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How to set up credentials, cli, eks clusters for aws.

  1. Install AWS CLI

    Download the installer from the link and install it.

    Now, in our terminal, we can run aws commands directly

    Verify the installation by running:

    aws --version
  2. Create aws access key

    • log in to aws (using IAM user, account: 976193221643)
    • click user icon on upper right console
    • go to security credentials
    • scroll down, create access key

    for options, use:

    usecase: other tag value: bottlenetes

    ⇒ save these accesskeys, This is your only opportunity to save your secret access key e.g.

    Secret access key:
  3. In terminal, run:

    aws configure

    paste the saved access key and secret key.

    • For region, use us-west-1
    • For output format, use json
  4. Install eksctl

    Run the following commands in terminal:

    **# for ARM systems, such as Apple sicilon, set ARCH to: `arm64`, `armv6` or `armv7`**
    PLATFORM=$(uname -s)_$ARCH
    curl -sLO "$PLATFORM.tar.gz"
    # (Optional) Verify checksum
    curl -sL "" | grep $PLATFORM | sha256sum --check
    tar -xzf eksctl_$PLATFORM.tar.gz -C /tmp && rm eksctl_$PLATFORM.tar.gz
    mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin

    After the installation, verify it by running:

     eksctl version
  5. Create an eks cluster on aws by running:

    eksctl create cluster \
      --name=bottlenetes-demo \
      --region=us-west-1 \
      --version=1.31 \
      --nodegroup-name=worker-node-group \
      --node-type t2.medium \
      --nodes 2

    Things to consider:

    • --nodegroup-name: just a name, helps identify node groups if we have many
    • --node-type: t2.medium is like a general-purpose instance. But don’t choose anything smaller than it
    • here, we set the initial numebr of worker nodes to 2. We can change it depending on the workloads

    This might take several minutes, mine took 15min, so please be patient.

    After it’s completed, verify it by listing the eks clusters by running:

    aws eks list-clusters

    It should contain "bottlenetes-demo” in cluster list. Press q to go back to the terminal.

    Create an eks cluster on aws by running:

  6. When running eksctl create cluster, it will automatically connect kubectl to the cluster defined in the command.

    Also, you could check this by viewing the two nodes we just created on eks, by running:

    kubectl get nodes

    Note 1:

    If you wanna manually re-link kubectl to the local minikube, run this:

    kubectl config use-context minikube

    Note 2:

    You could also manually link kubectl to aws eks by running:

    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name bottlenetes-demo --region us-west-1
  7. Install and port-forwad Prometheus to AWS EKS by running:

    helm repo add prometheus-community
    helm repo add stable
    helm repo update
    helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
    kubectl port-forward prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0 9090
    • Make sure the kubectl is linked to aws, not minikube
  8. To add deployment/service/configmap/secrets to the aws eks cluster, it’s exactly the same as what you would do with minikube locally. Just apply the .yaml file using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f demo-app-default.yaml

    But here’s a catch, if you haven’t installed it for your aws eks cluster yet, and the .yaml contains istio-related services, it will cause an error.😭

  9. Open another terminal window, run the bottlenetes:

    npm start

    Viola! In the browser localhost4173, The dashboard is now displaying the metrics of aws eks cluster!

  10. Tear down the eks cluster and other related services from your aws, after you are finished with the work.

    eksctl delete cluster --name=bottlenetes-demo

    This will delete the eks cluster, and all the resources associated with it.

    Also, don’t forget to delete the access key from the aws console.


    If you forget to delete the access key, it will be a security risk. So, please delete it after you are done with the work.