From a2b337e8b12f9ca41c142cee6b8769c7aeaed3d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 12:07:03 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Get recent pastes --- pastes/pastes_20231031120703.csv | 7089 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 7089 insertions(+) create mode 100644 pastes/pastes_20231031120703.csv diff --git a/pastes/pastes_20231031120703.csv b/pastes/pastes_20231031120703.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad5fc7d --- /dev/null +++ b/pastes/pastes_20231031120703.csv @@ -0,0 +1,7089 @@ +id,title,username,language,date,content +3v9wX26e,BTC Wallet Credentials have been reset,castlclass_20,GetText,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 07:01:09 AM CDT,"Dear User +We have received a request to reset the login information for your Bitcoin wallet. If you did not make this request, please disregard this message. +Your new login credentials will be +Zwickauea:xwwFrE on +You can connect via SSH . +Regards" +y07RX5qm,data738,TestGuy1,JSON,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 07:00:06 AM CDT,"{ + status: 'Success', + method: 'server', + maindata: 'a2106725b8c60b52beb8f036821915fa93e1e29e245b7d726f55d9e981262b86a03797d83eea2ecd3a39ecd5ee10c6caff916b0f24c90e01495d2febbf55185e143032d9303203f0b4c5e78f89bcb9aefe21c257d49e0295c49c0bed11fa1e9b3ff03a519b69171a058f529785fe37e9b925535473abd40018fd93addd3b7cba', + otherdata: [ + '53c2ef83b9812c94aba96c958de1636e', + '9fdbefc7efd2f0ad9be7a1b20d73f5d9', + 'abf1028eeff1daa8650d77c61a027c61', + 'a1e0f2099035e20e953f4d26e7ccf9a3', + '857687d97641f6a05fdd52d588125887', + '4e89b154ff210c668af78f04ea12b299', + 'b488161fcdcc52cc6a7282d5ed7aaa9f', + 'be7f2861ce81dd69df85a9dbb927a97b' + ] +}" +jQjtdTxA,ARK Survival Ascended dedicated server,x4xpr0j3ct,C,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 06:25:45 AM CDT,"ARK Survival Ascended + +steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:\serveur\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server +app_update 2430930 +quit + +start ArkAscendedServer.exe TheIsland_WP?listen?Port=7777?QueryPort=27016?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=XXXX -game -server -NoTransferFromFIltering -NoBattlEye + +Game.ini = + +[/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] +ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString=""PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_C"",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=100,bIgnoreMultiplier=true)) +ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString=""PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_Fish_C"",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=100,bIgnoreMultiplier=true)) +ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString=""PrimalItemConsumable_RawMutton_C"",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=100,bIgnoreMultiplier=true)) +ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString=""PrimalItemConsumable_RawPrimeMeat_C"",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=100,bIgnoreMultiplier=true)) +ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString=""PrimalItemConsumable_RawPrimeMeat_Fish_C"",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=100,bIgnoreMultiplier=true)) +BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=3 +EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=3 +MatingIntervalMultiplier=3 +MatingSpeedMultiplier=3 +ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=0.2 +ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures=0.2 +bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=True +bAutoUnlockAllEngrams=True +bDisableStructurePlacementCollision=true +CropDecaySpeedMultiplier=1 +FastDecayInterval=43200 +GlobalCorpseDecompositionTimeMultiplier=1 +GlobalItemDecompositionTimeMultiplier=1 +GlobalSpoilingTimeMultiplier=1 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[0]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[1]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[4]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[7]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[8]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[0]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[1]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[3]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[4]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[5]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[8]=3 +PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[10]=3 + + + +GameUserSettings.ini + + +[ServerSettings] +HarvestAmountMultiplier=5 +HarvestHealthMultiplier=5 +PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=0.70 +AllowFlyerCarryPvE=true +OverrideOfficialDifficulty=6.6667 +ServerPVE=True +XPMultiplier=5 +TamingSpeedMultiplier=10 +ShowMapPlayerLocation=True +AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True +AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=True +ItemStackSizeMultiplier=3 +ServerCrosshair=True +RCONPort=27020 +TheMaxStructuresInRange=10500 +StartTimeHour=-1 +OxygenSwimSpeedStatMultiplier=1 +StructurePreventResourceRadiusMultiplier=1 +TribeNameChangeCooldown=15 +PlatformSaddleBuildAreaBoundsMultiplier=1 +AlwaysAllowStructurePickup=True +StructurePickupTimeAfterPlacement=30 +StructurePickupHoldDuration=0.5 +AllowHideDamageSourceFromLogs=True +RaidDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 +PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier=1 +KickIdlePlayersPeriod=3600 +PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier=1 +AutoSavePeriodMinutes=15 +MaxTamedDinos=5000 +RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600 +ImplantSuicideCD=28800 +AllowHitMarkers=True +ServerPassword= +ServerAdminPassword=XXXX +ShowFloatingDamageText=True + +[ScalabilityGroups] +sg.ResolutionQuality=75 +sg.ViewDistanceQuality=1 +sg.AntiAliasingQuality=1 +sg.ShadowQuality=2 +sg.GlobalIlluminationQuality=3 +sg.ReflectionQuality=3 +sg.PostProcessQuality=1 +sg.TextureQuality=2 +sg.EffectsQuality=1 +sg.FoliageQuality=2 +sg.ShadingQuality=3 + +[/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameUserSettings] +AdvancedGraphicsQuality=1 +MasterAudioVolume=1.000000 +MusicAudioVolume=0.800000 +SFXAudioVolume=1.000000 +VoiceAudioVolume=1.000000 +SoundUIAudioVolume=1.000000 +CharacterAudioVolume=1.000000 +StructureTooltipMaxSpeedMultiply=0.000000 +UIScaling=1.000000 +UIQuickbarScaling=0.750000 +CameraShakeScale=0.650000 +bFirstPersonRiding=False +bThirdPersonPlayer=True +bShowStatusNotificationMessages=True +TrueSkyQuality=0.270000 +FOVMultiplier=1.000000 +GroundClutterDensity=1.000000 +bFilmGrain=False +bMotionBlur=True +bUseGamepadSpeaker=True +bUseDFAO=False +bUseSSAO=True +bShowChatBox=True +bCameraViewBob=True +bInvertLookY=False +bFloatingNames=True +bChatBubbles=True +bHideServerInfo=False +bJoinNotifications=False +bDisableNameYourTamePopup=False +MinimalFloatingNameSetting=False +bCraftablesShowAllItems=False +bLocalInventoryItemsShowAllItems=False +bLocalInventoryCraftingShowAllItems=True +bRemoteInventoryItemsShowAllItems=False +bRemoteInventoryCraftingShowAllItems=False +bRemoteInventoryShowEngrams=True +bEnableLowLightEnhancement=True +bEnableFluidInteraction=True +bDisableHLOD=False +LookLeftRightSensitivity=1.000000 +LookUpDownSensitivity=1.000000 +TPVCameraHorizontalOffsetFactor=0.000000 +GraphicsQuality=1 +ActiveLingeringWorldTiles=10 +ClientNetQuality=3 +TheGammaCorrection=0.500000 +LastServerSearchType=0 +LastServerSort=2 +LastPVESearchType=-1 +LastDLCTypeSearchType=-1 +LastServerSortAsc=True +LastAutoFavorite=True +LastServerSearchHideFull=False +LastServerSearchProtected=False +LastPlatformSpecificServerSearch=False +HideItemTextOverlay=True +bForceShowItemNames=False +bDistanceFieldShadowing=True +bDisableShadows=False +LODScalar=1.000000 +bToggleToTalk=False +HighQualityMaterials=True +HighQualitySurfaces=True +bTemperatureF=False +bDisableTorporEffect=False +bChatShowSteamName=False +bChatShowTribeName=True +bReverseTribeLogOrder=False +EmoteKeyBind1=0 +EmoteKeyBind2=0 +bNoBloodEffects=False +bLowQualityVFX=False +bSpectatorManualFloatingNames=False +bSuppressAdminIcon=False +bUseSimpleDistanceMovement=False +bHasSavedGame=True +bDisableMeleeCameraSwingAnims=False +bPreventInventoryOpeningSounds=False +bPreventBiomeWalls=False +bPreventHitMarkers=False +bPreventCrosshair=False +bPreventColorizedItemNames=False +bHighQualityLODs=False +bExtraLevelStreamingDistance=False +bEnableColorGrading=False +VSyncMode=1 +DOFSettingInterpTime=0.000000 +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastJoinedSessionPerCategory="" "" +LastSessionCategoryJoined=-1 +bDisableMenuTransitions=False +bEnableInventoryItemTooltips=True +bRemoteInventoryShowCraftables=False +bNoTooltipDelay=False +LocalItemSortType=0 +LocalCraftingSortType=0 +RemoteItemSortType=0 +RemoteCraftingSortType=0 +VersionMetaTag=1 +ShowExplorerNoteSubtitles=False +DisableMenuMusic=False +DisableDefaultCharacterItems=False +DisableLoadScreenMusic=False +bRequestDefaultCharacterItemsOnce=False +bHasSeenGen2Intro=False +CinematicForNoteShouldReset=() +bHasSetupDifficultySP=False +bHasSetupVisualSettings=False +agreedToTerms=() +bHasRunAutoSettings=False +bHideFloatingPlayerNames=False +bHideGamepadItemSelectionModifier=False +bToggleExtendedHUDInfo=False +PlayActionWheelClickSound=True +PlayHUDRolloverSound=True +CompanionReactionVerbosity=3 +EnableEnvironmentalReactions=True +EnableRespawnReactions=True +EnableDeathReactions=True +EnableSayHelloReactions=True +EnableEmoteReactions=True +EnableMovementSounds=True +DisableSubtitles=False +bEnableASACamera=True +ConsoleAccess=False +CompanionSubtitleVerbosityLevel=3 +CompanionIsHiddenState=False +MaxAscensionLevel=0 +bHostSessionHasBeenOpened=False +bForceTPVCameraOffset=False +bDisableTPVCameraInterpolation=False +bEnableHDROutput=False +HDRDisplayMinLuminance=-4.000000 +HDRDisplayMidLuminance=20.000000 +HDRDisplayMaxLuminance=1400.000000 +FoliageInteractionDistance=1.000000 +FoliageInteractionDistanceLimit=1.000000 +FoliageInteractionQuantityLimit=1.000000 +bFPVClimbingGear=False +bFPVGlidingGear=False +bHasInitializedScreenPercentage=False +CameraZoomPerDinoNameTag=() +CameraHeightPerDinoNameTag=() +PhotomodePresets_Camera=() +PhotomodePresets_Movement=() +PhotomodePresets_Splines=() +PhotomodePresets_PPs=() +PhotomodePresets_Targeting=() +PhotomodeLastUsedSettings=() +MaxLastDeathMark=5 +bSaveLastDeathMark=True +bShowPingsOnMap=True +bShowDinosOnMap=True +bShowWaypointsOnMap=True +bShowPlayersOnMap=True +bShowBedsOnMap=True +AimAssistStrengthMultiplier=1.000000 +bForceShowRadialWheelTexts=False +bHideStructurePlacementCrosshair=False +SavedMainMapZoom=1.000000 +SavedOverlayMapZoom=1.000000 +bMinimalUI=False +FloatingTooltipStructureMode=DEFAULT +FloatingTooltipDinoMode=DEFAULT +FloatingTooltipDroppedItemsMode=DEFAULT +FloatingTooltipPlayerMode=DEFAULT +TopNotificationMode=DEFAULT +ItemNotificationMode=MINIMAL +bMinimapOverlayUseLowOpacity=False +FilterTypeInventoryLocal=9 +FilterTypeInventoryRemote=9 +bUseGamepadAimAssist=RangeWeaponAlwaysOn +Gamma1=2.200000 +Gamma2=3.000000 +bDisableBloom=False +bDisableLightShafts=False +bUseLowQualityLevelStreaming=True +bUseDistanceFieldAmbientOcclusion=False +bPreventItemCraftingSounds=False +bHighQualityAnisotropicFiltering=False +AmbientSoundVolume=1.000000 +bUseOldThirdPersonCameraTrace=False +bUseOldThirdPersonCameraOffset=False +bShowedGenesisDLCBackground=False +bShowedGenesis2DLCBackground=False +bHasStartedTheGameOnce=False +bViewedAnimatedSeriesTrailer=False +bViewedARK2Trailer=False +bShowRTSKeyBinds=True +bHasCompletedGen2=False +bEnableFootstepDecals=True +bEnableFootstepParticles=True +bShowInfoButtons=True +bDisablePaintings=False +StopExplorerNoteAudioOnClose=False +bVibration=True +bUIVibration=False +radialSelectionSpeed=0.650000 +bDisableVirtualCursor=False +PreventDetailGraphics=False +GroundClutterRadius=0 +HFSQuality=0 +bMenuGyro=False +gyroSensitivity=0.500000 +virtualCursorSensitivity=0.500000 +BubbleParticlesMultiplier=1.000000 +CrosshairScale=1.000000 +CrosshairOpacity=1.000000 +CrosshairColor=(R=1.000000,G=1.000000,B=1.000000,A=1.000000) +CrosshairColorPickerValue=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000) +CrosshairColorOverEnemy=(R=0.000000,G=0.376471,B=1.000000,A=1.000000) +CrosshairColorPickerValueOverEnemy=(X=0.010000,Y=0.500000) +CrosshairColorOverAlly=(R=0.000000,G=1.000000,B=0.000000,A=1.000000) +CrosshairColorPickerValueOverAlly=(X=0.260000,Y=0.440000) +CrosshairColorHitmark=(R=1.000000,G=0.000000,B=0.000000,A=1.000000) +CrosshairColorPickerValueHitmark=(X=0.010000,Y=0.640000) +CurrentCameraModeIndex=2 +CurrentDinoCameraModeIndex=1 +bShowAmbientInsectsVFX=True +TextChatFilterType=0 +VoiceChatFilterType=0 +bAutomaticallyCreateWaypointOnTamingCreatures=True +bAutomaticallyCreatePOIOnDeath=True +bEnableDLSS=False +bEnableDLFG=False +bEnableReflex=True +SuperResolutionQualityLevel=0 +bOCIOIsEnabled=True +OCIOAsset=/Game/ASA/Environment/Common/Color/OCIO_aces_v13_cg.OCIO_aces_v13_cg +OCIOColorSpace=0 +OCIODisplayView=0 +bUseVSync=False +bUseDynamicResolution=False +ResolutionSizeX=1280 +ResolutionSizeY=720 +LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=1280 +LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=720 +WindowPosX=-1 +WindowPosY=-1 +FullscreenMode=1 +LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=1 +PreferredFullscreenMode=1 +Version=5 +AudioQualityLevel=0 +LastConfirmedAudioQualityLevel=0 +FrameRateLimit=60.000000 +DesiredScreenWidth=1280 +DesiredScreenHeight=720 +LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenWidth=1280 +LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenHeight=720 +LastRecommendedScreenWidth=-1.000000 +LastRecommendedScreenHeight=-1.000000 +LastCPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 +LastGPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 +LastGPUBenchmarkMultiplier=1.000000 +bUseHDRDisplayOutput=False +HDRDisplayOutputNits=1000 + +[/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] +bUseDesiredScreenHeight=False + +[SessionSettings] +SessionName=TuTo De TheKeWaze + +[MessageOfTheDay] +Duration=30 +Message=Tuto de TheKeWaze\nTikTok : TheKeWaze\nYouTube : @x4xpr0j3ct6 + +[/Script/Engine.GameSession] +MaxPlayers=10" +cEZuBmXE,Untitled,kirkarr,Lua,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 06:24:09 AM CDT,"surface.CreateFont(""Title"", { + font = ""Arial"", + extended = true, + size = 20 +}) +local selected = Color(255,255,255) +local Frame = vgui.Create(""DFrame"") +Frame:SetSize(400,300) -- Good size for example +Frame:Center() +Frame:SetTitle("""") +Frame.title = ""ChatBubbles color"" +Frame:MakePopup() +Frame.Paint = function(self, w, h) + cur = CurTime() + for i=1,100 do + draw.Box(w/2+math.cos(i*55+cur*i/305)*w/2,h/2+math.sin(i*55+cur*i/105)*h/2,10,10,selected ) + end + draw.RoundedBox(2, 0, 0, w, h, Color(0, 0, 0, 200)) + draw.RoundedBox(2, 0, 0, w, 25, Color(0, 0, 0, 255)) + draw.SimpleText(self.title, ""Title"", w/2, 5, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP) +end +local Mixer = vgui.Create(""DColorMixer"", Frame) +Mixer:Dock(FILL) +Mixer:SetPalette(true) +Mixer:SetAlphaBar(false) +Mixer:SetWangs(false) +Mixer:SetColor(selected) +Mixer.ValueChanged = function (col) + selected = Mixer:GetColor() + chatbubbles[""settings""][""colors""][""background""][""r""] = selected.r + chatbubbles[""settings""][""colors""][""background""][""g""] = selected.g + chatbubbles[""settings""][""colors""][""background""][""b""] = selected.b +end " +rGjqbYKK,end,Afanas2707,C++,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 06:20:34 AM CDT,"#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +using namespace std; + +void insertion_sort(int data[], int n) { + int *l = new int[n + 1]; + + + l[0] = n; + l[n] = 0; + + for (int i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { + l[i] = 0; + } + + + for (int j = n - 1; j >= 1; j--) { + int q = 0; + int p = l[0]; + int k = data[j - 1]; + while (p != 0) { + if (k <= data[p - 1]) { + break; + } else { + q = p; + p = l[q]; + } + } + l[q] = j; + l[j] = p; + + } + + + int i = 0; + int q = l[0]; + int p = l[q]; + while (q > 0) { + l[q] = i++; + q = p; + p = l[q]; + } + + + int *sortedArray = new int[n + 1]; + + for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { + sortedArray[l[j + 1]] = data[j]; + } + + for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { + data[j] = sortedArray[j]; + } + + delete[] sortedArray; + delete[] l; +} + +int count_elements(string filename) { + int counter = 0; + ifstream file(filename); + while (!file.eof()) { + int r; + file >> r; + counter++; + } + return counter; +} + +void readNumbers(int arr[], int N, string filename) { + ifstream file(filename); + for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { + file >> arr[i]; + } +} + +void print(int arr[], int N, string filename) { + ofstream file(filename); + for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { + file << arr[i] << endl; + } +} + + +bool checkArray(int arr[], int N) { + for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { + if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) return false; + } + return true; +} + +void bubbleSort(int arr[], int n) { + int i, j; + for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) + for (j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++) + if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) + swap(arr[j], arr[j + 1]); +} + + + +int compare(const void *a, const void *b) { + const int *x = (int *) a; + const int *y = (int *) b; + + if (*x > *y) + return 1; + else if (*x < *y) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +int main() { + + SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); + SetConsoleCP(1251); + setlocale(LC_ALL, ""Russian""); + + const int SIZE = 5000; + int R[SIZE]; + cout << ""Введите название файла:"" << endl; + string filename; + cin >> filename; + int N = count_elements(filename) - 1; + + readNumbers(R, N, filename); + + auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now(); + insertion_sort(R, N); + auto end = chrono::steady_clock::now(); + long duration = chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count(); + cout << endl; + + cout << ""Сортируется массив из "" << N << "" чисел"" << endl; + print(R, N, ""d"" + to_string(N) + ""-s.txt""); + if (checkArray(R, N)) { + cout << ""Массив отсортирован"" << endl; + } else { + cout << ""Массив не отсортирован"" << endl; + } + cout << ""Время выполнения: "" << duration / 1000.0 << "" мсек"" << endl; + cout << ""Сортированный массив записан в файл: "" << ""d"" + to_string(N) + ""-s.txt"" << endl; + + return 0; +}" +vVqypHYL,gfjhg,Afanas2707,C++,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 05:54:43 AM CDT,"int main(int argc, char* argv[]) +{ +// setlocale(LC_ALL, ""ru""); + + // вывод командной строки на экран + cout << ""Вывод аргументов командной строки:"" << endl; + for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { + cout << '(' << i << "") "" << argv[i] << endl; + } + + // проверить наличие аргументов в командной строке + if(argc == 1) return 0; // нет аргументов в командной строке + + const char* path = argv[1]; // имя входного файла + + // открыть входной файл + ifstream fin(path); + if( !fin ) { + perror(""testStream""); + cout << ""\t\"""" << path << '""' << endl; + return 1; + } + + int N = 0; + int ar[5000]; + + // считать данные из файла (не более 16 чисел) + while(N < 5000 && fin >> ar[N]) ++N; + + fin.close(); // закрыть входной файл + + cout << endl; + cout << ""Из файла "" << '""' << path << '""' + << "" считано "" << N << "" чисел"" << endl; + + if(N <= 20) { + // отладочная печать массива + for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { + cout << (i == 0 ? """" : "", "") << ar[i]; + } + cout << endl; + } + + return 0; +}" +430E0X49,qqqq,Afanas2707,C++,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 05:35:48 AM CDT,"#include + +#include +using namespace std; + +void sort(int data[], int n) { + int* l = new int[n + 1]; + + + l[0] = n; + l[n] = 0; + + for (int i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { + l[i] = 0; + } + + + + for (int j = n - 1; j >= 1; j--) { + int q = 0; + int p = l[0]; + int k = data[j-1]; + while (p != 0){ + if (k <= data[p-1]) { + break; + } + else { + q = p; + p = l[q]; + } + } + l[q] = j; + l[j] = p; + + } + + + int i=0, q=l[0],p=l[q]; + while(q > 0) { + l[q]=i++; q=p;p=l[q]; + } + + + + + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + printf(""%3d "", i); + } + printf(""\n""); + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + printf(""%3d "", data[i]); + } + printf(""\n""); + for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { + printf(""%3d "", l[i]); + } + printf(""\n""); + + + + int* sortedArray = new int[n + 1]; + + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + sortedArray[l[i + 1]] = data[i]; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + data[i] = sortedArray[i]; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + printf(""%3d "", data[i]); + } + printf(""\n""); +} + +int main() +{ + int myArray[] = { 503, 87, 512, 61, 908, 170, 897, 275, 653, 426, 154, 509, 612, 677, 765, 703}; + + sort(myArray, 16); + +}" +VFMyDsUc,asdasda,Afanas2707,C++,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 05:30:44 AM CDT,"#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +using namespace std; + +int count_elements(string filename) { + int counter = 0; + ifstream file(filename); + while (!file.eof()) { + int r; + file >> r; + counter++; + } + return counter; +} + +void readNumbers(int arr[], int N, string filename) { + ifstream file(filename); + for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { + file >> arr[i]; + } +} + +void print(int arr[], int N, string filename) { + ofstream file(filename); + for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { + file << arr[i] << endl; + } +} + +int log2RoundUp(int N) { + int i = 0; + while (pow(2, i) < N) { + i++; + } + return i; +} + +bool checkArray(int arr[], int N) { + for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { + if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) return false; + } + return true; +} + +void bubbleSort(int arr[], int n) +{ + int i, j; + for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) + for (j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++) + if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) + swap(arr[j], arr[j + 1]); +} + +void BatchersMergeSort(int arr[], int N) { + int t = log2RoundUp(N); + int p0 = pow(2, t - 1); + int p = p0; + + while (p > 0) { + int q = p0, r = 0, d = p; + + while (r == 0 || q != p) { + if (r != 0) + { + d = q - p; + q = q / 2; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < N - d; i++) { + if (((i & p) == r) && arr[i] > arr[i + d]) { + swap(arr[i], arr[i + d]); + } + } + + r = p; + } + + p = p / 2; + } +} + +int compare(const void* a, const void* b) +{ + const int* x = (int*)a; + const int* y = (int*)b; + + if (*x > *y) + return 1; + else if (*x < *y) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +int main() +{ + setlocale(LC_ALL, ""Russian""); + + const int SIZE = 5000; + int R[SIZE]; + cout << ""Введите название файла:"" << endl; + string filename; + cin >> filename; + int N = count_elements(filename) - 1; + + readNumbers(R, N, filename); + + auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now(); + BatchersMergeSort(R, N); + auto end = chrono::steady_clock::now(); + long duration = chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count(); + cout << endl; + + cout << ""Сортируется массив из "" << N << "" чисел"" << endl; + print(R, N, ""d"" + to_string(N) + ""-s.txt""); + if (checkArray(R, N)) { + cout << ""Массив отсортирован"" << endl; + } + else { + cout << ""Массив не отсортирован"" << endl; + } + cout << ""Время выполнения: "" << duration / 1000.0 << "" мсек"" << endl; + cout << ""Сортированный массив записан в файл: "" << ""d"" + to_string(N) + ""-s.txt"" << endl; + + return 0; +}" +BJKAxkMm,Real time systems 3,Nouser493,Python,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 05:00:18 AM CDT,"import numpy as np +import matplotlib.pyplot as pp +from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle +from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator +from math import gcd as g + + +def l(a, b): + return a * b // g(a, b) + + +def lcm(arr): + res = 1 + for i in arr: + res = l(res, i) + return res + + +execution_times = [1, 2, 2, 3, 1] +deadlines = [2, 1, 3, 5, 1] +periods = [3, 12, 12, 4, 6] +colors = [""red"", ""green"", ""blue"", ""c"", ""m""] + +period = lcm(periods) + +val = 2. +fig, ax = pp.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 8)) +ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) +ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) + +ar = list(range(period + 1)) +ax.plot(ar, np.zeros_like(ar), '-') +ax.grid(visible=True) + +res = [0 for i in range(period)] + +processes = [] +for i in range(len(execution_times)): + for count in range(period // periods[i]): + start = periods[i] * count + deadline = deadlines[i] + start + processes.append([start, deadline, execution_times[i], i + 1]) + + ax.plot([start], [0.1 * i + 0.1], f""{colors[i % len(colors)][0]}."") + ax.plot([deadline], [0.1 * i + 0.1], f""{colors[i % len(colors)][0]}x"") + +for i in range(period): + processes.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) + cur = 0 + while cur < len(processes) and i < processes[cur][0]: + cur += 1 + if len(processes) == cur: + print(i, ""Waiting"") + continue + index = processes[cur][-1] + processes[cur][2] -= 1 + if processes[cur][2] == 0: + processes.pop(cur) + print(i, f""P{index}"") + ax.add_patch(Rectangle((i, index), 1, 0.5, + facecolor=colors[(index - 1) % len(colors)])) + +" +ZvQw0cfU,antihacker and snowybot handbreaker,coinwalk,JavaScript,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 04:57:19 AM CDT,"var smiley = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value); +var nudie = Number((smiley/1000).toFixed(8)); +var burp = nudie; +var taget = (smiley*7); +var bolux = (nudie*10); +var dog = (nudie*50); +var poopy = (nudie*6.5); +var mole = (nudie*7.5); +var jockey = ((burp*1).toFixed(8)); +var bolance = smiley; +var fart = 1; +var over = 6.9; +var under = 2.9; +var zimple = smiley; +var becomer = 0; +var beboon = true; +var blowzy = false; +var sexual = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); +var woman = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); +var manboobs = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); +var brother = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.children[5].innerText; +var homer = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.children[5].innerText; +var finical = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.children[7].innerText; + +function get(){ +console.clear(); +bolance = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value; +if (bolance>(sexual+(burp*over))) { + burp = burp*2; + over = 4.9; + under = 4.9; + sexual = parseFloat(bolance); +} +if (bolance<(sexual-(burp*under))) { + burp = burp*2; + fart = 0; + over = 4.9; + under = 4.9; + sexual = parseFloat(bolance); +} +if ((bolance>(manboobs+(bolux*fart)))&&(bolance<(((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux)+poopy))){ + burp = nudie; + over = 6.9; + under = 2.9; + fart = 1; + sexual = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); + woman = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); + manboobs = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); +} +if ((bolance>=(woman+bolux))&&(bolance<(((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux)+poopy))){ + burp = nudie; + over = 6.9; + under = 2.9; + sexual = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); + woman = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); +} +if ((bolance<=woman)&&(bolance<(((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux)+poopy))){ + burp = nudie; + over = 6.9; + under = 2.9; + sexual = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); + woman = ((Math.floor(bolance/bolux))*bolux); +} + if (bolance >= taget) { + console.log(""winner winner chicken dinner""); + return; + } +homer = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.children[5].innerText; +var coldbet = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.children[5].innerText; +var milk = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.children[11].innerText; +if ((milk==jockey)&&(becomer>=1)&&(homer>brother)&&(!beboon)){ +setTimout(function(){ +finical = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.children[7].innerText; +brother = parseFloat(homer); +beboon = true; +}, 100); +} +if ((finical<49.5000)&&(blowzy)&&(becomer>=1)){ +zimple = zimple+burp +blowzy = false; +} +if ((finical>=49.5000)&&(blowzy)&&(becomer>=1)){ +zimple = zimple-burp; +blowzy = false; +} +var ficked = ((zimple*1).toFixed(8)); +var migg = ((bolance*1).toFixed(8)); +if (((milk!=jockey)&&(becomer>=1)&&(homer>brother))||((ficked!=migg)&&(blowzy))){ +console.log(""hacker attacked you with""); +console.log(milk); +console.log(""bet number of attack:""); +console.log(coldbet); +return; +} +if ((homer==brother)&&(beboon)){ +jockey = ((burp*1).toFixed(8)); +$('#pct_chance').val(49.5); +$('#pct_bet').val(jockey); +$('#a_lo').click(); +becomer = becomer+1; +blowzy = true; +beboon = false; +homer = 0; +var good = ((bolance-smiley).toFixed(8)); +console.log(""profit""); +console.log(good); +} +setTimeout(() => get(), 200); +} +get();" +42i9L0LK,css,yaski29,CSS,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 04:40:06 AM CDT,"*{ + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + box-sizing: border-box; + font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; + } + body{ + height: 100vh; + background-color: + #000; + + background-size: cover; + background-position: center; + } + li{ + list-style: none; + } + a{ + + text-decoration: none; + color: + #fff; + font-size: 1rem; + } + a:hover{ + color: red; + } + header{ + position: relative; + padding: 0 2rem; + } + .navbar{ + width: 100%; + height: 60px; + max-width: 1200px; + margin: 0 auto; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: space-between; + } + .navbar .logo a{ + font-size: 1.5rem; + font-weight: bold; + } + .navbar .links{ + display: flex; + gap: 2rem; + } + .navbar .toggle_btn{ + color: #fff; + font-size: 1.5rem; + cursor: pointer; + display: none; + } + + .dropdown_menu{ + display: none; + position: absolute; + right: 2rem; + top: 60px; + height: 0; + width: 300px; + background: rgba(red, green, blue, alpha); + backdrop-filter:blur(15px); + border-radius: 10px; + overflow: hidden; + transition: height 0.2 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275); + } + { + height: 190px; + } + .dropdown_menu li{ + padding: 0.7rem; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + } + section#hero{ + height: calc(100vh - 60px); + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + text-align: center; + color: #5c9107da; + } + #hero h1{ + font-size: 3rem; + margin-bottom: 1rem; + } + @media(max-width: 992px){ + .navbar .links{ + display: none; + } + + .navbar .toggle_btn{ + display: block; + } +.dropdown_menu{ + display: block; +} + } +@media(max-width:576px){ +.dropdown_menu{ + left: 2rem; + width: unset; +} + +}" +5C4Lxryc,mouse,nrazukee,Lua,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 04:34:01 AM CDT,"local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer +local mouse = player:GetMouse() +local userinput = game:GetService(""UserInputService"") + +local firing = false +local ammo = {} +local equipped = false +local tool = script.Parent +local gui = player:WaitForChild(""PlayerGui""):WaitForChild(""Ammo"") + +local function Fire(target) + local currentAmmo = ammo[tool] or 0 + if equipped and currentAmmo > 0 and target then + local targetParent = target.Parent + if targetParent:FindFirstChild(""Humanoid"") then + tool.GunFire:FireServer(targetParent) + ammo[tool] = currentAmmo - 1 + print(""Current ammo left: "" .. (currentAmmo - 1)) + else + ammo[tool] = currentAmmo - 1 + print(""Shooting non-humanoid target. Current ammo left: "" .. (currentAmmo - 1)) + end + end +end + +tool.Equipped:Connect(function() + equipped = true + gui.Enabled = true -- Show ammo GUI when the gun is equipped + if not ammo[tool] then + ammo[tool] = 30 + end +end) + +tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() + equipped = false + gui.Enabled = false -- Hide ammo GUI when the gun is unequipped + print(""Gun unequipped. Current ammo: "" .. (ammo[tool] or 0)) +end) + +userinput.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) + local currentAmmo = ammo[tool] or 0 + if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and currentAmmo > 0 then + firing = true + repeat + wait(0.1) + local target = mouse.Target + Fire(target) + currentAmmo = ammo[tool] or 0 + until not firing or currentAmmo <= 0 or not equipped + end + if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R and (not ammo[tool] or ammo[tool] < 30) then + ammo[tool] = 30 + print(""Reloaded. Current ammo: 30"") + end +end) + +userinput.InputEnded:Connect(function(input) + if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then + firing = false + end +end) +" +DLZ8WVff,Урок 5: Универсальные функции вывода контейнеров 4/6 / Спринт 2,prizrak567890,C++,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 04:30:26 AM CDT,"#include +#include +#include +#include + +using namespace std; + +template +void Print (ostream& out,const type& container){ + +int i=0; + + for (const auto& element : container) { + + if(i==container.size()-1){ + break; + } + + out << element << "", ""s; + + ++i; + } + if(!container.empty()){ + out << *container.rbegin(); + } + +} + +template +ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const vector& container) { + + Print(out,container); + + return out; + +} + +template +ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const set& container) { + + Print(out,container); + + return out; + +} + + +int main() { + const set cats = {""Мурка""s, ""Белка""s, ""Георгий""s, ""Рюрик""s}; + cout << cats << endl; + const vector ages = {10, 5, 2, 12}; + cout << ages << endl; +}" +rbsUBENt,LeetCode 739 - Daily Temperatures - 2023.10.31 solution,nathanwailes,Python,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 04:19:35 AM CDT,"StackEntry = namedtuple(""StackEntry"", ""value index"") +class Solution: + def dailyTemperatures(self, temperatures: List[int]) -> List[int]: + """""" Solution: monotonically-increasing stack + """""" + stack = [] + output = [] + for i in range(len(temperatures)-1, -1, -1): + if len(stack) == 0: + output.append(0) + stack.append(StackEntry(value=temperatures[i], index=i)) + else: + current_temp = temperatures[i] + while len(stack) > 0: + if current_temp >= stack[-1].value: + stack.pop() + else: + break + + if len(stack) > 0: + output.append(stack[-1].index - i) + else: + output.append(0) + stack.append(StackEntry(value=temperatures[i], index=i)) + return reversed(output) +" +uSNS9P7F,9468147174178822731-matches.json,Liamm,JSON,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 04:16:58 AM CDT,"{ + ""status"": ""success"", + ""data"": { + ""success"": ""success"", + ""data"": { + ""matches"": [ + { + ""matchId"": ""-2390979162768714625"", + ""map"": ""mp_jup_favela"", + ""mapName"": ""Favela"", + ""mode"": ""sd"", + ""topWeapon"": { + ""name"": null, + ""className"": null, + ""kills"": 0, + ""aiAgentKills"": 0, + ""extracted"": 0, + ""deaths"": 0, + ""shots"": 0, + ""headshots"": 0, + ""damage"": 0, + ""hits"": 0, + ""kdRatio"": null, + ""accuracy"": null, + ""headshotsPercentage"": null, + ""hudImage"": null, + ""imageIcon"": null, + ""label"": null, + ""uses"": 0, + ""classLabel"": null + }, + ""genericStats"": { + ""placement"": 0, + ""score"": 1000, + ""kills"": 9, + ""deaths"": 4, + ""damageDone"": 1525, + ""assists"": 0, + ""headshots"": 4, + ""shots"": 78, + ""hits"": 21, + ""totalGamesPlayed"": null, + ""avgKillsPerGame"": null, + ""highestKillStreak"": 4, + ""highestKillsPerGame"": null, + ""playerUtcConnectTimeSeconds"": 1697370636, + ""playerUtcDisconnectTimeSeconds"": 1697371534, + ""scorePerMinute"": 67, + ""timePlayed"": 898, + ""totalTimePlayed"": 898, + ""killDeathRatio"": ""2.25"", + ""matchOutcome"": ""win"", + ""alliesScore"": 6, + ""axisScore"": 2, + ""team"": ""allies"", + ""team3Score"": null, + ""team4Score"": null, + ""essence"": null, + ""revives"": null, + ""lootedContainers"": null, + ""zombieKills"": null, + ""soldierKills"": null, + ""bossKills"": null, + ""eliteKills"": null, + ""specialKills"": null, + ""normalKills"": null, + ""criticalKills"": null, + ""papKills"": null, + ""oneShotKills"": null, + ""contractsCompleted"": null, + ""totalWeaponsExtracted"": null, + ""highestEssenceInOneMatch"": null, + ""totalAcquisitionsExtracted"": null, + ""totalSchematicsExtracted"": null, + ""wins"": 0, + ""losses"": 0, + ""winLossRatio"": null + }, + ""acquisitions"": null, + ""schematics"": null + }, + { + ""matchId"": ""6255083416303093726"", + ""map"": ""mp_jup_st_c_gw_wz"", + ""mapName"": ""Orlov Military Base"", + ""mode"": ""arm"", + ""topWeapon"": { + ""name"": null, + ""className"": null, + ""kills"": 0, + ""aiAgentKills"": 0, + ""extracted"": 0, + ""deaths"": 0, + ""shots"": 0, + ""headshots"": 0, + ""damage"": 0, + ""hits"": 0, + ""kdRatio"": null, + ""accuracy"": null, + ""headshotsPercentage"": null, + ""hudImage"": null, + ""imageIcon"": null, + ""label"": null, + ""uses"": 0, + ""classLabel"": null + }, + ""genericStats"": { + ""placement"": 0, + ""score"": 1570, + ""kills"": 11, + ""deaths"": 6, + ""damageDone"": 2463, + ""assists"": 0, + ""headshots"": 8, + ""shots"": 80, + ""hits"": 21, + ""totalGamesPlayed"": null, + ""avgKillsPerGame"": null, + ""highestKillStreak"": 4, + ""highestKillsPerGame"": null, + ""playerUtcConnectTimeSeconds"": 1697236928, + ""playerUtcDisconnectTimeSeconds"": 1697237879, + ""scorePerMinute"": 99, + ""timePlayed"": 951, + ""totalTimePlayed"": 951, + ""killDeathRatio"": ""1.83"", + ""matchOutcome"": ""win"", + ""alliesScore"": 200, + ""axisScore"": 228, + ""team"": ""axis"", + ""team3Score"": null, + ""team4Score"": null, + ""essence"": null, + ""revives"": null, + ""lootedContainers"": null, + ""zombieKills"": null, + ""soldierKills"": null, + ""bossKills"": null, + ""eliteKills"": null, + ""specialKills"": null, + ""normalKills"": null, + ""criticalKills"": null, + ""papKills"": null, + ""oneShotKills"": null, + ""contractsCompleted"": null, + ""totalWeaponsExtracted"": null, + ""highestEssenceInOneMatch"": null, + ""totalAcquisitionsExtracted"": null, + ""totalSchematicsExtracted"": null, + ""wins"": 0, + ""losses"": 0, + ""winLossRatio"": null + }, + ""acquisitions"": null, + ""schematics"": null + }, + { + ""matchId"": ""-8166619281238093052"", + ""map"": ""mp_jup_skidrow"", + ""mapName"": ""Skidrow"", + ""mode"": ""koth"", + ""topWeapon"": { + ""name"": null, + ""className"": null, + ""kills"": 0, + ""aiAgentKills"": 0, + ""extracted"": 0, + ""deaths"": 0, + ""shots"": 0, + ""headshots"": 0, + ""damage"": 0, + ""hits"": 0, + ""kdRatio"": null, + ""accuracy"": null, + ""headshotsPercentage"": null, + ""hudImage"": null, + ""imageIcon"": null, + ""label"": null, + ""uses"": 0, + ""classLabel"": null + }, + ""genericStats"": { + ""placement"": 0, + ""score"": 5815, + ""kills"": 24, + ""deaths"": 21, + ""damageDone"": 3799, + ""assists"": 5, + ""headshots"": 5, + ""shots"": 349, + ""hits"": 78, + ""totalGamesPlayed"": null, + ""avgKillsPerGame"": null, + ""highestKillStreak"": 6, + ""highestKillsPerGame"": null, + ""playerUtcConnectTimeSeconds"": 1697204806, + ""playerUtcDisconnectTimeSeconds"": 1697205440, + ""scorePerMinute"": 550, + ""timePlayed"": 634, + ""totalTimePlayed"": 634, + ""killDeathRatio"": ""1.14"", + ""matchOutcome"": ""win"", + ""alliesScore"": 73, + ""axisScore"": 250, + ""team"": ""axis"", + ""team3Score"": null, + ""team4Score"": null, + ""essence"": null, + ""revives"": null, + ""lootedContainers"": null, + ""zombieKills"": null, + ""soldierKills"": null, + ""bossKills"": null, + ""eliteKills"": null, + ""specialKills"": null, + ""normalKills"": null, + ""criticalKills"": null, + ""papKills"": null, + ""oneShotKills"": null, + ""contractsCompleted"": null, + ""totalWeaponsExtracted"": null, + ""highestEssenceInOneMatch"": null, + ""totalAcquisitionsExtracted"": null, + ""totalSchematicsExtracted"": null, + ""wins"": 0, + ""losses"": 0, + ""winLossRatio"": null + }, + ""acquisitions"": null, + ""schematics"": null + }, + { + ""matchId"": ""8846307354613494257"", + ""map"": ""mp_jup_estate"", + ""mapName"": ""Estate"", + ""mode"": ""conf"", + ""topWeapon"": { + ""name"": null, + ""className"": null, + ""kills"": 0, + ""aiAgentKills"": 0, + ""extracted"": 0, + ""deaths"": 0, + ""shots"": 0, + ""headshots"": 0, + ""damage"": 0, + ""hits"": 0, + ""kdRatio"": null, + ""accuracy"": null, + ""headshotsPercentage"": null, + ""hudImage"": null, + ""imageIcon"": null, + ""label"": null, + ""uses"": 0, + ""classLabel"": null + }, + ""genericStats"": { + ""placement"": 0, + ""score"": 2675, + 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""odpovednyPracovnik"": ""Jakub Urban"", + ""datumVytvoreniVykazu"": ""2023-10-31"" + } + }, + { + ""e1vykaz"": { + ""e1Paliva"": { + ""paliva"": [ + { + ""typPaliva"": ""Zemni plyn"", + ""jednotkaPaliva"": ""MWh"", + ""vyhrevnostHodnota"": 35.486, + ""vyhrevnostJednotka"": ""MJ/m3"", + ""porizeniPalivaCelkem"": 633.42, + ""spotrebaPalivaVyrobaTepla"": 349.829, + ""spotrebaPalivaVyrobaElektriny"": 283.591 + } + ] + }, + ""pocetPaliv"": 1, + ""e1Komentar"": { + ""komentar"": """" + }, + ""e1BilanceKvet"": { + ""bilanceKvet"": [ + { + ""palivoPouziteNaKvet"": ""Zemni plyn"", + ""vsazkaPalivaHodnota"": 633.42, + ""vyrobaElektrinyBrutto"": 236.667, + ""dodavkaUzitecnehoTepla"": 1051 + } + ] + }, + ""e1TechnologieKvet"": { + ""technologieKvet"": [ + { + ""technologiKvet"": ""spalovac\u00ed p\u00edstov\u00fd motor s rekuperac\u00ed tepla"", + ""instalovanyTepelnyVykon"": 2.473, + ""instalovanyElektrickyVykon"": 2.014 + } + ], + ""pocetTechnologii"": 1 + }, + ""e1BilanceDodavekAZdroju"": { + ""bilanceDodavekAZdrojuI"": [ + { + ""saldo"": 0, + ""ztraty"": 0, + ""nakupOdber"": 5.712, + ""bilanceZdroju"": ""elektro"", + ""bilancniRozdil"": 0, + ""vlastniSpotrebaCelkem"": 9.954, + ""spotrebaElektrinyNaPrecerpavaniVPve"": 0 + }, + { + ""saldo"": 0, + ""ztraty"": 0, + ""nakupOdber"": 0, + ""bilanceZdroju"": ""teplo"", + ""bilancniRozdil"": 0, + ""vlastniSpotrebaCelkem"": 0, + ""spotrebaElektrinyNaPrecerpavaniVPve"": 0 + } + ], + ""bilanceDodavekAZdrojuII"": [ + { + ""doprava"": 0, + ""ostatni"": 0, + ""prumysl"": 0, + ""domacnosti"": 0, + ""energetika"": 0, + ""stavebnictvi"": 0, + ""bilanceDodavek"": ""elektro"", + ""zemedelstviALesnictvi"": 0, + ""dodavkyObchodnimSubjektum"": 232.425, + ""obchodSluzbySkolstviZdravotnictvi"": 0 + }, + { + ""doprava"": 0, + ""ostatni"": 0, + ""prumysl"": 0, + ""domacnosti"": 0, + ""energetika"": 0, + ""stavebnictvi"": 0, + ""bilanceDodavek"": ""teplo"", + ""zemedelstviALesnictvi"": 0, + ""dodavkyObchodnimSubjektum"": 1051, + ""obchodSluzbySkolstviZdravotnictvi"": 0 + } + ] + }, + ""e1VyrobaADodavkaElektrinyATepla"": { + ""vyrobaADodavkaElektrinyATepla"": [ + { + ""typ"": ""teplo"", + ""ztraty"": 0, + ""bruttoVyroba"": 1051, + ""pouzitePalivo"": ""Zemni plyn"", + ""bilancniRozdil"": 0, + ""primeDodavkyCizimSubjektum"": 1051, + ""dodavkyDoVlastnihoPodnikuNeboZarizeni"": 0, + ""technologickaVlastniSpotrebaNaVyrobuTepla"": 0, + ""technologickaVlastniSpotrebaNaVyrobuElektriny"": 0 + }, + { + ""typ"": ""elektro"", + ""ztraty"": 0, + ""bruttoVyroba"": 236.667, + ""pouzitePalivo"": ""Zemni plyn"", + ""bilancniRozdil"": 0, + ""primeDodavkyCizimSubjektum"": 232.425, + ""dodavkyDoVlastnihoPodnikuNeboZarizeni"": 0, + ""technologickaVlastniSpotrebaNaVyrobuTepla"": 2.343, + ""technologickaVlastniSpotrebaNaVyrobuElektriny"": 1.899 + } + ] + }, + ""e1TechnologieAInstalovanyVykonVyrobny"": { + ""kraj"": ""Vyso\u010dina"", + ""idVyrobny"": ""09594_T11"", + ""nazevVyrobny"": ""KJ - Jihlava, U B\u0159\u00edzek"", + ""pripojenoKPsDs"": ""EG.D, a.s."", + ""technologieVyrobny"": ""Ostatn\u00ed (OST)"", + ""celkovyInstalovanyTepelnyVykonMWt"": 2.473, + ""celkovyInstalovanyElektrickyVykonMWe"": 2.014 + } + }, + ""identifikacniUdajeVykazu"": { + ""ico"": ""29060109"", + ""typVykazu"": ""E1"", + ""typPeriody"": ""MONTH"", + ""cisloLicence"": [ + ""111018325"", + ""311018326"" + ], + ""vykazovanyRok"": 2023, + ""datovaSchranka"": """", + ""drzitelLicence"": ""\u010cez Energo s.r.o."", + ""kontaktniTelefon"": ""+420721055966"", + ""vykazovanaPerioda"": 6, + ""odpovednyPracovnik"": ""Jakub Urban"", + ""datumVytvoreniVykazu"": ""2023-10-31"" + } + } + ] +}" +zBjTk2xv,Random Date Generator Roblox on a Part,scriptingtales,Lua,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:50:13 AM CDT," +--Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4 +function sandbox(var,func) + local env = getfenv(func) + local newenv = setmetatable({},{ + __index = function(self,k) + if k==""script"" then + return var + else + return env[k] + end + end, + }) + setfenv(func,newenv) + return func +end +cors = {} +mas =""Model"",game:GetService(""Lighting"")) +Part0 =""Part"") +SurfaceGui1 =""SurfaceGui"") +Frame2 =""Frame"") +TextButton3 =""TextButton"") +LocalScript4 =""LocalScript"") +TextLabel5 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel6 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel7 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel8 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel9 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel10 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel11 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel12 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel13 =""TextLabel"") +TextLabel14 =""TextLabel"") +LocalScript15 =""LocalScript"") +Part0.Name = ""Hold"" +Part0.Parent = mas +Part0.CFrame =, 6, 62.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) +Part0.Position =, 6, 62.5) +Part0.Size =, 12, 1) +Part0.Anchored = true +Part0.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Studs +Part0.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Studs +Part0.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Studs +Part0.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Studs +Part0.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Studs +SurfaceGui1.Parent = Part0 +SurfaceGui1.ClipsDescendants = true +SurfaceGui1.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling +SurfaceGui1.MaxDistance = 50 +Frame2.Parent = SurfaceGui1 +Frame2.Size =, 900, 0, 600) +Frame2.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +Frame2.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextButton3.Name = ""Generator"" +TextButton3.Parent = Frame2 +TextButton3.Position =, 0, 0.665000021, 0) +TextButton3.Size =, 245, 0, 54) +TextButton3.BackgroundColor =""Silver flip/flop"") +TextButton3.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.533333, 0.533333) +TextButton3.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextButton3.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextButton3.Text = ""Generate Random Date"" +TextButton3.TextColor =""Institutional white"") +TextButton3.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextButton3.TextScaled = true +TextButton3.TextSize = 14 +TextButton3.TextWrap = true +TextButton3.TextWrapped = true +LocalScript4.Name = ""Script"" +LocalScript4.Parent = TextButton3 +table.insert(cors,sandbox(LocalScript4,function() +script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() + + + local MonthRandomizer = math.random(1, 12) + + local DayRandomizer = math.random(1, 31) + + + local DayFEBrandomizer = math.random(1, 28) + local DayFEBLEAPrandomizer = math.random(1, 29) + + + local YearRandomizer = math.random(1600, 2100) + + + + local MonthText = script.Parent.Parent.Month.Text + + local DayText = script.Parent.Parent.Day.Text + + local YearText = script.Parent.Parent.Year.Text + + + + local January = 1 + local February = 2 + local March = 3 + local April = 4 + local May = 5 + local June = 6 + local July = 7 + local August = 8 + local September = 9 + local October = 10 + local November = 11 + local December = 12 + + script.Parent.Parent.Day.Text = DayRandomizer + + script.Parent.Parent.Month.Text = MonthRandomizer + + script.Parent.Parent.Year.Text = YearRandomizer + + +-------------------- SEPARATOR --------------------- + + + script.Parent.Parent.DayNAL.Text = DayRandomizer + + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = MonthRandomizer + + script.Parent.Parent.YearNAL.Text = YearRandomizer + + + + + local JanuaryTEXT = ""Jan"" + local FebruaryTEXT = ""Feb"" + local MarchTEXT = ""Mar"" + local AprilTEXT = ""Apr"" + local MayTEXT = ""May"" + local JuneTEXT = ""Jun"" + local JulyTEXT = ""Jul"" + local AugustTEXT = ""Aug"" + local SeptemberTEXT = ""Sept"" + local OctoberTEXT = ""Oct"" + local NovemberTEXT = ""Nov"" + local DecemberTEXT = ""Dec"" + + + + + if MonthRandomizer == 1 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = JanuaryTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 2 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = FebruaryTEXT + + if MonthText == FebruaryTEXT then + DayText = DayFEBrandomizer + if YearRandomizer % 4 == 0 then + if YearRandomizer % 100 == 0 then + if YearRandomizer % 400 == 0 then + + end + end + else + + end + end + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 3 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = MarchTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 4 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = AprilTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 5 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = MayTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 6 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = JuneTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 7 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = JulyTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 8 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = AugustTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 9 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = SeptemberTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 10 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = OctoberTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 11 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = NovemberTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 12 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = DecemberTEXT + end +end) +end)) +TextLabel5.Name = ""FrameLabel"" +TextLabel5.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel5.Position =, 0, 0, 0) +TextLabel5.Size =, 547, 0, 74) +TextLabel5.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel5.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel5.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel5.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel5.Text = ""Random Date Generator"" +TextLabel5.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel5.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel5.TextScaled = true +TextLabel5.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel5.TextWrap = true +TextLabel5.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel6.Name = ""Month"" +TextLabel6.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel6.Position =, 0, 0.245019913, 0) +TextLabel6.Size =, 150, 0, 74) +TextLabel6.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel6.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel6.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel6.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel6.Text = ""1"" +TextLabel6.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel6.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel6.TextScaled = true +TextLabel6.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel6.TextWrap = true +TextLabel6.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel7.Name = ""Day"" +TextLabel7.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel7.Position =, 0, 0.247011945, 0) +TextLabel7.Size =, 90, 0, 74) +TextLabel7.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel7.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel7.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel7.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel7.Text = ""24"" +TextLabel7.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel7.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel7.TextScaled = true +TextLabel7.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel7.TextWrap = true +TextLabel7.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel8.Name = ""Year"" +TextLabel8.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel8.Position =, 0, 0.245019898, 0) +TextLabel8.Size =, 164, 0, 74) +TextLabel8.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel8.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel8.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel8.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel8.Text = ""2009"" +TextLabel8.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel8.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel8.TextScaled = true +TextLabel8.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel8.TextWrap = true +TextLabel8.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel9.Name = ""Comma"" +TextLabel9.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel9.Position =, 0, 0.430278867, 0) +TextLabel9.Size =, 16, 0, 74) +TextLabel9.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel9.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel9.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel9.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel9.Text = "","" +TextLabel9.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel9.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel9.TextScaled = true +TextLabel9.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel9.TextWrap = true +TextLabel9.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel10.Name = ""Slash"" +TextLabel10.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel10.Position =, 0, 0.245019928, 0) +TextLabel10.Size =, 32, 0, 74) +TextLabel10.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel10.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel10.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel10.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel10.Text = ""/"" +TextLabel10.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel10.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel10.TextScaled = true +TextLabel10.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel10.TextWrap = true +TextLabel10.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel11.Name = ""Slash"" +TextLabel11.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel11.Position =, 0, 0.245019928, 0) +TextLabel11.Size =, 32, 0, 74) +TextLabel11.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel11.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel11.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel11.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel11.Text = ""/"" +TextLabel11.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel11.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel11.TextScaled = true +TextLabel11.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel11.TextWrap = true +TextLabel11.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel12.Name = ""YearNAL"" +TextLabel12.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel12.Position =, 0, 0.426294804, 0) +TextLabel12.Size =, 164, 0, 74) +TextLabel12.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel12.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel12.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel12.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel12.Text = ""2009"" +TextLabel12.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel12.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel12.TextScaled = true +TextLabel12.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel12.TextWrap = true +TextLabel12.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel13.Name = ""DayNAL"" +TextLabel13.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel13.Position =, 0, 0.430278897, 0) +TextLabel13.Size =, 90, 0, 74) +TextLabel13.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel13.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel13.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel13.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel13.Text = ""24"" +TextLabel13.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel13.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel13.TextScaled = true +TextLabel13.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel13.TextWrap = true +TextLabel13.TextWrapped = true +TextLabel14.Name = ""MonthNal"" +TextLabel14.Parent = Frame2 +TextLabel14.Position =, 0, 0.430278897, 0) +TextLabel14.Size =, 150, 0, 74) +TextLabel14.BackgroundColor =""Institutional white"") +TextLabel14.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) +TextLabel14.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +TextLabel14.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 +TextLabel14.Text = ""Jan"" +TextLabel14.TextColor =""Really black"") +TextLabel14.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) +TextLabel14.TextScaled = true +TextLabel14.TextSize = 14 +TextLabel14.TextWrap = true +TextLabel14.TextWrapped = true +LocalScript15.Name = ""Dragify"" +LocalScript15.Parent = Frame2 +table.insert(cors,sandbox(LocalScript15,function() +local Frame = script.Parent + +Frame.Active = true +Frame.Selectable = true +Frame.Draggable = true +end)) +for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do + v.Parent = workspace + pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end) +end +mas:Destroy() +for i,v in pairs(cors) do + spawn(function() + pcall(v) + end) +end +" +HGvwkUQB,Untitled,DraconiusNX,JSON,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:45:21 AM CDT,"POST + +POST data: +{ + ""brand"": ""VW"", + ""mailType"": ""activation"", + ""invoiceData"": { + ""invoiceDate"": ""1554984406665"", + ""invoiceGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""invoiceNetAmount"": 202.48, + ""invoiceNumber"": ""12345678912345678912"", + ""invoiceVatAmount"": ""20"", + ""invoiceVatRate"": ""20"" + }, + ""customerInformation"": { + ""customerID"": ""954be19d-bcb1-4cd9-89b4-42cc3ec4df61"", + ""addr1"": ""12 Main St."", + ""company"": ""Great Company"", + ""city"": ""London"", + ""countryCode"": ""GB"", + ""customerType"": ""COMPANY"", + ""email"": """", + ""salutation"": ""MR"", + ""firstName"": ""John"", + ""lastName"": ""Smith"", + ""postcode"": ""7000"", + ""taxId"": ""BE0414445663"" + }, + ""orderDate"": ""2021-03-31T09:32:24.781Z"", + ""orderIdentifier"": ""A-SHO-89-DE-DE"", + ""orderLanguageCode"": ""DE"", + ""orderShopCountry"": ""DE"", + ""orderPositions"": [{ + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""brand"": ""VW"", + ""dealerVoucherAmount"": ""195.97"", + ""dealerVoucherAmountExclusiveReduce"": ""176.37"", + ""dealerVoucherOpenAmount"": ""195.97"", + ""dealerVoucherReferenceCode"": ""45578b66-63a0-4a97-9b2e-0ffeeda5757f"", + ""model"": ""5sqctv"", + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance_SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""priceVoucherReduce"": ""16.46"", + ""priceVoucherReduceVat"": ""3.14"", + ""vin"": ""5AD9X7658FSR44466"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""lifetime"", + ""salesItemGroup1"": ""APP"", + ""salesItemName"": ""Tasty Cotton Car"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""DMD95_ia_dnfbm"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 195.97, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 195.97 + }, + ""positionNumber"": -1 + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092103"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092103"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092103"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092103"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092104"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092104"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092104"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092104"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092104"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092105"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092105"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092105"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092105"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092105"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092106"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092106"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092106"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092107"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092107"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + }, + { + ""positionNumber"": 0, + ""additionalItemData"": { + ""modelName"": ""SKODA_EEC_1_SK38_MIB3_OI_OCU3_48_20_Test_Rack_Sloup_Advance"", + ""vin"": ""BVWDNKDEV20092107"" + }, + ""articleLicense"": { + ""articleRunDuration"": ""1m"", + ""salesItemName"": ""MS guide and inform"", + ""salesItemNumber"": ""NET.500.002.B"", + ""salesItemTotalGrossAmount"": 202.48, + ""salesItemTotalNetAmount"": 102.48, + ""itemActivationDate"": 1606176000000, + ""itemExpirationDate"": 1669248000000 + } + } +], + ""paymentData"": { + ""paymentAmount"": ""15"", + ""paymentCurrencyCode"": ""EUR"", + ""paymentType"": ""CC_VISA"" + }, + ""additionalOrderData"": [ + { + ""name"": ""VatCountryOrigin"", + ""value"": ""GB"" + } + ] +} + +[no cookies]" +WmCFCfwB,Untitled,sissou123,JavaScript,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:29:13 AM CDT," + +function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } What is the JavaScript version of sleep()? In the w3school documentation for setTimeout + +function sleep(ms) { + return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); +} + +window.addEventListener('load', async function() { + 'use strict'; + debugger; + const cells = document.getElementsByClassName(""cDIES""); + + for (var i = 0; i < cells.length ; i++) { + var cell = cells[i]; +; + } + const currentDay = document.getElementsByClassName(""cDIES currentDay"")[0]; +; + + +" +J6pH9W3h,Untitled,pasholnahuy,Python,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:11:48 AM CDT,"def task_2(orders, reviews): + + df = orders.merge(reviews, on = 'order_id') + df['order_delivered_carrier_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['order_delivered_carrier_date']) + + df['order_delivered_carrier_date'].dropna(inplace = True) + df.drop_duplicates() + grouped_df = df.groupby(['order_delivered_carrier_date', 'order_status']).agg({'order_id':'count'}).reset_index() + grouped_df.rename(columns = {'order_id': 'order_count', 'order_delivered_carrier_date': 'date'}, inplace = True) + fig = px.histogram(grouped_df, x= ""date"", y = ""order_count"", color=""order_status"", histfunc=""avg"") + fig.update_layout( + xaxis_rangeslider_visible=True + ) + + my_reviews = copy.deepcopy(reviews) + my_reviews['review_answer_timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(my_reviews['review_answer_timestamp']) + grouped_reviews = my_reviews.groupby(['review_answer_timestamp']).agg({'review_score':'mean'}).reset_index() + grouped_reviews.rename(columns = {'review_answer_timestamp' : 'review_date'}, inplace = True) + + fig2 = px.histogram(grouped_reviews, x= ""review_date"", y = 'review_score', histfunc = 'avg') + fig2.update_layout( + xaxis_rangeslider_visible=True + ) +" +tJECmrqd,Untitled,Artem_Atamanchuk,Python,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:06:45 AM CDT,"[67812, 22088, 44311, 22262, 48602, 21133, 20455, 92901, 65800, 45816, 58167, 167477, 15501, 218386, 82918, 214423, 146970]" +LvyBzztY,Lab8,V15H4L,MatLab,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:05:01 AM CDT,"%------------------------------------------Task1 +clc; +clear all; + +x = [1,2]; +N = 2; + +X = zeros(1,2); + +X(1) = x(1) + x(2); +X(2) = x(1) - x(2); + +y = fft(x); + +figure +plot(x); +figure +plot(y); + + +%-------------------------------------------Task2 +clc; +clear all; +close all; +x = [1,2,3,4]; +N = length(x); +k = [0,1,2,3]; +Wkn = zeros(1,length(k)); +for i = 1 : length(x) + Wkn(i) = exp(-2*1i*pi*k(i)/N); +end +X = zeros(1,4); +V11 = x(1) + Wkn(1)*x(3); +V12 = x(1) - Wkn(1)*x(3); +V13 = x(2) + Wkn(1)*x(4); +V14 = x(2) - Wkn(1)*x(4); +X(1) = V11 + Wkn(1)*V13; +X(2) = V12 + Wkn(2)*V14; +X(3) = V11 - V13; +X(4) = V14*Wkn(2) + V12; +Y = fft(x); +subplot(2,1,1) +stem(X); +title('My FFT'); +subplot(2,1,2); +stem(Y); +title(""In-built FFT""); + +%---------------------------------------------Task3 +clc; +clear all; +close all; +x = [1, 2, 3, 4]; +X=x; +N = length(x); +Half = 1; +V = log2(N); +butterfly_no = N/2; +x = [x, zeros(1, 2^V -N)]; +x = bitrevorder(x); +for level = 1: V +for index = 0: 2^level:N-1 +for n = 0 : (Half -1) +position = n + index + 1; +power = (2^(V-level))*n; +w = exp(-2*1i* pi * power /N); +a = x(position) + x(position + Half).*w; +b = x(position) - x(position + Half).*w; +x(position) = a; +x(position + Half) = b; +end +end +Half = Half * 2; +end +subplot(3, 1, 1) +stem(X); +title('Input Signal'); +subplot(3,1, 2) +stem(abs(x)); +title('myFFT'); +subplot(3,1,3) +Y = fft(X) +stem(abs(Y)); +title('In-built FFT'); + +%---------------------------------------------Task4 +clc; +clear all; +close all; +n=[2 4 8 16 32 64 128]; +N=length(n); +speed=zeros(1,N); +for i=1:N + speed(i)=(n(i)*n(i))/((n(i)/2)*log2(n(i))); +end +stem(n,speed); +ylabel('Speed-factor'); +xlabel('n'); +title('Speed-factor V/s N - 21ucc030');" +7gjkXU0L,Roblox Angular Diameter Test Script,scriptingtales,Lua,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:01:05 AM CDT," +--Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4 +function sandbox(var,func) + local env = getfenv(func) + local newenv = setmetatable({},{ + __index = function(self,k) + if k==""script"" then + return var + else + return env[k] + end + end, + }) + setfenv(func,newenv) + return func +end +cors = {} +mas = game.StarterPlayer.StarterCharacterScripts +LocalScript0 =""LocalScript"") +SelectionBox1 =""SelectionBox"") +ModuleScript2 =""ModuleScript"") +ModuleScript3 =""ModuleScript"") +ModuleScript4 =""ModuleScript"") +ModuleScript5 =""ModuleScript"") +ModuleScript6 =""ModuleScript"") +LocalScript0.Name = ""Tutorial"" +LocalScript0.Parent = mas +table.insert(cors,sandbox(LocalScript0,function() +local p = game:GetService(""Players"").LocalPlayer +local m = p:GetMouse() +local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera + +local selObj = nil +local camCframe = nil +local oS = nil +local coolnessOffset = + +local function canMove(ob) + return ob.Name == ""Object"" +end + +local function getCP(r, p) + local rO, D = r.Origin - p, r.Direction + return rO - ( rO:Dot(D)/D:Dot(D) ) * D +end + +local function angleBetween(v1, v2) + return math.acos(v1:Dot(v2)/(v1.magnitude * v2.magnitude)) +end + + +local e = game:GetService(""ReplicatedStorage"").UpdPhys +local u = game:GetService(""ReplicatedStorage"").US +local rr = require(script:WaitForChild(""RotatedRegion3"")) + +m.Button1Down:Connect(function() + if m.Target and canMove(m.Target) then + m.Target.CanCollide = false + camCframe = cam.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(m.Target.CFrame) + oS = m.Target.Size + coolnessOffset = -getCP(m.UnitRay, m.Target.Position) + e:FireServer(m.Target) + --m.Target.Anchored = true + m.Target.Velocity = + m.Target.RotVelocity = + selObj = m.Target + end +end) + +m.Button1Up:Connect(function() + if selObj then + --selObj.Anchored = false + selObj.CanCollide = true + e:FireServer(m.Target) + end + selObj = nil +end) + +game:GetService(""RunService"").RenderStepped:Connect(function(dt) + coolnessOffset = coolnessOffset:Lerp(, 0.2) +end) + +game:GetService(""RunService"").RenderStepped:Connect(function(dt) + if selObj then + selObj.CFrame = cam.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(camCframe) + local ray =, cam.CFrame.LookVector * 1000) + local _, p, n = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {script.Parent, selObj}) + local dist = ((cam.CFrame.p - p).magnitude - selObj.Size.magnitude / 2) * -math.cos(angleBetween(ray.Direction, n)) + + selObj.Size = (oS * dist / camCframe.p.magnitude) + selObj.Position = cam.CFrame.p + cam.CFrame.LookVector * dist + + for i = 1, 0, -0.01 do + local R = rr.fromPart(selObj) + if #R:cast({script.Parent, selObj}, 1) > 0 then + dist = dist * i + selObj.Size = (oS * dist / camCframe.p.magnitude) + selObj.Position = cam.CFrame.p + cam.CFrame.LookVector * dist + else + break + end + end + + u:FireServer(selObj, selObj.Size, selObj.CFrame) + + selObj.Position = selObj.Position + coolnessOffset + end +end) +end)) +SelectionBox1.Parent = LocalScript0 +SelectionBox1.Visible = false +SelectionBox1.Color =""Institutional white"") +SelectionBox1.Color3 =, 1, 1) +SelectionBox1.LineThickness = 0.009999999776482582 +SelectionBox1.SurfaceColor =""Really black"") +SelectionBox1.SurfaceColor3 =, 0, 0) +ModuleScript2.Name = ""RotatedRegion3"" +ModuleScript2.Parent = LocalScript0 +table.insert(cors,sandbox(ModuleScript2,function() +--[[ +This rotated region3 module is a bit different than the one I previously wrote. This uses GJK to do the collision calculations and +as such does not calculate the minimum translation vector. In addition it does not calculate the intersection points anymore either. +I don't think that had much place in a rotated region3 module. + +As far as new features the module now supports a vast array of shapes and point clouds meaning more accurate collision! + +API: + +Constructors: +, size) + > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to + > the corners like a block part. + region.block(cframe, size) + > This is the exact same as the constructor, but has a different name. + region.wedge(cframe, size) + > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to + > the corners like a wedge part. + region.cornerWedge(cframe, size) + > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to + > the corners like a cornerWedge part. + region.cylinder(cframe, size) + > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to + > the corners like a cylinder part. + region.ellipsoid(cframe, size) + > Creates a region from a cframe which acts as the center of the region and size which extends to + > the corners like a ball part. + region.pointCloud(cloud) + > Creates a region from a table of points. The region is treated as a convex 3D shape when doing the collision detections. + region.fromPart(part) + > Creates a region from a part in the game. It can be used on any base part, but the region + > will treat unknown shapes (meshes, unions, etc) as block shapes. + +Methods: + region:cast(ignore instance or table (descendants as well), int maxParts) + > returns a table full of parts that are inside the region + region:castPart(basePart) + > returns a boolean as to whether or not a given part is within a region or not + region:castPoint(vector3) + > returns a boolean as to whether or not a given point is within a region or not + +Properties: + region.CFrame + > cframe that represents the center of the region + region.Size + > vector3 that represents the size of the region +--]] + +local gjk = require(script:WaitForChild(""gjk"")); +local support = require(script:WaitForChild(""supports"")); +local vertices = require(script:WaitForChild(""vertices"")); +local draw = require(script:WaitForChild(""draw"")); + +local region3 = {}; +local region3_mt = {__index = region3}; + +-- private functions + +local type = type; +local unpack = unpack; +local insert = table.insert; +local R3 =; + +local v3 =; + +local function centroid(t) + local sum = t[1] - t[1]; + for i = 1, #t do sum = sum + t[i]; end; + return sum / #t; +end; + +local function classify(part) + if (part.ClassName == ""Part"") then + if (part.Shape == Enum.PartType.Block) then + return region3.block(part.CFrame, part.Size); + elseif (part.Shape == Enum.PartType.Cylinder) then + return region3.cylinder(part.CFrame, part.Size); + elseif (part.Shape == Enum.PartType.Ball) then + return region3.ellipsoid(part.CFrame, part.Size); + end; + elseif (part.ClassName == ""WedgePart"") then + return region3.wedge(part.CFrame, part.Size); + elseif (part.ClassName == ""CornerWedgePart"") then + return region3.cornerWedge(part.CFrame, part.Size); + elseif (part:IsA(""BasePart"")) then -- mesh, CSG, truss, etc... just use block + return region3.block(part.CFrame, part.Size); + end; +end; + +-- public static functions + +function, size) + local self = {}; + self.CFrame = cf; + self.Size = size; + self.input = {vertices.block(cf, size * 0.5, {})}; + = support.pointCloud; + self.centroid = cf.p; + return setmetatable(self, region3_mt); +end; + +region3.block =; + +function region3.wedge(cf, size) + local self = {}; + self.CFrame = cf; + self.Size = size; + self.input = {vertices.wedge(cf, size * 0.5, {})}; + = support.pointCloud; + self.centroid = centroid(self.input[1]); + return setmetatable(self, region3_mt); +end; + +function region3.cornerWedge(cf, size) + local self = {}; + self.CFrame = cf; + self.Size = size; + self.input = {vertices.cornerWedge(cf, size * 0.5, {})}; + = support.pointCloud; + self.centroid = centroid(self.input[1]); + return setmetatable(self, region3_mt); +end; + +function region3.cylinder(cf, size) + local self = {}; + self.CFrame = cf; + self.Size = size; + self.input = {cf, size * 0.5}; + = support.cylinder; + self.centroid = cf.p; + return setmetatable(self, region3_mt); +end; + +function region3.ellipsoid(cf, size) + local self = {}; + self.CFrame = cf; + self.Size = size; + self.input = {cf, size * 0.5}; + = support.ellipsoid; + self.centroid = cf.p; + return setmetatable(self, region3_mt); +end; + +function region3.pointCloud(cloud) + local self = {}; + self.CFrame =; + self.Size = v3(); + self.input = cloud; + = support.pointCloud; + self.centroid = self.CFrame.p; + return setmetatable(self, region3_mt); +end; + +function region3.fromPart(part) + return classify(part); +end; + +-- public methods + +function region3:castPoint(point) + local direction = self.centroid - point; + return gjk(self.input, {point},, support.point, direction); +end; + +function region3:castPart(part) + local against = classify(part); + local direction = self.centroid - against.centroid; + return gjk(self.input, against.input,,, direction); +end; + +function region3:cast(ignore, maxParts) + local ignore = type(ignore) == ""table"" and ignore or {ignore}; + local maxParts = maxParts or 20; + + local min, max = {}, {}; + for _, enum in next, {Enum.NormalId.Right, Enum.NormalId.Top, Enum.NormalId.Back} do + local direction = Vector3.FromNormalId(enum); + insert(min,, unpack(self.input))); + insert(max,, unpack(self.input))); + end; + min, max = v3(min[1].x, min[2].y, min[3].z), v3(max[1].x, max[2].y, max[3].z); + + local allignedR3 = R3(min, max); + local parts = game.Workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(allignedR3, ignore, maxParts); + + -- debug stuff + --game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:ClearAllChildren(); + --draw.line(min, max, game.Workspace.CurrentCamera); + + local inRegion = {}; + for i = 1, #parts do + local part = parts[i]; + if (self:castPart(part)) then + insert(inRegion, part); + end; + end; + return inRegion; +end; + +-- return module + +return region3; +end)) +ModuleScript3.Name = ""gjk"" +ModuleScript3.Parent = ModuleScript2 +table.insert(cors,sandbox(ModuleScript3,function() +local v3 =; +local dot = v3().Dot; +local cross = v3().Cross; + +local unpack = unpack; +local insert = table.insert; +local remove = table.remove; + +local function tripleProduct(a, b, c) + -- (a x b) x c = b * (c . a) - a * (c . b) + return b * dot(c, a) - a * dot(c, b); +end; + +local function containsOrigin(simplex, direction) + local a = simplex[#simplex]; + local a0 = -a; + if (#simplex == 4) then + local b, c, d = simplex[3], simplex[2], simplex[1]; + local ba, ca, da = b - a, c - a, d - a; + local abc = cross(ba, ca); + local adb = cross(da, ba); + local acd = cross(ca, da); + abc = dot(abc, da) > 0 and -abc or abc; + adb = dot(adb, ca) > 0 and -adb or adb; + acd = dot(acd, ba) > 0 and -acd or acd; + if (dot(abc, a0) > 0) then + remove(simplex, 1); + direction = abc; + elseif (dot(adb, a0) > 0) then + remove(simplex, 2); + direction = adb; + elseif (dot(acd, a0) > 0) then + remove(simplex, 3); + direction = acd; + else + return true; + end; + elseif (#simplex == 3) then + local b, c = simplex[2], simplex[1]; + local ba, ca = b - a, c - a; + local baPerp, caPerp = tripleProduct(ca, ba, ba), tripleProduct(ba, ca, ca); + if (dot(baPerp, a0) > 0) then + remove(simplex, 1); + direction = baPerp; + elseif (dot(caPerp, a0) > 0) then + remove(simplex, 2); + direction = caPerp; + else + local abc = ba:Cross(ca); + if (dot(abc, a0) == 0) then return true; end; + direction = (dot(abc, a0) > 0) and abc or -abc; + end; + else + local b = simplex[1]; + local ba = b - a; + direction = tripleProduct(ba, a0, ba); + end; + return false, direction; +end; + +local function collision(A, B, supportA, supportB, direction) + local simplex = {supportA(direction, unpack(A)) - supportB(-direction, unpack(B))}; + direction = -direction; + while (true) do + insert(simplex, supportA(direction, unpack(A)) - supportB(-direction, unpack(B))); + if (dot(simplex[#simplex], direction) < 0) then + return false; + else + local pass, newDirection = containsOrigin(simplex, direction); + if (pass) then return true; end; + direction = newDirection; + end; + end; +end; + +return collision; + +end)) +ModuleScript4.Name = ""supports"" +ModuleScript4.Parent = ModuleScript2 +table.insert(cors,sandbox(ModuleScript4,function() +-- support functions for GJK +-- Ego + +local v3 =; +local dot = v3().Dot; + +local cos = math.cos; +local sin = math.sin; +local min = math.min; +local abs = math.abs; +local huge = math.huge; +local sqrt = math.sqrt; +local atan2 = math.atan2; + +local AXIS = v3(1, 0, 0); +local ORIGIN = v3(0, 0, 0); + +-- math functions + +local function rayPlane(p, v, s, n) + local r = p - s; + local t = -dot(r, n) / dot(v, n); + return p + t * v, t; +end; + +-- support functions + +local function point(direction, p) + return p; +end; + +local function pointCloud(direction, cloud) + local max, maxProj = nil, -huge; + for i = 1, #cloud do + local proj = dot(cloud[i], direction) + if (proj > maxProj) then + max = cloud[i]; + maxProj = proj; + end; + end; + return max; +end; + +local function cylinder(direction, cf, size) + direction = cf:vectorToObjectSpace(direction); + local radius = min(size.y, size.z); + local dotT, cPoint = dot(direction, AXIS), v3(size.x, 0, 0); + local h, t, final; + if (dotT == 0) then + final = direction.unit * radius; + else + cPoint = dotT > 0 and cPoint or -cPoint; + h, t = rayPlane(ORIGIN, direction, cPoint, AXIS); + local diff = h - cPoint; + if (diff.magnitude > radius) then + diff = diff.unit * radius; + end; + final = cPoint + diff; + end; + return cf:pointToWorldSpace(final); +end; + +local function ellipsoid(direction, cf, size) + direction = cf:vectorToObjectSpace(direction) + local p0 = (size * direction).unit; + return cf:pointToWorldSpace(size*p0); +end + +return { + pointCloud = pointCloud; + cylinder = cylinder; + ellipsoid = ellipsoid; + point = point; +}; +end)) +ModuleScript5.Name = ""draw"" +ModuleScript5.Parent = ModuleScript2 +table.insert(cors,sandbox(ModuleScript5,function() +-- 3D drawing functions +-- contains a few basic 3D shapes that are useful when testing, etc +-- EgoMoose + +local wedge =""WedgePart""); +wedge.Anchored = true; +wedge.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth; +wedge.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth; + +local part =""Part""); +part.Size =, 0.1, 0.1); +part.Anchored = true; +part.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth; +part.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth; +part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon; + +local function drawPoint(p, parent) + local point = part:Clone(); + point.CFrame =; + point.BrickColor = BrickColor.Blue(); + point.Parent = parent; + return point; +end; + +local function drawLine(a, b, parent) + local v = (b - a); + local cf = + v * 0.5, b); + local line = part:Clone(); + line.CFrame = cf; + line.Size =, 0.1, v.magnitude); + line.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red(); + line.Parent = parent; + return line; +end + +local function drawTriangle(a, b, c, parent, transparency) + local edges = { + {longest = (c - b), other = (a - b), position = b}; + {longest = (a - c), other = (b - c), position = c}; + {longest = (b - a), other = (c - a), position = a}; + }; + table.sort(edges, function(a, b) return a.longest.magnitude > b.longest.magnitude end); + local edge = edges[1]; + local theta = math.acos(edge.longest.unit:Dot(edge.other.unit)); + local s1 = * math.cos(theta), edge.other.magnitude * math.sin(theta)); + local s2 = - s1.x, s1.y); + local p1 = edge.position + edge.other * 0.5; + local p2 = edge.position + edge.longest + (edge.other - edge.longest) * 0.5; + local right = edge.longest:Cross(edge.other).unit; + local up = right:Cross(edge.longest).unit; + local back = edge.longest.unit; + local cf1 = + p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, + -right.x, up.x, back.x, + -right.y, up.y, back.y, + -right.z, up.z, back.z + ); + local cf2 = + p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, + right.x, up.x, -back.x, + right.y, up.y, -back.y, + right.z, up.z, -back.z + ); + local w1 = wedge:Clone(); + local w2 = wedge:Clone(); + w1.Size =, s1.y, s1.x); + w2.Size =, s2.y, s2.x); + w1.Transparency = transparency or 0; + w2.Transparency = transparency or 0; + w1.CFrame = cf1; + w2.CFrame = cf2; + w1.Parent = parent; + w2.Parent = parent; +end; + +return { + triangle = drawTriangle; + point = drawPoint; + line = drawLine; +}; +end)) +ModuleScript6.Name = ""vertices"" +ModuleScript6.Parent = ModuleScript2 +table.insert(cors,sandbox(ModuleScript6,function() +-- calculate corners and points on shape +-- useful for a lot of 3D math, eg convex hull, GJK, etc. +-- EgoMoose + +local cos = math.cos; +local sin = math.sin; +local insert = table.insert; + +local cornerMultipliers = { +, 1, 1); +, 1, -1); +, -1, -1); +, -1, -1); +, -1, 1); +, 1, 1); +, 1, -1); +, -1, 1); +} + +-- the functions that get the vertices + +local function block(cf, size, t) + for i = 1, #cornerMultipliers do + insert(t, cf * (size * cornerMultipliers[i])); + end + return t; +end; + +local WEDGE = {1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8}; +local function wedge(cf, size, t) + for i = 1, #WEDGE do + insert(t, cf * (size * cornerMultipliers[WEDGE[i]])); + end; + return t; +end; + +local CORNERWEDGE = {2, 3, 4, 5, 8}; +local function cornerWedge(cf, size, t) + for i = 1, #CORNERWEDGE do + insert(t, cf * (size * cornerMultipliers[CORNERWEDGE[i]])); + end; + return t; +end; + +local PI2 = math.pi * 2; +local function cylinder(cf, size, t, amt) + local amt = amt or 10; + local div = PI2 / amt; + local c1, c2 = cf * (size *, 0, 0)), cf * (size *, 0, 0)); + local up, axis = cf * (size *, 1, 0)) - c1, (c1 - cf.p).unit; + for i = 1, amt do + local theta = div * i; + -- vector axis angle rotation + local v = up * cos(theta) + up:Dot(axis) * axis * (1 - cos(theta)) + axis:Cross(up) * sin(theta); + insert(t, c1 + v); + insert(t, c2 + v); + end; + return t; +end; + +local function ball(cf, size, t, amt1, amt2) + local right, forward, up = cf.rightVector * size.x, cf.lookVector * size.z, cf.upVector * size.y; + local amt1, amt2 = amt1 or 8, amt2 or 8; + local div1, div2 = PI2 / amt1, PI2 / amt2; + for i = 1, amt1 do + local theta = i * div1; + local horizontal = forward * cos(theta) + right * sin(theta); + for j = 1, amt2 do + local theta2 = j * div2; + local p = cf.p + horizontal * cos(theta2) + up * sin(theta2); + insert(t, p) + end; + end; + return t; +end; + +-- special functions + +local function getAllVertices(parts, t) + local t = t or {}; + for i = 1, #parts do + local part = parts[i]; + if (part.ClassName == ""Part"") then + if (part.Shape == Enum.PartType.Block) then + block(part.CFrame, part.Size*0.5, t); + elseif (part.Shape == Enum.PartType.Cylinder) then + cylinder(part.CFrame, part.Size*0.5, t); + elseif (part.Shape == Enum.PartType.Ball) then + ball(part.CFrame, part.Size*0.5, t); + end; + elseif (part.ClassName == ""WedgePart"") then + wedge(part.CFrame, part.Size*0.5, t); + elseif (part.ClassName == ""CornerWedgePart"") then + cornerWedge(part.CFrame, part.Size*0.5, t); + elseif (part:IsA(""BasePart"")) then -- mesh, CSG, truss, etc... just use block + block(part.CFrame, part.Size*0.5, t); + end; + end; + return t; +end; + +-- module + +return { + block = block; + wedge = wedge; + cornerWedge = cornerWedge; + cylinder = cylinder; + ball = ball; + getAllVertices = getAllVertices; +}; +end)) +for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do + v.Parent = workspace + pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end) +end +mas:Destroy() +for i,v in pairs(cors) do + spawn(function() + pcall(v) + end) +end +" +4dpk5wit,Hilan - Auto Fill Monthly Hours,Nom1fan,JavaScript,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 02:44:05 AM CDT,"// ==UserScript== +// @name Auto-fill monthly attendance - Main page +// @namespace +// @version 0.1 +// @description Auto-fill monthly attendance +// @author Mor Merhav +// @match* +// @grant none +// ==/UserScript== + +function sleep(ms) { + return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); +} + +window.addEventListener('load', async function() { + 'use strict'; + debugger; + const cells = document.getElementsByClassName(""cDIES""); + + for (var i = 0; i < cells.length ; i++) { + var cell = cells[i]; +; + } + const currentDay = document.getElementsByClassName(""cDIES currentDay"")[0]; +; + + document.getElementsByClassName(""dayHeaderStyle"")[5].click(); + + const addDaysBtn = document.querySelector(""#ctl00_mp_RefreshSelectedDays""); +; + + do { + var inputEntryCells = document.querySelectorAll('input[id^=""ctl00_mp_RG_Days_17711420_2023_10_cellOf_ManualEntry_EmployeeReports_row_""]'); + await sleep(1000); + } while (inputEntryCells.length == 1); + + var inputExitCells = document.querySelectorAll('input[id^=""ctl00_mp_RG_Days_17711420_2023_10_cellOf_ManualExit_EmployeeReports_row_""]'); + var reportTypeCells = document.querySelectorAll('select[id^=""ctl00_mp_RG_Days_17711420_2023_10_cellOf_Symbol\.SymbolId_EmployeeReports_row_""]') + + for (i = 0; i < inputEntryCells.length; i++) { + var inputEntryCell = inputEntryCells[i]; + if (inputEntryCell.value == '') { + inputEntryCell.value = '09:30'; + inputEntryCell.focus(); + var inputExitCell = inputExitCells[i]; + inputExitCell.focus(); + inputExitCell.value = '19:00'; + var reportTypeCell = reportTypeCells[i]; + reportTypeCell.selectedIndex = 1; + } + } + + document.querySelector(""#ctl00_mp_RG_Days_17711420_2023_10_btnSave"").click(); +}); +" +Mb6Yxbqy,邀您一起看:云口令,xiaomianao666,JavaScript,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 02:25:17 AM CDT,海阔视界规则分享,当前分享的是:二级页面详情¥page_detail¥云口令@@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 +cgBVC4uj,Sample JSON,rvdraws,JSON,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 12:47:21 AM CDT,"{ + ""clientDTO"": { + ""name"": ""John Doe"", + ""phone"": ""123-456-7890"", + ""email"": """", + ""dob"": ""1990-05-15"", + ""gender"": ""Male"", + ""retailClientId"": 12345, + ""referredClientId"": 67890, + ""uuid"": ""abc123"", + ""clientType"": ""RETAIL"", + ""clientId"": ""client123"", + ""businessType"": ""Retail"", + ""legalName"": ""Doe Enterprises"", + ""logo"": ""doe_logo.png"", + ""knownSince"": ""2010-01-15"", + ""gstin"": ""12ABCDE3456F1Z7"", + ""address"": ""123 Main St"" + }, + ""clientMemberDTOList"": [ + { + ""name"": ""Alice"", + ""dob"": ""1995-08-20"", + ""gender"": ""Female"", + ""relationship"": ""Spouse"", + ""phone"": ""987-654-3210"", + ""email"": """", + ""uuid"": ""member123"" + }, + { + ""name"": ""Bob"", + ""dob"": ""1990-06-12"", + ""gender"": ""Male"", + ""relationship"": ""Child"", + ""phone"": ""123-456-7890"", + ""email"": """", + ""uuid"": ""member456"" + } + ] +} +" +EHpjSPX6,Pyramidal OME-TIFF using the Bio-Formats API,UF6,MatLab,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 12:21:08 AM CDT,"% Add the Bio-Formats toolbox to the MATLAB path +addpath('path_to_bfmatlab_folder'); + +% Import the necessary Bio-Formats classes +import loci.formats.*; + +% Create a Bio-Formats Reader for your input images +reader = loci.formats.ChannelFiller(); + +% Configure metadata for the output pyramidal OME-TIFF +metadata = loci.formats.MetadataTools.createOMEXMLMetadata(); + +% Define the output file name +outputFile = 'output.ome.tif'; + +% Set the number of pyramid levels (e.g., 5 levels) +numPyramidLevels = 5; + +% Load your input images (assuming you have them in an 'images' cell array) +images = cell(numPyramidLevels, 1); +for level = 1:numPyramidLevels + % Load the image for the current level + image = imread(['image_level_' num2str(level) '.tif']); + + % Store the image in the 'images' cell array + images{level} = image; +end + +% Write the pyramid levels to the output OME-TIFF +for level = 1:numPyramidLevels + % Set the resolution level for the current image + metadata.setPixelsSizeC(0, images{level}, level - 1); + + % Write the image to the Bio-Formats reader + reader.setId(outputFile); + reader.setSeries(0); + reader.saveBytes(0, images{level}, level - 1); +end + +% Close the Bio-Formats reader +reader.close(); + +% Save metadata to the output OME-TIFF +loci.formats.FileStitcher.writeOME(metadata, outputFile); +" +5TbYWFhi,Untitled,Diaxon,JavaScript,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 12:18:26 AM CDT," + + + + + + OBIEKTOWY MODEL DOKUMENTU + + + + +


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+ + + + + + +" +yPftX9uX,MOK layout Tibetan Sanskrit,dksetiavan,YAML,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 12:17:24 AM CDT,"{ +""title"":""Tibetan Sanskrit"", +""onScreen"":{ +""main"":[ +""༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩༠"", +""ཱཱཱཽཻིུབཧགདཛཌ"", +""྄ོེིུཔརཀཏཅཊ"", +""[SHIFT]ཿཾམནཝལསཡ[DEL]"", +""[TOOL][ALTGR:།][SPACE][][][SYM:༎][ENTER]"" +], + +""shifted"":[ +""1234567890"", +""[MC:ཨཽ][MC:ཨཻ][MC:ཨཱ][MC:ཨཱི][MC:ཨཱུ]བྷངགྷདྷཛྷཌྷ"", +""[MC:ཨོ][MC:ཨེ]ཨ[MC:ཨི][MC:ཨུ]ཕཉཁཐཚཋ"", +""[SHIFT]ཀྵ[MC:ཨྲྀ][MC:ཨཷ]ཎ[MC:ཨླྀ][MC:ཨཹ]ཤཥ[DEL]"", +""[TOOL][ALTGR:་][SPACE][][][SYM:་][ENTER]"" +], + +""altGr"":[ +""1234567890"", +""qwertyuiopˆ"", +""asdfghjkl¯’"", +""[SHIFT]zxcvbnm·˙[DEL]"", +""[LOCK][ALTGR:,][SPACE][][][SYM:.][ENTER]"" +], + +""sym"":[ +""་༌།༎༏༐༑༒༓༔"", +""༕༖༗༘༙༚༛༜༝༞༟"", +""༴༵༶༷༸༹༺༻༼༽"", +""[SHIFT]༾༿྅ྈྉྊྋ྾྿[DEL]"", +""[LOCK][ALTGR:‍][SPACE][][][SYM:‌][ENTER]"" +], + +""symShifted"":[ +""࿀࿁࿂࿃࿄࿅࿆࿇࿈࿉"", +""࿊࿋࿌࿎࿏࿐࿑࿒࿓࿔"", +""༁༂༃༄༅༆༇༈༉༊"", +""[SHIFT]࿕࿕࿖࿖࿗࿗࿘࿘[DEL]"", +""[LOCK]‍[SPACE][][][]‌[ENTER]"" +] +} +} + + " +isfUdfEi,Untitled,Mysoft,C,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 12:12:11 AM CDT,"#include +#include +#include +#include + +//#define _countof(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*(a))) + +typedef struct { + int group; + const char* rule; + const char* ldraw_output; +} Rule; + +#include ""table.c"" + +const Rule* ruleIdx[_countof(rules)]; + +//comparator function for qsort +int CompareRules( const void* pA , const void* pB ) { + return strcmp( (*((const Rule**)pA))->rule , (*((const Rule**)pB))->rule ); +} +void InitRules() { + //set ptrs for each rules element at initial index + for (int N=0 ; N<_countof(ruleIdx) ; N++ ) { ruleIdx[N] = &rules[N]; } + qsort( ruleIdx , _countof(ruleIdx) , sizeof(void*) , CompareRules ); + printf(""%i rules\n"",_countof(ruleIdx)); +} +const Rule* FindRule( char* pzRule ) { + int iBegin = 0 , iEnd = _countof(ruleIdx); + while (iEnd >= iBegin) { + //try item from middle + int idx = (iBegin+iEnd)/2; + const char* pzEntry = ruleIdx[idx]->rule; + int iResu = strcmp( pzRule , pzEntry ); + if (!iResu) { return ruleIdx[idx]; } //found + if (iBegin == iEnd) { return NULL; } //NOT found + //remove the wrong half of possibilities + if (iResu>0) { iBegin= idx+1; } else { iEnd = idx-1; } + } + return NULL; //NOT found +} + +int main() { + + InitRules(); + + FILE *outputFile = fopen(""output.txt"", ""a""); // Open the file in append mode + + while (1) { + char userInput[100]; + + printf(""Enter a string (or 'exit' to quit): ""); + fgets(userInput, 100, stdin); + userInput[strcspn(userInput, ""\n"")] = '\0'; + + if (strcmp(userInput, ""exit"") == 0) { + break; // Exit the loop if the user types 'exit' + } + + clock_t ttime = clock(); + + const Rule* pFound; + pFound = FindRule( userInput ); + for (volatile int N=0 ; N<999 ; N++) { pFound = FindRule( userInput ); } //repeat 1000 times for benchmark + + ttime = clock()-ttime; + + if (pFound) { + printf(""%s\n"", pFound->ldraw_output); + fprintf(outputFile, ""%s\n"", pFound->ldraw_output); + } else { + printf(""No match found.\n""); + } + + printf(""took %.03fms\n"",(ttime*1.0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); + + } + + fclose(outputFile); // Close the file + + return 0; + +} +" +r78Su1Xn,changing strategy,Rnery,Bash,Tuesday 31st of October 2023 12:06:32 AM CDT,"#!/usr/bin/env bash + +REPO_URL="""" +EXTENSION_DIR=""$HOME/CoverflowAltTab"" + +execute_command() { + local command=""$1"" + local message=""$2"" + echo ""$message"" + if ! $command; then + echo ""Erro ao executar o comando: $command"" + exit 1 + fi +} + +check_git_connectivity() { + execute_command ""git ls-remote \""$REPO_URL\"" &>/dev/null"" ""Verificando a conectividade com o servidor Git..."" +} + +install_git_if_needed() { + if ! command -v git &>/dev/null; then + echo ""Git não encontrado. Instalando..."" + execute_command ""sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git -y"" + fi +} + +clone_extension() { + if [ -d ""$EXTENSION_DIR"" ]; then + echo ""A extensão já está clonada. Pulando etapa de clonagem."" + return + fi + + execute_command ""git clone \""$REPO_URL\"" \""$EXTENSION_DIR\"""" ""Clonando repositório..."" +} + +update_extension() { + if [ ! -d ""$EXTENSION_DIR"" ]; then + echo ""O diretório da extensão não existe. Certifique-se de clonar corretamente antes de instalar."" + return + fi + + execute_command ""git -C \""$EXTENSION_DIR\"" pull origin master"" ""Atualizando repositório..."" +} + +install_extension() { + execute_command ""make -C \""$EXTENSION_DIR\"" && make -C \""$EXTENSION_DIR\"" install && make -C \""$EXTENSION_DIR\"" enable"" ""Instalando extensão..."" +} + +restart_muffin_window_manager() { + execute_command ""muffin --replace &"" ""Reiniciando o gerenciador de janelas Muffin..."" +} + +main() { + echo ""Iniciando a instalação da extensão Coverflow Alt-Tab..."" + + install_git_if_needed + check_git_connectivity + + if [ -d ""$EXTENSION_DIR"" ]; then + update_extension + else + clone_extension + fi + + install_extension + restart_muffin_window_manager + + echo ""A extensão Coverflow Alt-Tab foi instalada e ativada. Reinicie a sessão ou faça logoff e login para aplicar as alterações."" +} + +main +" +U2j5TATN,flask_dynamicContent,naren_paste,Python,Monday 30th of October 2023 11:52:24 PM CDT,"from flask import Flask, render_template + +app = Flask(__name__) + +@app.route('/') +def home(): + return 'Welcome to the Flask App with Dynamic Content!' + +@app.route('/user/') +def display_user(username): + return f'Hello, {username}!' + +if __name__ == '__main__': + + +##### index.html ##### + + + + + + Dynamic Greeting + + +

Hello, {{ username }}!

+ + + +" +VNjCDrmg,Untitled,Mysoft,C,Monday 30th of October 2023 11:06:41 PM CDT,"#include +#include +#include +#include + +//#define _countof(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*(a))) + +typedef struct { + int group; + const char* rule; + const char* ldraw_output; +} Rule; + +#include ""table.c"" + +const Rule* ruleIdx[_countof(rules)]; + +//comparator function for qsort +int CompareRules( const void* pA , const void* pB ) { + return strcmp( (*((const Rule**)pA))->rule , (*((const Rule**)pB))->rule ); +} +void InitRules() { + //set ptrs for each rules element at initial index + for (int N=0 ; N<_countof(ruleIdx) ; N++ ) { ruleIdx[N] = &rules[N]; } + qsort( ruleIdx , _countof(ruleIdx) , sizeof(void*) , CompareRules ); + printf(""%i rules\n"",_countof(ruleIdx)); +} + +int main() { + + InitRules(); + + FILE *outputFile = fopen(""output.txt"", ""a""); // Open the file in append mode + + while (1) { + char userInput[100]; + + printf(""Enter a string (or 'exit' to quit): ""); + fgets(userInput, 100, stdin); + userInput[strcspn(userInput, ""\n"")] = '\0'; + + if (strcmp(userInput, ""exit"") == 0) { + break; // Exit the loop if the user types 'exit' + } + + int match_found = 0; + + clock_t ttime = clock(); + + for (int i = 0 ; i < _countof(rules) ; ++i ) { + if (strstr(rules[i].rule, userInput)) { + printf(""%s\n"", rules[i].ldraw_output); + fprintf(outputFile, ""%s\n"", rules[i].ldraw_output); + match_found = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!match_found) { + printf(""No match found.\n""); + } + + ttime = clock()-ttime; + printf(""took %.0fms\n"",(ttime*1000.0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); + + } + + fclose(outputFile); // Close the file + + return 0; + +} +" +ic5LMXCR,КПО,ksyshshot,C,Monday 30th of October 2023 10:33:32 PM CDT,"#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS + +#include +#include +#include + +void first() +{ + char s[11]; + char newS[11]; + printf(""Введите строку длиной до 10 символов из 5 латинских букв и 5 чётных цифр: ""); + scanf(""%s"", s); + int k = 0, n = 1; + for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) + { + if (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') + { + newS[k] = s[i]; + k += 2; + } + else + { + newS[n] = s[i]; + n += 2; + } + } + newS[10] = '\0'; + printf(""%s"", newS); +} + +void second() +{ + char s[11]; + char newS[11]; + printf(""Введите строку длиной до 10 символов из 5 латинских букв и 5 нечётных цифр: ""); + scanf(""%s"", s); + int k = 0, n = 1; + for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) + { + if (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') + { + newS[n] = s[i]; + n += 2; + } + else + { + newS[k] = s[i]; + k += 2; + } + } + newS[10] = '\0'; + printf(""%s"", newS); +} + +void third() +{ + char s1[11]; + char s2[11]; + char s[21]; + printf(""Введите 1 строку (10 символов): ""); + scanf(""%s"", s1); + printf(""Введите 2 строку такой же длины (10 символов): ""); + scanf(""%s"", s2); + const N = 20; + int k = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 2) + { + s[i] = s1[k]; + s[i + 1] = s2[k]; + k++; + } + s[20] = '\0'; + printf(""%s"", s); +} + +int main() +{ + setlocale(LC_ALL, ""Rus""); + printf(""Задание 4\n""); + first(); + printf(""\nЗадание 5\n""); + second(); + printf(""\nЗадание 6\n""); + third(); + return 0; +}" +VB6afLDk,register.php,AzisMM,PHP,Monday 30th of October 2023 10:25:54 PM CDT," 0; + + if(!$isUsernameTaken) { + // Insert user into database + $query = ""INSERT INTO users (username, password, role) VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$role')""; + mysqli_query($conn, $query); + echo ""Registration successful. You can now login as a student.""; + } else { + echo ""Username is already taken""; + } +} + +?> + + + + + Login and Register Form + + + +


+ +


+ +" +xBNbpep6,login.php,AzisMM,PHP,Monday 30th of October 2023 10:22:48 PM CDT," 0; + + // Check if user is student + $query = ""SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password' AND role='student'""; + $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); + $isStudent = mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0; + + if($isStudent || $isAdmin) { + // Start session and store role + session_start(); + $_SESSION['role'] = $isAdmin ? 'admin' : 'student'; + + // Redirect to appropriate page + if($isAdmin) { + header(""Location: admin_dashboard.php""); + } else { + header(""Location: student_dashboard.php""); + } + } else { + echo ""Invalid login credentials""; + } +} + +?> + + + + + Login and Register Form + + + + +


+ +
+ +" +AphKdnNk,Untitled,retroman,C,Monday 30th of October 2023 10:21:42 PM CDT,"#include +#include + +#include ""table.c"" + +typedef struct { + int group; + const char* rule; + const char* ldraw_output; +} Rule; + +int main() { + + }; + + FILE *outputFile = fopen(""output.txt"", ""a""); // Open the file in append mode + + while (1) { + char userInput[100]; + + printf(""Enter a string (or 'exit' to quit): ""); + fgets(userInput, 100, stdin); + userInput[strcspn(userInput, ""\n"")] = '\0'; + + if (strcmp(userInput, ""exit"") == 0) { + break; // Exit the loop if the user types 'exit' + } + + int match_found = 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(rules) / sizeof(rules[0]); ++i) { + if (strstr(rules[i].rule, userInput)) { + printf(""%s\n"", rules[i].ldraw_output); + fprintf(outputFile, ""%s\n"", rules[i].ldraw_output); + match_found = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!match_found) { + printf(""No match found.\n""); + } + } + + fclose(outputFile); // Close the file + + return 0; +} +" +v7snYzL1,Untitled,bombaires,HTML,Monday 30th of October 2023 09:36:27 PM CDT,"" +G0hg7nup,Roblox Script Test,scriptingtales,Lua,Monday 30th of October 2023 09:06:54 PM CDT,"-- Gui to Lua +-- Version: 3.2 + +-- Instances: + +local DateRandomizer =""ScreenGui"") +local Frame =""Frame"") +local UICorner =""UICorner"") +local Generator =""TextButton"") +local UICorner_2 =""UICorner"") +local FrameLabel =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_3 =""UICorner"") +local Month =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_4 =""UICorner"") +local Day =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_5 =""UICorner"") +local Year =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_6 =""UICorner"") +local Comma =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_7 =""UICorner"") +local Slash =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_8 =""UICorner"") +local Slash_2 =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_9 =""UICorner"") +local YearNAL =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_10 =""UICorner"") +local DayNAL =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_11 =""UICorner"") +local MonthNal =""TextLabel"") +local UICorner_12 =""UICorner"") +local CloseButton =""TextButton"") +local UICorner_13 =""UICorner"") +local OpenButton =""TextButton"") +local UICorner_14 =""UICorner"") + +--Properties: + +DateRandomizer.Name = ""DateRandomizer"" +DateRandomizer.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild(""PlayerGui"") +DateRandomizer.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling + +Frame.Parent = DateRandomizer +Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +Frame.Position =, 0, 0.16236341, 0) +Frame.Size =, 724, 0, 502) + +UICorner.Parent = Frame + +Generator.Name = ""Generator"" +Generator.Parent = Frame +Generator.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(136, 136, 136) +Generator.Position =, 0, 0.665338635, 0) +Generator.Size =, 245, 0, 54) +Generator.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +Generator.Text = ""Generate Random Date"" +Generator.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +Generator.TextScaled = true +Generator.TextSize = 14.000 +Generator.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_2.Parent = Generator + +FrameLabel.Name = ""FrameLabel"" +FrameLabel.Parent = Frame +FrameLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +FrameLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 0) +FrameLabel.Size =, 547, 0, 74) +FrameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +FrameLabel.Text = ""Random Date Generator"" +FrameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +FrameLabel.TextScaled = true +FrameLabel.TextSize = 14.000 +FrameLabel.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_3.Parent = FrameLabel + +Month.Name = ""Month"" +Month.Parent = Frame +Month.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +Month.Position =, 0, 0.245019913, 0) +Month.Size =, 150, 0, 74) +Month.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +Month.Text = ""1"" +Month.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +Month.TextScaled = true +Month.TextSize = 14.000 +Month.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_4.Parent = Month + +Day.Name = ""Day"" +Day.Parent = Frame +Day.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +Day.Position =, 0, 0.247011945, 0) +Day.Size =, 90, 0, 74) +Day.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +Day.Text = ""24"" +Day.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +Day.TextScaled = true +Day.TextSize = 14.000 +Day.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_5.Parent = Day + +Year.Name = ""Year"" +Year.Parent = Frame +Year.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +Year.Position =, 0, 0.245019898, 0) +Year.Size =, 164, 0, 74) +Year.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +Year.Text = ""2009"" +Year.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +Year.TextScaled = true +Year.TextSize = 14.000 +Year.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_6.Parent = Year + +Comma.Name = ""Comma"" +Comma.Parent = Frame +Comma.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +Comma.Position =, 0, 0.430278867, 0) +Comma.Size =, 16, 0, 74) +Comma.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +Comma.Text = "","" +Comma.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +Comma.TextScaled = true +Comma.TextSize = 14.000 +Comma.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_7.Parent = Comma + +Slash.Name = ""Slash"" +Slash.Parent = Frame +Slash.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +Slash.Position =, 0, 0.245019928, 0) +Slash.Size =, 32, 0, 74) +Slash.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +Slash.Text = ""/"" +Slash.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +Slash.TextScaled = true +Slash.TextSize = 14.000 +Slash.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_8.Parent = Slash + +Slash_2.Name = ""Slash"" +Slash_2.Parent = Frame +Slash_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +Slash_2.Position =, 0, 0.245019928, 0) +Slash_2.Size =, 32, 0, 74) +Slash_2.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +Slash_2.Text = ""/"" +Slash_2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +Slash_2.TextScaled = true +Slash_2.TextSize = 14.000 +Slash_2.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_9.Parent = Slash_2 + +YearNAL.Name = ""YearNAL"" +YearNAL.Parent = Frame +YearNAL.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +YearNAL.Position =, 0, 0.426294804, 0) +YearNAL.Size =, 164, 0, 74) +YearNAL.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +YearNAL.Text = ""2009"" +YearNAL.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +YearNAL.TextScaled = true +YearNAL.TextSize = 14.000 +YearNAL.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_10.Parent = YearNAL + +DayNAL.Name = ""DayNAL"" +DayNAL.Parent = Frame +DayNAL.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +DayNAL.Position =, 0, 0.430278897, 0) +DayNAL.Size =, 90, 0, 74) +DayNAL.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +DayNAL.Text = ""24"" +DayNAL.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +DayNAL.TextScaled = true +DayNAL.TextSize = 14.000 +DayNAL.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_11.Parent = DayNAL + +MonthNal.Name = ""MonthNal"" +MonthNal.Parent = Frame +MonthNal.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +MonthNal.Position =, 0, 0.430278897, 0) +MonthNal.Size =, 150, 0, 74) +MonthNal.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +MonthNal.Text = ""Jan"" +MonthNal.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +MonthNal.TextScaled = true +MonthNal.TextSize = 14.000 +MonthNal.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_12.Parent = MonthNal + +CloseButton.Name = ""CloseButton"" +CloseButton.Parent = Frame +CloseButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +CloseButton.Position =, 0, 0, 0) +CloseButton.Size =, 74, 0, 74) +CloseButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +CloseButton.Text = ""X"" +CloseButton.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +CloseButton.TextScaled = true +CloseButton.TextSize = 14.000 +CloseButton.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_13.Parent = CloseButton + +OpenButton.Name = ""OpenButton"" +OpenButton.Parent = DateRandomizer +OpenButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) +OpenButton.Position =, 0, 0.452094853, 0) +OpenButton.Size =, 164, 0, 47) +OpenButton.Visible = false +OpenButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight +OpenButton.Text = ""Open"" +OpenButton.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) +OpenButton.TextScaled = true +OpenButton.TextSize = 14.000 +OpenButton.TextWrapped = true + +UICorner_14.Parent = OpenButton + +-- Scripts: + +local function BNJZXAV_fake_script() -- Generator.Script + local script ='LocalScript', Generator) + + script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() + + + local MonthRandomizer = math.random(1, 12) + + local DayRandomizer = math.random(1, 31) + + + local DayFEBrandomizer = math.random(1, 28) + local DayFEBLEAPrandomizer = math.random(1, 29) + + + local YearRandomizer = math.random(1600, 2100) + + + + local MonthText = script.Parent.Parent.Month.Text + + local DayText = script.Parent.Parent.Day.Text + + local YearText = script.Parent.Parent.Year.Text + + + + local January = 1 + local February = 2 + local March = 3 + local April = 4 + local May = 5 + local June = 6 + local July = 7 + local August = 8 + local September = 9 + local October = 10 + local November = 11 + local December = 12 + + script.Parent.Parent.Day.Text = DayRandomizer + + script.Parent.Parent.Month.Text = MonthRandomizer + + script.Parent.Parent.Year.Text = YearRandomizer + + + -------------------- SEPARATOR --------------------- + + + script.Parent.Parent.DayNAL.Text = DayRandomizer + + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = MonthRandomizer + + script.Parent.Parent.YearNAL.Text = YearRandomizer + + + + + local JanuaryTEXT = ""Jan"" + local FebruaryTEXT = ""Feb"" + local MarchTEXT = ""Mar"" + local AprilTEXT = ""Apr"" + local MayTEXT = ""May"" + local JuneTEXT = ""Jun"" + local JulyTEXT = ""Jul"" + local AugustTEXT = ""Aug"" + local SeptemberTEXT = ""Sept"" + local OctoberTEXT = ""Oct"" + local NovemberTEXT = ""Nov"" + local DecemberTEXT = ""Dec"" + + + + + if MonthRandomizer == 1 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = JanuaryTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 2 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = FebruaryTEXT + + if MonthText == FebruaryTEXT then + DayText = DayFEBrandomizer + if YearRandomizer % 4 == 0 then + if YearRandomizer % 100 == 0 then + if YearRandomizer % 400 == 0 then + + end + end + else + + end + end + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 3 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = MarchTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 4 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = AprilTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 5 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = MayTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 6 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = JuneTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 7 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = JulyTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 8 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = AugustTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 9 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = SeptemberTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 10 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = OctoberTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 11 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = NovemberTEXT + end + + if MonthRandomizer == 12 then + script.Parent.Parent.MonthNal.Text = DecemberTEXT + end + end) +end +coroutine.wrap(BNJZXAV_fake_script)() +local function QYYIM_fake_script() -- Frame.Dragify + local script ='LocalScript', Frame) + + local Frame = script.Parent + + Frame.Active = true + Frame.Selectable = true + Frame.Draggable = true +end +coroutine.wrap(QYYIM_fake_script)() +local function XNGFBQZ_fake_script() -- CloseButton.CloseScript + local script ='LocalScript', CloseButton) + + local Frame = script.Parent.Parent + + script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() + Frame.Visible = false + script.Parent.Parent.Parent.OpenButton.Visible = true + end) +end +coroutine.wrap(XNGFBQZ_fake_script)() +local function JHFLA_fake_script() -- OpenButton.OpenScript + local script ='LocalScript', OpenButton) + + local Frame = script.Parent.Parent.Frame + + script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() + Frame.Visible = true + script.Parent.Visible = false + end) +end +coroutine.wrap(JHFLA_fake_script)() +" +azvWwYK4,fill v2,LDMCoding,Lua,Monday 30th of October 2023 09:05:06 PM CDT,"local tArgs = { ... } + +local x = tonumber(tArgs[1]) +local z = tonumber(tArgs[2]) +local y = tonumber(tArgs[3]) +if x == nil or z == nil or y == nil then + print(""Usage: fill "") + return +end" +48ffcZpx,ппп,Afanas2707,C++,Monday 30th of October 2023 08:11:54 PM CDT,"#include + +void createLinksArray(int* inputArray, int size) { + + int* linksArray = new int[size]; + + // Заполняем linksArray начальными индексами (0, 1, 2, ...) + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + linksArray[i] = i; + } + + // Реализуем сортировку (например, сортировку пузырьком) для linksArray + for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { + for (int j = 0; j < size - i - 1; j++) { + if (inputArray[linksArray[j]] > inputArray[linksArray[j + 1]]) { + // Меняем местами индексы, чтобы отсортировать linksArray + int temp = linksArray[j]; + linksArray[j] = linksArray[j + 1]; + linksArray[j + 1] = temp; + } + } + } + + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + std::cout << linksArray[i] << "" ""; + } + + std::cout << std::endl; + + // Восстанавливаем отсортированный массив в inputArray + int* sortedArray = new int[size]; + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + sortedArray[i] = inputArray[linksArray[i]]; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + std::cout << sortedArray[i] << "" ""; + } + + // Копируем отсортированный массив обратно в inputArray + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + inputArray[i] = sortedArray[i]; + } + + delete[] sortedArray; // Освобождаем память, выделенную для sortedArray +} + +int main() { + int inputNumbers[] = {534, 222, 121, 442, 320}; + int size = sizeof(inputNumbers) / sizeof(inputNumbers[0]); + + createLinksArray(inputNumbers, size); + + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + std::cout << inputNumbers[i] << "" ""; + } + + return 0; +} +" +tSptWeqp,menu,Sergio_Istea,Python,Monday 30th of October 2023 08:02:32 PM CDT,"#!/usr/bin/env python +import os + +productos = [] +while True: + os.system('clear') + + print(""Ingreso\t'1'\nLista\t'2'\nGuardar\t'3'\nSalir\t'4'"") + + opcion = input(""Ingrese una opcion: "") + + if opcion == ""1"": + + os.system('clear') + while True: + + item = input(""Ingrese nombre del producto ('S' para salir):"" ) + if item == ""S"": + + break + + elif item in productos: + + input(f""Producto '{item}' ya fue cargado."") + continue + + productos.insert(0, item) + + elif opcion == ""2"": + os.system('clear') + print('\n'.join(productos)) + + input(""press enter"") + continue + + elif opcion == ""3"": + + # ""w"" crea y sobre escribe el fichero si existe. + # ""a"" añade al fichero, crea si no existe. + with open(""productos.txt"", ""a"") as objeto_archivo: + + for elemento in productos: + + objeto_archivo.write(str(elemento) + ""\n"") + + + + elif opcion == ""4"": + + exit(0) + + else: + + print(""Opcion incorrecta."") +" +CU74YkDH,Untitled,puffpuff0,Lua,Monday 30th of October 2023 07:30:01 PM CDT,"-- Initialize the monitor +local monitor = peripheral.wrap(""top"") -- assuming the monitor is on the top of the computer +local width, height = monitor.getSize() +monitor.setTextScale(0.5) +monitor.clear() +monitor.setCursorPos(1, 1) + +-- Function to draw the button and its box +local function drawButton() + local x = math.floor(width / 2) - 4 -- offset to center ""Press Me"" (which is 7 characters long) + local y = math.floor(height / 2) - 1 + + -- Draw the top line of the box + monitor.setCursorPos(x, y) + monitor.write(""---------"") + + -- Draw the sides and text of the box + monitor.setCursorPos(x, y + 1) + monitor.write(""|Press Me|"") + + -- Draw the bottom line of the box + monitor.setCursorPos(x, y + 2) + monitor.write(""---------"") +end + +-- Function to display Minecraft world time +local function displayTime() + local time = os.time() + monitor.clear() + monitor.setCursorPos(1, 1) + monitor.write(""Current Time: "" .. time) + sleep(2) -- display the time for 2 seconds + monitor.clear() + drawButton() +end + +-- Draw the initial button and box +drawButton() + +-- Event Loop +while true do + local event, side, x, y = os.pullEvent(""monitor_touch"") + local x1 = math.floor(width / 2) - 4 + local x2 = math.floor(width / 2) + 4 + local yCenter = math.floor(height / 2) + + if x >= x1 and x <= x2 and y >= yCenter - 1 and y <= yCenter + 1 then + displayTime() + end +end +" +MqTpLddu,2023-10-30_stats.json,rdp_snitch,JSON,Monday 30th of October 2023 07:18:24 PM CDT,"{ + ""ip"": { + """": 3, + """": 6, + """": 9, + """": 18, + """": 3, + """": 3, + """": 15, + """": 3, + """": 3, + """": 3, + """": 6, + """": 6, + """": 18, + """": 6, + """": 9, + """": 3, + """": 9, + """": 9, + """": 9, + """": 3, + """": 3, + """": 9, + """": 6, + """": 3, + """": 15, + """": 3, + """": 6, + """": 3, + """": 9, + """": 6 + }, + ""asn"": { + ""AS24547"": 3, + ""AS34665"": 6, + ""AS396982"": 36, + ""AS327879"": 18, + ""AS204428"": 18, + ""AS208091"": 12, + ""AS396356"": 3, + ""AS50360"": 3, + ""AS197414"": 24, + ""AS57523"": 6, + ""AS211632"": 3, + ""AS4134"": 12, + ""AS209605"": 9, + ""AS48721"": 9, + ""AS135377"": 3, + ""AS396949"": 6, + ""AS209588"": 3, + ""AS210950"": 15, + ""AS398722"": 3, + ""AS204548"": 6, + ""AS398705"": 3, + ""AS59425"": 6 + }, + ""isp"": { + ""China Mobile communications corporation"": 3, + ""Petersburg Internet Network ltd"": 6, + ""Google LLC"": 36, + ""Ajywa Telcom Network"": 18, + ""SS-Net"": 18, + ""Xhost Internet Solutions LP"": 36, + """": 3, + ""Tamatiya EOOD"": 3, + ""Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited"": 6, + ""Internet Solutions & Innovations LTD."": 3, + ""Chinanet"": 12, + ""UAB Host Baltic"": 9, + ""Flyservers S.A."": 12, + ""UCLOUD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (HK) LIMITED"": 3, + ""Kamatera"": 6, + ""TOV E-RISHENNYA"": 15, + ""Censys, Inc."": 6, + ""Kamatera Inc"": 6, + ""Horizon LLC"": 6 + }, + ""org"": { + ""China Mobile"": 3, + ""PIN DC"": 6, + ""Palo Alto Networks, Inc"": 36, + ""Ajywa Telecom"": 18, + ""BtHoster LTD"": 3, + ""Xhost Internet Solutions"": 12, + ""4Media Ltd"": 15, + ""Panq B.V"": 3, + ""Tamatiya EOOD"": 3, + ""Xhostis"": 24, + ""Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited"": 6, + ""Tribeka Web Advisors S.A"": 3, + ""Chinanet JS"": 9, + ""Unknown"": 9, + ""Flyservers S.A"": 9, + ""Chinanet HE"": 3, + ""Ucloud Information Technology (hk) Limited"": 3, + ""Cloud Web Manage"": 6, + ""Cloud Solutions S.A"": 3, + ""TOV VAIZ PARTNER"": 15, + ""Censys, Inc."": 6, + ""Cloudwebmanage EU FR"": 6, + ""Horizon LLC"": 6 + }, + ""regionName"": { + ""Hebei"": 6, + ""St.-Petersburg"": 6, + ""California"": 36, + ""South Kivu Province"": 18, + ""Budapest"": 3, + ""England"": 12, + ""Plovdiv"": 18, + ""New Jersey"": 3, + ""North Holland"": 24, + ""Moscow"": 12, + ""Mariehamns stad"": 3, + ""Jiangsu"": 9, + ""Kaunas"": 18, + ""Sao Paulo"": 3, + ""Texas"": 6, + ""Distrito Federal"": 3, + ""Kyiv City"": 15, + ""Michigan"": 3, + ""Hesse"": 9 + }, + ""country"": { + ""China"": 15, + ""Russia"": 18, + ""United States"": 48, + ""DR Congo"": 18, + ""Hungary"": 3, + ""United Kingdom"": 12, + ""Bulgaria"": 18, + ""Netherlands"": 24, + ""Aland Islands"": 3, + ""Lithuania"": 18, + ""Brazil"": 3, + ""Venezuela"": 3, + ""Ukraine"": 15, + ""Germany"": 9 + }, + ""account"": { + ""(empty)"": 21, + ""VzBEvbeOt"": 3, + ""rlcwYX"": 3, + ""AIHAbV"": 3, + ""hello"": 39, + ""Administr"": 78, + ""Domain"": 30, + ""avttotZKK"": 3, + ""ATuKSt"": 3, + ""bIJgWf"": 3, + ""Administrator"": 3, + ""wvJyrWauQ"": 3, + ""MbnmUa"": 3, + ""kQMceH"": 3, + ""nwXHxdhMJ"": 3, + ""DcijlF"": 3, + ""QeBWxA"": 3 + }, + ""keyboard"": { + ""Unknown"": 207 + }, + ""client_build"": { + ""Unknown"": 207 + }, + ""client_name"": { + ""Unknown"": 207 + }, + ""ip_type"": { + ""mobile"": 3, + ""Unknown"": 150, + ""hosting"": 42, + ""proxy"": 12 + } +}" +tZENs2PS,2023-10-30_stats.json,rdp_snitch,JSON,Monday 30th of October 2023 07:16:11 PM CDT,"{ + ""ip"": { + """": 2, + """": 4, + """": 6, + """": 12, + """": 2, + """": 2, + """": 10, + """": 2, + """": 2, + """": 2, + """": 4, + """": 4, + """": 12, + """": 4, + """": 6, + """": 2, + """": 6, + """": 6, + """": 6, + """": 2, + """": 2, + """": 6, + """": 4, + """": 2, + """": 10, + """": 2, + """": 4, + """": 2, + """": 6, + """": 4 + }, + ""asn"": { + ""AS24547"": 2, + ""AS34665"": 4, + ""AS396982"": 24, + ""AS327879"": 12, + ""AS204428"": 12, + ""AS208091"": 8, + ""AS396356"": 2, + ""AS50360"": 2, + ""AS197414"": 16, + ""AS57523"": 4, + ""AS211632"": 2, + ""AS4134"": 8, + ""AS209605"": 6, + ""AS48721"": 6, + ""AS135377"": 2, + ""AS396949"": 4, + ""AS209588"": 2, + ""AS210950"": 10, + ""AS398722"": 2, + ""AS204548"": 4, + ""AS398705"": 2, + ""AS59425"": 4 + }, + ""isp"": { + ""China Mobile communications corporation"": 2, + ""Petersburg Internet Network ltd"": 4, + ""Google LLC"": 24, + ""Ajywa Telcom Network"": 12, + ""SS-Net"": 12, + ""Xhost Internet Solutions LP"": 24, + """": 2, + ""Tamatiya EOOD"": 2, + ""Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited"": 4, + ""Internet Solutions & Innovations LTD."": 2, + ""Chinanet"": 8, + ""UAB Host Baltic"": 6, + ""Flyservers S.A."": 8, + ""UCLOUD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (HK) LIMITED"": 2, + ""Kamatera"": 4, + ""TOV E-RISHENNYA"": 10, + ""Censys, Inc."": 4, + ""Kamatera Inc"": 4, + ""Horizon LLC"": 4 + }, + ""org"": { + ""China Mobile"": 2, + ""PIN DC"": 4, + ""Palo Alto Networks, Inc"": 24, + ""Ajywa Telecom"": 12, + ""BtHoster LTD"": 2, + ""Xhost Internet Solutions"": 8, + ""4Media Ltd"": 10, + ""Panq B.V"": 2, + ""Tamatiya EOOD"": 2, + ""Xhostis"": 16, + ""Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited"": 4, + ""Tribeka Web Advisors S.A"": 2, + ""Chinanet JS"": 6, + ""Unknown"": 6, + ""Flyservers S.A"": 6, + ""Chinanet HE"": 2, + ""Ucloud Information Technology (hk) Limited"": 2, + ""Cloud Web Manage"": 4, + ""Cloud Solutions S.A"": 2, + ""TOV VAIZ PARTNER"": 10, + ""Censys, Inc."": 4, + ""Cloudwebmanage EU FR"": 4, + ""Horizon LLC"": 4 + }, + ""regionName"": { + ""Hebei"": 4, + ""St.-Petersburg"": 4, + ""California"": 24, + ""South Kivu Province"": 12, + ""Budapest"": 2, + ""England"": 8, + ""Plovdiv"": 12, + ""New Jersey"": 2, + ""North Holland"": 16, + ""Moscow"": 8, + ""Mariehamns stad"": 2, + ""Jiangsu"": 6, + ""Kaunas"": 12, + ""Sao Paulo"": 2, + ""Texas"": 4, + ""Distrito Federal"": 2, + ""Kyiv City"": 10, + ""Michigan"": 2, + ""Hesse"": 6 + }, + ""country"": { + ""China"": 10, + ""Russia"": 12, + ""United States"": 32, + ""DR Congo"": 12, + ""Hungary"": 2, + ""United Kingdom"": 8, + ""Bulgaria"": 12, + ""Netherlands"": 16, + ""Aland Islands"": 2, + ""Lithuania"": 12, + ""Brazil"": 2, + ""Venezuela"": 2, + ""Ukraine"": 10, + ""Germany"": 6 + }, + ""account"": { + ""(empty)"": 14, + ""VzBEvbeOt"": 2, + ""rlcwYX"": 2, + ""AIHAbV"": 2, + ""hello"": 26, + ""Administr"": 52, + ""Domain"": 20, + ""avttotZKK"": 2, + ""ATuKSt"": 2, + ""bIJgWf"": 2, + ""Administrator"": 2, + ""wvJyrWauQ"": 2, + ""MbnmUa"": 2, + ""kQMceH"": 2, + ""nwXHxdhMJ"": 2, + ""DcijlF"": 2, + ""QeBWxA"": 2 + }, + ""keyboard"": { + ""Unknown"": 138 + }, + ""client_build"": { + ""Unknown"": 138 + }, + ""client_name"": { + ""Unknown"": 138 + }, + ""ip_type"": { + ""mobile"": 2, + ""Unknown"": 100, + ""hosting"": 28, + ""proxy"": 8 + } +}" +caLFjRQn,2023-10-30_stats.json,rdp_snitch,JSON,Monday 30th of October 2023 07:15:09 PM CDT,"{ + ""ip"": { + """": 1, + """": 2, + """": 3, + """": 6, + """": 1, + """": 1, + """": 5, + """": 1, + """": 1, + """": 1, + """": 2, + """": 2, + """": 6, + """": 2, + """": 3, + """": 1, + """": 3, + """": 3, + """": 3, + """": 1, + """": 1, + """": 3, + """": 2, + """": 1, + """": 5, + """": 1, + """": 2, + """": 1, + """": 3, + """": 2 + }, + ""asn"": { + ""AS24547"": 1, + ""AS34665"": 2, + ""AS396982"": 12, + ""AS327879"": 6, + ""AS204428"": 6, + ""AS208091"": 4, + ""AS396356"": 1, + ""AS50360"": 1, + ""AS197414"": 8, + ""AS57523"": 2, + ""AS211632"": 1, + ""AS4134"": 4, + ""AS209605"": 3, + ""AS48721"": 3, + ""AS135377"": 1, + ""AS396949"": 2, + ""AS209588"": 1, + ""AS210950"": 5, + ""AS398722"": 1, + ""AS204548"": 2, + ""AS398705"": 1, + ""AS59425"": 2 + }, + ""isp"": { + ""China Mobile communications corporation"": 1, + ""Petersburg Internet Network ltd"": 2, + ""Google LLC"": 12, + ""Ajywa Telcom Network"": 6, + ""SS-Net"": 6, + ""Xhost Internet Solutions LP"": 12, + """": 1, + ""Tamatiya EOOD"": 1, + ""Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited"": 2, + ""Internet Solutions & Innovations LTD."": 1, + ""Chinanet"": 4, + ""UAB Host Baltic"": 3, + ""Flyservers S.A."": 4, + ""UCLOUD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (HK) LIMITED"": 1, + ""Kamatera"": 2, + ""TOV E-RISHENNYA"": 5, + ""Censys, Inc."": 2, + ""Kamatera Inc"": 2, + ""Horizon LLC"": 2 + }, + ""org"": { + ""China Mobile"": 1, + ""PIN DC"": 2, + ""Palo Alto Networks, Inc"": 12, + ""Ajywa Telecom"": 6, + ""BtHoster LTD"": 1, + ""Xhost Internet Solutions"": 4, + ""4Media Ltd"": 5, + ""Panq B.V"": 1, + ""Tamatiya EOOD"": 1, + ""Xhostis"": 8, + ""Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited"": 2, + ""Tribeka Web Advisors S.A"": 1, + ""Chinanet JS"": 3, + ""Unknown"": 3, + ""Flyservers S.A"": 3, + ""Chinanet HE"": 1, + ""Ucloud Information Technology (hk) Limited"": 1, + ""Cloud Web Manage"": 2, + ""Cloud Solutions S.A"": 1, + ""TOV VAIZ PARTNER"": 5, + ""Censys, Inc."": 2, + ""Cloudwebmanage EU FR"": 2, + ""Horizon LLC"": 2 + }, + ""regionName"": { + ""Hebei"": 2, + ""St.-Petersburg"": 2, + ""California"": 12, + ""South Kivu Province"": 6, + ""Budapest"": 1, + ""England"": 4, + ""Plovdiv"": 6, + ""New Jersey"": 1, + ""North Holland"": 8, + ""Moscow"": 4, + ""Mariehamns stad"": 1, + ""Jiangsu"": 3, + ""Kaunas"": 6, + ""Sao Paulo"": 1, + ""Texas"": 2, + ""Distrito Federal"": 1, + ""Kyiv City"": 5, + ""Michigan"": 1, + ""Hesse"": 3 + }, + ""country"": { + ""China"": 5, + ""Russia"": 6, + ""United States"": 16, + ""DR Congo"": 6, + ""Hungary"": 1, + ""United Kingdom"": 4, + ""Bulgaria"": 6, + ""Netherlands"": 8, + ""Aland Islands"": 1, + ""Lithuania"": 6, + ""Brazil"": 1, + ""Venezuela"": 1, + ""Ukraine"": 5, + ""Germany"": 3 + }, + ""account"": { + ""(empty)"": 7, + ""VzBEvbeOt"": 1, + ""rlcwYX"": 1, + ""AIHAbV"": 1, + ""hello"": 13, + ""Administr"": 26, + ""Domain"": 10, + ""avttotZKK"": 1, + ""ATuKSt"": 1, + ""bIJgWf"": 1, + ""Administrator"": 1, + ""wvJyrWauQ"": 1, + ""MbnmUa"": 1, + ""kQMceH"": 1, + ""nwXHxdhMJ"": 1, + ""DcijlF"": 1, + ""QeBWxA"": 1 + }, + ""keyboard"": { + ""Unknown"": 69 + }, + ""client_build"": { + ""Unknown"": 69 + }, + ""client_name"": { + ""Unknown"": 69 + }, + ""ip_type"": { + ""mobile"": 1, + ""Unknown"": 50, + ""hosting"": 14, + ""proxy"": 4 + } +}" +NhKa4RqT,Excel - generic way to split Address from one column into multiple columns.,crexin,PowerShell,Monday 30th of October 2023 07:08:58 PM CDT,"Assume Address data is in Column E and has data like ""123 Any ST Anytown NY 12345"" + +First Zipcode match for K2 = Right(E2,5) +Or Combined to match all in one shot - +=IF(COUNTIF(E2,""*-*""),RIGHT(E2,10),RIGHT(E2,5)) + +Zip Code matching - figure out if it has a 9 digit code instead of 5 +=IF(COUNTIF(K2,""*-*""),RIGHT(E2,10),K2) + + +Find position of last space in string + +=FIND(""?"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""?"",LEN(E2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "","""")))) + +From + +Find state: + +=MID(E2,FIND(""?"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""?"",LEN(E2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""""))))-2,2) + + + +Find 2nd to last space: + +=FIND(""/"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""/"", LEN(E2)- LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""""))-1)) + +From + +Third to last space + +=FIND(""/"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""/"",LEN(E2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""""))-2)) + +From + + +=MID(E2, +FIND(""/"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""/"", LEN(E2)- LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""""))-1)),FIND(""/"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""/"",LEN(E2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""""))-2))-FIND(""/"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""/"", LEN(E2)- LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""""))-1))) + + +Find City + +I2 = Pos 2nd to last space = =FIND(""/"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""/"", LEN(E2)- LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""""))-1)) +J2 = Pos3rdtolastspace = =FIND(""/"",SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""/"",LEN(E2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E2,"" "",""""))-2)) +=MID(E2,J2,I2-J2) + + + +Only about 20 didn't match the city + +Street Address formula (in column H) + +=MID(E2,1,I2)" +vS29EVNc,Muffin Cinnamon,Rnery,Bash,Monday 30th of October 2023 07:08:43 PM CDT,"#!/usr/bin/env bash + +check_git_online() { + if ! git ls-remote &>/dev/null; then + echo ""Erro: Não foi possível estabelecer conexão com o servidor Git. Verifique sua conexão à internet."" + exit 1 + fi +} + +install_git() { + if ! command -v git &> /dev/null; then + sudo apt-get install git -y + fi +} + +clone_and_install_extension() { + check_git_online + git clone + cd CoverflowAltTab + make + make install + make enable +} + +restart_muffin_window_manager() { + muffin --replace +} + +main() { + echo ""Iniciando a instalação da extensão Coverflow Alt-Tab..."" + + install_git + clone_and_install_extension + restart_muffin_window_manager + + echo ""A extensão Coverflow Alt-Tab foi instalada e ativada. Reinicie a sessão ou faça logoff e login para aplicar as alterações."" +} + +main +" +F7sNQ1qK,menu of loginsys,atlasim,Lua,Monday 30th of October 2023 07:03:51 PM CDT,"-- Define Functions for program + +local function centerText(text) -- Write centered text, Never ysed + local x,y = term.getSize() + local x2,y2 = term.getCursorPos() + term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), y2) + write(text) +end + +local function titlebar(title) -- Write Yellow Title bar + term.clear() + term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) + term.setCursorPos(1,1) + term.write(title) + term.setTextColor(colors.white) + term.setCursorPos(1,2) +end + +local function invokemenu(menucontents, menutitle) -- Invokes a menu dialog + selectpos = 1 + lengh = #menucontents + while true do + titlebar(menutitle) + print("""") + for i=1, lengh, 1 do + if i == selectpos then + print("" > ""..menucontents[i].."""") + else + print("" ""..menucontents[i].."""") + end + end + a,b = os.pullEventRaw() + if a == ""key"" then + if b == 200 and selectpos > 1 then + selectpos = selectpos - 1 + elseif b == 208 and selectpos < lengh then + selectpos = selectpos + 1 + elseif b == 28 then + break + end + end + end + return selectpos +end + +-- Start of program +multishell.setTitle(shell.openTab(""shell""), ""Shell"") -- Open default shell + +while true do + multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), ""Menu"") + local menu1 = invokemenu({""Programs"",""Shell"",""Logout"",""Power Options""},""Main Menu"") + -- Program Selector + if menu1 == 1 then + local proglist = fs.list(""/Programs"") + local exitnumber = #proglist + 1 + table.insert(proglist, ""Back"") + local programsmenu = invokemenu(proglist,""Programs"") + if programsmenu == exitnumber then + a = 1 + else + local progtorun = ""/Programs/""..proglist[programsmenu] + shell.switchTab(shell.openTab(progtorun)) + end + -- Open Shell + elseif menu1 == 2 then + local tabnum = shell.openTab(""shell"") + multishell.setTitle(tabnum, ""Shell"") + shell.switchTab(tabnum) + -- Logout + elseif menu1 == 3 then +""startup/loginsys"") + os.exit() + -- Shutdown Options + elseif menu1 == 4 then + shutdownmenu = invokemenu({""Shutdown"", ""Reboot"", ""Back""},""Power Options"") + if shutdownmenu == 1 then + os.shutdown() + elseif shutdownmenu == 2 then + os.reboot() + elseif os.shutdown == 3 then + a = 1 + end + end +end"