- akka
- akka-http
- akka-streams
- android
- apache-spark
- api
- asynchronous
- big-data
- blockchain
- build-tool
- cassandra
- cats
- circe
- compiler
- cryptocurrency
- data-structures
- database
- deep-learning
- distributed-systems
- distributed-tracing
- docker
- dotty
- dsl
- elasticsearch
- finagle
- framework
- functional-programming
- git
- giter8
- graph
- graphql
- gui
- http
- http-client
- http-server
- http2
- integration
- java
- javafx
- jdbc
- jetty
- json
- jupyter
- kafka
- lua
- machine-learning
- macros
- messaging
- microservices
- monad
- mongodb
- monix
- mysql
- neural-network
- oauth
- play
- play-framework
- playframework
- postgres
- postgresql
- python
- react
- reactive
- reactive-programming
- reactive-streams
- reactjs
- real-time
- redis
- rest-api
- rpc
- sbt
- sbt-docker
- sbt-plugin
- scala-compiler
- scala-library
- scala-native
- scalajs
- scalaz
- serverless
- shapeless
- slf4j
- slick
- spark
- spark-streaming
- sparksql
- streaming
- tensorflow
- testing
- thrift
- type-safe
- typelevel
- validation
- web
- web-framework
- zipkin
- akka. Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
- lagom. Reactive Microservices for the JVM
- squbs. Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments
- better-files. Simple, safe and intuitive Scala I/O
- reactive-kafka. Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka
- utils4s. scala、spark使用过程中,各种测试用例以及相关资料整理
- alpakka. Reactive Enterprise Integration — Alpakka
- akka-http. The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
- akka-http-json. Integrate some of the best JSON libs in Scala with Akka HTTP
- squbs. Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments
- akka-http. The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
- sttp. The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
- akka-http-json. Integrate some of the best JSON libs in Scala with Akka HTTP
- squbs. Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments
- reactive-kafka. Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka
- wire-android. ☎️ Wire for Android
- lcamera. A camera app using the new camera2 API in Android Lollipop
- Antox. Android client for Project Tox - Secure Peer to Peer Messaging
- sri. Build truly native cross platform (web,ios,android) apps using scalajs and react, react-native ,This project moved to new organization : https://github.com/scalajs-react-interface/sri#sri, new chat room : https://gitter.im/scalajs-react-interface/sri
- scrooge. A Thrift parser/generator
- macroid. A modular functional UI language for Android
- Shot. Gradle plugin developed to facilitate screenshot testing for Android
- CoolplaySpark. 酷玩 Spark: Spark 源代码解析、Spark 类库等
- kafka-storm-starter. Code examples that show to integrate Apache Kafka 0.8+ with Apache Storm 0.9+ and Apache Spark Streaming 1.1+, while using Apache Avro as the data serialization format.
- sangria. Scala GraphQL implementation
- sparkling-water. Sparkling Water provides H2O functionality inside Spark cluster
- ReactiveMongo. Non-blocking, Reactive MongoDB Driver for Scala
- sttp. The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
- BigDL. BigDL: Distributed Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark
- magellan. Geo Spatial Data Analytics on Spark
- sbt. sbt, the interactive build tool
- sbt-dependency-graph. sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
- cbt. CBT - fun, fast, intuitive, compositional, statically checked builds written in Scala
- spark-cassandra-connector. DataStax Spark Cassandra Connector
- quill. Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- phantom. Schema safe, type-safe, reactive Scala driver for Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise
- freestyle. A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
- stream-reactor. Streaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on http://landoop.com on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
- scala-exercises. The easy way to learn Scala.
- monix. Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js.
- http4s. A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
- Monocle. Optics library for Scala
- sttp. The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
- finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
- elastic4s. Elasticsearch Scala Client - Non Blocking, Type Safe, HTTP, REST API, TCP
- scala-js. Scala.js, the Scala to JavaScript compiler
- scala-native. Your favorite language gets closer to bare metal.
- scalacaster. Purely Functional Algorithms and Data Structures in Scala
- reftree. Automatically generated diagrams and animations for Scala data structures
- prisma. ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
- quill. Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- doobie. principled database access for scala
- scalikejdbc. A tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala developers. This library naturally wraps JDBC APIs and provides you easy-to-use APIs.
- ReactiveMongo. Non-blocking, Reactive MongoDB Driver for Scala
- BigDL. BigDL: Distributed Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark
- DeepLearning.scala. A simple library for creating complex neural networks
- tensorflow_scala. TensorFlow API for the Scala Programming Language
- akka. Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- lagom. Reactive Microservices for the JVM
- Kamon. The Open Source tool for monitoring applications running on the JVM
- sttp. The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
- incubator-openwhisk. Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless event-based programming service and an Apache Incubator project.
- sbt-native-packager. SBT Native Packager
- sbt-docker. Create Docker images directly from sbt
- sbt-pack. A sbt plugin for creating distributable Scala packages.
- dotty. Research platform for new language concepts and compiler technologies for Scala.
- cbt. CBT - fun, fast, intuitive, compositional, statically checked builds written in Scala
- DeepLearning.scala. A simple library for creating complex neural networks
- macroid. A modular functional UI language for Android
- scala-scraper. A Scala library for scraping content from HTML pages
- accord. Accord: A sane validation library for Scala
- elastic4s. Elasticsearch Scala Client - Non Blocking, Type Safe, HTTP, REST API, TCP
- stream-reactor. Streaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on http://landoop.com on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- util. Wonderful reusable code from Twitter
- finatra. Fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle
- finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
- twitter-server. Twitter-Server defines a template from which services at Twitter are built
- scrooge. A Thrift parser/generator
- finatra. Fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle
- framework. Lift Framework
- lila. ♞ lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
- scalaz. An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
- shapeless. Generic programming for Scala
- scala-exercises. The easy way to learn Scala.
- monix. Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js.
- doobie. principled database access for scala
- fs2. Compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala
- scalajs-react. Facebook's React on Scala.JS
- scalacaster. Purely Functional Algorithms and Data Structures in Scala
- Monocle. Optics library for Scala
- DeepLearning.scala. A simple library for creating complex neural networks
- macroid. A modular functional UI language for Android
- freestyle. A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
- frameless. Expressive types for Spark.
- quicklens. Modify deeply nested case class fields
- gitbucket. A Git platform powered by Scala with easy installation, high extensibility & GitHub API compatibility
- bfg-repo-cleaner. Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does, but faster. And written in Scala
- sbt-release. A release plugin for sbt
- giter8. a command line tool to apply templates defined on GitHub
- play-scalajs.g8. Giter8 template to get started with Play and Scala.js.
- scala-graph. Graph for Scala is intended to provide basic graph functionality seamlessly fitting into the Scala Collection Library. Like the well known members of scala.collection, Graph for Scala is an in-memory graph library aiming at editing and traversing graphs, finding cycles etc. in a user-friendly way.
- gremlin-scala. Scala wrapper for Apache TinkerPop 3 Graph DSL
- prisma. ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
- sangria. Scala GraphQL implementation
- Binding.scala. Reactive data-binding for Scala
- macroid. A modular functional UI language for Android
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- finatra. Fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle
- finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
- elastic4s. Elasticsearch Scala Client - Non Blocking, Type Safe, HTTP, REST API, TCP
- http4s. A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
- scalaj-http. Simple scala wrapper for HttpURLConnection. OAuth included.
- akka-http. The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
- sttp. The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
- squbs. Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments
- http4s. A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
- skinny-framework. 🚝 "Scala on Rails" - A full-stack web app framework for rapid development in Scala
- akka-http. The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
- reboot. Scala wrapper for the Java AsyncHttpClient.
- http4s. A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
- akka-http. The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- akka-http. The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
- kafka-storm-starter. Code examples that show to integrate Apache Kafka 0.8+ with Apache Storm 0.9+ and Apache Spark Streaming 1.1+, while using Apache Avro as the data serialization format.
- alpakka. Reactive Enterprise Integration — Alpakka
- sparkling-water. Sparkling Water provides H2O functionality inside Spark cluster
- playframework. Play Framework
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- lagom. Reactive Microservices for the JVM
- ensime-server. ENSIME JVM Process
- Kamon. The Open Source tool for monitoring applications running on the JVM
- reactive-kafka. Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka
- scrooge. A Thrift parser/generator
- Shot. Gradle plugin developed to facilitate screenshot testing for Android
- Binding.scala. Reactive data-binding for Scala
- scalafx. ScalaFX simplifies creation of JavaFX-based user interfaces in Scala.
- quill. Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- doobie. principled database access for scala
- scalikejdbc. A tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala developers. This library naturally wraps JDBC APIs and provides you easy-to-use APIs.
- scalatra. Tiny Scala high-performance, async web framework, inspired by Sinatra
- unfiltered. A toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala
- xsbt-web-plugin. Build J2EE Web applications in Scala
- scalatra. Tiny Scala high-performance, async web framework, inspired by Sinatra
- circe. Yet another JSON library for Scala
- finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
- json4s. A single AST to be used by other scala json libraries
- spray-json. A lightweight, clean and simple JSON implementation in Scala
- akka-http-json. Integrate some of the best JSON libs in Scala with Akka HTTP
- jupyter-scala. Lightweight Scala kernel for Jupyter / IPython 3
- spark-scala-tutorial. A free tutorial for Apache Spark.
- reactive-kafka. Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka
- kafka-storm-starter. Code examples that show to integrate Apache Kafka 0.8+ with Apache Storm 0.9+ and Apache Spark Streaming 1.1+, while using Apache Avro as the data serialization format.
- freestyle. A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
- sparta. Real Time Analytics and Data Pipelines based on Spark Streaming
- stream-reactor. Streaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on http://landoop.com on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
- OpenComputers. Home of the OpenComputers mod for Minecraft.
- scrooge. A Thrift parser/generator
- mmlspark. Microsoft Machine Learning for Apache Spark
- sparkling-water. Sparkling Water provides H2O functionality inside Spark cluster
- DeepLearning.scala. A simple library for creating complex neural networks
- tensorflow_scala. TensorFlow API for the Scala Programming Language
- scala-logging. Convenient and performant logging library for Scala wrapping SLF4J.
- accord. Accord: A sane validation library for Scala
- elasticmq. Message queueing system with an actor-based Scala and Amazon SQS-compatible interfaces. Runs stand-alone or embedded.
- Antox. Android client for Project Tox - Secure Peer to Peer Messaging
- lagom. Reactive Microservices for the JVM
- finatra. Fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle
- scalaz. An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
- eff. Eff monad for cats - http://atnos-org.github.io/eff
- lila. ♞ lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
- ReactiveMongo. Non-blocking, Reactive MongoDB Driver for Scala
- stream-reactor. Streaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on http://landoop.com on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
- monix. Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js.
- sttp. The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
- prisma. ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- quill. Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- scalikejdbc. A tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala developers. This library naturally wraps JDBC APIs and provides you easy-to-use APIs.
- BigDL. BigDL: Distributed Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark
- DeepLearning.scala. A simple library for creating complex neural networks
- scalaj-http. Simple scala wrapper for HttpURLConnection. OAuth included.
- play-silhouette. Silhouette is an authentication library for Play Framework applications that supports several authentication methods, including OAuth1, OAuth2, OpenID, CAS, Credentials, Basic Authentication or custom authentication schemes.
- playframework. Play Framework
- lagom. Reactive Microservices for the JVM
- lila. ♞ lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
- play-silhouette. Silhouette is an authentication library for Play Framework applications that supports several authentication methods, including OAuth1, OAuth2, OpenID, CAS, Credentials, Basic Authentication or custom authentication schemes.
- play-scalajs.g8. Giter8 template to get started with Play and Scala.js.
- playframework. Play Framework
- play-slick. Slick Plugin for Play
- scala-exercises. The easy way to learn Scala.
- scalikejdbc. A tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala developers. This library naturally wraps JDBC APIs and provides you easy-to-use APIs.
- BigDL. BigDL: Distributed Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark
- mleap. MLeap: Deploy Spark Pipelines to Production
- scalajs-react. Facebook's React on Scala.JS
- sri. Build truly native cross platform (web,ios,android) apps using scalajs and react, react-native ,This project moved to new organization : https://github.com/scalajs-react-interface/sri#sri, new chat room : https://gitter.im/scalajs-react-interface/sri
- playframework. Play Framework
- akka. Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
- lagom. Reactive Microservices for the JVM
- squbs. Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments
- reactive-kafka. Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka
- phantom. Schema safe, type-safe, reactive Scala driver for Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise
- ReactiveMongo. Non-blocking, Reactive MongoDB Driver for Scala
- alpakka. Reactive Enterprise Integration — Alpakka
- akka-http. The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
- lila. ♞ lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
- monix. Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js.
- monix. Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js.
- elastic4s. Elasticsearch Scala Client - Non Blocking, Type Safe, HTTP, REST API, TCP
- reactive-kafka. Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka
- phantom. Schema safe, type-safe, reactive Scala driver for Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise
- sttp. The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
- scalajs-react. Facebook's React on Scala.JS
- sri. Build truly native cross platform (web,ios,android) apps using scalajs and react, react-native ,This project moved to new organization : https://github.com/scalajs-react-interface/sri#sri, new chat room : https://gitter.im/scalajs-react-interface/sri
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- freestyle. A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
- stream-reactor. Streaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on http://landoop.com on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
- spark-jobserver. REST job server for Apache Spark
- elastic4s. Elasticsearch Scala Client - Non Blocking, Type Safe, HTTP, REST API, TCP
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- freestyle. A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
- sbt-native-packager. SBT Native Packager
- sbt-dependency-graph. sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
- scala-logging. Convenient and performant logging library for Scala wrapping SLF4J.
- sbt-docker. Create Docker images directly from sbt
- cbt. CBT - fun, fast, intuitive, compositional, statically checked builds written in Scala
- sbt-updates. SBT plugin that can check Maven and Ivy repositories for dependency updates
- sbt-release. A release plugin for sbt
- xsbt-web-plugin. Build J2EE Web applications in Scala
- sbt-native-packager. SBT Native Packager
- sbt-docker. Create Docker images directly from sbt
- giter8. a command line tool to apply templates defined on GitHub
- coursier. Pure Scala Artifact Fetching
- sbt-native-packager. SBT Native Packager
- sbt-dependency-graph. sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
- sbt-docker. Create Docker images directly from sbt
- conscript. Scala at your command
- sbt-updates. SBT plugin that can check Maven and Ivy repositories for dependency updates
- sbt-release. A release plugin for sbt
- sbt-pack. A sbt plugin for creating distributable Scala packages.
- scala. The Scala programming language
- dotty. Research platform for new language concepts and compiler technologies for Scala.
- scala. The Scala programming language
- pureconfig. A boilerplate-free library for loading configuration files
- reboot. Scala wrapper for the Java AsyncHttpClient.
- scalaz. An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
- scala-native. Your favorite language gets closer to bare metal.
- scalaz. An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
- Binding.scala. Reactive data-binding for Scala
- quill. Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- coursier. Pure Scala Artifact Fetching
- scalajs-react. Facebook's React on Scala.JS
- sri. Build truly native cross platform (web,ios,android) apps using scalajs and react, react-native ,This project moved to new organization : https://github.com/scalajs-react-interface/sri#sri, new chat room : https://gitter.im/scalajs-react-interface/sri
- play-scalajs.g8. Giter8 template to get started with Play and Scala.js.
- scalaz. An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
- http4s. A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
- Monocle. Optics library for Scala
- sttp. The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
- prisma. ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
- incubator-openwhisk. Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless event-based programming service and an Apache Incubator project.
- scala-exercises. The easy way to learn Scala.
- pureconfig. A boilerplate-free library for loading configuration files
- finatra. Fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle
- scala-logging. Convenient and performant logging library for Scala wrapping SLF4J.
- play-slick. Slick Plugin for Play
- slick-pg. Slick extensions for PostgreSQL
- BigDL. BigDL: Distributed Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark
- spark-jobserver. REST job server for Apache Spark
- CoolplaySpark. 酷玩 Spark: Spark 源代码解析、Spark 类库等
- spark-cassandra-connector. DataStax Spark Cassandra Connector
- quill. Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- utils4s. scala、spark使用过程中,各种测试用例以及相关资料整理
- kafka-storm-starter. Code examples that show to integrate Apache Kafka 0.8+ with Apache Storm 0.9+ and Apache Spark Streaming 1.1+, while using Apache Avro as the data serialization format.
- mmlspark. Microsoft Machine Learning for Apache Spark
- sparkling-water. Sparkling Water provides H2O functionality inside Spark cluster
- spark-scala-tutorial. A free tutorial for Apache Spark.
- freestyle. A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
- sparta. Real Time Analytics and Data Pipelines based on Spark Streaming
- mleap. MLeap: Deploy Spark Pipelines to Production
- frameless. Expressive types for Spark.
- magellan. Geo Spatial Data Analytics on Spark
- flint. A Time Series Library for Apache Spark
- CoolplaySpark. 酷玩 Spark: Spark 源代码解析、Spark 类库等
- utils4s. scala、spark使用过程中,各种测试用例以及相关资料整理
- sparta. Real Time Analytics and Data Pipelines based on Spark Streaming
- quill. Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- sparta. Real Time Analytics and Data Pipelines based on Spark Streaming
- magellan. Geo Spatial Data Analytics on Spark
- scio. A Scala API for Apache Beam and Google Cloud Dataflow.
- akka-http. The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
- sparta. Real Time Analytics and Data Pipelines based on Spark Streaming
- stream-reactor. Streaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on http://landoop.com on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
- mleap. MLeap: Deploy Spark Pipelines to Production
- tensorflow_scala. TensorFlow API for the Scala Programming Language
- finatra. Fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle
- Shot. Gradle plugin developed to facilitate screenshot testing for Android
- finagle. A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- finatra. Fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle
- scrooge. A Thrift parser/generator
- lila. ♞ lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
- gremlin-scala. Scala wrapper for Apache TinkerPop 3 Graph DSL
- shapeless. Generic programming for Scala
- monix. Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js.
- doobie. principled database access for scala
- http4s. A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
- Monocle. Optics library for Scala
- refined. Simple refinement types for Scala
- scodec. Scala combinator library for working with binary data
- tut. doc/tutorial generator for scala
- frameless. Expressive types for Spark.
- skinny-framework. 🚝 "Scala on Rails" - A full-stack web app framework for rapid development in Scala
- accord. Accord: A sane validation library for Scala
- finch. Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
- framework. Lift Framework
- sri. Build truly native cross platform (web,ios,android) apps using scalajs and react, react-native ,This project moved to new organization : https://github.com/scalajs-react-interface/sri#sri, new chat room : https://gitter.im/scalajs-react-interface/sri
- xsbt-web-plugin. Build J2EE Web applications in Scala
- playframework. Play Framework
- scalatra. Tiny Scala high-performance, async web framework, inspired by Sinatra
- Binding.scala. Reactive data-binding for Scala
- skinny-framework. 🚝 "Scala on Rails" - A full-stack web app framework for rapid development in Scala