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+ "root": "./docs",
+ "author": "Aeneas Rekkas",
+ "gitbook": ">=3.2.0"
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index ef6f41b2c4..81b33c8320 100644
--- a/cmd/serve.go
+++ b/cmd/serve.go
@@ -23,16 +23,8 @@ import (
// serveCmd represents the serve command
var serveCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "serve",
- Short: "A brief description of your command",
- Long: `A longer description that spans multiple lines and likely contains examples
-and usage of using your command. For example:
-Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications.
-This application is a tool to generate the needed files
-to quickly create a Cobra application.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
- // TODO: Work your own magic here
- fmt.Println("serve called")
+ fmt.Println(cmd.UsageString())
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+# ORY Oathkeeper
+## Introduction
+Welcome to the ORY Oathkeeper documentation!
+ORY Oathkeeper is a reverse proxy which evaluates incoming HTTP requests based on a set of rules. This capability
+is referred to as an Identity and Access Proxy (IAP) in the context of [BeyondCorp and ZeroTrust](https://www.beyondcorp.com).
+In principal, ORY Oathkeeper inspects the `Authorization` header and the full request url (e.g. `https://mydomain.com/api/foo`)
+of incoming HTTP requests, applies a given rule, and either grants access to the requested url or denies access. The
+decision of whether to allow or deny the access request is made using ORY Hydra. Please keep in mind that ORY Oathkeeper
+is a supplement to ORY Hydra. It is thus imperative to be familiar with the core concepts of ORY Hydra.
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+- [Concepts](concepts.md#concepts)
+ - [Terminology](concepts.md#terminology)
+ - [Rules](concepts.md#rules)
+ - [Rules REST API](concepts.md#rules-rest-api)
+ - [Rules CLI API](#rules-cli-api)
+- [Deployment](deployment.md#deployment)
+ - [Gateway](deployment.md#gateway)
+ - [Sidecar](deployment.md#sidecar)
+- [Security](security.md#security)
+ - [Stateless Authorization](security.md#stateless-authorization)
+ - [The ID Token](security.md#the-id-token)
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+**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)*
+- [Concepts](#concepts)
+ - [Terminology](#terminology)
+ - [Rules](#rules)
+ - [Rules REST API](#rules-rest-api)
+ - [Rules CLI API](#rules-cli-api)
+# Concepts
+This section covers core concepts of ORY Oathekeeper.
+## Terminology
+* Access credentials: The credentials used to access an endpoint. This is typically an OAuth 2.0 access token supplied
+ by ORY Hydra.
+* Backend URL: The URL (backend) where requests will be forwarded to, if access is granted. Typically an API Gateway
+ such as Mashape Kong.
+* Scopes: An OAuth 2.0 Scope.
+* Access Control Policies: These are JSON documents similar to AWS and Google Cloud Policies. Read more about them [here](https://ory.gitbooks.io/hydra/content/security.html#how-does-access-control-work-with-hydra).
+## Rules
+ORY Oathkeeper has a configurable set of rules. Rules are applied to all incoming requests and based on the rule definition,
+an action is taken. There are four types of rules:
+1. **Passthrough**: Forwards the original request to the backend url without any modification to its headers.
+2. **Anonymous**: Tries to extract user information from the given access credentials. If that fails, or no access
+ credentials have been provided, the request is forwarded and the user is marked as "anonymous".
+3. **Basic Authorization**: Requires valid access credentials and optionally checks for a set of OAuth 2.0 Scopes. If
+ the supplied access credentials are invalid (expired, malformed, revoked) or do not fulfill the requested scopes,
+ access is denied.
+4. **Policy Authorization**: Requires valid access credentials as defined in 3. and additionally validates if the user
+ is authorized to make the request, based on access control policies.
+The exact payloads are explained in detail in the REST API (see next section).
+### Rules REST API
+For more information on available fields and exemplary payloads of rules, as well as rule management using HTTP
+please refer to the [REST API docs](https://oathkeeper.docs.apiary.io/#)
+### Rules CLI API
+Management of rules is not only possible through the REST API, but additionally using the ORY Oathkeeper CLI.
+For help on how to manage the CLI, type `oathkeeper help rules`.
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+**Table of Contents**
+- [Deployment](#deployment)
+ - [Gateway](#gateway)
+ - [Sidecar](#sidecar)
+# Deployment
+ORY Oathkeeper is developed as a native cloud application. As such, it is completely stateless, does not require
+configuration files and does not persist anything to disk. It is possible to restart ORY Oathkeeper without any side-effects
+as ORY Oathkeeper supports graceful HTTP shutdown.
+ORY Oathkeeper works natively with Load Balancers and auto-scaling groups. It is configured using environment variables
+and relies on a PostgreSQL / MySQL database instance. To answer access requests quickly, rules are cached in-memory
+and refreshed within a given interval (e.g. 30 seconds).
+ORY Oathkeeper has a tiny footprint as it is compiled to native bytecode. The docker image is a mere 5 MB, the memory
+footprint similarly low and the CPU usage is, on average, close to zero.
+Thus, two possible deployment layouts are possible for ORY Oathkeeper, which are covered in the next two sections.
+## Gateway
+In the gateway deployment scenario, ORY Oathkeeper is the single point of entry for all API endpoints. Oathkeeper might
+sit behind a load balancer, but is generally deployed in front of the API router. Any incoming requests first
+pass ORY Oathkeeper, then the API router, and finally reach the API endpoint service.
+![Gateway Oathkeeper Deployment Layout](images/gateway_deployment.svg)
+The advantage of this deployment layout is that there is only one deployment of ORY Oathkeeper that needs to be maintained.
+The disadvantage is that it is not possible to talk to API endpoints directly without going through the full
+reverse proxy chain.
+## Sidecar
+In the sidecar deployment scenario, ORY Oathkeeper is deployed alongside each API endpoint service, probably even
+within the same logical unit (e.g. Docker Container or VM) as the service itself.
+![Gateway Oathkeeper Deployment Layout](images/sidecar_layout.svg)
+The advantage of this deployment layout is that requests to the API endpoints are possible without passing through
+the API router. The disadvantage is that multiple instances of ORY Oathkeeper have to be maintained.
diff --git a/docs/diagrams/api_router_layout.mermaid b/docs/diagrams/api_router_layout.mermaid
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index 0000000000..5e8988123d
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+++ b/docs/diagrams/api_router_layout.mermaid
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+graph LR
+ UA[User Agent] --- FW[ORY Oathkeeper]
+ FW --- APIR[API Router]
+ APIR --- API1[API Endpoint 1]
+ APIR --- API2[API Endpoint 2]
+ APIR --- API3[API Endpoint 3]
diff --git a/docs/diagrams/id_token.mermaid b/docs/diagrams/id_token.mermaid
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index 0000000000..5161b45be0
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+++ b/docs/diagrams/id_token.mermaid
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ participant UA as User Agent
+ participant FW as ORY Oathkeeper
+ participant API as API Endpoint
+ UA->>FW: Authorization: bearer Opaque.Token
+ FW->>API: Authorization: bearer JWT.ID.Token
+ API->>API: Decodes & validates JWT.ID.Token using Oathkeeper's public key
diff --git a/docs/diagrams/invalid_access_request.mermaid b/docs/diagrams/invalid_access_request.mermaid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..230d3ef0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/diagrams/invalid_access_request.mermaid
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ participant UA as User Agent
+ participant FW as ORY Oathkeeper
+ participant OA2 as ORY Hydra
+ participant API as API Endpoint
+ UA->>FW: HTTP Request with opaque access token
+ activate FW
+ FW->>OA2: Ask for access request validation
+ activate OA2
+ OA2->>OA2: Process access request
+ OA2->>FW: Forbid access request
+ deactivate OA2
+ FW->>UA: HTTP 403 Forbidden
+ deactivate FW
diff --git a/docs/diagrams/sidecar_layout.mermaid b/docs/diagrams/sidecar_layout.mermaid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28d7715cf9
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+++ b/docs/diagrams/sidecar_layout.mermaid
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+graph LR
+ UA[User Agent] --- APIR[API Router]
+ APIR --- FW1[ORY Oathkeeper]
+ subgraph Service 1
+ FW1 --- API1[API Endpoint 1]
+ end
+ APIR --- FW2[ORY Oathkeeper]
+ subgraph Service 2
+ FW2 --- API2[API Endpoint 2]
+ end
+ APIR --- FW3[ORY Oathkeeper]
+ subgraph Service 3
+ FW3 --- API3[API Endpoint 3]
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000..392c852f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/diagrams/valid_access_request.mermaid
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ participant UA as User Agent
+ participant FW as ORY Oathkeeper
+ participant OA2 as ORY Hydra
+ participant API as API Endpoint
+ UA->>FW: HTTP Request with opaque access token
+ activate FW
+ FW->>OA2: Ask for access request validation
+ activate OA2
+ OA2->>OA2: Process access request
+ OA2->>FW: Approve request and return identity information
+ deactivate OA2
+ FW->>FW: Generate JWT ID Token
+ FW->>API: Forward request with ID Token
+ activate API
+ API->>API: Process request with user info from ID token
+ API->>FW: Return response
+ deactivate API
+ FW->>UA: Forward response
+ deactivate FW
diff --git a/docs/images/api_router_layout.svg b/docs/images/api_router_layout.svg
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+# Quickstart
+This section covers how to get started using ORY Oathkeeper. ORY Oathkeeper has two servers that run on separate ports:
+* The management server: This server is responsible for exposing the management REST API.
+* The proxy server: This server is responsible for evaluating access requests and forwarding them to the backend.
+For detailed documentation on the two servers, run `oathkeeper help serve management` and `oathkeeper help serve proxy`.
+ORY Oathkeeper supports two types of storage backends: In-memory and MySQL/PostgreSQL. The former is well suited
+for testing while the latter should be used in production. For brevity, we will use the in-memory adapters for this
+quickstart tutorial.
+First, we need to set up an ORY Hydra instance as instructed [here](https://ory.gitbooks.io/hydra/content/install.html).
+We also need to create an OAuth 2.0 client capable of making requests to ORY Hydra's Warden API. For this purpose we
+create two files:
+ "id": "oathkeeper-client",
+ "client_secret": "something-secure",
+ "scope": "hydra.warden",
+ "grant_types": ["client_credentials"],
+ "response_types": ["token"]
+ "id": "oathkeeper-policy",
+ "subjects": [
+ "oathkeeper-client"
+ ],
+ "effect": "allow",
+ "resources": [
+ "rn:hydra:warden:allowed",
+ "rn:hydra:warden:token:allowed"
+ ],
+ "actions": [
+ "decide"
+ ]
+and import them using ORY Hydra's CLI:
+$ hydra clients import client.json
+$ hydra policies create -f policy.json
+Now we are all set to boot up ORY Oathkeeper. Because we are using the in-memory database backend, we have to use
+`oathkeeper serve all`, otherwise the proxy and management process would not be able to talk to each other:
+# We assume that ORY Hydra is running on localhost:4444
+$ export HYDRA_URL=http://localhost:4444/
+# These are the values from the client.json file
+$ export HYDRA_CLIENT_ID=oathkeeper-client
+$ export HYDRA_CLIENT_SECRET=something-secure
+# This needs to be a URL of your HTTP endpoint.
+$ export BACKEND_URL=http://my-api-endpoint-servers.com/
+# This should be a proper database URL in production, see `hydra help serve proxy`
+$ export DATABASE_URL=memory
+$ oathkeeper serve all
+Now, we have a proxy listening on port 4455 and the management REST API at port 4456.
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+**Table of Contents**
+- [Security](#security)
+ - [Stateless Authorization](#stateless-authorization)
+ - [The ID Token](#the-id-token)
+# Security
+ORY Oathkeeper, as all ORY products, takes security extremely serious. To reduce risk, ORY Hydra issues opaque access
+tokens which are impossible to decode by third parties. Internal services however often rely on stateless authorization
+to process requests quickly. The next section covers how ORY Oathkeeper achieves the best of both worlds.
+ORY Oathkeeper makes authentication and authorization data consumable to backends by transforming the original
+opaque access token to a consumable ID Token (a signed JWT using the RS256 algorithm) as specified
+by the OpenID Connect specification and [BeyondCorp](https://www.beyondcorp.com).
+## Stateless Authorization
+Given an HTTP request to a resource that is protected by ORY Oathkeeper:
+GET /api/resource HTTP/1.1
+Host: www.example.com
+Authorization: bearer
+Assumed that ORY Oathkeeper is granting the access request, the `` will be replaced with a
+JSON Web Token that is signed using the asymmetric RS256 key:
+GET /api/resource HTTP/1.1
+Host: internal-api-endpoint-dns
+Authorization: bearer
+Now, the protected resource is capable of decoding and validating the JSON Web Token using the public key supplied
+by ORY Oathkeeper's API.
+![ID Token Transformation](images/id_token.svg)
+## The ID Token
+The ID Token contains the following payload keys:
+* `iss`: Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response. The iss value is a case sensitive URL using the https scheme
+ that contains scheme, host, and optionally, port number and path components and no query or fragment components.
+ Typically, this is the URL of ORY Oathkeeper, for example: `https://oathkeeper.myapi.com`.
+* `sub`: Subject Identifier. A locally unique and never reassigned identifier within the Issuer for the End-User, which
+ is intended to be consumed by the Client, e.g., 24400320 or AItOawmwtWwcT0k51BayewNvutrJUqsvl6qs7A4. It must not
+ exceed 255 ASCII characters in length. The sub value is a case sensitive string. The End-User might also
+ be an OAuth 2.0 Client, given that the access token was granted using the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow.
+* `aud`: Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for. It MUST contain the OAuth 2.0 client_id of the Relying Party
+ as an audience value. It MAY also contain identifiers for other audiences. In the general case, the aud value is an
+ array of case sensitive strings.
+* `exp`: Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing. The processing of this
+ parameter requires that the current date/time MUST be before the expiration date/time listed in the value.
+ Its value is a JSON number representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z as measured in UTC until the
+ date/time. See RFC 3339 [RFC3339] for details regarding date/times in general and UTC in particular.
+* `iat`: Time at which the JWT was issued. Its value is a JSON number representing the number of seconds
+ from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z as measured in UTC until the date/time.
+* `jti`: A cryptographically strong random identifier to ensure the ID Token's uniqueness.
+ "iss": "https://server.example.com",
+ "sub": "24400320",
+ "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
+ "jti": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
+ "exp": 1311281970,
+ "iat": 1311280970,