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Dennis Rotondi DennisRotondi
Ph.D. Student in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Stuttgart University Stuttgart, Germany

Kocaeli University - Electronics and Communication Engineering

Kocaeli University

Kousheek Chakraborty kousheekc
Roboticist | Machine Learning Engineer

Lille, France

Damiano Da Col 01Dami23
Computer Engineering student at ETH Zürich | Robotics Enthusiast

ETH Zürich Zürich


Winterthur, Switzerland

Dia Hidvegi DiaHidvegi
👩🏼‍💻 Alternative Account Linked Below ⬇
Muhammed Bedir ULUCAY mbulucay
Software Enginner What is the purpose of all of this? Does all this for a reason.
Batuhan UZUN uzunb
Data Scientist & Software Developer | Karadeniz Technical University

Altınay Defense Technologies Inc. Istanbul

Rui Zhou RuiZhou-cn
Master in University of Zürich. Majoring in Artificial Intelligence.


taehun-ryu taehun-ryu
Visual SLAM for Robotics

UNIST, AIGS Ulsan, South Korea

Tomo astomodynamics
Space roboticist/Ph.D. student in the Space Systems Design Laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Insititute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Zhiheng Jin phyfateyau
A master's student studying robotic dynamics and control with no prior knowledge but willing to work hard to learn.

Nanjing China

Lucas WU gegebenheiten
MSc student @ Northwestern University

Evanston, Chicago

Andrew Alson andrewalson

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Angie Zhang AmireuxOuO

Shanghai Jiao Tong University China