- +outbreak_data.cases_by_location(location, server='', auth=None, pull_smoothed=0) +
Loads data from a location if input is a string, or from multiple locations +if location is a list of string locations. Since this API endpoint supports paging, collect_all is used to return all data.
- Arguments:
- location: +
A string or list of strings, separate multiple locations by “,”
+- pull_smoothed: +
For every value >= 0, returns 1000 obs. (paging)
+- return: +
A pandas dataframe
Example usage:
+#Get the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases in Colorado.
+df = outbreak_data.cases_by_location('USA_US-CO')
_id _score admin1 confirmed_numIncrease \
+ 0 USA_Colorado_None2021-03-14 8.438688 Colorado 505
+ 1 USA_Colorado_None2021-03-18 8.438688 Colorado 1060
+ 2 USA_Colorado_None2021-03-20 8.438688 Colorado 852
+ 3 USA_Colorado_None2021-03-26 8.438688 Colorado 1184
+ 4 USA_Colorado_None2021-04-07 8.438688 Colorado 1897
+ ... ... ... ... ...
+ 1116 USA_Colorado_None2022-06-22 8.397695 Colorado 2226
+ 1117 USA_Colorado_None2022-06-29 8.397695 Colorado 2402
+ 1118 USA_Colorado_None2022-07-09 8.397695 Colorado 1348
+ 1119 USA_Colorado_None2022-07-14 8.397695 Colorado 1924
+ 1120 USA_Colorado_None2022-07-16 8.397695 Colorado 1231
+ date
+ 0 2021-03-14
+ 1 2021-03-18
+ 2 2021-03-20
+ 3 2021-03-26
+ 4 2021-04-07
+ ... ...
+ 1116 2022-06-22
+ 1117 2022-06-29
+ 1118 2022-07-09
+ 1119 2022-07-14
+ 1120 2022-07-16
[1121 rows x 5 columns]