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Roland Hiscutt RolH1992
I am currently studying software development via @Code-Institute-Org Institute The following languages I know are: Python, Rust, CSS, HTML and JavaScript


nove-b nove-b


Phil Chu technicat
Just archives and temporary forks here. My active repos are on Codeberg and GitLab. I am not your Copilot.

Technicat LLC Earth

Laplusdestiny Laplusdestiny
Data Analysis, Time-series data, AI, Big Data, IoT


ryohey ryohey
Front-end developer/CEO at @covelline

covelline, LLC. Japan

Takuro Hosomi korintje

Tokyo, Japan

Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World

AlpineYahoo alpineyahoo
I'm interested in biology.
strnh strnh
FreeBSD user. Server administrator in the wild

Crew Yokohama,Japan