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Grégoire Henry GregoireHENRY
Playing with the thermal camera (TIRI) of the Hera mission.

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Tomo Hori horit

ISEE, Nagoya Univ. Furou-cho, Chikusa, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

Bob Deen rgdeen
Co-PI, PDS Image node at JPL


Michael Kelley mkelley

University of Maryland

Megan Seritan mseritan

SETI Institute Mountain View, CA

Works at PDS Small Bodies Node @ University of Maryland.

PDS Small Bodies Node Maryland, USA

Cora Schneck cyschneck
A scientific programmer at NCAR who is collecting an infinite number of monkeys to test a theory


Dany Waller lunarswirls
Research software engineer.


Daniel Politte dvpolitte
Archivist, PDS Geosciences Node (Washington University in St. Louis)

Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO

Jennifer Mays jlmays
Data and Project Manager for the Astromaterials Data System

LDEO, Columbia University Palisades, NY

Anne Raugh acraugh
Data Standards expert for the PDS Small Bodies Node at the University of Maryland.

PDS Small Bodies Node (@Small-Bodies-Node) University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA



Sara Bond sarabond
Information Science


Kate Crombie katecrombie

Indigo Information Services, LLC

John Blalock jblalockusgs

@USGS-Astrogeology Flagstaff, AZ