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Page Object Model - JS 🙅

Page Object Model, also known as POM is a design pattern in Protractor that creates an object repository for storing all web elements. It is useful in reducing code duplication and improves test case maintenance.

In Page Object Model, consider each web page of an application as a class file. Each class file will contain only corresponding web page elements. Using these elements, testers can perform operations on the website under test.

Reference: An article from Browser Stack

Recommended to watch in the following order 🌝

  1. How to organize folders and files
  2. Completing Sign up & Login page elements
  3. Writing actions for each page
  4. Writing positive test case for sign up page
  5. Writing negative test case for sign up page
  6. Writing positive & negative test case for login page
  7. Read data from JSON
  8. Write data into JSON & read
  9. Expected Condition

Practice ⏳


  • Complete the pages from the test page
  • And the most important subscribe to LetCode 😉

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Protractor Framework with TypeScript

Page Object Model - TS 🙅

Recommended to watch in the following order 🌝

Protractor Framework -1

Protractor Framework -1

Protractor Framework -2

Protractor Framework -2

Protractor Framework -3

Protractor Framework -3

Protractor Framework -4

Protractor Framework -4

Protractor Framework -5

Protractor Framework -5

Protractor Framework -6

Protractor Framework -6

Conversion of POM JavaScript to TypeScript - Part 1 | LetCode

Protractor Framework -7

Conversion of POM JavaScript to TypeScript - Part 2 | LetCode

Protractor Framework -7

Fixing bugs! | LetCode

Protractor Framework -7

Thanks you so much for your support, kindly subsribe to the channel & share it to others

Protractor TS - Tutorial

60 Run Test Script in Multiple Environments - Params

Protractor Framework -7

61 Angular Locators in Proractor

Protractor Framework -7

62 NPM Run Test | Protractor Tutorialr


63 Post test - Save Allure Report | Protractor Tutorial


64 Git & Jenkins | Protractor Tutorial


65 Jenkins Slack Notification | Protractor Tutorial


66 Dynamic Calendar - Moment.js | Protractor Tutorial


67 Allure Step By Step Report Like Extent Report | Protractor Tutorial


68 Faker - Test Data | Protractor Tutorial


69 Share Allure report | Protractor Tutorial


70 How To Read Browser Logs | Protractor Tutorial


71 It's Ok To Fail | Protractor Tutorial


72 Exception Handling in Protractor | Protractor Tutorial
