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itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Andy andrezadoacre

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Mikael Muniz mkmuniz
Software Developer @ Bolha

Bolha São Paulo

Shruthi Gaviyappa ShruthiOTThiring2024
Experienced Talent Acquisition Partner at Synamedia, specializing in OTT and STB technologies. overseeing R&D leadership roles for APAC Regions

Synamedia Bangalore

Patrick Suzuki patricksuzuki
Desenvolvedor Web/ Mobile
Kaiky Rodriguez marcoskaiky
React , JS and Python Lover <3

Uopeccan Umuarama - PR

Ademir Júnior adejuniorr
Front-End Dev

Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil

Leonardo C. Totti leonardototti
Desenvolvedor Full-stack Javascript | React.js | Next.js | React Native | TypeScript

LucasYohan LucasYohan
Muito prazer! Me chamo Lucas e estou me encaminhando para um vida no mundo da tecnologia.

Hospital Geral de Itapecerica da Serra Embu das Artes, SP - Brasil

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Vinícius Pontes Lima viniponteslima
Front-end developer | Next.js

Alagoas, Brazil.

devscarioca lucasclass
Focused on solving problems and impact people (sometimes watch animes and read comic books 🤓).

Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Gonçalves Felizardo G-Felizardo
Engenheiro Informático, apaixonado por T.I ... Programador !

FCKS - Fábrica de Cimento do Kuanza-Sul Angola, Kuanza-Sul, Sumbe Zona 4 - Chingo

Paulo Cesar paulocesargit
Software Developer


Fábio Alves Martins Pereira Chagall
Front End Web Dev / Computer Science Master's Student / Data Science MSc. Student
Mauricio Souza Mauricio2025
Developer Full-Stack

@cajuuapp Brazil

Sophie Calixto akemi-bit
β-Estradiol 17-valerate


Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Suzane Lima szlima
🌺 Junior Front-End Developer

Rio de Janeiro, RJ - BR

Cordeiro Luís corde177
Front-End Developer

Luanda - Angola

Morador de uma cidade pacata, aprendendo a grandiosidade do front-end.

Cajamar, SP

Ricardo de Monteiro e Tavares ricardoMonteiroTavares
Curso Ciência da Computação na UFF de Niterói. Possuo conhecimentos em HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, C, Java e Flutter/Dart.
GoisNeto goisneto

São Luis, MA, Brasil

Marcos Pimentel MarcosP1mentel
23 anos Desenvolvedor front-end Jr
Adriel Klem AdrielKlem
Full Stack Dev React - Nodejs - Typescript

Rio de Janeiro

Samuel Ramos samuksx86

São Paulo, Brazil

João Marcos Joaommsp
🖥Information Systems 7/8 💎Frontend DEV ✏️UX/UI Designer

UNIRIOS - Centro Universitário do Rio São Francisco Paulo Afonso , BAHIA , BRASIL

Samio s-a-m-i-o
Me tornado um programador

São Paulo - Brasil

Diego Araújo diegofer70
Fullstack developer


MasterWWW gerald525
Senior Full Stack Engineer - React | React Native | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Next.js | Nest.js | MySQL | MongoDB
soham patil Sohamp2606
Programmer 💻 AI enthusiast 🤖 and 🐍 create code and share with the world! 😊


Gabriel Rapucci Gonzalez gabrielrg14
Front-end Software Engineer

AB InBev Campinas, SP - Brazil

Matheus Balbino de Oliveira matheusbalbino1
Software Developer

São Paulo, SP