Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.3
  • BREAKING: The interface for synchronization has been simplified. initialSync and nextSync have been replaced with sync with a default argument of an empty sync space to start an initial sync operation.
  • BREAKING: The SDK provided methods for creating a new Swift.JSONDecoder and updating it with locale information of your space or environment has changed.
  • BREAKING: The LocalizationContext property of Space has been moved and is now a property of Client.
  • BREAKING: ResourceQueryable has been renamed EntryQueryable for correctness and consistency.

Released on 2017-01-31


  • String extension to generate an image url that didn't always prepend the "https" scheme to the url.

Released on 2017-01-25



  • Shared static localization context on the Client which caused issues if a new client connected to a different space was instantiated.
  • HTTP status codes not being exposed.

Released on 2017-01-09


  • Instance method for mutating a query by appending a LinkQuery


  • When generating a url from the helper methods that append ImageOptions, the 'https' scheme will always be applied.
  • The Location type is now an Objective-C that conforms to NSCoding class so that it may be stored in CoreData as an attribute on an NSManagedObject

Released on 2017-12-19


  • Accessibility identifiers for the width and height properties of the ImageInfo for an Asset are now public so they can be used. Thanks to @ErikLuimes for the pull request: #157

Released on 2017-11-27


  • Issue where true would be decoded to Int with value 1 when decoding JSON to [String: Any]. The SDK now attempts to decode Bool before Int to prevent this error.

Released on 2017-11-03


  • Deprecation warnings that appeared starting with Xcode9.1
  • Incorrect assertion that asserted that all link were resolved since it is possible for unresolvable links to retured from CDA
  • If an entry was of a content type not known to the Client, the SDK would enter an infinite loop.

Released on 2017-10-24

No more breaking changes will be made before 1.0.0 release. Following this point, the project will strictly adhere to Semantic Versioning.


  • ResourceQueryable protocol to enable safer queries via the QueryOn query type.
  • SyncSpace.SyncableType enum for specifying which Contentful types should be synced.
  • A description property to ContentType
  • A ContentTypeQuery for syncing content types.
  • ArrayResponseError type as a member of all array responses to inform you when your links are not resolvable because the target resources are unpubished.


  • All Error types now have better debug descriptions so that the most relevant info is given to you while debugging.


  • Multiple link resolution callbacks can now be stored for one link in case multiple entries are linking to the same resource.


  • BREAKING: The helper methods for resolving links on the fields JSON container no longer requires passing in the current locale.
  • BREAKING: The parameter names have been made consistent accross all fetch method names. The parameter signatures for all fetch methods are now: (matching:then:).
  • BREAKING: All query initializers have been changed to static methods so that the syntax exactly matches the syntax of the instance methods.
  • BREAKING: Various methods for creating and mutating queries no longer throw errors and so the need to call them in a do catch block has been obviated.
  • BREAKING: QueryOperation is now called Query.Operation.


  • BREAKING: All fetch methods that previously took dictionary arguments have been removed. Use fetch methods that take query types instead.
  • BREAKING: Now unnecessary QueryErrors.

Released on 2017-10-10


  • BREAKING: EntryModellable is now called EntryDecodable and extends Decodable from the Swift 4 Foundation standard library. There are convenience methods for deserializing fields in the "fields" container for an entry.
  • BREAKING: The MappedContent type no longer exists. If requesting heterogeneous collections (by hitting "/entries" with no query paramters for intance), you will get a Result<MixedMappedArrayResponse> and it is up to you to filter the array by the contained types.


  • #132 EntryDecodable not synthesizing arrays of links
  • #133 EntryDecodable not allowing properties that are implicit optionals

Released on 2017-10-06


  • Compile error due to incorrect protection level setting

Released on 2017-10-03


  • API for retreiving a JSONDecoder from the SDK and configuring it with localization information from your Contentful space.


  • Array's of links not being decoded.

Released on 2017-10-02


  • BREAKING: The project is now compiled using Swift 4 and therefore must be developed against with Xcode 9. Backwards compatibility with Swift 3 is not possible as the SDK now uses Swift 4 features like JSON decoding via the Decodable protocol in Foundation.
  • BREAKING: CLLocationCoordinate2D has been replaced with Location type native to the SDK so that linking with CoreLocation is no longer necessary. If you have location enabled queries, you'll need to migrate your code. • Resource is now a protocol and is no longer the base class for Asset and Entry. LocalizableResource is the new base class.
  • ObjectMapper has been pruned and is no longer a dependency of the SDK. If managing your dependencies with Carthage, make sure to manually remove ObjectMapper if you aren't using it yourself.

Released on 2017-09-08


  • Ensured all functions and instance members had an explicit protection level set.


  • Xcode 8 and 9 are now tested on Travis CI for iOS, macOS, and tvOS in a matrix build. You can now rest easy knowing that if you are developing for one of these platforms, the SDK will work for you!
  • The Swift playground has been migrated from it's former home to live here, with the main SDK. Instructions have been added to the README.
  • DataDelegate protocol to receive callbacks from SDK which contain raw Data from fetches to the API.

Released on 2017-08-16


  • Corrupt reference to AppKit extensions in xcodeproj which prevented compilation on macOS. In order to prevent future regressions, travis now runs unit tests for tvOS and macOS.
  • Initializer for ContentModel which was implicitly internal. The initializer is now exposed as public.


  • Convenience methods for extracting typed values, including Entrys and Assets, from fields dictionaries.
  • Ability to make Querys on specific content types without conforming to EntryModellable.

Released on 2017-08-11


Released on 2017-08-09


  • BREAKING: Modellable protocol now splits mapping of regular (non-relationship) fields, and link fields into two separate methods.


  • #108 circular link references causing recursive loops. Also, duplicate objects being mapped by the system is now fixed. Thanks to @AntonTheDev for help scoping the fix.

Released on 2017-07-26


  • Project configuration so that contentful.swift may be built from source without warnings. Thanks to @brentleyjones for the help and guidance. Implications for this change are that:
    • Dependencies are still managed with carthage but with the --use-submodules flag and the source (i.e. Carthage/Checkouts) is now tracked in git
    • Now travis doesn't install carthage or use it at all to build the project and Contentful.xcodeproj framework search paths are cleared.
  • #100 enabling the usage of contentful.swift in app extensions.


  • The previously private persistenceIntegration instance variable is now a public var which means it can be set anytime after Client initialization.

Released on 2017-07-24


  • String extension methods to generate urls for the Contentful Images API.

Released on 2017-07-19


Released on 2017-07-18


  • Simplified and optimized sending messages to types conforming to PersistenceIntegration.

Released on 2017-07-17


  • Deleted Links in Contentful that were not propagating to CoreData as nullfied managed relationships.

Released on 2017-07-17


  • Delta messages from /sync endpoint were only being sent for last page when a sync was returned on multiple pages.

Released on 2017-07-12


  • LocalizationContext is now a public variable on Space so that SDK consumers can direclty initialize Entry or Asset instances from bundled JSON.

Released on 2017-06-20


  • Delta messages were not always forwarded to PersistenceIntegration when calling Client.nextSync() and Client.initialSync() in #71

Released on 2017-06-19


  • BREAKING: Subsequent sync is now a method on the Client called nextSync rather than being a method on SyncSpace.


  • PersistenceIntegration protocol. Client can now be initialized with a persisistenceIntegration which will receive messages when Assets & Entrys are ready to be transformed to a persistable format and cached in persistent store such as CoreData. Note that this only works for the initialSync and nextSync operations.
  • The updatedAt and createdAt properties of the Sys type are now stored as Date objects instead of as Strings.
  • Integration protocol to append information about external integrations to Contentul HTTP user-agent headers.
  • A ContentModel type used to contain mapped ContentModellable (user-defined types) instances rather than Entry & Assets.
  • Support for initialSync when using the Content Preview API.

Released on 2017-06-12


  • ImageOption that changed background using `Fit.pad(with: Color) now generates the correct URL.
  • Build error for watchOS caused by file from test target being added to watch target.

Released on 2017-06-12


  • Support for mirroring API fallback locale logic in the SDK for scenarios when all locales are returned (i.e. when using the /sync endpoint or specifing locale=*)
  • Support for HTTP rate limit headers


Released on 2017-05-31


Released on 2017-05-23.


  • Potential crash during sync callback due to unretained SyncSpace instance

Released on 2017-05-18.


  • Swift'ier API for Contentful Delivery API Search Parameters
  • Mechanism for mapping responses to user-defined Swift types when using QueryOn queries.
  • Improved link resolving via the new Link type
  • Swift 3.1, Xcode 8.3 support.


  • BREAKING: Contentful.Array is now called ArrayResponse to avoid clashing with native Swift arrays.
  • BREAKING: fetch methods no longer return tuples of (URLSessionTask?, Observable) and now simply return the observable.

Released on 2017-02-03.


  • Support for installation via Carthage on all of iOS, macOS, tvOS, & watchOS.

Released 2017-01-08.


  • BREAKING: Upgrade to Swift 3 and Xcode 8. Versions of Swift < 3 and Xcode < 8 no longer supported.