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Ursin Filli ursinn
Hello World, Operator of AS202427 & AS 215642 @ RIPE NCC

@scs Switzerland

Datenreisender aus der @entropia Region. Gründer des @c3woc. Mag Ansible und schreibt Rollen bei @roles-ansible. Sucht ❤️


Super super622
I am Software Developer. Cautious Attitude + Perfect Understanding + Quality Work + Fast Speed = Excellent Result + Business Success, this is my working style
Joda Stößer SimJoSt
Motivated by weird problems & sleek solutions Working on, learning with and bootstrapping #BuildInPublic

@codersfail Remote, based in Germany

Igor Akkerman igorakkerman
Freelance Software Engineer, Cloud Architect

@dynamitesoftware München, Germany

Keanu Kerr keanuk
Software engineer at Bread Financial, MSc from the University of Edinburgh, BSc from the University of Florida

Bread Financial Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Carsten Berg cbergdev

Mainhattan, Germany