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James Predwards MrN0vember
Test Engineer & Manchester Codes Graduate

Manchester UK

Zuhal ZuhalDo

Dallas, Texas

Adão Oliveira adamx50
Analista de testes QA

Adão Oliveira Company

Daniel Franco DanielFran
IT Delivery Manager | Project Manager | Tech Lead | Solution Architect, @jhipster co-lead


Software Test Engineer ISTQB® Certified


Angelica Mora angiethelibrarian
I’m skilled in testing software and using automation tools to make sure products works well. My background helps me effectively contribute to any technical team

Tampa, FL

RoshanKing000 roshanking000
MERN | React | Next.js | Nuxt.js | Tailwind CSS | Python | Node.js | AWS
Monet Hockaday monet-jh
From learner to expert. Amplifying my test automation journey.
Katie Beattie Kiwi156
Using coding for test automation and living the dream in Aotearoa. Page shows the code I have worked on recently, see the read me files for details.

New Zealand

Kudakwashe Masuka Kudamasuka

sebenza neptune

Adem Uğurlugelen ugurlugelen
Mobile QA Lead

Ingame Group Turkey

Abhinay Lunawat abhinay5993


Kristy A. adamskristy
Software Engineering Student at Per Scholas Codebridge.
Olivier Vanheuverzwijn zakna
Always curious

CTG Belgium

Zoe Buck starbuck251
QA Engineer / Test Professional

Essex, UK

Furkan Akcan akcanfurkan
Software Developer In Test (QA Engineer)

Arcelik Global

Brayam Núñez brayamnunez
I'm a passionate Software Engineer with proficiency in Web Development and Automation Process, and also Project Management skills. Great team worker, organized.


Sanan sanyoo1986
QA Analyst with 7 years of experience in Black/White/Grey Box testing. Tested Web-based,CRM, Client-Server and Mobile applications.

Sunnova Energy Corporation Tampa, FL USA

Jacob Vu Jacobvu84
Thế giới này chỉ toàn là ảo ảnh
