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17 repositories
- If you look at the AdSense Android application from Google, you like to see, earning statistics for days, months, and years in a subsequent row. What we are going to develop in this tutorial is a similar kind of application which involves fetching of statistic data from MySQL PHP.
- Define custom color for chrome tabs(toolbar) and transition for chrome to meet your UI guideline when launching chrome browser from your app. For Tutorial
- Android has deprecated the Apache module(HttpPost and HttpGet) since API level 22, Now the alternate way is to use JAVA's built in library HttpURLConnection Class. This tutorial does not involves any library to send and recieve data like Volley, HttpOk etc. For Tutorial link…
- Filter the data loaded from PHP MySQL or JSON file in respond to user input and show them on autocomplete view as search suggestions. For tutorial
- Apps like gmail, you see when click on menu icon, a nice Navigation Drawer slides from left on top of Actionbar. Let’s see example layout. For tutorial
- Fetch fresh data from PHP or JSON file by swipe down to refresh RecyclerView, using Swipe Refresh Layout in android. For Tutorial
- Android to fetch PHP file without using any library. For tutorial
- This tutorial demonstrates how to deal with search view in android using PHP as server side scripting language and MySQL as backend. For Tutorial
- This tutorial demonstrates how to fetch JSON data in Android and display with RecyclerView. The data may be from JSON file or PHP script. For tutorial
- CSS3 animation has power to do anything like simple to complex animation. This tutorial demonstrates the CSS solar system animation. For tutorial link
- Animating some object on browser screen is fun task. This tutorial demonstrate how to do CSS flying bee animation on user browser screen. For tutorial
- With full width search bar, your design looks good with small scale devices like mobile and tablets. Let’s make this for desktop browsers too. For tutorial
PublicIf you have used lollipop version of android you see a nice ripple effect on button clicks. This tutorial is about achieving similar result, the css ripple effect using only css. For tutorial Most of the Apps contains 3 lines bar on top header when click on that icon you see a nice menu sliding from left side, what is called drawer menu. This tutorial is about implementing pure CSS drawer menu for HTML. For Tutorial link
- It is important for any app to have good and consistent user interface. Well formed UI design not only attract users it also shows professionality of your application. This tutorial depict UI/Material Design for android login screen. For Tutorial link
PublicWith a power of css3 animation it is possible to implement css3 floating button only with css and without the use of javascript or jquery library. This tutorial explains 3 different versions of css3 floating button. For tutorial link