amount to mint calculation when depositing an asset in the LRTDepositPool::depositAsset()
is incorrect, leading to an immediate loss of value
In this protocol, users deposit underlying assets and get the corresponding amount of rsETH
for their deposits. How many rsETH
will be minted is calculated based on the underlying asset's price and the current rsETH
price, which are fetched from the LRTOracle
file: LRTDepositPool.sol
// calculate rseth amount to mint based on asset amount and asset exchange rate
rsethAmountToMint = (amount * lrtOracle.getAssetPrice(asset)) / lrtOracle.getRSETHPrice();
In the LRTOracle contract:
asset price is returned directly from the ChainLink oracle. (Ref)
price is calculated based on the total deposited ETH value in the pool and the total supply of the mintedrsETH
. (Ref)
Everything is as expected up to this point. Now, let's check the depositAsset()
file: LRTDepositPool.sol
function depositAsset(
address asset,
uint256 depositAmount
// checks
if (depositAmount == 0) {
revert InvalidAmount();
if (depositAmount > getAssetCurrentLimit(asset)) {
revert MaximumDepositLimitReached();
--> if (!IERC20(asset).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), depositAmount)) { //@audit Transfer is alreay made before calculating how many tokens to mint.
revert TokenTransferFailed();
// interactions
--> uint256 rsethAmountMinted = _mintRsETH(asset, depositAmount); //@audit amountToMint is calculated here. rsETH price is already increased when the transaction got here due to the transfer above.
emit AssetDeposit(asset, depositAmount, rsethAmountMinted);
As we can see above, the calculation to decide how many rsETH
to mint is performed after the token transfer is completed. At that point, the rsETH
price has already been increased, which causes users to get less rsETH
When the transaction is executed completely, rsETH
supply will increase and the price will fall down. The impact depends on how many tokens are deposited.
Down below you can see a coded PoC showing a scenario where
the user deposited 100 ether worth of assets when the
price is equal to 1 ether (total asset balance in the pool was 100,rsETH
supply was 100) -
's are minted based on the price of 2 ether during the transaction (total balance increased to 200 but thersETH
supply was still 100 duringgetRsETHAmountToMint()
function) -
The user got 50 rsETH
Transaction finalized and the last price of
is 1.33 ether (total balance in the pool 200,rsETH
supply 150) -
The user immediately lost 1/3 of his/her deposit value (deposited 100 ether worth of tokens, got 66.6666 ether worth of tokens)
price will be calculated higher than its actual value during the transaction -
Depositors get less
than expected due to this higher calculated price -
price will decrease after the transaction is completed due to increased supply. -
At the end, users will immediately lose some of their deposited value depending on how much they deposited.
Note: This PoC uses a mock LRTOracle
similar to the protocol's other tests. In this mock contract, the rsETH
price calculation is exactly the same as the code in scope. The only difference is that the asset price is fixed at 1 ether.
Create a new file in the test folder and copy and paste the snippet to this file. The setup of this file is the same setup in the protocol's other test files.
To run it: forge test --match-test test_MintAmount_WhenDepositing_Is_Incorrect -vvvv
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.21;
import { BaseTest } from "./BaseTest.t.sol";
import { LRTDepositPool } from "src/LRTDepositPool.sol";
import { RSETHTest, ILRTConfig, UtilLib, LRTConstants } from "./RSETHTest.t.sol";
import { ILRTDepositPool } from "src/interfaces/ILRTDepositPool.sol";
import { IRSETH } from "src/interfaces/IRSETH.sol";
import { TransparentUpgradeableProxy } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/transparent/TransparentUpgradeableProxy.sol";
import { ProxyAdmin } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/transparent/ProxyAdmin.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import "forge-std/console2.sol";
// This is a mock oracle that mimics rsETH calculation exactly the same as LRTOracle contract.
// Only difference is getAssetPrice function always returs 1e18 instead of fetching it from the Chainlink
contract LRTOracleMock {
ILRTConfig public lrtConfig;
function initialize(address _lrtConfig) public {
lrtConfig = ILRTConfig(_lrtConfig);
// This will be the underlying asset price and it will be equal to 1 ether for this test.
function getAssetPrice(address) external view returns (uint256) {
return 1e18;
// This is the same function in the LRTOracle Contract, the only difference is underlying asset price is always 1e18
function getRSETHPrice() external view returns (uint256) {
address rsETHTokenAddress = lrtConfig.rsETH();
uint256 rsEthSupply = IRSETH(rsETHTokenAddress).totalSupply();
if (rsEthSupply == 0) {
return 1 ether;
uint256 totalETHInPool;
address lrtDepositPoolAddr = lrtConfig.getContract(LRTConstants.LRT_DEPOSIT_POOL);
address[] memory supportedAssets = lrtConfig.getSupportedAssetList();
uint256 supportedAssetCount = supportedAssets.length;
for (uint16 asset_idx; asset_idx < supportedAssetCount;) {
address asset = supportedAssets[asset_idx];
// The price of asset will be 1 ether
uint256 assetER = 1e18;
uint256 totalAssetAmt = ILRTDepositPool(lrtDepositPoolAddr).getTotalAssetDeposits(asset);
totalETHInPool += totalAssetAmt * assetER;
unchecked {
return totalETHInPool / rsEthSupply;
// This will return 0 as we assume there is no staked balance in EigenLayer
contract MockNodeDelegator {
function getAssetBalance(address) external view returns (uint256) {
return 0;
contract LRTDepositPoolTest is BaseTest, RSETHTest {
LRTDepositPool public lrtDepositPool;
function setUp() public virtual override(RSETHTest, BaseTest) {
// deploy LRTDepositPool
ProxyAdmin proxyAdmin = new ProxyAdmin();
LRTDepositPool contractImpl = new LRTDepositPool();
TransparentUpgradeableProxy contractProxy = new TransparentUpgradeableProxy(
lrtDepositPool = LRTDepositPool(address(contractProxy));
// initialize RSETH. LRTCOnfig is already initialized in RSETHTest
rseth.initialize(address(admin), address(lrtConfig));
// add rsETH to LRT config
// add oracle to LRT config and initialize it the config and asset.
LRTOracleMock oracle = new LRTOracleMock();
lrtConfig.setContract(LRTConstants.LRT_ORACLE, address(oracle));
// add deposit pool contract address to LRT config
lrtConfig.setContract(LRTConstants.LRT_DEPOSIT_POOL, address(lrtDepositPool));
// add minter role for rseth to lrtDepositPool
rseth.grantRole(rseth.MINTER_ROLE(), address(lrtDepositPool));
contract LRTDepositPoolDepositAsset is LRTDepositPoolTest {
address public oracle;
function setUp() public override {
// initialize LRTDepositPool
// add manager role within LRTConfig
lrtConfig.grantRole(LRTConstants.MANAGER, manager);
oracle = lrtConfig.getContract(LRTConstants.LRT_ORACLE);
function test_MintAmount_WhenDepositing_Is_Incorrect() external {
// We will prepare the situation first.
// Initially we'll deposit 100 rETH tokens to set the scene.
address randomAddress = makeAddr("random");, 100 ether);
rETH.approve(address(lrtDepositPool), type(uint256).max);
lrtDepositPool.depositAsset(address(rETH), 100 ether);
// After initial minting
// Total deposits 100, total minted rsETH 100, rsETH price 1
assertEq(lrtDepositPool.getTotalAssetDeposits(address(rETH)), 100 ether);
assertEq(rseth.totalSupply(), 100 ether);
assertEq(LRTOracleMock(oracle).getRSETHPrice(), 1 ether);
//------------------------------------- A USER WANTS TO DEPOSIT ANOTHER 100 ETHER --------------------------
// Normally user should be able to deposit 100 rETH and mint corresponding 100 rsETH since the price is still 1 ether.
rETH.approve(address(lrtDepositPool), type(uint256).max);
lrtDepositPool.depositAsset(address(rETH), 100 ether);
// Transfer is made before the calculation of how many tokens will be minted
// During the deposit transaction, rsETH price is calculated as 2 ether instead of 1 (total deposits increased to 200, rsETH supply remained at 100) --> 50 rsETH will be minted to Alice instead of 100
// Right after the transaction is completed:
// total supply of rsETH will be 150 - total asset deposits will be 200
// price of the rsETH will be 1.33 (200/150)
// Alice's 50 rsETH will be worth 66.6 eth ---> Alice will lose 1/3 of her deposit immediately
assertEq(lrtDepositPool.getTotalAssetDeposits(address(rETH)), 200 ether);
assertEq(rseth.totalSupply(), 150 ether);
assertEq(rseth.balanceOf(alice), 50 ether);
assertEq(LRTOracleMock(oracle).getRSETHPrice(), 1333333333333333333);
After running the tests, the result is like below:
Running 1 test for test/DepositPriceTest.t.sol:LRTDepositPoolDepositAsset
[PASS] test_MintAmount_WhenDepositing_Is_Incorrect() (gas: 317292)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 9.71ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Manual review, foundry
amount to mint calculation should be done before transferring these tokens to the pool.
It might be implemented in different ways. For an example:
function depositAsset(
address asset,
uint256 depositAmount
// skipped for brevity
+ // Calculate the mint amount first.
+ uint256 rsethamountToMint = getRsETHAmountToMint(asset, depositAmount);
+ // Transfer after
if (!IERC20(asset).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), depositAmount)) {
revert TokenTransferFailed();
// interactions
+ // This function does not need to take two arguments anymore. Use already calculated rsethamountToMint in here
+ _mintRsETH(rsethamountToMint);
emit AssetDeposit(asset, depositAmount, rsethAmountMinted);
+ // This function just mints necessary amount, doesn't return any value
+ function _mintRsETH(amount) private {
- (rsethAmountToMint) = getRsETHAmountToMint(_asset, _amount);
address rsethToken = lrtConfig.rsETH();
// mint rseth for user
IRSETH(rsethToken).mint(msg.sender, rsethAmountToMint);
Note: The original submission can be found here.