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Somewhere between music, sound, and technology. Developing analysis tools for music @UniversityofCologne. Teaching sound programming @hs-duesseldorf.

University of Cologne Cologne, Germany

Asena Esra Güler asenaesra070
eee - Akdeniz University master-informatics- HSD


Philipp La Rocca Ippo1306

Hochschule Düsseldorf

Prof. Dr. Alexander Braun braunsAlexander

@hs-duesseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany

Maxim MidnightCoffeex

Düsseldorf, Germany

Fabian Büntig Fabz01
Currently working on research projects with a focus on mixed reality, UX and shader development. Also doing some work in AI and Reinforcement Learning.

Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences

Paloma Roschke techsoniclab
electrical engineering student @ university of applied sciences düsseldorf interested in python, c, java, vhdl, matlab, deep learning, ai, neural networks


André Kuhlmann KuhlTime
Bachelor in Electrical Engineer, Software Developer at heart 🫶.

@EmmySoft-GmbH Langenfeld, Germany