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Aurélien Pupier apupier
Principal Software Engineer in Red Hat Fuse Tooling Team

Red Hat Grenoble Area, France

Giovanni Spadaro Giovo17
Computer Engineer, master student in Data Science at University of Catania, private professor, ML research enthusiast and applied AI solutions lover.

Catania, Italy

Giorgio Basile giorgiobasile

@vida-place Bari, Italy

tm research-boy
Engineer & Researcher | In the Journey to Understand Intelligence


Niels Scholten Niels-c-Scholten
MSc Student Artificial Intelligence at The University of Utrecht


hjose_reies hjreies
I love patterns, and I dedicated 20 years to Data Analytics in Volleyball. Now, I am looking to integrate my experience into a broader range of Data Analysis.

American International College Longmeadow, Massachusetts

Saiem Gilani saiemgilani
Creator and Maintainer for the @sportsdataverse

@sportsdataverse Tallahassee, FL

AleCioc AleCioc
Data Scientist

Occupy AI



Priscylla Silva priscylla
Phd Student at University of São Paulo

São Carlos, SP, Brazil

jwijffels Brussels, Belgium

Daniel Highsmith highsmithjd
Cloud engineer learning to code.


Maurizio Napolitano napo
#opendata #openstreetmap #volleyball #fbk #gis #data #opendata

FBK Trento, Italy

Marco Chiapello mchiapello
Reproducible Research, Open source/Open science, Bioinformatics, plenty of R and Git, not enough teaching (@PhD-Toolbox-course, @datacarpentry, @swcarpentry)

Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, National Research Council Turin, Italy

Pablo Barajas barajap1
Data & Analytics

Los Angeles, California