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redsummernight edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 9 revisions

Travis CI is an OpenSource Continuous Integration platform. When it's hooked up, every time a pull request is submitted to the otwcode/otwarchive repository on GitHub, Travis CI will grab a copy of the code changes, merge them into a master copy, and then run our test suite against that new copy of the code. It will run the tests again whenever a pull request is merged into master.

Results will be sent to the #otw-dev channel on freenode and the otw-coders-extra mailing list as detailed in the How It Looks section. Additionally, project members with merge permissions will be able to see the build status near the merge button on each pull request.

You can also set up Travis CI to work with your copy of the otwarchive repo so you can test your changes before submitting a pull request. It requires some setup, but it is well worth it -- Travis CI runs our test suite much faster than most development environments.

Code setup

Last updated 13 July 2016.

Should all else be lost, you can use these steps in order to set up a fresh copy of otwarchive so that it integrates itself with Travis CI. Changes to pre-existing files have been marked in bold.

  • Create the .travis.yml file in the root directory:
language: ruby
sudo: required
  - TEST_GROUP="./script/check_syntax"
  - TEST_GROUP="rspec spec"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/admins"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/bookmarks"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/collections"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/comments_and_kudos"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/gift_exchanges"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/importing"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/other_a"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/other_b"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/prompt_memes_a"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/prompt_memes_b"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/prompt_memes_c"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/tags_and_wrangling"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/users"
  - TEST_GROUP="cucumber -f progress -r features features/works"
  - "2.1.9"
  - elasticsearch
  - redis-server
  - memcached
  - rm -f structure.sql
  - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create:all --trace
  - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:schema:load --trace
  - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace
  - travis_retry bundle exec $TEST_GROUP
  - bash script/
  - bash script/
      - [email protected]
    on_success: change
    on_failure: always
     - ""
   on_success: change
   on_failure: change
  • Create the /config/database.travis.yml file:
    adapter: mysql2
    database: otwarchive_test
    username: root
    encoding: utf8
  • Create the /config/redis.travis.example file:
    test: localhost:6379
    test: localhost:6379
    test: localhost:6379
    test: localhost:6379
  • Edit /config/initializers/gem-plugin_config/redis.rb as follows:
  require 'redis_test_setup'
  include RedisTestSetup
  if ENV['TRAVIS']
    rails_root = ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR']
    rails_env = 'test'
    rails_root = ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] || File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../..'
    rails_env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development'
  unless ENV['TRAVIS']
    if rails_env == "test"
      start_redis!(rails_root, :cucumber)
  redis_config = YAML.load_file(rails_root + '/config/redis.yml')
  redis_host, redis_port = redis_config[rails_env].split(":")
  $redis = => redis_host, :port => redis_port)
  • Edit config/initializers/gem-plugin_config/resque.rb as follows:
  require 'resque'
  if ENV['TRAVIS']
    rails_root = ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR']
    rails_env = 'test'
    rails_root = ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] || File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../..'
    rails_env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development'
  redis_config = YAML.load_file(rails_root + '/config/redis.yml')
  Resque.redis = redis_config[rails_env]
  # in-process performing of jobs (for testing) doesn't require a redis server
  Resque.inline = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == "test"
  Resque.after_fork do

Travis CI/GitHub link setup

  1. Log in to Travis CI with GitHub
    1. In your browser, navigate to
    2. Choose 'Sign in with GitHub' in the top right-hand corner of your screen
      • If you're not signed in to GitHub, you'll need to enter your GitHub credentials
  2. Get a list of your repositories
    1. Hover over your name in the upper right corner of the page and select 'Accounts', or go straight to your Travis CI profile
    2. Choose 'Sync account' to grab a list of your repositories
  3. Turn on and set up Travis CI for your otwarchive repository
    1. Use the switch next to YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/otwarchive to turn on Travis CI
    2. Select the name of your repository to go to its page on GitHub, e.g.
    3. Go to your repository's settings page by choosing the the 'Settings' link/gear icon link or go directly to on your repo's page
    4. Go to the 'Webhooks & services' section of your settings, i.e.
    5. Find and click the 'Travis CI' hook. You should see that the settings have already been filled in for Travis.
      • If for some reason the settings are not correct, enter your GitHub username in the 'User' section and the token from your Travis CI profile in the 'Token' and choose 'Update service'
      • At this point, you can now merge in the code changes from the Code Setup section above and Travis CI will automatically see that you have merged something and look for your .travis.yml file. Once it finds it, your tests will run!

How it looks

If you used the settings above, this is what should happen:

  • When a coder submits a pull request, Travis CI will automatically grab a copy of the changes and run our full test suite against it.
    • No notifications will be sent out for pull request failures.
  • When a pull request is merged into master, Travis CI grabs a copy of the new master branch and runs it against our tests.
    • If the build fails, an email will be sent to the otw-coders-extra mailing list saying that the new code does not pass testing.
    • When a build passes without a state change (the build wasn't previously failing), no email will be generated.
    • If the build goes from failing to passing, there will be an email.
    • #otw-dev on freenode will be informed of every pass/fail merger of code.