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treasure-contracts 0.1.1-dev.416afef.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @treasure-chess/treasure-contracts@0.1.1-dev.416afef.0
Install via package.json:
"@treasure-chess/treasure-contracts": "0.1.1-dev.416afef.0"

About this version

Welcome to @treasure-chess/treasure-contracts 👋

Version License: MIT

Smart Contracts and Subgraphs for Treasure Chess


This package includes resources for interacting with the Treasure Chess contracts. We've provided the Application Binary Interface (ABI), which can be used as follows:

Install the package

yarn add @treasure-chess/treasure-contracts

Import the package, and use ethers.js to create the contract

import treasureArtifact from "@treasure-chess/treasure-contracts/artifacts/contracts/Treasure.sol/Treasure.json";
import { Contract } from "@ethersproject/contracts";
import { JsonRpcProvider } from "@ethersproject/providers";

const treasureAbi = treasureArtifact.abi;
const rpcProvider = new JsonRpcProvider(process.env.MATIC_RPC);

const treasureContract = new Contract(
  "0x...."; // See our docs for the address

const tx = await treasureContract.balanceOf("0x...")

About The Project

A simple hardhat template created from npx hardhat init.

This project includes:

  • hardhat-prettier: a plugin that makes it easy to format solidity files based on rules set in .prettierrc.
    • npx hardhat format
  • hardhat-typechain: a plugin that generates typings files for use in test files and possibly even on the front-end.
  • solidity-coverage: a plugin that generates a coverage report on how much of your code has been tested.
    • npx hardhat coverage
  • @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades: a plugin which is used in conjunction with hardhat to deploy upgradeable contracts and upgrade them later. The plugin by default prevents you from deploying/upgrading "dangerous" upgradeable contracts.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


You also need a .env file with the following items:

NOTE: This section needs updating.

  • ROPSTEN_PRIVATE_KEY: A private key (account which will deploy) for testing.
  • INFURA_API_KEY: An infura api key which you can obtain from infura.
  • FORWARDER_ADDRESS: The opengsn forwarder address - this will vary based on which network you are deploying/testing on or if you want to deploy your own forwarder.


To run tests, first compile the project with yarn compile and then yarn test.

To deploy the contracts, simply call yarn deploy --network <NETWORK>. Keep in mind, you must add this network to the hardhat.config.ts file with the necessary information for this to work.

Public user functions


Interface for using a token

function tokenListItem(uint tokenId, uint price, uint duration) public

function tokenUnlistItem(uint tokenId) public

function tokenInstantBuy(uint tokenId) public


function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)

Meta transactions

Make meta transaction calls calling the functions normally, and getting end user to sign them normally. The web3 provider that is created knows where the paymaster + relayer contracts are deployed, and actually sends the transaction through the relayer instead of straight to the Treasure or Treasure Market smart contracts.

GSN example:

To test upgrading the contract, you first need to deploy the Treasure and TreasureMarket contracts and copy the addresses over to your .env file under TREASURE_ADDRESS and TREASURE_MARKET_ADDRESS.

The current setup upgrades the contract to TreasureUpgraded.sol and TreasureMarketUpgraded.sol, but you can modify the upgradeContracts function in scripts/helpers.ts to upgraded to any contract (change value passed to getContractFactory).

To upgrade the contracts, use yarn upgrade-contracts --network <NETWORK>.

Example tests of GSN enabled contract:

Example JS in UI for GSN transactions:

Use the deployed relayer and our Paymaster. Check above for relayer addresses for each network.

import { RelayProvider } from "@opengsn/provider";
import Treasure from "/path/to/artifact";
import PayMaster from "/path/to/artifact";
import TreasureMarket from "/path/to/artifact";

const conf = {
  Treasure: "0xabc123",
  TreasureMarket: "0x1a2b3c",
  paymaster: "0x123abc",
  gasPrice: 1000000000, // 1 Gwei

const web3Provider = window.ethereum; // Change for node-js environment

const gsnProvider = new gsn.RelayProvider(web3Provider, {
  forwarderAddress: conf.forwarder, // Needs clarification
  paymasterAddress: conf.paymaster,
  verbose: false, // logging
await gsnProvider.init();

gsnProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(gsnProvider);
userAddr = gsnProvider.origProvider.selectedAddress;

Make a GSN contract call

const gsnContractCall = async () => {
  await connect2Gsn(); // Needs clarification
  await provider.ready;

  // Using Treasure transferFrom as an example
  const treasureContract = await new ethers.Contract(

  const tx = await treasureContract.transferFrom();
  console.log(`Transaction ${tx.hash} sent`);

  const receipt = await tx.wait();
  console.log(`Mined in block: ${receipt.blockNumber}`);



  • treasure-contracts-0.1.1-dev.416afef.0-npm.tgz

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