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Wotori Movako wotori
Code, Animation & Design
Alex Gubin avelex
Blockchain Developer
Entangle entanglefi
Omnichain Made Easy

Entangle Protocol United Kingom

Danila TraVv1S
Frontend developer. Develop web applications in JavaScript.
Crypto Survivor 8CSX8
Blockchain and Crypto student and enthusiast.
FreeBSD<$>Haskell<*>Emacs >>= Fire
kooltek68 travellingsoldier85
An Extremely Reliable Guy. Data to Earn is the next revolutionary movement in the human history.

Kooltek68 Hanoi

Abraham Yusuf abraham-yusuf
Web3 Dev and Blockchain Research at @Web3ID

@Web3ID Pasirandu, Curug Tangerang

dmdv Dmdv
Golang, Rust, C++, C#, Python, Ruby

Hong Kong

0xTheDot 0xTheDot
⎇ Strategy | Crypto Maximalist ⎇ AI / Coding / Design / Product ⎇ Underground Cultures
Peter Nortey pnoken
JS Dev

@fiatsend Accra, Ghana

Geert grtnl

Stad Aalst Aalst

0xheycat 0xheycat
learning to prepare my bright future, im no body just look peace


glby lishengling-1998
Sergey Melkov infiniti8
CTO of Nodes Helpers

Nodes Helpers

NodeSafe cryptogemfunds
Chip: Xeon 2697v4 32C/64T CPU 3.G Main: F8D Plus Ram: 256GB ECC DDR4 VGA: 750ti; NVMe Server: 5Tb; SSD PCIe U2 Server: 4Tb; PSU Gold: 750W; Lan: 1GB
tRDM terdim28
In Web3 we trust Nodera founder


Cheerful tourist Cheerfultourist
I'm a woman ))) Coin Side...

Self employed Moscow