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Guilherme Fabrício GuiDev115
Just a person who likes to put in extra hours and gets stressed out by small mistakes. Member at @he4rt

@he4rt Lavras - MG

Breno Italo BrenoItalo16
@flutter Developer • Android | Ios | Web • App prototypes • UI/UX

Breno Italo

Vitor F. Thomé vfthome
Flutter Specialist | GCP | Firebase | Node.js


Junior Juniorbasck
IFSP, B.Sc. Information Systems And Software engineer.

XP Inc. São Paulo

Filipe Góis Filipe-Gois
Full-Stack Developer | Mobile Enthusiast

Escola Senai Paulo Skaf São Paulo/São Caetano

Teber Mohammed Tahar Tahateber95
I just write code!

Algeria, El-Oued

Darci Neto darci
Android Developer at @globoi

@globoi Porto Alegre/RS

Renan Murtha renanmurtha
git commit -m "feat: introduces a new bug"


Fabiano Souza fsouzaweb

@fulltime.brasil Marília-SP

Vladimir Vujosevic frontmesh
Señor Software Developer

The Netherlands

Carlos Caetano Tilteee

Novakio Presidente Prudente

Nícolas Matias ncsmatias

Eventials / V-Lab Presidente Prudente, SP - Brazil

Edilson Tavares edilson14
const alwaysLearning = true;


Gabriel Ezidio gabrielezidio96
Computer Engineer Backend Java Developer

Amdocs São Carlos

Elias César Vieira eliascesar07
Desenvolvedor de Softwares Consultor Projeto ACBr

Projeto ACBr Tatuí - SP

nathfavour nathfavour
Freelance | Open source engineer | Lifelong learner
Higor Martins HiiMartins
em constante evolução.

São Paulo, Brasil

Juliana Rousseau julianasalafia
good karma my aesthetic ~ hiking, jump rope, muay thai, gym, yolo, coding and games.
Pedro BelzebuDX
Eternal learner

São Paulo

Luiz Guerra LuizGuerra
Software Engineer and AI researcher, passionate about AI and iOS development. WWDC22 Scholarship Winner, Apple Developer Academy alumnus

Victoria, Canada

Matheus Lima Ferreira matheuslfb
WWDC 2020 | 2021 Swift Student Challenge Winner

@CWISoftware Dubai

Cristovão Farias CristovoXDGM
Flutter Developer, Mobile software engineer and Game Dev.

Maceió - Alagoas

Aliza Aziz Aliza02
Flutter Developer

student Karachi,Pakistan

Iman imanafshar
Developer Ui/Ux Web&application
Ricardo Macedo ricardomac
Fullstack Developer

Santa Fé do Sul, SP

Gabriel Carvalho Gabrielrc11
Desenvolvedor de Sistemas

UFRN Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Manuel Santos Souza manuelzzz
Dev Mobile | IT bachelor's student

STI | UFRN Brazil

Maurício Xavier Oliveira mini-niko
Just a novice programmer

Xanxerê, Santa Catarina

Gustavo França Gustavo-Francaa
Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.
Tiago Oliveira Tiagoow03
Hello Word!

Fortaleza, Ceará

Jhoy Rodrigues jhoyr


💆🏻‍♂️A imaginação é mais importante do que o conhecimento — Albert Einstein
Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanAnalistadeTI
🛡️ Analista de Segurança da Informação 👨‍💻 Ethical Hacker 🔒 Cyber Security 🛠️ Engenheiro de Software/Designer ☕️ Coding • Tech • Hacking • Design

Salvador - BA

Pedro S. V. Menck sousa-p
Hello, my name is Pedro, and I work as a systems development technician. I'm eager to learn and grow in this field, so I'd greatly appreciate any feedback!


Bappu Acharjee BappuAcharjee
Wix legend partner and Web Developer. Bangladesh

Luiz Fiuza luizfiuzaa
I am Systems Development Technician and now I'm studying Analysis of System Development. This is my GitHub, feel free to check some of my projects :)


Angelino Lourenço angelinolourenco10
Software Developer | Flutter Developer
Elan Deyan ElanDeyan
Recent Computer Science graduate from Unifacs. Proficient in Dart, and building proficiency in app development with flutter.

Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Nelson Muquissi NelsonMuquissi
Web Developer HTML | CSS | JavaScript (ES6+) | I really like technology, focused on using technology to solve problems

VisionTec Angola/Luanda

Claylton Santos claylton
Flutter develop

Esplanada, BA, Brazil